Maui Scheduler

4.2 Status Commands

Maui provides an array of commands to organize and present information about the current state and historical statistics of the scheduler, jobs, resources, users, accounts, etc. The table below presents the primary status commands and flags. The Commands Overview lists all available commands.

Command Flags Description
checkjob display job state, resource requirements, environment, constraints, credentials, history, allocated resources, and resource utilization
checknode display node state, resources, attributes, reservations, history, and statistics
diagnose -f display summarized fairshare information and any unexpected configuration
diagnose -j display summarized job information and any unexpected state
diagnose -n display summarized node information and any unexpected state
diagnose -p display summarized job priority information
diagnose -r display summarized reservation information
showgrid display various aspects of scheduling performance across a job duration/job size matrix
showq [ -r | -i ] display various views of currently queued active, idle, and non-eligible jobs
showstats -f display historical fairshare usage on a per credential basis
showstats -g display current and historical usage on a per group basis
showstats -u display current and historical usage on a per user basis
showstats -v display high level current and historical scheduling statistics

The Moab Cluster ManagerTM working together with the Moab Workload ManagerTM graphical displays information about jobs, queues, reservations, nodes, fairshare policies, etc.