Gold Allocation Manager

Querying Allocations

To display allocation information, use the command glsalloc:

glsalloc [-A | -I] [-a account_id] [-p project_name] [—show attribute_name [,attribute_name...]...] [—showHidden] [—raw] [-h | —hours] [—debug] [-? | —help] [—man] [—quiet] [[-i] allocation_id]

Example 1. Listing allocations for account 4

$ glsalloc -a 4

Id  Account    StartTime       EndTime         Amount    CreditLimit      Deposited     Active    Description 
--- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------- ---------------- ------------- --------- ---------------- 
4   4          2005-01-01      2005-04-01      250000    0                250000        False              
5   4          2005-04-01      2005-07-01      250000    0                250000        False              
6   4          2005-07-01      2005-10-01      250000    0                250000        True               
7   4          2005-10-01      2006-01-01      250000    0                250000        False