Moab Workload Manager

3.1 Layout of Scheduler Components

Moab is initially unpacked into a simple one-deep directory structure. What follows demonstrates the default layout of scheduler components; some of the files (such as log and statistics files) are created while Moab runs.

Note Moab checks for critical config files in directories in this order:
  • * $(MOABHOMEDIR) (default is /opt/moab and can be modified via the --with-homedir parameter during ./configure)
    • - checkpoint file
    • - lock file
    • moab.lic - license file
    • contrib - directory containing contributed code and plug-ins
    • docs - directory for documentation
    • moab.cfg - general configuration file
    • moab.dat - configuration file generated by Moab Cluster Manager
    • moab-private.cfg - secure configuration file containing private information
    • lib - directory for library files (primarily for tools/)
    • log- directory for log files
      • moab.log - log file
      • moab.log.1 - previous log file
    • spool - directory for temporary files
    • stats- directory for statistics files
      • events.<date> - event files
      • {DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR}.<date> - usage profiling data
      • FS.<PARTITION>.<epochtime> - fairshare usage data
    • samples - directory for sample configuration files, simulation trace files, etc.
  • $(MOABINSTDIR) (default is /opt/moab and can be modified via the --prefix parameter during ./configure)
    • bin - directory for client commands
    • sbin - directory for server daemons
      • moab - Moab binary
    • tools - directory for resource manager interfaces and local scripts
  • /etc/moab.cfg - if the Moab home directory cannot be found at startup, this file is checked to see if it declares the Moab home directory. If a declaration exists, the system checks the declared directory to find Moab. The syntax is: MOABHOMEDIR=<DIRECTORY>.

If you want to run Moab from a different directory other than /opt/moab but did not use the --with-homedir parameter during ./configure, you can set the $MOABHOMEDIR environment variable, declare the home directory in the /etc/moab.cfg file, or use the -C command line option when using the Moab server or client commands to specify the configuration file location.

When Moab runs, it creates a log file, moab.log, in the log directory and creates a statistics file in the stats directory with the naming convention events.WWW_MMM_DD_YYYY. (Example: events.Sat_Oct_10_2009). Additionally, a checkpoint file,, and lock file,, are maintained in the Moab home directory.

3.1.1 Layout of Scheduler Components with Integrated Database Enabled

If USEDATABASE INTERNAL is configured, the layout of scheduler components varies slightly. The file and usage profiling data (stat/{DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR}.<date>) are stored in the moab.db database. In addition, the event information is stored in both event files: (stat/events.<date>) and moab.db.

See Also