3.4 Job Details–Additional Areas

The Job Details page shows additional information about a job and lets you make certain modifications to a given job. To access this page, from the Workload view, click on the Job ID link for the job.

This topic describes functional areas on the Job Details page that apply only to certain types of jobs.

In this topic:

3.4.1 Nitro Details

The Nitro Details area is only available if you have integrated with Nitro and enabled Nitro Web Services.

The Nitro Details area lists information pertaining to Nitro jobs.

The following image is an example of the Nitro Details area.

Click to enlarge

3.4.2 Job Array

The Job Array area is present when the job is the parent job in a job array.

The Job Array area lists the child jobs within the job array. You can click on any of the child jobs to view job details for that child job.

The following image is an example of the Job Array area.

Click to enlarge

You can click on All Subjobs, Idle, Running, Blocked, Hold, Removed, and Completed to view only jobs in each category.

See 3.5 Job Arrays for more information about job arrays.

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