Package com.ace.moab.api.resourceset

Provides classes for describing node sets used on a system wide and job specific basis.


Enum Summary
ResourceSetPriority This enumeration represents the priority to give a resource set.
ResourceSetSelection This enumeration represents the selection type that can be used when looking at a set of resources for selection purposes on a job or other Moab object.
ResourceSetType This enumeration represents the type of resources that a set can be placed over.

Package com.ace.moab.api.resourceset Description

Provides classes for describing node sets used on a system wide and job specific basis. Node sets allow jobs to request sets of common resources without specifying exactly what resources are required. Node set policy can be specified globally or on a per-job basis and can be based on node processor speed, memory, network interfaces, or locally defined node attributes. In addition to their use in forcing jobs onto homogeneous nodes, these policies may also be used to guide jobs to one or more types of nodes on which a particular job performs best, similar to job preferences available in other systems. For example, an I/O intensive job may run best on a certain range of processor speeds, running slower on slower nodes, while wasting cycles on faster nodes. A job may specify ANYOF:PROCSPEED:450,500,650 to request nodes in the range of 450 to 650 MHz. Alternatively, if a simple processor speed homogeneous node set is desired, ONEOF:PROCSPEED may be specified. On the other hand, a communication sensitive job may request a network based node set with the configuration ONEOF:NETWORK:via,myrinet,ethernet, in which case Moab will first attempt to locate adequate nodes where all nodes contain via network interfaces. If such a set cannot be found, Moab will look for sets of nodes containing the other specified network interfaces. In highly heterogeneous clusters, the use of node sets improves job throughput by 10 to 15%.

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