Gold Allocation Manager

Charge for a Quoted Job

Even if the charge rates change between submission and completion of a job, a job tied to a quote will use the quoted charge rates in a prorated manner.

Example 16. Change a charge rate and issue the charge for the job and request that the quote be honored.

$ goldsh ChargeRate Modify Type==VBR Name==Memory Rate=.002

Successfully modified 1 ChargeRate

$ gcharge -J PBS.1234.0 -u amy -p chemistry -m colony -P 16 -M 2048 -t 1234 -Q Premium -X WallDuration=1234 -q 1

Successfully charged job PBS.1234.0 for 44542 credits
1 reservations were removed

The charge modifies the job entry with the actual usage, charges, and wallduration while changing its stage from Reserve to Charge.

$ glsjob -j 1

Id  JobId           User   Project       Machine    Queue   QualityOfService         Stage     Charge    Processors      Nodes   WallDuration       StartTime     EndTime    Description 
--- --------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ------- ------------------------ --------- --------- --------------- ------- ------------------ ------------- ---------- ---------------- 
3   PBS.1234.0      amy    chemistry     colony             Premium                  Charge    44542     16                      1234

The detail charge information for the job can be extracted from the transaction log.

$ glstxn -A Charge -J PBS.1234.0 --show Details

WallDuration=1234,QuoteId=1,QualityOfService=Premium,Processors=16,ItemizedCharges:=( ( 16 [Processors] * 1 [ChargeRate{VBR}{Processors}] ) + ( 2048 [Memory] * 0.001 [ChargeRate{VBR}{Memory}] ) ) * 1234 [WallDuration] * 2 [ChargeRate{QualityOfService}{Premium}] = 44542.464

Notice from the Itemized Charges above that the quoted memory charge rate of .001 was used instead of the current rate of .002. Notice also that the amounts have been prorated according to actual resources used and actual wallclock duration.