Moab Workload Manager

Moab Workload Manager™
Administrator Guide

version 6.0.4
Copyright © 1999-2011 Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
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Release Notes

Moab Workload Manager is a highly advanced scheduling and management system designed for clusters, grids, and on-demand/utility computing systems. At a high level, Moab applies site policies and extensive optimizations to orchestrate jobs, services, and other workload across the ideal combination of network, compute, and storage resources. Moab enables true adaptive computing allowing compute resources to be customized to changing needs and failed systems to be automatically fixed or replaced. Moab increases system resource availability, offers extensive cluster diagnostics, delivers powerful QoS/SLA features, and provides rich visualization of cluster performance through advanced statistics, reports, and charts.

Moab works with virtually all major resource management and resource monitoring tools. From hardware monitoring systems like IPMI to system provisioning systems and storage managers, Moab takes advantage of domain expertise to allow these systems to do what they do best, importing their state information and providing them with the information necessary to better do their job. Moab uses its global information to coordinate the activities of both resources and services, which optimizes overall performance in-line with high-level mission objectives.

Administrative Topics