4.20 Get All Templates

In this topic:

4.20.1 URL

GET /api/templates/

4.20.2 Parameters

4.20.2.A Page Control

Parameter Required Type Description Example
page_size No Integer

Specifies count of application templates per page.

page No Integer Specifies number of page. page=2

4.20.2.B Filter

Parameter Required Type Description Example
name No String Specifies name of application template for filtering name=Free Form




current No Boolean Specifies whether only the current version for the application templates is included in the filtering current=True
type No String Specify the application template type to include in the filtering type=array
owner No String Specifies the owner's name for filtering owner=moab-foo






published No Boolean Specifies the published status of the application template for filtering published=True
permissions__user__name__in No List Specifies the list of users that the application template should contain permissions__user__name__in=hpotter,hgranger
permissions__group__name__in No List Specifies the list of groups that the application template should contain permissions__group__name__in=hpotter,hgranger
permissions__account__name__in No List Specifies the list of accounts that the application template should contain permissions__account__name__in=DEFAULT,QA
date__gte No Date Specifies the date before which the application template was created date__gte=2015-09-01
date__lte No Date Specifies the date after which the application template was created date__lte=2015-09-16

4.20.3 Example

GET /api/templates/?page_size=1&published=True

4.20.3.A Response

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