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4.13 Remote Viz Application Template

The Remote Viz Application template allows you to specify settings for remote visualization and workload management sessions.

This topic provides an example of the default settings for this application template. See 4.4 Application Template Details for more information on all the application template fields.

4.13.1 Application Description

The following image shows the Application Description area.

Click to enlarge

4.13.2 Basic Settings

The following images show the settings for the various sections in the Basic Settings Area.

4.13.3 Advanced Settings

The following image is an example of the Advanced Settings area.

Click to enlarge

4.13.4 Node Policy Settings

This area specifies node request, access, and allocation policies for jobs created with this application template.

The following image is an example of the Node Policies Settings area.

Click to enlarge

4.13.5 User Inputs

This area allows you to specify graphical commands to run inside your remote visualization session. You can also add any custom settings to the template in this area.

Click to enlarge

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