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This topic provides instructions to upgrade Moab Workload Manager to the latest release version. Depending on which version of Moab you are presently running, upgrade instructions may vary.
Moab Workload Manager uses the standard configure, make, and make install steps for upgrades. This topic provides a number of sample steps referenced to a particular installation on a Linux platform using the bash shell. These steps indicate the user ID in brackets performing the step. The exact commands to be performed and the user that issues them will vary based on the platform, shell, installation preferences, and other factors.
It is highly recommended that you first perform upgrades in a test environment. See the warning in 5.683 Preparing for Upgrade. It is also recommend that you verify the policies, scripts, and queues work the way you want them to in this test environment. See Testing New Releases and Policies in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for more information.
If you are also upgrading Torque from an older version (pre-4.0), contact Adaptive Computing.
Because many system-level files and directories are accessed during the installation, the instructions in this guide should be executed with root privileges.
You will see that the instructions execute commands as the root user. Please note that the same commands will work for a non-root user with the sudo command.
2.20.1 Upgrade Moab Workload Manager
On the Moab Server Host, do the following:
[root]# tar -xzvf moab-9.1.1-<OS>.tar.gz
The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.
[root]# cd moab-9.1.1-<OS>
Use the same configure options as when Moab was installed previously. If you cannot remember which options were used previously, check the config.log file in the directory where the previous version of Moab was installed from.
For a complete list of configure options, use ./configure --help.
Stop Moab.
[root]# systemctl stop moab.service
While Moab is down, all currently running jobs continue to run on the nodes, the job queue remains intact, and new jobs cannot be submitted to Moab.
[root]# make perldeps
[root]# make install
Default configuration files are installed during make install. Existing configuration files are not overwritten and the new files are given a .dist extension.
[root]# moab --about
You should get something similar to the following in the response:
Defaults: server=:42559 cfgdir=/opt/moab (env) vardir=/opt/moab Build dir: /tmp/jenkins/workspace/MWM-9.1.1/label/build-<OS> Build host: us-devops-build10 Build date: Oct 09 13:00:00 MST 2017 Build args: NA Compiler Flags: -D__M64 -D_BUILDDATETIME="2017100913" -DMUSEZEROMQ -DMUSEWEBSERVICES -DMUSEMONGODB -DMMAX_GRES=512 -DMMAX_RANGE=2048 -DMMAX_TASK=32768 -fPIC -gdwarf-3 -Wall -Wextra -DVALGRIND -Og -x c++ -std=c++11 -DDMAX_PJOB=512 -D_GNU_SOURCE Compiled as little endian. Version: moab server 9.1.1 (revision 2017100913, changeset 14dee972ebcee919207e48054e9f285db9f6a555)
If you are using Moab Accounting Manager with the native interface (TYPE=native), remove all entries in moab.cfg with the form (AMCFG[*] *URL=exec://*), except for those that you have customized. See AMCFG Parameters and Flags in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for more information.
In Moab Workload Manager 8.1 and after, Moab defaults to using a set of stock scripts that no longer need to be explicitly configured in the server configuration file.
Start Moab.
[root]# systemctl daemon-reload [root]# systemctl start moab.service