You are here: Application Templates > Editing an Application Template

4.6 Editing an Application Template

Viewpoint lets you edit an existing application template to change settings associated with jobs that will be created using the template.

4.6.1 Edit an Application Template

Do the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, access the Application Templates page. (Click TEMPLATE from the menu.)
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit the current version of an application template, click on the name of the application template you want to edit in the list of existing application templates to edit the application template.
    • If you want to edit a previous version of an application template, use the Template History Manager to select the version you wish to edit. See 4.4.8 Application Template History for more information.

    The Edit Application Template page displays with the application template fields.

    If you are not editing the latest version of the application template, the Edit Application Template page displays a warning and gives you options to restore the version you are editing, edit the latest version, or return to the version history.

  3. If you want to edit the application template name, click on the name. When the Rename template window displays, enter the new name for this application template and click Save to accept the new name and return to the Edit Application Template page.
  4. Make any other changes as needed. See 4.4 Application Template Details for more information on the application template fields.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click SAVE TEMPLATE to save the application template and stay on this page.
    • Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the application template and close this page.

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