Moab Workload Manager

Integrating an xCAT Physical Provisioning Resource Manager with Moab


Moab can dynamically provision compute machines to requested operating systems and power off compute machines when not in use. Moab can intelligently control xCAT and use its advanced system configuration mechanisms to adapt systems to current workload requirements. Moab communicates with xCAT using the Moab Service Manager (MSM). MSM is a translation utility that resides between Moab and xCAT and acts as aggregator and interpreter. The Moab Workload Manager will query MSM, which in turn queries xCAT, about system resources, configurations, images, and metrics. After learning about these resources from MSM, Moab then makes intelligent decisions about the best way to maximize system utilization.

In this model Moab gathers system information from two resource managers. The first is TORQUE, which handles the workload on the system; the second is MSM, which relays information gathered by xCAT. By leveraging these software packages, Moab intelligently adapts clusters to deliver on-site goals.

This document assumes that xCAT has been installed and configured. It describes the process of getting MSM and xCAT communicating, and it offers troubleshooting guidance for basic integration. This document offers a description for how to get Moab communicating with MSM and the final steps in verifying a complete software stack.

xCAT Configuration Requirements

Observe the following xCAT configuration requirements before installing MSM:

  • Configure xCAT normally for your site.
    • Test the following commands to verify proper function:
      • rpower
      • nodeset
      • makedhcp
      • makedns
      • nodestat
      • rvitals
    • If MSM will run on a different machine than the one on which xCAT runs, install the xCAT client packages on that machine, and test the previously listed commands on that machine as well.
    • Configure and test all stateful/stateless images you intend to use.
  • Configure xCAT to use either PostgreSQL or MySQL. Note that the default of SQLite may not function properly when MSM drives xCAT.
Note You must have a valid Moab license file (moab.lic) with provisioning and green enabled. For information on acquiring an evaluation license, please contact

MSM Installation

  • Determine the installation directory (usually /opt/moab/tools/msm)
  • Untar the MSM tarball into the specified directory (making it the MSM home directory, or $MSMHOMEDIR)
  • Verify the required Perl modules and version are available
  perl -e 'use Storable 2.18'
  perl -MXML::Simple -e 'exit'
  perl -MProc::Daemon -e 'exit'
  perl -MDBD::SQLite -e 'exit'

Integrating MSM and xCAT

Copy the x_msm table schema to the xCAT schema directory:

> cp $MSMHOMEDIR/contrib/xcat/ $XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_schema

Restart xcatd and check the x_msm table is correctly created:

> service xcatd restart

> tabdump x_msm

Prepare xCAT images and ensure they provision correctly (see xCAT documentation)

Populate the x_msm table with your image definitions:

> tabedit x_msm


  • flavorname - A user specified name for the image and settings; also an xCAT group name, nodes are added to this group when provisioned
  • arch - Architecture as used by xCAT
  • profile - Profile as used by xCAT
  • os - Operating system as used by xCAT
  • nodeset - One of netboot|install|statelite
  • features - Names of xCAT groups that identify special hardware features ('torque' and 'paravirt' are special cases)
  • vmoslist - Note: Not used. List of flavorname's this image may host as VMs (hypervisor images only)
  • hvtype - Note: Not used. One of esx|xen|kvm (hypervisor images only)
  • hvgroupname - Note: Not used. Name of xCAT group nodes will be added to when provisioned to this image
  • vmgroupname - Note: Not used. Name of xCAT group VMs will be added to when hosted on a hypervisor of this image
  • comments - User specified comments
  • disable - Flag to temporarily disable use of this image

Ensure all xCAT group names in the x_msm table exist in the xCAT nodegroup table

> tabedit nodegroup

Edit as necessary to simulate the following example:


After making any necessary edits, run the following command:

> nodels compute,esxi4,esxhv,esxvmmgt

  # should complete without error, ok if doesn't return anything

MSM Configuration

Edit $MSMHOMEDIR/msm.cfg and configure the xCAT plug-in. Below is a generic example for use with TORQUE without virtualization. See the section on configuration parameters for a complete list of parameters and descriptions.

  # MSM configuration options
  RMCFG[msm]        PORT=24603
  RMCFG[msm]        POLLINTERVAL=45
  RMCFG[msm]        LOGFILE=/opt/moab/log/msm.log
  RMCFG[msm]        LOGLEVEL=8
  RMCFG[msm]        DEFAULTNODEAPP=xcat
  # xCAT plugin specific options
  APPCFG[xcat]      DESCRIPTION="xCAT plugin"
  APPCFG[xcat]      MODULE=Moab::MSM::App::xCAT
  APPCFG[xcat]      LOGLEVEL=3
  APPCFG[xcat]      TIMEOUT=3600
  APPCFG[xcat]      _USEOPIDS=0
  APPCFG[xcat]      _NODERANGE=moab,esxcompute
  APPCFG[xcat]      _USESTATES=boot,netboot,install
  APPCFG[xcat]      _RPOWERTIMEOUT=120
  APPCFG[xcat]      _DONODESTAT=1

Configuration Validation

Set up environment to manually call MSM commands:

  # substitute appropriate value(s) for path(s)
  export MSMHOMEDIR=/opt/moab/tools/msm
  export MSMLIBDIR=/opt/moab/tools/msm
  export PATH=$PATH:/$MSMLIBDIR/contrib:$MSMLIBDIR/bin

Verify that MSM starts without errors:

> msmd

Verify that the expected nodes are listed, without errors, using the value of _NODERANGE from msm.cfg.

> nodels <_NODERANGE>

Verify that the expected nodes, are listed in the cluster query output from MSM:


Provision all nodes through MSM for the first time (pick and image name from x_msm):

> for i in `nodels <_NODERANGE>; do $i --set os=<image_name>;done

Verify the nodes correctly provision and that the correct OS is reported (which may take some time after the provisioning requests are made):



  • msmctl -a does not report the xCAT plugin - Check the log file (path specified in msm.cfg) for error messages. A common cause is missing Perl modules (Storable, DBD::SQLite, xCAT::Client).
  • does not report any nodes - Check that the xCAT command 'nodels <noderange>', where <noderange> is the value configured for _NODERANGE in msm.cfg, outputs the nodes expected.
  • does not report OS - MSM must provision a node to recognize what the current operating system is. It is not sufficient to look up the values in the nodetype table because MSM has no way of recognizing whether nodeset and rpower were run with the current values in the nodetype table.
  • does not report OSLIST, or does not report the expected OSLIST for a node - Check that the node belongs to the appropriate groups, particularly any listed in the features field of the x_msm table for the missing image name.

Deploying Images with TORQUE

When using MSM + xCAT to deploy images with TORQUE, there are some special configuration considerations. Most of these also apply to other workload resource managers.

Note that while the MSM xCAT plugin contains support for manipulating TORQUE directly, this is not an ideal solution. If you are using a version of xCAT that supports prescripts, it is more appropriate to write prescripts that manipulate TORQUE based on the state of the xCAT tables. This approach is also applicable to other workload resource managers, while the xCAT plugin only deals with TORQUE.

Several use cases and configuration choices are discussed in what follows.

Each image should be configured to report its image name through TORQUE. In the TORQUE pbs_mom mom_config file the "opsys" value should mirror the name of the image. See Node Manager (MOM) Configuration in the TORQUE Administrator's Guide for more information.

Installing Moab on the Management Node

Moab is the intelligence engine that coordinates the capabilities of xCAT and TORQUE to dynamically provision compute nodes to the requested operating system. Moab also schedules workload on the system and powers off idle nodes. Download and install Moab.

Moab Configuration File Example

Moab stores its configuration in the moab.cfg file: /opt/moab/moab.cfg. A sample configuration file, set up and optimized for adaptive computing follows:

# Example moab.cfg

SCHEDCFG[Moab]          SERVER=gpc-sched:42559
ADMINCFG[1]             USERS=root,egan

LOGLEVEL                7

# How often (in seconds) to refresh information from Torque and MSM

DEFERTIME               0

# Location of msm directory                                       #
#  #

TOOLSDIR                /opt/moab/tools

# TORQUE and MSM configuration                                                #
# #

RMCFG[torque]           TYPE=PBS

RMCFG[msm]        TIMEOUT=60
RMCFG[msm]        PROVDURATION=10:00


# ON DEMAND PROVISIONING SETUP                                                #
#                 #
#          #
#  #




CLASSCFG[DEFAULT]       DEFAULT.OS=scinetcompute

# GREEN POLICIES                                              #
#  #



# END Example moab.cfg

Verifying the Installation

When Moab starts it immediately communicates with its configured resource managers. In this case Moab communicates with TORQUE to get compute node and job queue information. It then communicates with MSM to determine the state of the nodes according to xCAT. It aggregates this information and processes the jobs discovered from TORQUE.

When a job is submitted, Moab determines whether nodes need to be provisioned to a particular operating system to satisfy the requirements of the job. If any nodes need to be provisioned Moab performs this action by creating a provisioning system job (a job that is internal to Moab). This system job communicates with xCAT to provision the nodes and remain active while the nodes are provisioning. Once the system job has provisioned the nodes it informs the user’s job that the nodes are ready at which time the user’s job starts running on the newly provisioned nodes.

When a node has been idle for a specified amount of time (see NODEIDLEPOWERTHRESHOLD), Moab creates a power-off system job. This job communicates with xCAT to power off the nodes and remain active in the job queue until the nodes have powered off. Then the system job informs Moab that the nodes are powered off but are still available to run jobs. The power off system job then exits.

To verify correct communication between Moab and MSM run the mdiag -R –v msm command.

$ mdiag -R -v msm
diagnosing resource managers

RM[msm]       State: Active  Type: NATIVE:MSM  ResourceType: PROV
  Timeout:            30000.00 ms
  Cluster Query URL:  $HOME/tools/msm/contrib/
  Workload Query URL: exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Job Start URL:      exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Job Cancel URL:     exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Job Migrate URL:    exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Job Submit URL:     exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Node Modify URL:    exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Node Power URL:     exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  RM Start URL:       exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/bin/msmd
  RM Stop URL:        exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/bin/msmctl?-k
  System Modify URL:  exec://$TOOLSDIR/msm/contrib/
  Environment:        MSMHOMEDIR=/home/wightman/test/scinet/tools//msm;MSMLIBDIR=/home/wightman/test/scinet/tools//msm
  Objects Reported:   Nodes=10 (0 procs)  Jobs=0
  Flags:              autosync
  Partition:          SHARED
  Event Management:   (event interface disabled)
  RM Performance:     AvgTime=0.10s  MaxTime=0.25s  (38 samples)
  RM Languages:       NATIVE
  RM Sub-Languages:   -

To verify nodes are configured to provision use the checknode -v command. Each node will have a list of available operating systems.

$ checknode n01
node n01

State:      Idle  (in current state for 00:00:00)
Configured Resources: PROCS: 4  MEM: 1024G  SWAP: 4096M  DISK: 1024G
Utilized   Resources: ---
Dedicated  Resources: ---
Generic Metrics:    watts=25.00,temp=40.00
Power Policy:       Green (global policy)   Selected Power State: Off
Power State:   Off
Power:      Off
  MTBF(longterm):   INFINITY  MTBF(24h):   INFINITY
Opsys:      compute   Arch:      ---
  OS Option: compute
  OS Option: computea
  OS Option: gpfscompute
  OS Option: gpfscomputea
Speed:      1.00      CPULoad:   0.000
Flags:      rmdetected
EffNodeAccessPolicy: SINGLEJOB

Total Time: 00:02:30  Up: 00:02:19 (92.67%)  Active: 00:00:11 (7.33%)

To verify nodes are configured for Green power management, run the mdiag –G command. Each node will show its power state.

$ mdiag -G
NOTE:  power management enabled for all nodes
Partition ALL:  power management enabled
  Partition NodeList:
Partition local:  power management enabled
  Partition NodeList:
  node n01 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n02 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n03 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n04 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n05 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n06 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n07 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n08 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n09 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
  node n10 is in state Idle, power state On (green powerpolicy enabled)
Partition SHARED:  power management enabled

To submit a job that dynamically provisions compute nodes, run the msub –l os=<image> command.

$ msub -l os=computea

$ showq

active jobs------------------------

provision-4            root    Running     8    00:01:00  Fri Jun 19 09:12:56

1 active job               8 of 40 processors in use by local jobs (20.00%)
                           2 of 10 nodes active      (20.00%)

eligible jobs----------------------

yuby.3             wightman       Idle     8    00:10:00  Fri Jun 19 09:12:55

1 eligible job

blocked jobs-----------------------

0 blocked jobs

Total jobs:  2

Notice that Moab created a provisioning system job named provision-4 to provision the nodes. When provision-4 detects that the nodes are correctly provisioned to the requested OS, the submitted job yuby.3 runs:

$ showq

active jobs------------------------

yuby.3             wightman    Running     8    00:08:49  Fri Jun 19 09:13:29

1 active job               8 of 40 processors in use by local jobs (20.00%)
                           2 of 10 nodes active      (20.00%)

eligible jobs----------------------

0 eligible jobs

blocked jobs-----------------------

0 blocked jobs

Total job:  1

The checkjob command shows information about the provisioning job as well as the submitted job. If any errors occur, run the checkjob –v <jobid> command to diagnose failures.

xCAT Plug-in Configuration Parameters

Plugin parameters that begin with an underscore character are specific to the xCAT plug-in; others are common to all plug-ins and may either be set in the RMCFG[msm] for all plug-ins, or per plug-in in the APPCFG[<plugin_name>].

Double quoted string containing brief description of plugin.
This information is not visible in Moab, but shows up in 'msmctl -a'.
Name of the plugin module to load.
Used to control the verbosity of logging, 1 being the lowest (least information logged) and 9 being the highest ( most information logged ). For initial setup and testing, 8 is recommended, then lowering to 3 (only errors logged) for normal operation. Use 9 for debugging, or when submitting a log file for support.
Integer > 0

MSM will query xCAT every POLLINTERVAL seconds to update general node status. This number will likely require tuning for each specific system. In general, to develop this number, you should pick a fraction of the total nodes MSM will be managing ( 1/_CQXCATSESSIONS ), and time how long it takes run nodestat, rpower stat, and optionally rvitals on these nodes, and add ~15%.

Increasing the POLLINTERVAL will lower the overall load on the xCAT headnode, but decrease the responsiveness to provisioning and power operations.

Integer value > POLLINTERVAL
This parameter controls how long MSM will wait for child processed to complete (all xCAT commands are run in child processes). After TIMEOUT seconds, if a child has not returned it will be killed, and an error reported for the operation.
Any valid noderange (see the xCAT noderange manpage).
When MSM queries xCAT this is the noderange it will use. At sites where xCAT manages other hardware that Moab is not intended to control, it is important to change this.
Positive integer > 1
MSM will divide the node list generated by 'nodels ' into this many groups and simulataneously query xCAT for each group. The value may need tuning for large installations, higher values will cause the time to complete a single cluster query to go down, but cause a higher load on the xCAT headnode.
When set to 1, MSM will poll rvitals power and led status (see the xCAT rvitals manpage). This only works with IBM BMCs currently. In order to use this, xCAT should respond without error to the 'rvitals <noderange> watts' and 'rvitals <noderange> leds' commands. Status is reported as GMETRTIC[watts] and GMETRIC[leds]. See also the _POWERSTRING configuration parameter.
'AC Avg Power'
single quote delimited string
Only meaningful when used with _DORVITALS=1. Some BMCs return multiple responses to the rvitals command, or use slightly different text to describe the power metrics. Use this parameter to control what is reported to Moab. You can use '$MSMLIBDIR/contrib/xcat/ rvitals <node_name> power' and examine the output to determine what the appropriate value of this string is.
If set to 0, MSM will not call nodestat to generated a substate. This can be used to speed up the time it takes to query xCAT, and you do not need the substate visible to Moab.
If Set to 1, MSM will track performance statistics about calls to xCAT, and the performance of higher level operations. The information is available via the script $MSMHOMEDIR/contrib/xcat/ This parameter is useful for tuning the POLLINTERVAL and _CQXCATSESSIONS configuration parameters.
Existing path on MSM host
This is a path to where MSM maintains lock files to control concurrency with some Xen and KVM operations.
key value in the xCAT passwd table
This is where MSM gets the user/password to communicate with ESX hypervisors.
Comma delimited string of xCAT group names.
MSM builds the OSLIST for a node as the intersection of _FEATUREGROUPS, features specified in x_msm for that image, and the nodes group membership. The value 'torque' is special, and indicates that the image uses TORQUE, and the node should be added/removed from torque during provisioning when used in conjunction with the _MODIFYTORQUE parameter.
If not explicitly specified in the create request, MSM will create VMs with this many processors.
Positive integer values, minimum is determined by your vm image needs
If not explicitly specified in the create request, MSM will create VMs with this much disk allocated.
Positive integer values, minimum is determined by your vm image needs
If not specified, MSM will create VMs with this much memory allocated.
Existing path on MSM host
File backed disk location for stateful KVM VMS will be placed here.
Mountable NFS Path
Location of ESX stores.
Mountable NFS Path
Location of ESX VM configuration files.
Name of bridge device in your VM image
Bridge device name passed to libvirt for network configration of VMs (overrides _XENHOSTINTERFACES and _KVMHOSTINTERFACES if specified).
Name of bridge device in your VM image
Bridge device name passed to libvirt for network configration of Xen VMs.
Name of bridge device in your VM image
Bridge device name passed to libvirt for network configration of KVM VMs.
Setting this attribute will cause VMs to be reported to Moab with SOVEREIGN=1 in the VARATTR Flag. Setting this causes Moab to reserve VMs memory and procs on the hypervisor, and treat the VM as the workload - additional workload cannot be scheduled on the VMs.
Valid xCAT chain.currstate values (see the xCAT chain manpage)
Nodes that do not have one of these values in the xCAT chain.currstate field will reported with STATE=Updating. Use this configuration parameter to prevent Moab from scheduling nodes that are updating firmware, etc.
Existing xCAT table that contains your image definitions.
This table specifies the images that may be presented to Moab in a nodes OSLIST. The xCAT schema for this table is defined in $MSMHOMEDIR/contrib/xcat/, which needs to be copied to the $XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_schema directory.

If set, MSM will attempt to confirm that rpower requests were successful by polling the power state with rpower stat until the node reports the expected state, or _RPOWERTIMEOUT is reached.

NOTE: This can create significant load on the xCAT headnode.

Positive integer values
Only meaningful when used with _VerifyRPower. If nodes do not report the expected power state in this amount of time, a GEVENT will be produced on the node (or system job).

When set, this parameter will cause MSM to aggregate rpower requests to xCAT into batches. The timing and size of these batches is controlled with the _RPOWERQUEUEAGE and _RPOWERQUEUESIZE parameters.

NOTE: This can significantly reduce load on the xCAT headnode, but will cause the power commands to take longer, and MSM shutdown to take longer.

Positive integer values
Only meaningful when used with _QUEUERPOWER. MSM will send any pending rpower requests when the oldest request in the queue exceeds this value (seconds).
Positive integer values
Only meaningful when used with _QUEUERPOWER. MSM will send any pending rpower requests when the queue depth exceeds this value.
When set, this parameter will cause MSM to report OS=None for nodes that are powered off. This may be useful when mixing stateless and stateful images, forcing Moab to request provisioning instead of just powering on a node.
When set, this parameter will cause MSM to add and removes nodes and VMs from TORQUE as required by provisioning. See the _FEATUREGROUPS parameter as well.
When set, this parameter will cause MSM to report NETADDR=<hosts.ip from xCAT>.
When set, this parameter will cause errors to be reported as GEVENTs on the provided system job, instead of a node (Moab 5.4 only, with appropriate Moab CFG)
Comma separated list of dynamic ranges for VM (ex ',')
Use this parameter to specify a pool of IPs that MSM should assign to VMs at creation time. IPs are selected sequentially from this list as available. Ommit this configuration parameter if an external service is managing IP assignment, or if they are all previously statically assigned.
Use to configure MSM to communicate with xCAT on another host.