5.683 Preparing for Upgrade

The upgrade process of the Moab includes upgrading the databases and different components in the suite.

It is highly recommended that you first perform upgrades in a test environment. Installation and upgrade procedures are tested prior to release; however, due to customizable variations that may be utilized by your configuration, it is not recommended to drop new versions of software directly into production environments. This is especially true when the workload has vital bearing. Contact Adaptive Computing Professional Services for more information.

Because many system-level files and directories are accessed during the upgrade, the upgrade instructions in this guide should be executed with root privileges.

You will see that the instructions execute commands as the root user. Please note that the same commands will work for a non-root user with the sudo command.

This topic contains detailed instructions for upgrading the MongoDB database and each component.

In this topic:

5.683.1 Upgrading to MongoDB 3.2.x

Moab HPC Suite 9.1.0 and after requires MongoDB 3.2.x. On each host on which MongoDB is installed, check the installed version of MongoDB to see if it needs to be upgraded. You can check the version of MongoDB installed by running the following command:

[root]# rpm -qa | grep mongo

In order to upgrade the MongoDB databases, you must stop all services first. These instructions assume that you have all the MongoDB databases on the same host (for example, the Database Host). If you have installed the MongoDB databases on separate hosts (for example, the Insight MongoDB on the Insight Server Host), you will have to go to each host to stop the services before you can upgrade any of the MongoDB databases.

If MongoDB is at a version prior to 3.2, do the following:

  1. Stop all the services that use MongoDB. See the warning at the beginning of this topic.

    [root]# systemctl stop nitro-web-services.service # If Nitro Web Services is part of your configuration
    [root]# systemctl stop tomcat.service # If MWS is part of your configuration
    [root]# systemctl stop insight.service # If Insight is part of your configuration
    [root]# systemctl stop moab.service
  2. Confirm that nothing is connected to MongoDB.

    [root]# netstat -antp | egrep '(27017|28017).*ESTABLISHED'
  3. Dump the database.

    [root]# cd /root
    [root]# mongodump -u admin_user -p secret1
    [root]# cp -a dump dump.save
    [root]# rm -rf dump/admin/system.users.* # Cannot restore users.
  1. Install MongoDB 3.2.x.

    [root]# systemctl stop mongodb.service
    [root]# systemctl disable mongodb.service
    [root]# zypper addrepo --refresh --no-gpgcheck https://repo.mongodb.org/zypper/suse/12/mongodb-org/3.2/x86_64 mongo-server
    [root]# rpm -e --nodeps $(rpm -qa 'mongo*')
    [root]# rm -rf /tmp/mongo*.sock /var/run/mongo* /var/lib/mongo* /var/log/mongo*
    [root]# zypper -n install mongodb-org
    [root]# systemctl enable mongod.service
    [root]# systemctl start mongod.service
  1. Restore the database.

    [root]# cd /root
    [root]# mongorestore
  2. Create the users.

    The "admin_user" is required. All other users are required only for the products that are part of your system configuration. For example, if Nitro Web Services is not part of your confirmation, you do not need to add the "nitro_user".

    [root]# mongo
            use admin
            db.createUser({"user": "admin_user", "pwd": "secret1", "roles": ["root"]})
            use moab
            db.createUser({"user": "moab_user", "pwd": "secret2", "roles": ["dbOwner"]})
            db.createUser({"user": "mws_user", "pwd": "secret3", "roles": ["read"]})
            db.createUser({"user": "insight_user", "pwd": "secret4", "roles": ["read"]})
            use mws
            db.createUser({"user": "mws_user", "pwd": "secret3", "roles": ["dbOwner"]})
            use insight
            db.createUser({"user": "insight_user", "pwd": "secret4", "roles": ["dbOwner"]})
            db.createUser({"user": "mws_user", "pwd": "secret3", "roles": ["read"]})
            use nitro-db
            db.createUser({"user": "nitro_user", "pwd": "secret5", "roles": ["dbOwner"]})
  1. Set MongoDB Configuration Options.

    By default, /etc/mongod.conf sets net.bindIp to You will need to change this setting if the MongoDB server needs to be accessible from other hosts or from other interfaces besides loopback. See https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/configuration-options/#net-options for more information.

    # Sample /etc/mongod.conf file
      port: 27017
      # bindIp:
      fork: true
      pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/mongod.pid
      authorization: enabled
      dbPath: /var/lib/mongo
        enabled: true
      destination: file
      logAppend: true
      path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
  2. Restart MongoDB.

    [root]# systemctl restart mongod.service
  1. Follow the instructions to upgrade your Moab HPC Suite components.

5.683.2 Upgrading the Moab HPC Suite components

Upgrade the Moab in the following order:

  1. Torque. See Upgrading Torque Resource Manager.
  2. Moab Workload Manager. See Upgrading Moab Workload Manager.
  3. Moab Accounting Manager. See Upgrading Moab Accounting Manager.
  4. Moab Web Services. See Upgrading Moab Web Services.
  5. RLM Server. See 2.23 Upgrading RLM Server.
  6. Upgrade Nitro with your Moab HPC Suite. See 2.24 Upgrading Your Nitro Integration.

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