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1.7 Role Permissions

Viewpoint organizes roles based on Viewpoint pages, as grouped by the Menu bar. For example, the Home View permission lets a user access the Viewpoint Home page. Other permissions let the user access various widgets on the Home page. This topic describes the different permissions you can manage for a role.

In this topic:

1.7.1 About Permissions

Viewpoint uses permissions to let you control user access. For example, you can grant a user the ability to see a feature, but not edit it. The Viewpoint permissions control access to the various pages and specific functions on that page.

Some Viewpoint permissions are dependent on other permissions. For example, the Job Edit Admin permission lets you manage jobs created by other users. When you grant this permission, Viewpoint also automatically grants the Job Details permission, which lets you view details for your own jobs, and the Workload View permission, which lets you access the Workload page.

1.7.2 Viewpoint Permissions

The following table describes each of the Viewpoint permissions. For ease of use, the permissions are listed in this topic in alphabetical order.

Home Permissions

Permission Description
Home View Lets you view the home page.
Node Summary Widget Lets you view the node summary widget, which provides a graphical overview of the total nodes within your Viewpoint configuration and their status.
System Resources Widget Lets you view the global system resources widget, which provides a graphical ratio of resources dedicated to jobs compared to total resources. The graphical result is displayed based activity within the last 24 hours.
Workload Summary Widget

Lets you view the workload summary widget, which provides a graphical overview of the total jobs within your Viewpoint configuration and their status.

Workload Permissions

Permission Description
Create Job Lets you access the Create Job page and to create jobs.
Job Details Lets you access the Job Details page to view job details for your own jobs (or others in your principal). The Job Edit Admin permission is required to actually change job information.
Job Details - Priority Analysis Lets you see or modify the priority of a job while the job is waiting to be scheduled. See 3.3.1 Priority for more information about the priority information for a job. Also requires the Job Details permission.
Job Details - Scheduling Analysis Lets you view the available nodes for job scheduling. When applied, the "More Information" button appears on the Job Details page. Click this button to view the Scheduling Analysis pop-up window. See 3.2.4 Scheduler Analysis for more information on the window. Also requires the Job Details permission.
Job Edit Admin Lets you edit job information for any job, not just the jobs you (or others in your principal) submitted. Also requires the Job Details permission.
Job View All Lets you see all jobs in the workload, not just the jobs you (or others in your principal) submitted.
Nitro Statistics Details Widget Lets you the Nitro Details section to view job statistics for your Nitro Jobs. Without this permission, Nitro jobs will not display statistics when viewing job details.
Nitro Statistics Details Widget Admin Enables access to the Nitro Details section to view job statistics for other users' Nitro jobs.
Remote Visualization Details Widget Enables access to your Remote Visualization jobs.
Remote Visualization Details Widgets Admin Enables access to Viewpoint jobs for all users.
Workload View

Lets you view the Workload page. Admins will see all jobs; non-admins will only see their jobs, or the jobs within their principal (user group).

Nodes Permissions

Permission Description
Nodes View Lets you view the Nodes page.

Templates Permissions

Permission Description
Nitro Templates Lets you manage Nitro application templates.
Remote Visualization Templates Lets you manage Remote Visualization application templates.
Templates Admin Lets you manage other users' application templates.
Templates View Lets you manage your own application templates.

File Manager Permissions

Permission Description
File Manager View Lets you access the File Manager page.

Sessions Permissions

Permission Description
Sessions Admin

Lets you manage all Remote Visualization sessions on the Sessions page and launch on-demand Remote Visualization sessions.

Sessions View Lets you access the Sessions page.

Configuration Permissions

Permission Description
Application Templates Lets you access the Application Templates tab on the Configuration to view, deploy, export, and restore the provided application templates.
Basic Configuration Lets you access the Basic Configuration tab on the Configuration page.
File Manager Configuration Lets you access the File Manager tab on the Configuration page to upload or download files.
Licensed Features Lets you access the Licensed Features tab on the Configuration page to view license information.
Nitro Services

Lets you access the Nitro Services tab on the Configuration page to configure Nitro services.

Principals Lets you access the Principals tab of the Configuration page to view and manage roles and principals. This permission should only be set for administrators.
Remote Visualization Services Lets you access the Remote Visualization Services tab on the Configuration page to configure Remote Visualization services.

Lets you access the Roles tab on the Configuration page to view and manage roles and permissions. This permission should only be set for administrators.


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