Gold Allocation Manager

Obtain A Guaranteed Job Quote

This time, use the job quote to guarantee the charge rates (this may be useful in the case of fluxuating rates like market based rates).

Example 14. Request a guaranteed charge quote that reflects the memory and quality of service you expect to use.

$ gquote -p chemistry -u amy -m colony -P 16 -M 2048 -t 3600 -Q Premium --guarantee

Successfully quoted 129946 credits with quote id 1

This time it actually created a persistent quote ...

$ glsquote 1

Id  Amount    Job  Project       User   Machine    StartTime                    EndTime                      WallDuration       CallType     Used   ChargeRates                                                                                               Description 
--- --------- ---- ------------- ------ ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ ------------ ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 
1   129946    1    chemistry     amy    colony     2005-02-16 12:06:25          2005-02-23 13:06:25          3600               Normal       0      NBM:QualityOfService:Premium:2,VBR:Processors::1,VBR:Memory::0.001

... and created a job entry.

$ glsjob -j 1

Id  JobId   User   Project       Machine    Queue   QualityOfService         Stage   Charge    Processors      Nodes   WallDuration       StartTime     EndTime    Description 
--- ------- ------ ------------- ---------- ------- ------------------------ ------- --------- --------------- ------- ------------------ ------------- ---------- ---------------- 
1          amy     chemistry     colony             Premium                  Quote             16