mrsvctl -c [-a acl] [-bsubtype] [-d duration] [-D description] [-e endtime] [-E] [-f features] [-F flags] [-g rsvgroup] [-h hostexp] [-I {cancel|end|failure|start}] [-n name] [-o owner] [-p partition] [-P profile] [-R resources] [-s starttime] [-S setvalue] [-t tasks] [-T trigger] [-V variable] [-x joblist] mrsvctl -l [{reservationid | -i index}] mrsvctl -C [-g standing_reservationid] mrsvctl -m <duration|endtime|reqtaskcount|starttime>{=|+=|-=}<VAL> <hostexp>{+=|-=}<VAL> <variable>{+=KEY=VAL|-=KEY_TO_REMOVE} {reservationid | -i index} mrsvctl -q {reservationid | -i index} [--blocking] mrsvctl -r {reservationid | -i index} mrsvctl -C {reservationid}
mrsvctl controls the creation, modification, querying, and releasing of reservations.The timeframe covered by the reservation can be specified on either an absolute or relative basis. Only jobs with credentials listed in the reservation's access control list can utilize the reserved resources. However, these jobs still have the freedom to utilize resources outside of the reservation. The reservation will be assigned a name derived from the ACL specified. If no reservation ACL is specified, the reservation is created as a system reservation and no jobs will be allowed access to the resources during the specified timeframe (valuable for system maintenance, etc). See the Reservation Overview for more information.
Reservations can be viewed using the -q flag and can be released using the -r flag.
![]() | By default, reservations are not exclusive and may overlap with other reservations and jobs. Use the '-E' flag to adjust this behavior. |
By default, this command can be run by level 1 and level 2 Moab administrators (see ADMINCFG).
-a | |||||||||||||||
Name: | ACL | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <TYPE>==<VAL>[,<TYPE>==<VAL>]... Where <TYPE> is one of the following: ACCT, CLASS, GROUP, JATTR, QOS, RSV, or USER | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | List of credentials with access to the reserved resources (See also: ACL Modifiers) | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -a USER==john+,CLASS==batch- > mrsvctl -m -a USER-=john system.1 | ||||||||||||||
Notes: |
mrsvctl -m -a 'USER==Joe:Bob,GROUP-=BadGroup,ACCT+=GoodAccount,DURATION<=*1:00:00' system.1 mrsvctl -m -a 'USER==Joe,USER==Bob' system.1 | ||||||||||||||
-b | |||||||||||||||
Name: | SUBTYPE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | One of the node category values or node category shortcuts. | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Add subtype to reservation. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -b swmain -t ALL | ||||||||||||||
-c | |||||||||||||||
Name: | CREATE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <ARGUMENTS> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Creates a reservation. Note: The -x flag, when used with -F ignjobrsv, lets users create reservations but exclude certain nodes from being part of the reservation because they are running specific jobs. The -F flag instructs mrsvctl to still consider nodes with current running jobs. | ||||||||||||||
Examples: | > mrsvctl -c -t ALL Moab will create a reservation across all system resources. > mrsvctl -c -t 5 -F ignjobrsv -x moab.5,moab.6 Moab will create the reservation while assigning the nodes. Nodes running jobs moab5 and moab6 will not be assigned to the reservation. > mrsvctl -c -d INFINITY Moab will create an infinite reservation. | ||||||||||||||
-C | |||||||||||||||
Name: | CLEAR | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <RSVID> | -g <SRSVID> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Clears any disabled time slots from standing reservations and allows the recreation of disabled reservations | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -C -g testing | ||||||||||||||
-d | |||||||||||||||
Name: | DURATION | ||||||||||||||
Format: | [[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS | ||||||||||||||
Default: | INFINITY | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Duration of the reservation (not needed if ENDTIME is specified) | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -d 5:00:00 Moab will create a reservation on node01 lasting 5 hours. mrsvctl -c -d INFINITY Moab will create a reservation with a duration of INFINITY (no endtime). | ||||||||||||||
-D | |||||||||||||||
Name: | DESCRIPTION | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Human-readable description of reservation or purpose | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -d 5:00:00 -D 'system maintenance to test network' | ||||||||||||||
-e | |||||||||||||||
Name: | ENDTIME | ||||||||||||||
Format: | [HH[:MM[:SS]]][_MO[/DD[/YY]]] or +[[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS | ||||||||||||||
Default: | INFINITY | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Absolute or relative time reservation will end (not required if Duration specified). ENDTIME also supports an epoch timestamp. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -e +3:00:00 | ||||||||||||||
-E | |||||||||||||||
Name: | EXCLUSIVE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | N/A | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | When specified, Moab will only create a reservation if there are no other reservations (exclusive or otherwise) which would conflict with the time and space constraints of this reservation. If exceptions are desired, the rsvaccesslist attribute can be set or the ignrsv flag can be used. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -E
| ||||||||||||||
-f | |||||||||||||||
Name: | FEATURES | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING>[:<STRING>]... | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | List of node features which must be possessed by the reserved resources | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node[0-9] -f fast | ||||||||||||||
-F | |||||||||||||||
Name: | FLAGS | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <flag>[[,<flag>]...] | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Comma-delimited list of flags to set for the reservation (see Managing Reservations for flags). | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -F ignstate | ||||||||||||||
-g | |||||||||||||||
Name: | RSVGROUP | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | For a create operation, create a reservation in this reservation group. For list and modify operations, take actions on all reservations in the specified reservation group. The -g option can also be used in conjunction with the -r option to release a reservation associated with a specified group. See Reservation Group for more information. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -g staff -h 'node0[1-9]' | ||||||||||||||
-h | |||||||||||||||
Name: | HOSTLIST | ||||||||||||||
Format: | class:<classname>[,<classname>]... or <STRING> or ALL | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Host expression or a class mapping
indicating the nodes which the reservation will allocate.
| ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h 'node0[1-9]' > mrsvctl -c -h class:batch | ||||||||||||||
-i | |||||||||||||||
Name: | INDEX | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Use the reservation index instead of full reservation ID. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -m -i 1 starttime=+5:00 | ||||||||||||||
-l | |||||||||||||||
Name: | LIST | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <RSV_ID> or ALL RSV_ID can the name of a reservation or a regular expression. | ||||||||||||||
Default: | ALL | ||||||||||||||
Description: | List reservation(s). | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -l system* Moab will list all of the reservations whose names start with system. | ||||||||||||||
-m | |||||||||||||||
Name: | MODIFY | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <ATTR>=<VAL>[-m <ATTR2>=<VAL2>]... Where <ATTR> is one of the following:
| ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Modify aspects of a reservation. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -m duration=2:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m starttime+=5:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m endtime-=5:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m starttime=15:00:00_7/6/08 system.1 > mrsvctl -m starttime-=5:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m starttime+=5:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m -duration+=5:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m flags+=ADVRES system.1 > mrsvctl -m variable+key1=val1 system.1 > mrsvctl -m variable+=key1=val1 variable+=key2=val2 system.1 > mrsvctl -m variable-=key1 system.1 > mrsvctl -m variable-=key1 -m variable-=key2 system.1 | ||||||||||||||
Notes: |
> mrsvctl -m starttime=8:00:00_3/1/07 system.1 > mrsvctl -m starttime=8:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m endtime=7:00:00 system.1 > mrsvctl -m endtime=7:00:00_3/2/07 system.1 | ||||||||||||||
-n | |||||||||||||||
Name: | NAME | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Name for new reservation.
| ||||||||||||||
Example: | mrsvctl -c -h node01 -n John | ||||||||||||||
-o | |||||||||||||||
Name: | OWNER | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <CREDTYPE>:<CREDID> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Specifies the owner of a reservation. See Reservation Ownership for more information. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | mrsvctl -c -h node01 -o USER:user1 | ||||||||||||||
-p | |||||||||||||||
Name: | PARTITION | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Only allocate resources from the specified partition | ||||||||||||||
Example: | mrsvctl -c -p switchB -t 14 | ||||||||||||||
-P | |||||||||||||||
Name: | PROFILE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Indicates the reservation profile to load when creating this reservation | ||||||||||||||
Example: | mrsvctl -c -P testing2 -t 14 | ||||||||||||||
-q | |||||||||||||||
Name: | QUERY | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <RSV_ID> - The -r option accepts x: node regular
expressions and r: node range expressions (asterisks (*) are
supported wildcards as well). | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Get diagnostic information or list all completed reservations. The command gathers information from the Moab cache which prevents it from interrupting the scheduler, but the --blocking option can be used to bypass the cache and interrupt the scheduler. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | mrsvctl -q ALL mrsvctl -q system.1 | ||||||||||||||
-r | |||||||||||||||
Name: | RELEASE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <RSV_ID> - The -r option accepts x: node regular expressions and r: node range expressions (asterisks (*) are supported wildcards as well). | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Releases the specified reservation. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -r system.1 > mrsvctl -r -g idle | ||||||||||||||
-R | |||||||||||||||
Name: | RESOURCES | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <tid> or <RES>=<VAL>[{,|+|;}<RES>=<VAL>]... Where <RES> is one of the following: PROCS, MEM, DISK, SWAP GRES | ||||||||||||||
Default: | PROCS=-1 | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Specifies the resources to be reserved per task. (-1 indicates all resources on
| ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -R MEM=100;PROCS=2 -t 2 | ||||||||||||||
-s | |||||||||||||||
Name: | STARTTIME | ||||||||||||||
Format: | [HH[:MM[:SS]]][_MO[/DD[/YY]]] or +[[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS | ||||||||||||||
Default: | [NOW] | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Absolute or relative time reservation will start. STARTTIME also supports an epoch timestamp. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -t ALL -s 3:00:00_4/4/04 > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -s +5:00 > mrsvctl -m -s -=5:00 system.1 | ||||||||||||||
-S | |||||||||||||||
Name: | SET ATTRIBUTE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <ATTR>=<VALUE> where <ATTR> is one
of aaccount (accountable account), agroup (accountable group), aqos (accountable QoS), auser (accountable user), reqarch (required architecture), reqmemory (required node memory - in MB), reqos (required operating system), or rsvaccesslist (comma delimited list of reservations or reservation groups which can be accessed by this reservation request) | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Specifies a reservation attribute will be used to create this reservation | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -S aqos=high | ||||||||||||||
-t | |||||||||||||||
Name: | TASKS | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <INTEGER>[-<INTEGER>] | ||||||||||||||
Default: | --- | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Specifies the number of tasks to reserve. ALL indicates all resources
available should be reserved.
| ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -t ALL > mrsvctl -c -t 3 > mrsvctl -c -t 3-10 -E | ||||||||||||||
-T | |||||||||||||||
Name: | TRIGGER | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <STRING> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | N/A | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Comma-delimited reservation trigger list following
format described in the trigger format section of the reservation configuration
overview. See Trigger Creation for more
| ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -T offset=200,etype=start,atype=exec,action=/opt/moab/tools/ > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -T offset=200,etype=start,atype=exec,action=/opt/moab/ tools/ | ||||||||||||||
-V | |||||||||||||||
Name: | VARIABLE | ||||||||||||||
Format: | <name>[=<value>][[;<name>[=<value>]]...] | ||||||||||||||
Default: | N/A | ||||||||||||||
Description: | Semicolon-delimited list of variables that will be set when the reservation is created (see Trigger Variables). Names with no values will simply be set to TRUE. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -h node01 -V $T1=mac;var2=18.19
| ||||||||||||||
-x | |||||||||||||||
Name: | JOBLIST | ||||||||||||||
Format: | -x <jobs to be excluded> | ||||||||||||||
Default: | N/A | ||||||||||||||
Description: | The -x flag, when used with -F ignjobrsv, lets users create reservations but exclude certain nodes that are running the listed jobs.The -F flag instructs mrsvctl to still consider nodes with current running jobs. The nodes are not listed directly. | ||||||||||||||
Example: | > mrsvctl -c -t 5 -F ignjobrsv -x moab.5,moab.6 |
Format: | <STRING> |
Default: | --- |
Description: | The name of a reservation or a regular expression for several reservations. |
Example: | system* |
Resource Allocation Details
When allocating resources, the following rules apply:Reservation Timeframe Modification
Moab supports dynamically modifying the timeframe of existing reservations. This can be accomplished using the mrsvctl -m flag. By default, Moab will perform advanced boundary and resource access to verify that the modification does not result in an invalid scheduler state. However, in certain circumstances administrators may wish to FORCE the modification in spite of any access violations. This can be done using the switch mrsvctl -m --flags=force which forces Moab to bypass any access verification and force the change through.Extending a reservation by modifying the endtime
The following increases the endtime of a reservation using the "+=" tag:$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:35:57 1:11:35:57 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m endtime+=24:00:00 system.1 endtime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:35:22 2:11:35:22 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following increases the endtime of a reservation by setting the endtime to an absolute time:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:33:18 1:11:33:18 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m endtime=0_11/20 system.1 endtime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:33:05 2:11:33:05 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
Extending a reservation by modifying the duration
The following increases the duration of a reservation using the "+=" tag:$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:28:46 1:11:28:46 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m duration+=24:00:00 system.1 duration for rsv 'system.1' changed >$ showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:28:42 2:11:28:42 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following increases the duration of a reservation by setting the duration to an absolute time:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:26:41 1:11:26:41 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m duration=48:00:00 system.1 duration for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:26:33 2:11:26:33 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
Shortening a reservation by modifying the endtime
The following modifies the endtime of a reservation using the "-=" tag:$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:15:51 2:11:15:51 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m endtime-=24:00:00 system.1 endtime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:15:48 1:11:15:48 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following modifies the endtime of a reservation by setting the endtime to an absolute time:
$ showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:14:00 2:11:14:00 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m endtime=0_11/19 system.1 endtime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:13:48 1:11:13:48 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
Shortening a reservation by modifying the duration
The following modifies the duration of a reservation using the "-=" tag:$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:12:20 2:11:12:20 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m duration-=24:00:00 system.1 duration for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:12:07 1:11:12:07 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following modifies the duration of a reservation by setting the duration to an absolute time:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:10:57 2:11:10:57 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m duration=24:00:00 system.1 duration for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:10:50 1:11:10:50 1:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located
Modifying the starttime of a reservation
The following increases the starttime of a reservation using the "+=" tag:$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:08:30 2:11:08:30 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m starttime+=24:00:00 system.1 starttime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 1:11:08:22 3:11:08:22 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sun Nov 19 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following decreases the starttime of a reservation using the "-=" tag:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:07:04 2:11:07:04 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m starttime-=24:00:00 system.1 starttime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - -12:53:04 1:11:06:56 2:00:00:00 1/2 Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following modifies the starttime of a reservation using an absolute time:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:05:31 2:11:05:31 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m starttime=0_11/19 system.1 starttime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 1:11:05:18 3:11:05:18 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sun Nov 19 00:00:00 1 reservation located
The following modifies the starttime of a reservation using an absolute time:
$> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - 11:04:04 2:11:04:04 2:00:00:00 1/2 Sat Nov 18 00:00:00 1 reservation located $> mrsvctl -m starttime=0_11/17 system.1 starttime for rsv 'system.1' changed $> showres ReservationID Type S Start End Duration N/P StartTime system.1 User - -12:56:02 1:11:03:58 2:00:00:00 1/2 Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 1 reservation located
> mrsvctl -c -a USER=john,USER=mary -s +24:00:00 -d 8:00:00 -t 2 reservation 'system.1' created
Example 2: System Maintenance Reservation
Schedule a system wide reservation to allow a system maintenance on Jun 20, 8:00 AM until Jun 22, 5:00 PM.% mrsvctl -c -s 8:00:00_06/20 -e 17:00:00_06/22 -h ALL reservation 'system.1' created
Example 3: Explicit Task Description
Reserve one processor and 512 MB of memory on nodes node003 through node 006 for members of the group staff and jobs in the interactive class> mrsvctl -c -R PROCS=1,MEM=512 -a GROUP=staff,CLASS=interactive -h 'node00[3-6]' reservation 'system.1' created
Example 4: Dynamic Reservation Modification
Modify reservation john.1 to start in 2 hours, run for 2 hours, and include node02 in the hostlist.> mrsvctl -m starttime=+2:00:00,duration=2:00:00,HostExp+=node02 Note: hosts added to rsv system.3
Example 5: Reservation Modification
Remove user John's access to reservation system.1> mrsvctl -m -a USER=John system.1 --flags=unset successfully changed ACL for rsv system.1
Example 6: Allocating Reserved Resources
Allocate resources for group dev which are exclusive except for resources found within reservations myrinet.3 or john.6> mrsvctl -c -E -a group=dev,rsv=myrinet.3,rsv=john.6 -h 'node00[3-6]' reservation 'dev.14' created
Create exclusive network reservation on racks 3 and 4
> mrsvctl -c -E -a group=ops -g network -f rack3 -h ALL reservation 'ops.1' created > mrsvctl -c -E -a group=ops -g network -f rack4 -h ALL reservation 'ops.2' created
Allocate 64 nodes for 2 hours to new reservation and grant access to reservation system.3 and all reservations in the reservation group network
> mrsvctl -c -E -d 2:00:00 -a group=dev -t 64 -S rsvaccesslist=system.3,network reservation 'system.23' created
Allocate 4 nodes for 1 hour to new reservation and grant access to idle job reservations
> mrsvctl -c -E -d 1:00:00 -t 4 -S rsvaccesslist=idle reservation 'system.24' created
Example 7: Modifying an Existing Reservation
Remove user john from reservation ACL> mrsvctl -m -a USER=john system.1 --flags=unset successfully changed ACL for rsv system.1
Change reservation group
> mrsvctl -m RSVGROUP=network ops.4 successfully changed RSVGROUP for rsv ops.4
See Also
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