4.16 Supported Methods

The table that follows shows the supported methods for the Viewpoint application template API. Detailed information about each method is provided later in this section.

/api/templates/ Get All Templates --- Create Template --- ---

Get Single Template

Modify Template

Beginning with version 9.0.1, this method creates a new application template version every time you modify and save changes to an application template. The previous version is saved in the template history.

--- Delete Template Modify Template Attribute "published"
/api/templates/<history_pk>/history/ Get Template History --- Create Template
(creates a new application template and assigns it as the current version)
--- ---
/api/templates/<history_pk>/history/<version>/ Get Single Template History Revert Template
(creates a copy of the application template for the specified history version and assigns it as the current version)
--- Delete Template History Update Template Version Description

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