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4.10 Free Form Application Template

The Free Form Application Template is a basic application template for creating HPC jobs and job arrays.

This topic provides an example of the default settings for this application template. See 4.4 Application Template Details for more information on all the application template fields.

4.10.1 Available Fields

The available fields used for creating/editing the Free Form application template are grouped into five areas. Specifically:

4.10.2 Application Description

The following image shows the Application Description area.

Click to enlarge

4.10.2.A Basic Settings

The following images show the settings for the various sections in the Basic Settings area.

4.10.3 Advanced Settings

The following image is an example of the Advanced Settings area.

Click to enlarge

When enabled, the User Priority field requires the Moab ENABLENEGJOBPRIORITY server parameter set to "TRUE". This Moab parameter should have been set when Viewpoint was installed. See Moab Parameters in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for more information on this parameter.

4.10.4 Node Policy Settings

The following image is an example of the Node Policies Settings area.

Click to enlarge

4.10.4.A Custom Settings

There are no custom settings defined by default for this application template.

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