Gold Allocation Manager

Querying The Balance

To display balance information, use the command gbalance:

gbalance [-p project_name] [-u user_name] [-m machine_name] [—total] [—available] [—raw] [-h | —hours] [—debug] [-? | —help] [—man] [—quiet]

Example 10. Querying the project balance detail broken down by account

$ gbalance -p chemistry

Id  Name            Amount        Reserved     Balance       CreditLimit         Available
--- --------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------- -------------------
1   Chemistry       360000000     0            360000000     0                   360000000
2   Cornucopia      0             0            0             1000000000000       1000000000000

Example 11. Querying the total balance for a particular user in a particular project on a particular machine

$ gbalance -u bob -m colony -p chemistry —total

The account balance is 360000000 credits

Example 12. List the projects and available balance amy can charge to

$ gbalance -u amy —show Project,Balance

Project       Balance   
------------- ------------- 
biology       360000000 
chemistry     360000000