(Quick Reference)

Creating Plugins

Required Fields and Methods

Only a single field or two methods are required to be defined to create a custom plugin. The field depends on whether the AbstractPlugin class is inherited in the custom plugin.

Inheriting AbstractPlugin

When the custom plugin extends the AbstractPlugin class, a single field named pluginPersistenceService needs to be defined. This service is used in the default implementation of the poll method by updating jobs, nodes, and virtual machines retrieved with the custom implementations of getJobs, getNodes, and getVirtualMachines. If one or more of these methods are not defined, they will simply not be used.

Declaring the required field is achieved in different ways for Java and Groovy respectively.


  • public IPluginPersistenceService getPluginPersistenceService()
  • public void setPluginPersistenceService(IPluginPersistenceService pluginPersistenceService)


  • IPluginPersistenceService pluginPersistenceService (both methods will be inserted by groovy dynamically for this field)

Not Inheriting AbstractPlugin

When the AbstractPlugin is not used, only a single field is required - id. Again, this is achieved in two different ways depending on the language used.


  • public String getId()
  • public void setId(String id)


  • String id (both methods will be inserted by groovy dynamically for this field)

Using Services

To use the built-in services, declare a variable with the correct name as a property in the plugin class.

Using Services in Java
package example;

import com.ace.mws.plugins.services.*;

class ExamplePlugin { IPluginControlService pluginControlService; IPluginDatabaseService pluginDatabaseService; IPluginConfigurationService pluginConfigurationService;

public List<?> getNodes() { // Use service… pluginControlService.stop("pluginId"); } }

Using Services in Groovy
package example;

import com.ace.mws.plugins.services.*;

class ExamplePlugin { def pluginControlService def pluginDatabaseService def pluginConfigurationService

public List<?> getNodes() { // Use service… pluginControlService.stop("pluginId") } }

Creating Custom Web Services

Add any public method with a single Map argument that returns a list, map, or complex object. This can then be called as a web service.

The return value of the method is translated directly to the JSON returned to the caller. For this reason, a simple type such as String, Integer, or Double may not be returned. It is recommended to use a list of a single element if a simple type is desired to be returned.