Moab Workload Manager

mdiag -c

(Moab Class Diagnostics)


mdiag -c [-v] [classid] [--format=xml]


The mdiag -c command provides detailed information about the classes Moab is currently tracking. This command also allows an administrator to verify correct throttling policies and access provided to and from other credentials.

Note The term class is used interchangeably with the term queue and generally refers to resource manager queue.

XML Output

mdiag -c information can be reported as XML as well. This is done with the command "mdiag -c <CLASS_ID> --format=xml". XML based class information will be written to STDOUT in the following format:

  <class <ATTR>="<VAL>" ... >
    <stats <ATTR>="<VAL>" ... >
      <Profile <ATTR>="<VAL>" ... >


In addition to the attributes listed below, mdiag -c's XML children describe its general statistics information (stats XML Element) and profile based statistics (Profile XML element).

XML Attributes

Name Description
Accounts a class has access to.
Number of procs available to the class.
Default attributes attached to a job.
Default required disk attached to a job.
Default required node features attached to a job.
Default generic resources attached to a job.
Default required memeory attached to a job.
Default specified nodeset attached to a job.
Default wallclock limit attached to a job.
List of excluded (disallowed) node features.
List of excluded (disallowed) job flags.
The class' fairshare target.
If TRUE this credential has a hold on it, FALSE otherwise.
The list of hosts in this class.
Scheduler level job epilog to be run after job is completed by resource manager (script path).
Default flags attached to jobs in the class.
Scheduler level job prolog to be run before job is started by resource manager (script path).
The unique ID of this class.
The log level attached to jobs in the class.
The max processors per job in the class.
The max processor-seconds per job in the class.
The max wallclock limit per job in the class.
The max idle jobs in the class.
The max idle processors in the class.
The max jobs per user.
The max nodes per job.
The max nodes per user.
The max processors per job.
The max processors per node.
The max processors per user.
The minimum nodes per job in the class.
The minimum processors per job in the class.
The minimum wallclock limit per job in the class.
The node access policy associated with jobs in the class.
Dedicated processor factor.
Overcommit node.
The class' associated priority.
Priority calculation function.
Required features for a job to be considered in the class.
Required flags for a job to be considered in the class.
Required image for a job to be considered in the class.
The list of users who have access to the class.
The resouce manager reporting the class.
The list of resource managers who have access to the class.
The class' state.
Tolerated amount of time beyond the specified wall clock limit.

Example 1

> mdiag -c

Class/Queue Status

ClassID        Priority Flags        QDef              QOSList* PartitionList        Target Limits

DEFAULT               0 ---          ---                   ---  ---                   0.00  ---
batch                 1 ---          ---                   ---  [A][B]               70.00  MAXJOB=33:200,250
long                  1 ---          low                   low  [A]                  10.00  MAXJOB=3:100,200
fast                100 ---          high                 high  [B]                  10.00  MAXJOB=8:100,150
bigmem                1 ---          low,high              low  ---                  10.00  MAXJOB=1:100,200

Note The Limits column will display limits in the following format:


In the example above, class fast has MAXJOB soft and hard limits of 100 and 150 respectively and is currently running 8 jobs.

See Also

  • showstats command - display general statistics