You are here: Application Templates > Edit Application Template Page

4.3 Edit Application Template Page

The Edit Application Template page lets you edit existing application templates that users can use when creating jobs.

To access the Edit Application Template page, click TEMPLATE from the menu to access the Application Templates page, then click the name of an existing application template from the list of application templates.

This topic identifies how the Edit Application Template page is organized and the fields and functions available when editing an application template.

4.3.1 Page Example

The following image is an example of the Edit Application Template page.

Click to enlarge

The Edit Application Template page is divided into these section.

All sections except General Information and Permissions have editable name fields that make it possible for you to rename the section for the application template you are editing. See 4.4 Application Template Details for detailed information about each of these sections.

4.3.2 Page Actions and Navigation

These buttons let you perform actions on this page:

At the right of the page there are two floating buttons that can be pressed to navigate to the top and the bottom of the page.

Click to navigate to the top of the page.

Click to navigate to the bottom of the page.

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