Gold Allocation Manager

Examine Account Statement

Finally, you can examine the account statement for the activities (see Obtaining an Account Statement).

Example 15. You can request an itemized account statement over all time for the chemistry project (account 2)

$ gstatement -p chemistry

# Statement for account 2 (chemistry) generated on Tue Aug  3 16:06:15 2005.
# Reporting account activity from -infinity to now.

Beginning Balance:          0
--------------------------- ------------------------------
Total Credits:              360019744
Total Debits:               -19744
--------------------------- ------------------------------
Ending Balance:             360000000

############################### Credit Detail ##################################

Object     Action     JobId           Amount        Time
---------- ---------- --------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
Account    Deposit                    360000000     2005-08-03 16:01:15-07
Job        Refund     PBS.1234.0      19744         2005-08-03 16:04:02-07

############################### Debit Detail ###################################

Object          Action          JobId           Project       User   Machine    Amount    Time
--------------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ------ ---------- --------- ----------------------------
Job             Charge          PBS.1234.0      chemistry     amy    colony     -19744    2005-08-03 16:03:39-07

############################### End of Report ##################################