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3.2 Job Details Page

The Job Details page shows additional information about a job and allows you to make certain modifications to a given job. To access this page, from the Workload view, click on the Job ID link for the job.

This topic provides an example of the Job Details page and describes its overall layout, with a detailed description of the job status information at the top of the page.

In this topic:

See Job Details–Functional Areas and Job Details–Additional Areas for information about other areas of the Job Details page.

3.2.1 Page Example

The following image is an example of the Job Details page.

Click to enlarge

3.2.2 Page Actions and Navigation

These buttons let you perform actions on this page:

At the right of the page there are two floating buttons that can be pressed to navigate to the top and the bottom of the page.

Click to navigate to the top of the page.

Click to navigate to the bottom of the page.

The information contained in, and the actions you can perform using, the Job Details page will vary based on the job's status, the user's role permissions and/or the fields available from the application template.

3.2.3 Job Actions and Basic Information

At the top of the Job Details page you will find basic information and actions pertaining to the job.

The following image is an example of the Job Actions and Basic Information area.

Click to enlarge

Job Actions

At the upper right of the page, you find several links and buttons to perform actions. These are separate from the page-related actions identified later in this topic.

Job Basic Information

At the upper left and right of the page, you will find several fields displaying basic information.

3.2.4 Scheduler Analysis

The Scheduler Analysis requires the "Job Details - Scheduling Analysis" permission. See 1.7 Role Permissions for more information about the available permissions you can set.

When Scheduler Analysis is enabled, the "More Information" button appears under the Status information when the job is blocked. Click this button to view the Schedule Analysis window.

This window provides information useful in debugging why Moab is not running the job.

The following image is an example of the Scheduler Analysis window.

Click to enlarge

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