mshow -a [-i] [-o] [-T] [-w where] [-x] [--xml]
The mshow -a command allows for querying of available system resources.Arguments
[-w] | WHERE |
[-x] | EXCLUSIVE |
Table 1: Argument Format
--flags | |
Name: | Flags |
Format: | --flags=[ future | policy | tid | timeflex | summary | verbose ] |
Description: | future will return resources available immediately and
available in the future. policy will apply charging policies to determine the total cost of each reported solution (only enabled for XML responses). summary will assign all jointly allocated transactions as dependencies of the first transaction reported. tid will associate a transaction id with the reported results. timeflex allows the reservation to move in time (but not space) in order to start at an earlier time, if able. verbose will return diagnostic information. |
Example: | > mshow -a -w user=john --flags=tid --xml |
--xml | |
Name: | XML |
Format: | --xml |
Description: | Report results in XML format. |
Example: | > mshow -a -w user=john --flags=tid --xml |
-i | |
Format: | --- |
Description: | Specifies that an intersection should be performed during an mshow -a command with multiple requirements. |
Example: | |
-o | |
Format: | --- |
Description: | Specifies that the results of the command mshow -a with multiple requirements should not be aggregated together. |
Example: | |
-T | |
Name: | TIMELOCK |
Format: | --- |
Description: | Specifies that the multiple requirements of an mshow -a command should be timelocked. |
Example: | > mshow -a -w minprocs=1,os=linux,duration=1:00:00 \ -w minprocs=1,os=aix,duration=10:00 \ --flags=tid,future -x -T |
-w | |
Name: | WHERE |
Format: | <ATTR>=<VAL>
[,<ATTR>=<VAL>]... Attributes are listed below in table 2. |
Description: | Add a "Where" clause to the current command (currently supports up to six co-allocation clauses). |
Example: | > mshow -a -w minprocs=2,duration=1:00:00 -w nodemem=512,duration=1:00:00 |
-x | |
Format: | --- |
Description: | Specifies that the multiple requirements of an mshow -a command should be exclusive (ie. each node may only be allocated to a single requirement) |
Example: | > mshow -a -w minprocs=1,os=linux -w minprocs=1,os=aix --flags=tid -x |
Usage Notes
The mshow -a command allows for querying of available system resources. When combined with the --flags=tid option these available resources can then be placed into a "packaged" reservation (using mrsvctl -c -R). This allows system administrators to grab and reserve available resources for whatever reason, without conflicting with jobs or reservations that may holding certain resources.There are a few restrictions on which <ATTR> from the -w command can be placed in the same req: minprocs, minnodes, and gres are all mutually exclusive, only one may be used per -w request.
The allocation of available nodes will follow the global NODEALLOCATIONPOLICY.
When the '-o' flag is not used, multi-request results will be aggregated. This aggregation will negate the use of offsets and request-specific starttimes.
The config parameter RESOURCEQUERYDEPTH controls the maximum number of options that will be returned in response to a resource query.
Example 1: Basic Compute Node Query and Reservation
> mshow -a -w duration=10:00:00,minprocs=1,os=AIX53,jobfeature=shared --flags=tid,future Partition Tasks Nodes Duration StartOffset StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- ALL 1 1 10:00:00 00:00:00 13:28:09_04/27 TID=4 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 10:00:00 10:00:00 17:14:48_04/28 TID=5 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 10:00:00 20:00:00 21:01:27_04/29 TID=6 ReqID=0 > mrsvctl -c -R 4 Note: reservation system.2 created
Example 2: Mixed Processor and License Query
Select one node with 4 processors and 1 matlab license where the matlab license is only available for the last hour of the reservation. Also, select 16 additional processors which are available during the same timeframe but which can be located anywhere in the cluster. Group the resulting transactions together using transaction dependencies so only the first transaction needs to be committed to reserve all associated resources.> mshow -a -i -o -x -w mintasks=1@PROCS:4,duration=10:00:00,coalloc=a \ -w gres=matlab,offset=9:00:00,duration=1:00:00,coalloc=a \ -w minprocs=16,duration=10:00:00 --flags=tid,future,summary Partition Tasks Nodes Duration StartOffset StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- ALL 1 1 10:00:00 00:00:00 13:28:09_04/27 TID=4 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 10:00:00 10:00:00 17:14:48_04/28 TID=5 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 10:00:00 20:00:00 21:01:27_04/29 TID=6 ReqID=0 > mrsvctl -c -R 4 Note: reservation system.2 created Note: reservation system.3 created Note: reservation system.4 created
Example 3: Request for Generic Resources
Query for a generic resource on a specific host (no processors, only a generic resource).> mshow -a -i -x -o -w gres=dvd,duration=10:00,hostlist=node03 --flags=tid,future Partition Tasks Nodes StartOffset Duration StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- ALL 1 1 00:00:00 00:10:00 11:33:25_07/27 TID=16 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 00:10:00 00:10:00 11:43:25_07/27 TID=17 ReqID=0 ALL 1 1 00:20:00 00:10:00 11:53:25_07/27 TID=18 ReqID=0 > mrsvctl -c -R 16 Note: reservation system.6 created > mdiag -r system.6 Diagnosing Reservations RsvID Type Par StartTime EndTime Duration Node Task Proc ----- ---- --- --------- ------- -------- ---- ---- ---- system.6 User loc -00:01:02 00:08:35 00:09:37 1 1 0 Flags: ISCLOSED ACL: RSV==system.6= CL: RSV==system.6 Accounting Creds: User:test Task Resources: dvd: 1 Attributes (HostExp='^node03$') Rsv-Group: system.6
Example 4: Allocation of Shared Resources
This example walks through a relatively complicated example in which a set of resources can be reserved to be allocated for shared requests. In the example below, the first mshow query looks for resources within an existing shared reservation. In the example, this first query fails because there is now existing reservation. The second mshow requests asks for resources outside of a shared reservation and finds the desired resources. These resources are then reserved as a shared pool. The third mshow request again asks for resources inside of a shared reservation and this time finds the desired resources.> mshow -a -w duration=10:00:00,minprocs=1,os=AIX53,jobflags=ADVRES,jobfeature=shared --flags=tid Partition Tasks Nodes Duration StartOffset StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- > mshow -a -w duration=100:00:00,minprocs=1,os=AIX53,jobfeature=shared --flags=tid Partition Tasks Nodes Duration StartOffset StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- ALL 1 1 100:00:00 00:00:00 13:20:23_04/27 TID=1 ReqID=0 > mrsvctl -c -R 1 Note: reservation system.1 created > mshow -a -w duration=10:00:00,minprocs=1,os=AIX53,jobflags=ADVRES,jobfeature=shared --flags=tid Partition Tasks Nodes Duration StartOffset StartDate --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------- ALL 1 1 10:00:00 00:00:00 13:20:36_04/27 TID=2 ReqID=0 > mrsvctl -c -R 2 Note: reservation system.2 created
Example 5: Full Resource Query in XML Format
The following command will report information on all available resources which meet at least the minimum specified processor and walltime constraints and which are available to the specified user. The results will be reported in XML to allow for easy system processing.> mshow -a -w class=grid,minprocs=8,duration=20:00 --format=xml --flags=future,verbose <Data> <Object>cluster</Object> <job User="john" time="1162407604"></job> <par Name="template"> <range duration="Duration" nodecount="Nodes" proccount="Procs" starttime="StartTime"></range> </par> <par Name="ALL" feasibleNodeCount="131" feasibleTaskCount="163"> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-024:1,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-041:1,opt-042:1,x86-001:1,P690-001:1,P690-021:1,P690-022:1" index="0" nodecount="10" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162407604"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-024:1,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-039:1,opt-041:1,opt-042:1,x86-001:1,P690-001:1,P690-021:1,P690-022:1" index="0" nodecount="11" proccount="8"reqid="0" starttime="1162411204"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-024:1,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-039:1,opt-041:1,opt-042:1,x86-001:1,x86-002:1,x86-004:1, x86-006:1,x86-013:1,x86-014:1,x86-015:1,x86-016:1,x86-037:1,P690-001:1,P690-021:1,P690-022:1" index="0" nodecount="19" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162425519"></range> </par> <par Name="SharedMem"> <range duration="1200" hostlist="P690-001:1,P690-002:1,P690-003:1,P690-004:1,P690-005:1,P690-006:1,P690-007:1,P690-008:1,P690-009:1, P690-010:1,P690-011:1,P690-012:1,P690-013:1,P690-014:1,P690-015:1,P690-016:1,P690-017:1,P690-018:1,P690-019:1,P690-020:1,P690-021:1, P690-022:1,P690-023:1,P690-024:1,P690-025:1,P690-026:1,P690-027:1,P690-028:1,P690-029:1,P690-030:1,P690-031:1,P690-032:1" index="0" nodecount="32" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1163122507"></range> </par> <par Name="64Bit"> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-024:1,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-039:1,opt-041:1,opt-042:1" index="0" nodecount="7" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162411204"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-024:1,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-039:1,opt-041:1,opt-042:1,opt-043:1,opt-044:1,opt-045:1, opt-046:1,opt-047:1,opt-048:1,opt-049:1,opt-050:1" index="0" nodecount="15" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162428996"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="opt-001:1,opt-006:1,opt-007:2,opt-008:2,opt-009:2,opt-010:2,opt-011:2,opt-012:2,opt-013:2,opt-014:2, opt-015:2,opt-016:2,opt-017:2,opt-018:2,opt-019:2,opt-020:2,opt-021:2,opt-022:2,opt-023:2,opt-024:2,opt-025:1,opt-027:2,opt-039:1, opt-041:1,opt-042:1,opt-043:1,opt-044:1,opt-045:1,opt-046:1,opt-047:1,opt-048:1,opt-049:1,opt-050:1" index="0" nodecount="33" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162876617"></range> </par> <par Name="32Bit"> <range duration="1200" hostlist="x86-001:1,x86-002:1,x86-004:1,x86-006:1,x86-013:1,x86-014:1,x86-015:1,x86-016:1,x86-037:1" index="0" nodecount="9" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162425519"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="x86-001:1,x86-002:1,x86-004:1,x86-006:1,x86-013:1,x86-014:1,x86-015:1,x86-016:1,x86-037:1,x86-042:1,x86-043:1" index="0" nodecount="11" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1162956803"></range> <range duration="1200" hostlist="x86-001:1,x86-002:1,x86-004:1,x86-006:1,x86-013:1,x86-014:1,x86-015:1,x86-016:1,x86-027:1,x86-028:1, x86-029:1,x86-030:1,x86-037:1,x86-041:1,x86-042:1,x86-043:1,x86-046:1,x86-047:1,x86-048:1,x86-049:1" index="0" nodecount="20" proccount="8" reqid="0" starttime="1163053393"></range> </par> </Data>
![]() | This command reports the original query, and the timeframe, resource size, and hostlist associated with each possible time slot. |
See Also
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