(Quick Reference)

Moab® Web Services 7.0.3 Reference Guide

1 Introduction

1.1 Moab® Web Services Overview

Moab Web Services (MWS) is a component of Adaptive Computing Suites that enables programmatic interaction with Moab Workload Manager via a RESTful interface. MWS allows you to create and interact with Moab objects and properties such as jobs, nodes, virtual machines, and reservations. MWS is the preferred method for those wishing to create custom user interfaces for Moab and is the primary method by which Moab Viewpoint communicates with Moab.

MWS communicates with the Moab Workload Manager (MWM) server using the same wire protocol as the Moab command-line interface. By publishing a standard interface into Moab's intelligence, MWS significantly reduces the amount of work required to integrate MWM into your solution.

This documentation is intended for developers performing such integrations. If you are a Moab administrator, and for conceptual information about MWM, see the Moab Administrator's Guide.

1.2 Installation Guide

These instructions describe how to deploy the Moab® Web Services (MWS) to a Tomcat server.

1.2.1 Requirements

Hardware Requirements

  • Dual core processor
  • At least 4 GB of RAM

Software Requirements

  • Moab® Workload Manager 7.0
  • Oracle® Java® 6 Runtime Environment
  • Apache Tomcat™ 6
  • MongoDB® 2.0.1 or later

Oracle Java 6 Runtime Environment is the only supported Java environment.

All other versions of Java, including Oracle Java 7, OpenJDK/IcedTea, GNU Compiler for Java, and so on, cannot run Moab Web Services.

1.2.2 Quickstart Guide

You must deploy Moab Web Services (MWS) on the same server as Moab Workload Manager (MWM).
  • Make sure that you have first installed and configured Moab Workload Manager as desired.
  • Generate a secret key to be used for communication between MWM and MWS.

Before you create the key file, make sure Moab Workload Manager is not running. Otherwise, all Moab client commands will stop working. Example: service moab stop
    • Here is a script you can use to generate the key:

dd if=/dev/urandom count=18 bs=1 2>/dev/null | base64 > /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key
chown root /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key
chmod 400 /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key
ln -f /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key /opt/moab/.moab.key
  • Start MWM. Example: service moab start
  • Install MongoDB version 2.0.1 or later on the MWM server using packages (recommended) or manual installation.
    • Packages (recommended) are available from the Mongo-provided repositories for CentOS and Fedora or Ubuntu and Debian.
    • After installing the packages, start MongoDB and arrange for it to start automatically during server startup.
      • Here is an example for CentOS and Fedora:
        • /sbin/chkconfig mongod on
        • /etc/init.d/mongod start
      • For Ubuntu and Debian, see the Configuration section of this page for examples.
    • For manual installation (not recommended), follow these instructions. Be sure to start the Mongo server (mongod) after installation and arrange for it to start automatically during server startup (by writing and registering an /etc/init.d script, for example).
  • Download, install, and enable the 64-bit version of the Oracle Java SE 6 JRE.

Oracle Java 6 Runtime Environment is the only supported Java environment.

All other versions of Java, including Oracle Java 7, OpenJDK/IcedTea, GNU Compiler for Java, and so on, cannot run Moab Web Services.

    • Here is an example for a CentOS system:

sh jre-6u33-linux-x64-rpm.bin
rm -f /usr/bin/java
ln -s /etc/alternatives/java /usr/bin/java
/usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jre1.6.0_33/bin/java 500
/usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/java/jre1.6.0_33/bin/java
The alternatives command is called update-alternatives on some Linux distributions.
    • You can verify the Java installation by running the following command:

java -version
    • The output should look similar to this:

java version "1.6.0_33"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_33-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.8-b03, mixed mode)

The default location for the MWS home directory is /opt/mws. These instructions assume the default location.
    • Give the Tomcat user read access to these directories and write access to the plugins and log directories.
    • Here is a sample script for these steps:

mkdir -p /opt/mws/etc /opt/mws/hooks /opt/mws/plugins /opt/mws/log
chown -R tomcat /opt/mws # Depending on your OS, the Tomcat username might be tomcat6.
chmod -R 555 /opt/mws
chmod u+w /opt/mws/plugins /opt/mws/log
  • Extract the contents of the MWS tarball into a temporary directory. Example:

mkdir /tmp/mws-install
cd /tmp/mws-install
tar xvzf $HOME/Downloads/mws-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd /tmp/mws-install/mws-<VERSION>
  • Set up the MWS configuration file.
    • In the extracted MWS directory is a sample configuration file: mws-config.groovy. Copy this file to /opt/mws/etc.
    • Give the Tomcat user read access to /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy.
    • In the /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy file, change these settings:
      • moab.secretKey: needs to match the MWM secret key you generated earlier (contained in /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key)
      • auth.defaultUser.username: any value you like, or leave as is
      • auth.defaultUser.password: any value you like, but choose a good password

vi /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy

… moab.secretKey = "<ENTER-KEY-HERE>" moab.server = "localhost" moab.port = 42559

// Change these to be whatever you like. auth.defaultUser.username = "admin" auth.defaultUser.password = "adminpw"

If you do not change auth.defaultUser.password, then your MWS is not secure, since anyone reading these instructions can log into your MWS. Here are some tips for choosing a good password.
  • Set the following parameters in your Tomcat CATALINA_OPTS:

CATALINA_OPTS="-DMWS_HOME=/opt/mws -Xms256m -Xmx3g -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"
Where you choose to store CATALINA_OPTS depends on various factors, including operating system and sysadmin preference. Here are some suggestions:
  • CentOS™ 5 and 6: /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5 and 6: /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
  • SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server 11: /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf
  • Ubuntu® 10.04: /etc/default/tomcat6

  • Start Tomcat and deploy mws.war. Example:

chkconfig tomcat6 on
service tomcat6 start
cp /tmp/mws-install/mws-<VERSION>/mws.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps
  • Visit http://localhost:8080/mws/ in a web browser to verify that MWS is running. You will see some sample queries and a few other actions.
  • Log into MWS to verify that the MWS credentials are working. (The credentials are the values of auth.defaultUser.username and auth.defaultUser.password that you set above.)

If you encounter problems, or if MWS does not seem to be running, see the steps below in the Troubleshooting section.

1.2.3 Troubleshooting Installation

If something goes wrong with MWS, look in the following files:
  1. The MWS log file. By default this is /opt/mws/log/mws.log.
  2. The Tomcat catalina.out file, usually in /var/log/tomcat6 or $CATALINA_HOME/logs.

If you remove the log4j configuration from mws-config.groovy, MWS will write its log files to For Tomcat, is generally set to $CATALINA_BASE/temp or CATALINA_TMPDIR.

Here is a list of some errors and their fixes:

MongoDB Errors

If the application fails to start and gives error messages such as these:

Error creating bean with name 'mongoDatastore'
can't say something; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoException
MongoDB is most likely not running, or the host and port are mis-configured. Start MongoDB or reconfigure MWS and restart MWS.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Increase the size of the heap using JVM options -Xms and -Xmx. Here are the suggested values from the Quickstart Guide:

CATALINA_OPTS="-DMWS_HOME=/opt/mws -Xms256m -Xmx3g -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"
  • -Xms: Set initial Java heap size.
  • -Xmx: Set maximum Java heap size.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Increase the size of the permanent generation using JVM option -XX:MaxPermSize. Here are the suggested values from the Quickstart Guide:

CATALINA_OPTS="-DMWS_HOME=/opt/mws -Xms256m -Xmx3g -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"

SEVERE: Context [/mws] startup failed due to previous errors

If catalina.out contains this error, look in /opt/mws/log/mws.log and /opt/mws/log/stacktrace.log for more details on the error.

Moab Reached Maximum Number of Concurrent Client Connections

When this error message is encountered, simply add a new line to the moab.cfg file:


This will change the Moab configuration when Moab is restarted. Run the following command to immediately use the new setting:


The number 256 above may be substituted for the desired maximum number of MWM client connections.

1.3 Configuration

This section describes where Moab Web Services searches for its configuration files. It also shows some examples of how to configure logging.

To see a full reference to all configuration and logging parameters available in MWS, see the Configuration page under Moab Web Services in the Quick Reference menu.

Home Directory

The MWS home directory contains all configuration as well as other files that serve features of MWS such as hooks and plugins. This is typically set by using the MWS_HOME property as explained in the Quickstart Guide. If MWS_HOME is not set as a Java property or as an environment variable for the current application container (i.e. Tomcat), /opt/mws will be used as the default MWS_HOME. If no configuration files are found in MWS_HOME, MOABHOMEDIR will be used. If this property also does not exist, the home directory will default to /opt/moab.

MWS_HOME or MOABHOMEDIR can be set either as a Java property or as an environment variable. See the Quickstart Guide for suggestions on how to set MWS_HOME.

The home directory consists of several sub-directories:

  • etc - Used for storing configuration files.
  • hooks - Used for storing hook files. This is not required if hooks are not being used.
  • plugins - Used for storing plugin types. This is not required if custom plugin types are not being used.

The hooks and plugins directories should be writable by the application container's user, such as the tomcat user.

Configuration File Locations

MWS searches the following directories for configuration files in the order shown below. As soon as a configuration file is found in one of these directories, that file is loaded and searching stops. If a file exists in the same directory, it will be loaded as well.

  • MWS_HOME/etc
  • /opt/mws/etc
  • /opt/mws
  • /opt/moab/etc
  • /opt/moab

  • In each directory, MWS looks first for mws-config.groovy and then for If it finds mws-config.groovy, it does not look for
  • mws-config.groovy uses a style that is similar to a Java properties file with some extensions from Groovy.
  • is a regular Java properties file.

Logging Configuration Using mws-config.groovy

Shown below is an example that logs all error messages and fatal messages to /opt/mws/log/mws.log. It also logs all stack traces to /opt/mws/log/stacktrace.log.

Minimal Logging Configuration
log4j = {
	appenders {
		rollingFile name: 'stacktrace',
			file: '/opt/mws/log/stacktrace.log',
			maxFileSize: '1GB'
		rollingFile name: 'rootLog',
			file: '/opt/mws/log/mws.log',
			threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR,
			maxFileSize: '1GB'
	root {
		debug 'rootLog'

Alternatively, you may configure a console appender instead of a rolling file as shown below.

Console Logging Configuration
log4j = {
	appenders {
		rollingFile name: 'stacktrace',
			file: '/opt/mws/log/stacktrace.log',
			maxFileSize: '1GB'
		console name: 'consoleLog',
			threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR
	root {
		debug 'consoleLog'

  • For the examples above, you must make sure that /opt/mws/log exists and is writable by the application server.
  • You may configure logging using either mws-config.groovy or a regular file. The file must be in the same directory as the mws-config.groovy file.
  • If you do not define any log4j configuration, MWS will write its log files to For Tomcat, is generally set to $CATALINA_BASE/temp or CATALINA_TMPDIR.

For all possible configuration options, see the Configuration section in the reference guide.

1.4 Security

When running MWS in production environments, security is a major concern. This section focuses on securing the three kinds of connections with MWS:
  1. The connection between MWS and Moab Workload Manager (MWM)
  2. The connection between MWS and MongoDB
  3. The connections between clients and MWS

Connection with MWM

MWS communicates with MWM via the Moab Wire Protocol, which uses a direct connection between the two applications. The communication over this connection uses a shared secret key, which is discussed in the Quickstart Guide. However, the communication is not encrypted and is therefore susceptible to eavesdropping and replay attacks. For this reason, MWS is supported only when running on the same machine as MWM. This assures that any connections between the two applications occur internally on the server and are not exposed to external users.

Connection with MongoDB

By default, the connection between MWS and MongoDB is not authenticated. To enable authentication between them, see the instructions below.

  • MWS Configuration: see the Configuration reference guide for information on the grails.mongo properties to set in mws-config.groovy.
  • MongoDB Configuration: see the MongoDB Security and Authentication guide. Generally, the following steps are required:
    • Add an administrative user to MongoDB in the admin database.
    • Start MongoDB with authentication activated (using the --auth command-line option for example).
    • Log in as the administrative user to the admin database.
    • Add a user for MWS to use with full read and write access to the database specified in the configuration file (mws by default).
    • Change the proper configuration file properties with the created username and password.
    • Restart MWS by restarting the servlet container (Tomcat).

If authentication is activated on MongoDB, but the user was not properly created or configured with MWS, MWS will not start. See the log file(s) for additional information in this case.

Client Connections to MWS

All connections to MWS, except those requesting the documentation or the main page, must be authenticated properly. MWS uses a single-trusted-user authentication model, meaning a single user exists that has access to all aspects of MWS. The username and password for this user are configured with the auth.defaultUser properties in the configuration file. See the Configuration reference guide for more information.

When using the MWS user interface in a browser, the user will be prompted for username and password. For information on how to authenticate requests when not using a browser, see the API Security section in the user guide.

The username and password in the Basic Authentication header are encoded but not encrypted. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that MWS be run behind a proxy (like Apache) with SSL enabled. The instructions below provide an example of how to do this.

Encrypting Client Connections using Apache and SSL

This section shows how to encrypt client connections to MWS using Apache and SSL. These instructions have been tested on CentOS™ 6.2 with the "Web Server" software set installed. The same ideas are applicable to other operating systems, but the details might be different. As shown in the diagram below, these instructions assume that Tomcat and Apache are running on the same server.

Instead of creating a self-signed certificate, you can buy a certificate from a certificate vendor. If you do, then the vendor will provide instructions on how to configure Apache with your certificate.
    • Run these commands:

cd /etc/pki/tls/certs
cp -p make-dummy-cert make-dummy-cert.bak
cp -p localhost.crt localhost.crt.bak
    • Edit make-dummy-cert and replace the answers() function with code similar to this:

answers() {
		echo US
		echo Utah
		echo Provo
		echo Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
		echo Engineering
    • Run this command:

./make-dummy-cert localhost.crt
  • Configure Apache to use the new certificate and to redirect MWS requests to Tomcat. To do so, edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.
    • Comment out this line:

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
    • Add these lines near the end, just above </VirtualHost>:

ProxyPass /mws retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /mws
  • Configure Apache to use SSL for all MWS requests.
    • Add these lines to the end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (/mws.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
  • Give Apache permission to connect to Tomcat.

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
  • Turn on Apache.

chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start
  • Using system-config-firewall-tui, enable "Secure WWW (HTTPS)" and "WWW (HTTP)" as trusted services.

1.5 Version and Build Information

To get detailed version information about MWS, use one of the following three methods:


Using a browser, visit the MWS home page (for example, http://localhost:8080/mws/). At the bottom of the page is the MWS version information. See the screenshot below:

REST Request

Using a REST client or other HTTP client software, send a GET request to the rest/diag/about resource. Here is an example:

curl -u username:password http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/diag/about

This resource is also described under Diagnostics.


If MWS fails to start, version and build information can be found in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file inside the MWS WAR file. The version properties begin with Implementation. Below is an excerpt of a MANIFEST.MF file:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 20.4-b02 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: mws
Bundle-SymbolicName: mws
Bundle-Version: 7.0.0


Implementation-Build: 4 Implementation-Build-Date: 2012-02-07_17-01-39 Implementation-Revision: 9e109b9a4289800a2c985082d7595d759807aca9

Name: Grails Application Implementation-Title: mws Implementation-Version: 7.0.0 Grails-Version: 1.3.7

2 API Documentation


The Moab® Web Services (MWS) provide a set of RESTful resources that can be used to create, read, update, and delete various objects in the Moab® Workload Manager.

2.1 Data Format

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the data format used for all communication with MWS. This format makes use of two main structures: collections of key/value pairs called objects and ordered lists of values called arrays . Objects are defined by using curly braces ({}), and arrays are defined by using square brackets ([]). A JSON object or array may contain several different types of values including numbers, booleans (true/false), strings, objects, arrays, or the keyword 'null' representing no value. For example, a simple JSON object might be defined as:

  "number": 1,
  "decimalNumber": 1.2,
  "boolean": true,
  "string": "Any string",
  "object": {
    "key": "value"
  "array": [
  "nullValue": null

For more information on JSON, see

The data format of MWS is defined as follows:

  • Input for a POST or PUT must be in JSON format. Set the Content-Type header to application/json.
  • Output is in JSON format and always consists of an object with zero or more key/value pairs.
  • The output may also be "pretty-printed" or formatted for human viewing by sending a URL parameter. See Global URL Parameters for more information.

2.2 Global URL Parameters

All URL parameters are optional.

ParameterValid ValuesDescription
pretty true Controls pretty printing of output
fieldsComma-Separated StringIncludes only specified fields in output
exclude-fieldsComma-Separated StringExcludes specified fields from output
maxIntegerThe maximum number of items to return
offsetIntegerThe index of the first item to return

Pretty (pretty)

By default, the output is easy for a machine to read but difficult for humans to read. The pretty parameter formats the output so that it is easier to read.

Field Selection (fields)

The fields parameter will include only the specified fields in the output. For list queries, the field selection acts on the objects in results and not on the totalCount or results properties themselves.

The format of the fields parameter is a comma-separated list of properties that should be included, as in id,state. Using periods, sub-objects may also be specified, and fields of these objects may be included as well. This is done with the same syntax for both single sub-objects and lists of sub-objects, as in id,requirements.requiredNodeCountMinimum,blockReason.message.

Example for a job query

GET /rest/jobs?fields=id,flags,requirements.requiredProcessorCountMinimum,schedule.offset

  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "id": "job.1",
    "flags": ["RESTARTABLE"],
    "requirements": [{"requiredProcessorCountMinimum": 4}],
    "schedule": {"offset": 100}

Field Exclusion (exclude-fields)

The exclude-fields parameter is the opposite of the fields parameter. All fields will be included in the output except those that are specified. For list queries, the field exclusion acts on the objects in results and not on the totalCount or results properties themselves.

The format of the exclude-fields parameter is a comma-separated list of properties that should be excluded from the output, as in id,state. Using periods, sub-objects may also be specified, and fields of these objects may be excluded as well. This is done with the same syntax for both single sub-objects and lists of sub-objects, as in id,requirements.requiredNodeCountMinimum,blockReason.message.


Suppose a query returns the following JSON:

Request with No Field Exclusion
GET /objects

  "id": "1",
  "listOfStrings":   [
  "listOfObjects": [  {
    "item1": "value1",
    "item2": "value2"
  "singleObject":   {
    "id": "obj1",
    "field1": "value1"

The same query with exclude-fields would return the following output:

Request with Field Exclusion
GET /objects?exclude-fields=id,listOfObjects.item2,singleObject.field1,listOfStrings

  "listOfObjects": [{"item1": "value1"}],
  "singleObject": {"id": "obj1"}

Sorting (sort)

Services, Service Templates, and Images support sorting based on MongoDB syntax by using the sort parameter. To sort in ascending order, specify a 1 for the sorting field. To sort in descending order, specify a -1. Objects can also be sorted on nested fields by using dot notation to separate the sub-fields, such as field.subfield1.subfield2.


To sort services in ascending order by account:


To sort services in descending order by account:


To sort services in descending order by processors:


To sort service templates in ascending order by name:


To sort service templates in descending order by name:


To sort service templates in ascending order by the nested field template:


2.3 Responses and Return Codes

Various HTTP responses and return codes are generated from MWS operations. These are documented below according to the operation that they are associated with.

Listing and Showing Resources

For any successful list or show operation (GET), a 200 OK response code is always returned. No additional headers beyond those typical of a HTTP response are given in the response.

The body of this response consists of the results of the list or show operation. For a list operation, the results are wrapped in metadata giving total and result counts. The result count represents the number of resource records returned in the current request, and the total count represents the number of all records available. These differ when querying or the max and offset parameters are used. The following is an example of a list operation response:

JSON List Response Body

For a show operation, the result is given as a single object:

JSON Show Response Body

Creating Resources

A successful creation (POST) of a resource has two potential response codes:

  • If the resource was created immediately, a 201 Created response code is returned.
  • If the resource is still being created, a 202 Accepted response code is returned.

In either case, a Location header is added to the response with the full URL which can be used to get more information about the newly created resource or the task associated with creating the resource (if a 202 is returned).

Additionally, the body of the response will contain the unique identifier of the newly created resource or the unique identifier for the task associated with creating the resource (if a 202 is returned).

For example, during creation or submission of a job, a 201 response code is returned with the following response headers and body:

Job Creation Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: /mws/rest/jobs/Moab.21
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 16
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:04:47 GMT

Job Creation Response Body

For another resource that is not immediately created, such as virtual machines, the response headers and body are shown below. In this case, a job is submitted to track the progress of the VM creation. This job contains information pertaining to the VM that is being created.

VM Creation Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: /mws/rest/jobs/vmcreate-1
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 23
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:12:50 GMT

VM Creation Response Body

As can be seen, the body of the response contains only a job ID and not the ID of the virtual machine.

Modifying Resources

For any successful resource modification operation (PUT), a 200 OK or 202 Accepted response code is returned. A 200 response code signifies that the modification was immediately completed. No additional headers are returned in this case. A 202 response code is used again to signify that the modification is not yet complete and additional actions are taking place. In this case, a Location header is also returned with the full URL of the resource describing the additional actions.

In the case of a 200 response code, the body of this response typically consists of an object with a single messages property containing a list of statuses or results of the modification(s). However, a few exceptions to this rule exist as documented in the Resources section. In the case of a 202 response code, the format is the same as for a 202 during a creation operation, in that the body consists of an object with the unique identifier for the task associated with the additional action(s).

For example, when modifying a job, several messages may be returned as follows with the associated 200 response code.

Job Modification Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: …
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 16:49:43 GMT

JSON Modify Response Body
		"gevent processed",
		"variables successfully modified"

When modifying a virtual machine, however, the action sometimes does not occur immediately, such as when migrating the VM to another hypervisor as described in the VM documentation. In this case, the headers and response body are as follows:

VM Modification Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: /mws/rest/jobs/vmmigrate-1
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 22
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:12:50 GMT

VM Modification Response Body

Deleting Resources

For any successful resource deletion operation (DELETE), a 200 OK or 202 Accepted response code is returned. A 200 response code signifies that the deletion was immediately completed. No additional headers are returned in this case. A 202 response code is used again to signify that the deletion is not yet complete and additional actions are taking place. In this case, a Location header is also returned with the full URL of the resource describing the additional actions.

In the case of a 200 response code, the body of this response is empty. In the case of a 202 response code, the format is the same as for a 202 during a creation operation, in that the body consists of an object with the unique identifier for the task associated with the additional action(s).

For example, when deleting a job, a 200 response code is returned with an empty body as shown below.

Job Deletion Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 16:49:43 GMT

When deleting a virtual machine, however, the action does not occur immediately. In this case, the headers and response body are as follows:

VM Deletion Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: /mws/rest/jobs/vmdestroy-1
X-Moab-Status: Success
X-Moab-Code: 000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 22
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:12:50 GMT

VM Deletion Response Body

Moab Response Headers

In addition to the typical HTTP headers and the Location header described above, several headers are returned if the operations directly interact with Moab. These headers are described in the following table:

X-Moab-StatusOne of Success, Warning, or Failure. Describes the overall status of the Moab request.
X-Moab-CodeA three digit code specifying the exact error encountered, used only in debugging.
X-Moab-MessageAn optional message returned by Moab during the request.

2.4 Error Messages

Below is an explanation of what error message format to expect when an HTTP status code other than 20x is returned. All error codes have a response code of 400 or greater.

400 Bad Request

This response code is returned when the request itself is at fault, such as when trying to modify a resource with an empty PUT request body or when trying to create a new resource with invalid parameters. The response body is as follows:

		"Message describing error",
		"Possible prompt to take action"

401 Unauthorized

This response code is returned when authentication credentials are not supplied or are invalid. The response body is as follows:

		"You are unauthorized to access this area"

404 Not Found

This response code is returned when the request specifies a resource that does not exist. The response body is as follows:

		"The resource with id 'uniqueId' was not found"

405 Method Not Allowed

This response code is returned when a resource does not support the specified HTTP method as an operation. The response body is as follows:

		"The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource"

500 Internal Server Error

This indicates that there was an internal server error while performing the request, or that an operation failed in an unexpected manner. These are the most serious errors returned by MWS. If additional information is needed, the MWS log may contain further error data. The response body is as follows:

		"A problem occurred while processing the request",
		"A message describing the error"

2.5 Pre and Post-Processing Hooks

MWS provides functionality to intercept and modify data sent to and returned from web services for all available resources. This is done by creating hooks in Groovy files located in a sub-directory of the MWS_HOME directory (/opt/mws/hooks, MOABHOMEDIR/hooks, or /opt/moab/hooks if MWS_HOME is not set).

The full reference for available hooks and methods available to them can be found on the Hooks page in the reference guide.

Configuring Hooks

The directory of the hooks folder may be changed by providing a value for mws.hooks.location in the configuration file. If the directory starts with a path separator (ie /path/to/hooks), it will be treated as an absolute path. Otherwise, it will be used relative to the location of the MWS home directory.

For example, if the MWS home directory is set to /opt/mws, the hooks directory by default would be in /opt/mws/hooks. Changing the mws.hooks.location property to myhooks would result in the hooks directory being located at /opt/mws/myhooks. Due to the default location of the MWS home directory, the default directory of the hooks directory is /opt/moab/hooks.

On startup, if the hooks directory does not exist, it will be created with a simple README.txt file with instructions on how to create hooks, the objects available, and the hooks available. If the folder or file is unable to be created, a message will be printed on the log with the full location of a README file, copied into a temporary directory.

Defining Hooks for a Resource

Hooks are defined for resources by creating groovy class files in the hooks directory (MWS_HOME/hooks by default). Each groovy file must be named by the resource URL it is associated with and end in ".groovy". The following table shows some possible hook files that may be created. Notice that the virtual machines hook file is abbreviated as vms, just as the URL for virtual machines is /rest/vms. In all cases, the hook file names will match the URLs.

ResourceHook Filename
Virtual Machinesvms.groovy
Pending Actionspending-actions.groovy
url url.groovy

A complete example of a hook file is as follows:

Complete Hook File
// Example before hook
def beforeList = {
	// Perform actions here
	// Return true to allow the API call to execute normally
	return true

def beforeShow = { // Perform actions here // Render messages to the user with a 405 Method Not Allowed // HTTP response code renderMessages("Custom message here", 405) // Return false to stop normal execution of the API call return false }

// Example after hook def afterList = { o -> if (!isSuccess()) { // Handle error here return false } // Perform actions here return o }

As the specific format for the hooks for before and after are different, each will be explained separately.

Before Hooks

As shown above, before hooks require no arguments. They can directly act on several properties, objects, and methods as described in the Hooks reference guide. The return value is one of the most important aspects of a before hook. If it is false, a renderMessages, renderObject, renderList, render, or redirect method must first be called. This signifies that the API call should be interrupted and the render or redirect action specified within the hook is to be completed immediately.

A return value of true signifies that the API call should continue normally. Parameters, session variables, request and response variables may all be modified within a before hook.

If no return value is explicitly given, the result of the last statement in the before hook to be executed will be returned. This may cause unexpected behavior if the last statement resolves to false.

For all methods available to before hooks as well as specific examples, see the Hooks page in the reference guide.

After Hooks

After hooks are always passed one argument: the object or list that is to be rendered as JSON. This may be modified as desired, but note that the object or list value is either a JSONArray or JSONObject. Therefore, it may not be accessed and modified as a typical groovy Map.

Unlike before hooks, after hooks should not call the render* methods directly. This method will automatically be called on the resulting object or list returned. The redirect and render methods should also not be called at this point. Instead, if a custom object or list is desired to be used, the serializeObject and serializeList methods are available to create suitable results to return.

The return value of an after hook may be one of two possibilities:

  1. The potentially modified object or list passed as the first argument to the hook. In this case, this value will override the output object or list unless it is null.
  2. Null or false. In this case, the original, unmodified object or list will be used in the output.

The return value of the after hook, if not null or false, must be the modified object passed into the hook or an object or list created with the serialize* methods.

For all methods available to after hooks as well as specific examples, see the Hooks page in the reference guide.

Error Handling

After hooks, unlike the before hooks, have the possibility of handling errors encountered during the course of the request. Handling errors is as simple as adding a one-line check to the hook as shown above or in the following code:

if (!isSuccess()) {
	// Handle error
	return false

It is recommended that each after hook contain at least these lines of code to prevent confusion on what the input object or list represents or should look like.

The isSuccess() function is true if and only if the HTTP response code is 400 or higher, such as a 404 Not Found, 400 Bad Request, or 500 Internal Server Error and the cause of the error state was not in the associated before hook. In other words, objects and lists rendered in the before hook with any HTTP response code will never run the associated after hook.

When handling errors, the passed in object will always contain a messages property containing a list of Strings describing the error(s) encountered.

Defining Common Hooks

Sometimes it is beneficial to create hooks which are executed for all calls of a certain type, such as a beforeList hook that is executed during the course of listing any resource. These are possible using an all.groovy file. The format of this file is exactly the same as other hook files. The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Before common hook executed
  2. Before resource-specific hook executed
  3. Normal API call executed
  4. After resource-specific hook executed
  5. After common hook executed

2.6 API Security

MWS uses Basic Authentication for all REST API requests. This means that a username and password must be provided for each call to resources. See the "Client Connections to MWS" section in the Security section of the user guide for instructions on how to configure the username and password.

To use Basic Authentication, each client request must contain a header that looks like this:

Authorization: Basic YWRhcHRpdmU6YzNVU3R1bkU=

The string after the word Basic is the base64 encoding of username : password . In the example above, YWRhcHRpdmU6YzNVU3R1bkU= is the base64 encoding of adaptive:c3UStunE. See section 2 of RFC 2617 for more details.

The username and password in the Basic Authentication header are encoded but not encrypted. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that MWS be run behind a proxy (like Apache) with SSL enabled. Another approach would be to enable SSL on the servlet container on which MWS is deployed.

3 Resources

The sections below show the MWS resources and the HTTP methods defined on them. The prefix for these resources depends on how the mws.war file is deployed. A typical prefix would be http://localhost:8080/mws. Using this example, one absolute resource URI would be http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/jobs.

3.1 Access Control Lists

This section describes behavior of the ACL Rules (Access Control List Rules) object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The ACL API contains the type and description of all fields in the ACL Rules object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

ACLs are not directly manipulated through a single URL, but with sub-URLs of the other objects such as Virtual Containers and Reservations.

/rest/reservations/rsvId/acl-rules/aclId Create or Update ACLs Delete ACL
/rest/vcs/vcId/acl-rules/aclId Create or Update ACLs Delete ACL

3.1.1 Getting ACLs

Although ACL Rules cannot be retrieved directly using the GET method on any of the acl-rules resources, ACL Rules are attached to supported objects when querying for them. Each supported object contains a field named aclRules, which is a collection of the ACL Rules defined on that object.

Supported Objects

The following is a list of objects that will return ACL Rules when queried:

3.1.2 Creating or Updating ACLs

The HTTP PUT method is used to create or update ACL Rules. The payload can contain one or more ACL Rules. If an ACL Rule with the same type and value exists, then it will be overwritten.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<rsvId>/acl-rules
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<vcId>/acl-rules Create or Update ACL

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<objectId>/acl-rules
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<objectId>/acl-rules

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
objectIdYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available for the PUT method, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload
{"aclRules": [{
  "affinity": "POSITIVE",
  "comparator": "LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL",
  "type": "USER",
  "value": "ted"

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
{"messages":["Virtual container 'vc1' successfully modified"]}


Create or update multiple ACLs on a single object:

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/system.21/acl-rules
{"aclRules": [
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL",
    "type": "DURATION",
    "value": "3600"
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL",
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "ted"


  • ACL Rules cannot be added to or updated on Standing Reservations.
  • The affinity and comparator fields are ignored for Virtual Containers.

3.1.3 Deleting ACLs

The HTTP DELETE method is used to remove ACL Rules.

Quick Reference

ACL Rules cannot be removed from Standing Reservations.

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<rsvId>/acl-rules/<aclId>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<vcId>/acl-rules/<aclId> Delete ACL

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<objectId>/acl-rules/<aclId>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<objectId>/acl-rules/<aclId>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
objectIdYesString-The unique identifier of the object from which to remove the ACL Rule.
aclIdYesString-A string representing the ACL Rule, with the format type:value.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
{"messages":["Successfully modified virtual container 'vc1'"]}


  • ACL Rules cannot be removed from Standing Reservations.

3.2 Diagnostics

This section describes additional REST calls that are available for performing diagnostics on Moab Web Services.

Supported Methods

/rest/diag/aboutGet version information   

3.2.1 Version and Build Information

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve version and build information.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/diag/about

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/diag/about

Sample Response

The response contains the application version, build number, build date, and revision.


3.3 Images

This section describes behavior of the Image resource in Moab Web Services. An image resource is used to track the different types of operating systems and hypervisors available in the data center. It also tracks which virtual machines are available on the hypervisors. This section describes the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Image API contains the type and description of all fields in the Image object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/imagesGet All Images Create Image 
/rest/images/idGet Specified ImageModify Image Delete Image
/rest/images/nameGet Specified ImageModify Image Delete Image

3.3.1 Getting Images

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Image information. You can query all objects or a single object.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<name>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}] Get All Images

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}]

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescriptionExample
queryNoJSONQueries for specific results.query={"type":"stateful","osType":"linux"}
sortNoJSONSort the results. Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.sort={"name":-1}

It is possible to query images by one or more fields based on MongoDB query syntax.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images?fields=id,name
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "id": "4fa197e68ca30fc605dd1cf0",
    "name": "centos5-stateful"

Sorting and Querying

See the sorting and querying sections of Global URL Parameters Get Single Image

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the Image.
nameYesString-The name of the Image.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

You must specify either id or name, but you do not have to specify both.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/images/centos5-compute-stateful

The version field contains the current version of the database entry and does not reflect the version of the operating system. See Modify Image for more information.

3.3.2 Creating Images

The HTTP POST method is used to submit Images.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/images Create Single Image

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/images

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Request Body

Three fields are required to submit an image: name, hypervisor, and osType. Each image must also support provisioning to either a physical machine or a virtual machine by using the supportsPhysicalMachine or supportsVirtualMachine fields.

The name field must contain only letters, digits, periods, dashes, and underscores.

The array of virtualized images are themselves objects that contain image IDs or names. For more information on available fields and types, see the Image API.

The following is an example of the most basic image that can be created:

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/images
  "name": "centos5-stateful",
  "osType": "linux",
  "hypervisor": false,

Note that this example does not provide any information for a provisioning manager (such as xCAT) to actually provision the machine. In order to provide this, you must add an entry to the extensions field that contains provisioning manager-specific information. Each key in the extensions field corresponds to the provisioning manager, and certain properties are required based on this key. For example, the xCAT extension key must be named xcat and must contain certain fields. These extension keys are documented in the Image API. See the following examples of creating images with xCAT-specific provisioning information below.

Sample Response

If the request was successful, the response body is the new image that was created exactly as shown in Get Single Image. On failure, the response is an error message.


The virtualizedImages field only accepts input when the image is a hypervisor and expects an array of image IDs or names, as shown in the following example:

Example payload of hypervisor with 2 vms
  "virtualizedImages":   [
    {"id": "4fa197e68ca30fc605dd1cf0"},
    {"name": "centos5-stateful"}

The following example shows how to create an image that utilizes a cloned template for a virtual machine. (Note that the type must be set to linkedclone in order to set the templateName field.)

VM Utilizing a Cloned Template
  "active": true,
  "hypervisor": false,
  "name": "centos5-compute-stateful",
  "osType": "linux",
  "type": "linkedclone",

The following are samples of a virtual machine and a hypervisor image that can be provisioned with xCAT:

xCAT Virtual Machine Image
  "active": true,
  "features": [],
  "hypervisor": false,
  "name": "centos5-compute-stateful",
  "osType": "linux",
  "type": "stateful",
  "extensions": { 
     "xcat": { 
        "os": "centos",
        "architecture": "x86_64",
        "profile": "compute"

xCAT Hypervisor Image
  "active": true,
  "features": [],
  "hypervisor": true,
  "name": "esxi5-base-stateless",
  "osType": "linux",
  "virtualizedImages":   [
    {"name": "centos5-compute-stateless"}
  "type": "stateless",
  "extensions": { 
     "xcat": { 
        "os": "esxi5",
        "architecture": "x86_64",
        "profile": "base",
        "hvType": "esx",
        "hvGroupName": "esx5hv",
        "vmGroupName": "esx5vm"

3.3.3 Modifying Images

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Images.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<name> Modify Single Image

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/image/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/image/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the Image.
nameYesString-The name of the Image.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

  • You must specify either id or name, but you do not have to specify both.
  • The name field must contain only letters, digits, periods, dashes, and underscores.

Example Request

PUT http://locahost/mws/rest/image/centos5-stateful
  "name": "centos5-stateful",
  "type": "stateful",
  "hypervisor": false,
  "osType": "linux",
  "virtualizedImages": []

The version field contains the current version of the database entry and does not reflect the version of the operating system. This field cannot be updated directly. However, if version is included in the modify request, it will be used to verify that another client did not update the object in between the time the data was retrieved and the modify request was delivered.

Sample Response

If the request was successful, the response body is the modified image as shown in Get Single Image. On failure, the response is an error message.

3.3.4 Deleting Images

The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Images.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/images/<name> Delete Single Image

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/image/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/image/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the Image.
nameYesString-The name of the Image.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

JSON Response

3.4 Jobs

This section describes behavior of the Job object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Job API contains the type and description of all fields in the Job object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/jobsGet all jobs Submit new job 
/rest/jobs/activeGet all active jobs   
/rest/jobs/completeGet all complete jobs   
/rest/jobs/idGet specified jobModify job Cancel job
/rest/jobs/active/idGet specified active job   
/rest/jobs/complete/idGet specified complete job   

3.4.1 Getting Job Information

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Job information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id> Get All Jobs

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "id": "...",


GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs?fields=id,state,flags
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
      "id": "job.1",
      "state": "IDLE",
      "flags": ["PREEMPTABLE"]
      "id": "job.2",
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "flags": []
      "id": "job.3",
      "state": "REMOVED",
      "flags":       [

Known Issues

  • Some jobs are not returned if DisplayFlags UseBlocking is set in the moab.cfg file. Get All Active Jobs

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/active

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

Same as Get All. Get All Complete Jobs

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/complete

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

Same as Get All.

Known Issues

This query can take a long time and slow down the Moab Workload Manager, especially on systems with many completed jobs. Avoid this query if possible. Get Single Job

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "account": "account",
  "activeDuration": 150,
  "allocatedNodes": [{"id": "node01"}],
  "allocatedVMs": [{"id": "vm1"}],
  "blockReason":   {
    "message": "Check valid user",
    "type": "BADUSER"
  "bypass": 5,
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "commandLineArguments": "-x -v",
  "completionCode": 0,
  "completionDate": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "dedicatedProcessorSeconds": 1.5,
  "destinationRmJobId": "1000011",
  "earliestStartDate": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "earliestStartDateRequested": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "effectivePartitionAccessList": ["ALL"],
  "effectiveQueueDuration": 600,
  "emailNotifyTypes": ["END"],
  "emailNotifyUsers": ["[email protected]"],
  "environmentVariables": {"var1": "val1"},
  "expectedState": "IDLE",
  "flags": ["RESTARTABLE"],
  "genericAttributes": ["attr1"],
  "group": "group",
  "holds": ["USER"],
  "hosts": ["host1"],
  "id": "Moab.1",
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "latestCompletedDateRequested": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "masterHost": "masterHost",
  "memoryRequested": 1024,
  "messages": [  {
    "creationTime": null,
    "expireTime": null,
    "index": 0,
    "message": "Message one",
    "messageCount": 0,
    "author": "moab",
    "priority": 0
  "name": "myJob",
  "os": "linux",
  "partitionAccessList": ["ALL"],
  "qos": "QOS1",
  "qosRequested": "QOS1",
  "queue": "BATCH",
  "queueStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "durationRequested": 300,
  "requirements": [  {
    "allocatedNodes": [{"id": "node01"}],
    "allocatedPartition": "",
    "genericResources":     {
      "resource1": 10,
      "resource2": 30
    "nodeAccessPolicy": null,
    "preferredNodeFeatures": [],
    "requiredArchitecture": "",
    "requiredClass": "",
    "requiredDiskPerTask": 0,
    "requiredMemoryPerTask": 0,
    "requiredNetwork": "",
    "requiredNodeCountMinimum": 0,
    "requiredNodeDisk": 0,
    "requiredNodeFeatures": [],
    "requiredNodeMemory": 0,
    "requiredNodeProcessors": 0,
    "requiredNodeSwap": 0,
    "requiredPartition": "",
    "requiredProcessorCountMinimum": 4,
    "requiredProcessorsPerTask": 0,
    "requiredSwapPerTask": 0,
    "tasksPerNode": 0
  "reservationRequested": "rsv.1",
  "reservationStartDate": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "rmExtension": "x=PROC=4",
  "rmName": "torque",
  "rmStandardErrorFilePath": "/tmp/error.out",
  "rmStandardInputFilePath": "/tmp/",
  "rmStandardOutputFilePath": "/tmp/output.out",
  "runPriority": 5,
  "sourceRmJobId": "1000011",
  "standardErrorFilePath": "/tmp/job.error.out",
  "standardOutputFilePath": "/tmp/job.output.out",
  "startCount": 1,
  "startDate": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "startPriority": 2,
  "state": "COMPLETED",
  "submitDate": "2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
  "submitHost": "admin-node",
  "suspendDuration": 60,
  "systemPriority": 6,
  "userPriority": 5,
  "user": "saadmin",
  "variables": {"var1": "val1"},
  "virtualContainers": [{"id":"vc1"}],
  "vmUsagePolicy": "CREATEVM"
} Get Single Active Job

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/active/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

Same as Get Single. Get Single Active Job

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/complete/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

Same as Get Single.

3.4.2 Submitting Jobs

The HTTP POST method is used to submit Jobs.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The user given in user must have read access to the file given in commandFile.
  • No more than one virtual container can be specified in the request. The virtual container must already exist.
  • The user and group properties are used to submit a job as the specified user belonging to the specified group.
  • Job variables have the following restrictions:
    • variable names cannot contain equals (=), semicolon (;), colon (:), plus (+), question mark (?), caret (^), backslash (\), or white space.
    • variable values cannot contain semicolon (;), colon (:), plus (+), or caret (^).
  • When submitting jobs, the only supported hold type is USER.
  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Submit Job with Host List

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


To submit a job with a specified host list, only two fields are required: commandFile and hosts.

The payload below shows all the fields that are available during job submission.

JSON Payload (specified host list)
  "account": "project name",
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "commandLineArguments": "-x",
  "earliestStartDateRequested": "2011-09-26 16:28:20 MDT",
  "emailNotifyTypes": ["END"],
  "emailNotifyUsers": ["[email protected]"],
  "environmentRequested": true,
  "environmentVariables":   {
    "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
    "LC_ALL": "en_US.utf8"
  "flags":   [
  "group": "wheel",
  "holds": ["USER"],
  "hosts":   [
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "name": "job name",
  "os": "Ubuntu",
  "qosRequested": "highprio",
  "queue": "priority",
  "durationRequested": 3600,
  "requirements": [  {
    "genericResources":     {
      "resource1": 10,
      "resource2": 30
    "nodeAccessPolicy": "SHARED",
    "requiredArchitecture": "x86_64",
    "requiredDiskPerTask": 500,
    "requiredMemoryPerTask": 1024,
    "requiredNodeFeatures": ["bluray"],
    "requiredPartition": "cs",
    "requiredProcessorsPerTask": 3,
    "requiredSwapPerTask": 600,
    "tasksPerNode": 8
  "reservationRequested": "grid.3",
  "standardErrorFilePath": "/home/jacob/err",
  "standardOutputFilePath": "/home/jacob/out",
  "submitHost": "admin-node",
  "templateList":   [
  "user": "jacob",
  "userPriority": 25,
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"
  "virtualContainers": [{"id": "vc1"}],
  "vmUsagePolicy": "REQUIREPM"

Sample Response

The response of this task is one of three possibilities:

  • An object with a single messages property containing a list of error messages on failure

{"messages":["Could not create job - invalid requirements"]}
  • An object with an id property containing the ID of the newly created job

  • An object with an id property and a virtualContainers list containing the ID of the newly created virtual container


The virtual container will only be reported when a new virtual container has been created by Moab for the job. Submit Job with Node Count

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


To submit a job with a specified node count, only two fields are required: commandFile and requiredProcessorCountMinimum (in the requirements array).

The payload below shows all the fields that are available during job submission.

JSON Payload (specified node count)
  "account": "project name",
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "commandLineArguments": "-x",
  "earliestStartDateRequested": "2011-09-26 16:28:20 MDT",
  "emailNotifyTypes": ["END"],
  "emailNotifyUsers": ["[email protected]"],
  "environmentRequested": true,
  "environmentVariables":   {
    "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
    "LC_ALL": "en_US.utf8"
  "flags":   [
  "group": "wheel",
  "holds": ["USER"],
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "name": "job name",
  "os": "Ubuntu",
  "qosRequested": "highprio",
  "queue": "priority",
  "durationRequested": 3600,
  "requirements": [  {
    "genericResources":     {
      "resource1": 10,
      "resource2": 30
    "nodeAccessPolicy": "SHARED",
    "requiredArchitecture": "x86_64",
    "requiredDiskPerTask": 500,
    "requiredMemoryPerTask": 1024,
    "requiredNodeFeatures": ["bluray"],
    "requiredPartition": "cs",
    "requiredProcessorCountMinimum": 4,
    "requiredProcessorsPerTask": 3,
    "requiredSwapPerTask": 600,
    "tasksPerNode": 8
  "reservationRequested": "grid.3",
  "standardErrorFilePath": "/home/jacob/err",
  "standardOutputFilePath": "/home/jacob/out",
  "submitHost": "admin-node",
  "templateList":   [
  "user": "jacob",
  "userPriority": 25,
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"
  "virtualContainers": [{"id": "vc1"}],
  "vmUsagePolicy": "REQUIREPM"

Sample Response

The response of this task is the same as submitting a job with a host list. Examples of Job Submission

This section includes some sample job submission requests.

Submit job to run on node2 and node3

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "group": "adaptive",
  "hosts":   [ "node2", "node3" ]
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "user": "adaptive",

Submit job that requires 20 processors

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "group": "adaptive",
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "requirements": [{"requiredProcessorCountMinimum": "20"}]
  "user": "adaptive",

Submit job to run after a certain time

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs
  "commandFile": "/tmp/",
  "earliestStartDateRequested": "2012-08-26 16:28:20 MDT",
  "group": "adaptive",
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/tmp",
  "requirements": [{"requiredProcessorCountMinimum": "20"}]
  "user": "adaptive",

Submit job based on msub example

Given this msub command:

msub -l nodes=3:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00,pmem=100 script2.pbs.cmd

Here is an equivalent MWS request:

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs
  "user": "adaptive",
  "group": "adaptive",
  "initialWorkingDirectory": "/home/adaptive",
  "commandFile": "/home/adaptive/script2.pbs.cmd",
  "requirements": [  {
    "requiredProcessorCountMinimum": 6,
    "tasksPerNode": 2,
    "requiredMemoryPerTask": 100
  "durationRequested": 3600

  • To emulate what msub does, make commandFile an absolute path, and add user, group, and initialWorkingDirectory.
  • As shown above, nodes=3:ppn=2 is equivalent to setting requiredProcessorCountMinimum to 6 and tasksPerNode to 2.

3.4.3 Modifying Jobs

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Jobs.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>[/<modifyAction>][?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Modify Job Attributes

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


JSON Payload
  "account": "engineering",
  "earliestStartDateRequested": "2011-08-24 15:02:00",
  "flags":   [
  "holds": ["USER"],
  "messages":   [
    {"message": "First message"},
    {"message": "Second message"}
  "name": "EngineeringJob",
  "qosRequested": "NORMAL",
  "queue": "BATCH",
  "durationRequested": 600,
  "requirements": [{"requiredPartition": "msm"}],
  "reservationRequested": "rsv.1",
  "trigger": "triggerString",
  "userPriority": 10,
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Sample Response

These messages may not match the messages returned from Moab exactly, but are given as an example of the structure of the response.
Not all messages are shown for the above payload.

JSON Response
    "Account modified successfully",
    "Messages modified successfully",
    "Variables modified successfully"


  • Old messages are not removed from jobs; only new messages are added.
  • Job variables have the restrictions documented in Submitting Jobs Perform Actions on Job

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>/<modifyAction>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
modifyActionYesStringcancelAttempts to cancel the job.
   checkpointAttempts to checkpoint the job. Note that the OS must support checkpointing for this to work.
   executeExecutes the job if possible.
   holdAttempts to hold the job using the holds set in the payload.
   requeueAttempts to requeue the job.
   resumeAttemps to resume the job.
   suspendAttempts to suspend the job.
   unholdAttempts to release the holds set in the payload.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

Performing a cancel function on a job is equivalent to deleting a job.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


Payloads are only required for holding or unholding jobs. All other actions do not require payloads of any kind.

JSON Payload to Add Holds to a Job
  "holds": ["USER"]

JSON Payload to Remove Holds from a Job
  "holds": ["USER"]

If no holds are specified when unholding a job, all holds will be removed. This is equivalent to specifying holds as a list with a single element of ALL.

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
    "Job modified successfully"

3.4.4 Deleting (Canceling) Jobs

The HTTP DELETE method is used to cancel Jobs.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Cancel Job

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/jobs/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful DELETE

Additional information about the DELETE can be found in the HTTP response header X-MWS-Message.

3.5 Job Templates

This section describes behavior of the Job Template object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Job Template API contains the type and description of all fields in the Job Template object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/job-templatesGet all job templates   
/rest/job-templates/idGet specified job template   

3.5.1 Getting Job Templates

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Job Template information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/job-templates/<id> Get All Job Templates

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/job-templates

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/job-templates?fields=id
  "totalCount": 14,
  "resultCount": 14,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "DEFAULT"},
    {"id": "genericVM"},
    {"id": "genericVM-setup"},
    {"id": "genericVM-destroy"},
    {"id": "genericVM-migrate"},
    {"id": "genericPM"},
    {"id": "genericPM-setup"},
    {"id": "genericPM-destroy"},
    {"id": "OSStorage"},
    {"id": "OSStorage-setup"},
    {"id": "OSStorage-destroy"},
    {"id": "extraStorage"},
    {"id": "extraStorage-setup"},
    {"id": "extraStorage-destroy"}
} Get Single Job Template

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/job-templates/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "account": "account",
  "args": "arg1 arg2",
  "commandFile": "/tmp/script",
  "description": "description",
  "genericSystemJob": true,
  "id": "genericVM",
  "inheritResources": false,
  "jobDependencies": [  {
    "name": "genericVM-setup",
  "jobFlags": ["VMTRACKING"],
  "jobTemplateFlags": ["SELECT"],
  "jobTemplateRequirements": [  {
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "diskRequirement": 500,
    "genericResources": {"tape": 3},
    "nodeAccessPolicy": "SINGLEJOB",
    "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 10.04.3",
    "requiredDiskPerTask": 200,
    "requiredFeatures": ["dvd"],
    "requiredMemoryPerTask": 1024,
    "requiredProcessorsPerTask": 2,
    "requiredSwapPerTask": 512,
    "taskCount": 4
  "priority": 20,
  "qos": "qos",
  "queue": "queue",
  "durationRequested": 600,
  "select": true,
  "trigger": null,
  "version": 0,
  "vmUsagePolicy": "REQUIREPM"

3.6 Nodes

This section describes behavior of the Node object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Node API contains the type and description of all fields in the Node object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/nodesGet all nodes   
/rest/nodes/idGet specified nodeModify node  

3.6.1 Getting Nodes

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Node information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<id> Get All Nodes

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "node1"},
    {"id": "node2"},
    {"id": "node3"}
} Get Single Node

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "accessPolicy": null,
  "aliases": [],
  "architecture": "",
  "availableClasses": [],
  "availableDisk": -1,
  "availableEndDate": null,
  "availableGenericResources": {},
  "availableMemory": -1,
  "availableProcessors": -1,
  "availableStartDate": null,
  "availableSwap": -1,
  "blockReason": "",
  "comments": "",
  "configuredClasses": [],
  "cpuLoad": 0,
  "dynamic": false,
  "externalLoad": 0,
  "features": [],
  "flags":   [
  "genericEvents": [],
  "genericMetrics": {},
  "genericResources": {},
  "hypervisorType": "",
  "iOLoad": 0,
  "id": "",
  "index": -1,
  "jobs": [{"id": "Moab.1"}],
  "lastStateUpdateDate": null,
  "lastUpdateDate": null,
  "maxIOIn": 0,
  "maxIOLoad": 0,
  "maxIOOut": 0,
  "maxJob": 0,
  "maxJobPerUser": 0,
  "maxLoad": 0,
  "maxPEPerJob": 0,
  "maxPageIn": 0,
  "maxPageOut": 0,
  "maxProc": 0,
  "maxProcPerClass": 0,
  "messages": [],
  "network": "",
  "networkAddress": "",
  "networkLoad": 0,
  "nextOS": "",
  "operations": [],
  "os": "",
  "osList": [],
  "overcommit": null,
  "partition": "",
  "power": null,
  "powerPolicy": null,
  "powerSelected": null,
  "priority": 0,
  "priorityFunction": "",
  "procSpeed": 0,
  "profilingEnabled": false,
  "rack": 0,
  "reservationCount": 0,
  "reservations": [],
  "rmAccessList": "",
  "size": 1,
  "slot": 0,
  "speed": 1,
  "speedWeight": 1,
  "state": null,
  "substate": "",
  "taskCount": -1,
  "totalActiveTime": 0,
  "totalAvailableTime": 0,
  "totalDisk": -1,
  "totalMemory": -1,
  "totalProcessors": -1,
  "totalStatsTime": 0,
  "totalSwap": -1,
  "totalUpTime": 0,
  "type": "",
  "variables": {},
  "version": 0,
  "virtualMachines": [{"id": "vm1"}],
  "vmOsList": []

3.6.2 Modifying Nodes

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Nodes.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Modify Node

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


Sample JSON Payload to Modify a Node
  "genericEvents": [  {
    "name": "event1",
    "message": "Sample message"
  "genericMetrics":   {
    "metric1": 3,
    "metric2": 5
  "messages":   [
  "os": "linux",
  "partition": "local",
  "power": "off|on",
  "state": "Busy",
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
  "Successfully modified os to 'linux'",
  "Successfully powered node off"

3.7 Pending Actions

This section describes behavior of the Pending Action object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Pending Action API contains the type and description of all fields in the Pending Action object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/pending-actionsGet all pending actions   

3.7.1 Getting Pending Actions

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Pending Action information.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/pending-actions Get All Pending Actions

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/pending-actions

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/pending-actions
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "failureDetails": "",
    "hosts": ["hv3"],
    "id": "vmcreate-27",
    "maxDurationInSeconds": 3600,
    "migrationDestination": "",
    "migrationSource": "",
    "motivation": "requested by root",
    "pendingActionState": "RUNNING",
    "pendingActionType": "VMCREATE",
    "requester": "root",
    "serviceId": "Rhel55Vm.200",
    "startTime": "2011-11-15 21:57:55 MST",
    "substate": "installing",
    "targetOS": "",
    "topLevelServiceId": "Lamp.132",
    "vmId": "vm8"

Generic vs Non-Generic Types

If generic job templates are used in Moab, MWS may be configured to translate pending actions with the generic type to the proper type such as VMCREATE. This is done in the configuration file. The Quickstart Guide provides the default mappings for this feature, as well as an example of adding a custom mapping from a custom template name to the correct type.

The default mappings are shown in the table below. The available pending action types may be seen on the PendingActionType API page.

Template NameMapped Type

When generic mappings are used, MWS will match the first template mapping that the pending action ID ends with. For example, an ID of Moab.1.genericVM-setup will map the type to VMCREATE.

To enable mapping for a custom template name such as myCustomVM-setup, simply add the following line to the MWS configuration file. The value of the pending action type is case insensitive.

mws.pendingActions.mappings["myCustomVM-setup"] = "vmcreate"

MWS also provides the ability to enable or disable the display of generic pending actions (or those pending actions that are not mapped). This behavior is controlled by the mws.pendingActions.displayGeneric setting as shown below. A false value will prevent generic pending actions from being displayed, while a true value will display all pending actions. By default this value is true.

mws.pendingActions.displayGeneric = false

3.8 Plugins

This section describes behavior of the Plugin object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Plugin API page contains the type and description of all fields in the Plugin object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/pluginsGet all plugins Create new plugin 
/rest/plugins/idGet specified pluginModify plugin Delete plugin

3.8.1 Getting Plugins

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Plugin information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id> Get All Plugins

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "plugin1"},
    {"id": "plugin2"},
    {"id": "plugin3"}

The plugin objects contain two additional fields that are not in the API documentation: nextPollDate and lastPollDate. These represent that next and last date that polling will occur or has occurred. The values may also be null if polling has not occurred or if the plugin is in the STOPPED state. Get Single Plugin

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "nextPollDate":"2011-12-02 17:28:52 MST",
  "lastPollDate":"2011-12-02 17:28:22 MST"

The plugin object contains two additional fields that are not in the API documentation: nextPollDate and lastPollDate. These represent the next and last date that polling will occur or has occurred. The values may also be null if polling has not occurred or if the plugin is in the STOPPED state.

3.8.2 Creating Plugins

The HTTP POST method is used to create Plugins.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins Create Plugin

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


When creating a plugin, the id and pluginType fields are required. The payload below shows all fields that are available when creating a Plugin, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload

If a state is specified for the new plugin, it will be ignored.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful POST
{"id": "plugin1"}


While it is possible to create a plugin with arbitrary nested configuration, such as:

  "nestedList:["listItem1", "listItem2"]

It is not recommended if using the user interface to manage plugins as it does not support editing or viewing any configuration data other than strings.

3.8.3 Modifying Plugins

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Plugins.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id> Modify Plugin

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when modifying a Plugin, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload for Plugin Modification

Sample Response

JSON Response
{"messages":["Plugin plugin1 updated", "Started Plugin 'plugin1'"]}

3.8.4 Deleting Plugins

The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Plugins.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id> Delete Plugin

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/plugins/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful DELETE

Additional information about a successful DELETE can be found in the HTTP response header X-MWS-Message.

JSON Response for an unsuccessful DELETE
{"messages":["Plugin plugin1 could not be deleted", "Error message describing the problem"]}

3.9 Plugin Types

This section describes behavior of the Plugin Type object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Plugin Type API page contains the type and description of all fields in the Plugin Type object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/plugin-typesGet all plugin typesCreate or update plugin type  
/rest/plugin-types/idGet specified plugin type   

3.9.1 Getting Plugin Types

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Plugin Type information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types/<id> Get All Plugin Types

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types?fields=id
  "totalCount": 2,
  "resultCount": 2,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "MSM"},
    {"id": "Native"}
} Get Single Plugin Type

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "author":"Adaptive Computing",
  "description":"Basic implementation of a native plugin",

3.9.2 Creating or Updating Plugin Types

The HTTP POST method is used to create or update Plugin Types. The Content-Type HTTP header is used to determine if the request contains a single class file as plaintext or the binary data of a JAR file. Each request is explained in the following sections.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types Update Plugin Type (File)

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


This function is idempotent, meaning it will create the Plugin Type if it does not exist or update it if it does. The payload is the actual contents of the class file to upload. This web service is an exception to most as it requires a content type other than JSON. The preferred content type to use for this request is text/plain.

Plaintext upload
package test

import com.ace.mws.plugins.* import com.ace.mws.plugins.exceptions.*

class UploadPlugin { static author = "Adaptive Computing" static description = "A sample plugin class" String id

public void verifyConfiguration() throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException { def myConfig = config def errors = [] if (!myConfig.arbitraryKey) errors << "Missing arbitraryKey!" if (errors) throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("Invalid plugin ${id} configuration", errors) }

public def customService(Map params) { return params } }

If using the curl library to perform plugin type uploading, the equivalent of the command-line option --data-binary must be used to send the payload. Otherwise compilation errors may be encountered when uploading the plugin type.

Sample Response

The response of this task is the same as the get all plugin types task. The reason that the return of this task is a list is to accommodate the possibility of uploading multiple plugin types in a single JAR file as explained in the next section. Update Plugin Type (JAR)

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/plugin-types

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


This function is idempotent, meaning it will create the Plugin Types if they do not exist or update them if they do. The payload is the binary contents of the JAR file to upload. This web service is an exception to most as it requires a content type of application/x-jar.

If the application/x-jar content type is not used in the request, it will be interpreted as a single class file, resulting in a failure to compile.

If using the curl library to perform plugin type uploading, the equivalent of the command-line option --data-binary must be used to send the payload. Otherwise compilation errors may be encountered when uploading the plugin type.

Sample Response

The response of this task is the same as the get all plugin types task. Note that when using a JAR file, multiple plugin types may be uploaded in the same request.

3.10 Reports

This section describes behavior of the reporting framework in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Report, Sample, and Datapoint API contains the type and description of all fields in the Report, Sample, and Datapoint objects. They also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/reportsGet all reports Create ReportsDeleting Reports
/rest/reports/nameGet single report with data   
/rest/reports/idGet single report with data   
/rest/reports/name/datapointsGet datapoints for report   
/rest/reports/id/datapointsGet datapoints for report   
/rest/reports/name/samplesGet samples for report Create sample(s) for report 
/rest/reports/id/samplesGet samples for report Create sample(s) for report 

3.10.1 Getting Reports

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Report information. Queries for all reports with no attached data and a single report with associated data are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name> Get All Reports (No Data Included)

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "id": "3efe5c670be86ba8560397ff",
    "name": "cpu-util"

No datapoints are returned when querying for all reports. To view the consolidated datapoints, the Get Single Report API call must be used.


GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports?fields=id,name
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
      "id": "3efe5c670be86ba8560397ff",
      "name": "cpu-util"
      "id": "3efe5c670be86ba856039800",
      "name": "cpu-temp"
      "id": "3efe5c670be86ba856039801",
      "name": "cpu-load"
} Get Single Report (Includes Data)

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the report.
nameYesString-The name of the report.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

In the example below, the first datapoint has a null data element, which means that the minimumSampleSize configured for the report was not met when consolidating the datapoint. The second datapoint contains actual data.

JSON Response
  "consolidationFunction": "average",
  "datapointDuration": 15,
  "datapoints":   [
      "endDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:22 MST",
      "startDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:22 MST",
      "firstSampleDate": null,
      "lastSampleDate": null,
      "data": null
      "endDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:23 MST",
      "startDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:37 MST",
      "firstSampleDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:23 MST",
      "lastSampleDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:30 MST",
      "data":       {
        "utilization": 99.89,
        "time": 27.433333333333337
  "description": "Example of CPU utilization reporting",
  "id": "3efe5c670be86ba8560397ff",
  "keepSamples": false,
  "minimumSampleSize": 1,
  "name": "cpu-util",
  "reportSize": 2
} Get Datapoints For Single Report

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>/datapoints
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>/datapoints

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the report.
nameYesString-The name of the report.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

This function is exactly the same as requesting a single report with only the datapoints returned. No report metadata (i.e. description, minimumSampleSize, etc.) is returned.

JSON Response
      "endDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:22 MST",
      "startDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:22 MST",
      "firstSampleDate": null,
      "lastSampleDate": null,
      "data": null
      "endDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:37 MST",
      "startDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:37 MST",
      "firstSampleDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:23 MST",
      "lastSampleDate": "2011-12-02 17:28:23 MST",
      "data":       {
        "utilization": 99.89,
        "time": 27.433333333333337

3.10.2 Getting Samples For Reports

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Sample information.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>/samples
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>/samples Get Samples For Report

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>/samples
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>/samples

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the report.
nameYesString-The name of the report.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
	"timestamp": "2011-12-02 17:28:37 MST"

3.10.3 Creating Reports

The HTTP POST method is used to create Reports. Operations are available to create reports with or without historical datapoints.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reports Create Report

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reports

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


To create a report, several fields are required as documented in the Report API.

The payload below shows all the fields that are available during report creation.

JSON Payload
	"description":"An example report on cpu utilization",
			"startDate":"2011-12-01 19:16:57 MST",
			"endDate":"2011-12-01 19:16:57 MST",

Sample Response

	"messages":["Report cpu-util created"],


POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reports (Minimal report without datapoints)

3.10.4 Creating Samples

The HTTP POST method is used to create Samples for Reports.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reports Create Samples For Report

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>/samples
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>/samples

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the report.
nameYesString-The name of the report.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.


To create samples for a report, simply send data and an optional timestamp to the URL above.

The payload below shows all the fields that are available during sample creation. Note that the data field can contain arbitrary JSON.

JSON Payload
	"timestamp":"2011-12-01 19:16:57 MST",
	"agent":"my agent",

Sample Response

{"messages":["1 sample(s) created for report cpu-util"]}

3.10.5 Deleting Reports

The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Reports.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name> Delete Report

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reports/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the report.
nameYesString-The name of the report.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

JSON Response
{"messages":["Report cpu-util deleted"]}

3.11 Reservations

This section describes behavior of the Reservation object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Reservation API contains the type and description of all fields in the Reservation object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/reservationsGet all reservations Create reservation 
/rest/reservations/idGet specified reservationModify reservation Release reservation

3.11.1 Getting Reservations

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Reservation information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id>


  • Only admin or user reservations are returned with this call. Get All Reservations

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "system.1"},
    {"id": "system.2"},
    {"id": "system.3"}
} Get Single Reservation

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "accountingAccount": "",
  "accountingGroup": "",
  "accountingQOS": "",
  "accountingUser": "root",
  "aclRules": [  {
    "affinity": "NEUTRAL",
    "comparator": "LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL",
    "type": "RESERVATION_ID",
    "value": "system.43"
  "allocatedNodeCount": 1,
  "allocatedProcessorCount": 8,
  "allocatedTaskCount": 1,
  "allocatedNodes": [
  "comments": "",
  "creationDate": null,
  "duration": 200000000,
  "endDate": "2018-03-17 16:49:10 MDT",
  "excludeJobs":   [
  "expireDate": null,
  "flags":   [
  "globalId": "",
  "hostListExpression": "",
  "id": "system.43",
  "idPrefix": "",
  "isActive": true,
  "isTracked": false,
  "label": "",
  "maxTasks": 0,
  "messages": [],
  "owner":   {
    "name": "adaptive",
    "type": "USER"
  "partitionId": "switchB",
  "profile": "",
  "requirements":   {
    "architecture": "",
    "featureList":     [
    "featureMode": "",
    "memory": 0,
    "nodeCount": 0,
    "nodeIds": ["node001:1"],
    "os": "",
    "taskCount": 1
  "reservationGroup": "",
  "resources": {"PROCS": 0},
  "startDate": "2011-11-14 20:15:50 MST",
  "statistics":   {
    "caps": 0,
    "cips": 2659.52,
    "taps": 0,
    "tips": 0
  "subType": "Other",
  "taskCount": 0,
  "trigger": null,
  "triggerIds": [],
  "uniqueIndex": "",
  "variables": {}

3.11.2 Creating Reservations

The HTTP POST method is used to create Reservations.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations Create Reservation

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when creating a Reservation, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload
  "accountingAccount": "",
  "accountingGroup": "",
  "accountingQOS": "",
  "accountingUser": "root",
  "aclRules": [  {
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL",
    "type": "GROUP",
    "value": "staff"
  "comments": "",
  "duration": 200000000,
  "endDate": "2018-03-17 16:49:10 MDT",
  "excludeJobs":   [
  "flags":   [
  "hostListExpression": "",
  "idPrefix": "",
  "owner":   {
    "name": "adaptive",
    "type": "USER"
  "partitionId": "",
  "profile": "",
  "requirements":   {
    "architecture": "",
    "featureList":     [
    "memory": 0,
    "os": "",
    "taskCount": 1
  "reservationGroup": "",
  "resources":   {
    "PROCS": 2,
    "MEM": 1024,
    "DISK": 1024,
    "SWAP": 1024,
    "other1": 17,
    "other2": 42
  "startDate": "2011-11-14 20:15:50 MST",
  "subType": "Other",
  "trigger": {
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Create reservation if no conflicting reservations are found.
This is equivalent to mrsvctl -c -h node01 -E.

JSON Request Body
  "flags":   [
  "hostListExpression": "node01"

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful POST
{"id": "system.44"}

3.11.3 Modifying Reservations

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Reservations.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id>?change-mode=<add|remove|set> Modify Reservation

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id>?change-mode=<add|remove|set>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
change-modeYesStringaddAdd the given variables to the variables that already exist.
   removeDelete the given variables from the variables that already exist.
   setReplace all existing variables with the given variables.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when modifying a Reservation, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload for Reservation Modify
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
{"messages":["reservation 'system.43' attribute 'Variable' changed."]}


3.11.4 Releasing Reservations

The HTTP DELETE method is used to release Reservations.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id> Release Reservation

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/reservations/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful DELETE

3.12 Services

This section describes the behavior of a Service (an interdependent collection of workflows). It is possible for a Service to be composed of multiple Services. This section describes the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services for each approach.

The Service API contains the type and description of all fields in the Service object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/servicesGet all Services Create Service 
/rest/services/idGet specified ServiceModify Service Delete Service

3.12.1 Getting Service Information

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Service information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]]
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>[?[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name>[?[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true] Get All Services

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]]

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescriptionExample
queryNoJSONQueries for specific results.query={"type":"storage","label":"exlabel"}
sortNoJSONSort the results. Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.sort={"account":-1}
show-recursive-vcNo true Show extended details about the service's virtual container including nested virtual containers and nested
show-vcNo true Show details about the service's virtual

Sample Response

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?query={user:"bob"}
  "totalCount": 9,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
      "dateCreated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "lastUpdated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "name": "bobService.1",
      "version": 1,
      "type": "container",
      "label": null,
      "user": "bob",
      "account": "bamboo",
      "status": "A custom status message",
      "statusCode": 0,
      "includedServices":       [
      "parent": null,
      "serviceTemplate":       {
        "id": "4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54112",
        "name": "CentosVmPlusStorage"
      "attributes": {"moab":       {
        "vc": {"id": "vc56"},
        "dependencies": [        {
          "service": "machine0.1",
          "dependency": ["OSStoremachine0.1"]
      "id": "4edff0cc6852f709fa777826"
      "dateCreated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "lastUpdated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "name": "machine0.1",
      "version": 1,
      "type": "vm",
      "label": "bobs machine",
      "user": "bob",
      "account": "bamboo",
      "status": "A custom status message",
      "statusCode": 0,
      "includedServices": [],
      "parent": "bobService.1",
      "serviceTemplate":       {
        "id": "4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54113",
        "name": "CentosVm"
      "attributes": {"moab":       {
        "vc": {"id": "vc57"},
        "job":         {
          "id": "Moab.24",
          "template": "genericVM",
          "image": "centos5.5-stateless",
          "features": ["vlan3"],
          "variables": {"QOS": "High"},
          "resources":           {
            "mem": 2,
            "procs": 2,
            "disk": 2
      "id": "4edff0cc6852f709fa777827"
      "dateCreated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "lastUpdated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
      "name": "OSStoremachine0.1",
      "version": 1,
      "type": "storage",
      "label": null,
      "user": "bob",
      "account": "bamboo",
      "status": "A custom status message",
      "statusCode": 0,
      "includedServices": [],
      "parent": "bobService.1",
      "serviceTemplate":       {
        "id": "4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54114",
        "name": "OpSysStorage"
      "attributes": {"moab":       {
        "vc": {"id": "vc58"},
        "job":         {
          "id": "Moab.23",
          "template": "OSStorage",
          "resources": {"OS": 200}
      "id": "4edff0cc6852f709fa777828"

Querying Services

It is possible to query services by one or more fields based on MongoDB query syntax.

Simple Queries

To see only services that are associated with the user "bob" you can use a query such as the following:


To see only services that are of type "vm":


To see only bob's vm services:


To see only services that are NOT associated with bob:


More Complex Queries

When the field values of the desired services are a finite set, you can use the $in operator. For example, to see services that belong to either bob, alice, or charlie, you can do the following:


You can also query on embedded JSON objects within the service JSON. For example, to see services requesting 3 processors you can use:


Conditional Operators

You can perform <, <=, >, >= comparisons using the $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte operators.


To see services requesting < 2 processors:


To see services requesting >= 1024 memory:


Querying Services by Date

To see all services created after Febuary 8, 2012 at 1:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST):

http://localhost/mws/rest/services?query={"dateCreated":{"$gt":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 MST"}}

To see services created before or on Febuary 8, 2012 at 1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST):

http://localhost/mws/rest/services?query={"dateCreated":{"$lte":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 PST"}}

To see services created between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Febuary 8, 2012:

http://localhost/mws/rest/services?query={"dateCreated":{"$lte":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 EST","$gte":"2012-02-08 12:00:00 EST"}}

Querying Services by Containing Service

Services can contain other services. When a service is contained within another service, you can find out what its container is by looking at the parent field. A service that is not contained in any other service is called a top level service. If you want to see only top level services you need to query for services with a null parent.

In MongoDB syntax you query for services whose parent field have a $type of 10 (with 10 representing null). The following query shows all of bob's top level services:


Once you have the top level service, you can find the direct child services:


Once you have the direct children, you can find the children of those children with a similar query.


See the sorting section of Global URL Parameters

Limiting the Number of Results

If you want to limit the number of results of services you can use the max parameter. For example, to see only 10 of bob's services:


To see bob's services 91-100 when sorted by name in ascending order you can combine max with offset as follows:


Retrieving a Subset of Fields

To cause only certain fields to return for each service, use the fields parameter. For example, to show only the name field for each service:


This returns:

  "totalCount": 9,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"name": "aliceService.1"},
    {"name": "machine0.1"},
    {"name": "OSStoremachine0.1"}

To show the name, type, and user:


This returns:

  "totalCount": 9,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
      "name": "aliceService.1",
      "type": "container",
      "user": "alice"
      "name": "machine0.1",
      "type": "vm",
      "user": "alice"
      "name": "OSStoremachine0.1",
      "type": "storage",
      "user": "alice"
} Get Single Service

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>[?[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name>[?[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescriptionExample
idYesStringThe unique identifier of the service.
nameYesStringThe name of the service.
show-recursive-vcNo true Show extended details about the service's virtual container including nested virtual containers and nested
show-vcNo true Show details about the service's virtual

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.


GET http://localhost/mws/rest/services/bobService.1?
  "dateCreated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
  "lastUpdated": "2011-12-07 16:03:40 MST",
  "name": "bobService.1",
  "version": 1,
  "type": "container",
  "label": null,
  "user": "bob",
  "account": "bamboo",
  "status": "A custom status message",
  "statusCode": 0,
  "includedServices":   [
  "parent": null,
  "serviceTemplate":   {
    "id": "4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54112",
    "name": "CentosVmPlusStorage"
  "attributes": {"moab":   {
    "vc": {"id": "vc56"},
    "dependencies": [    {
      "service": "machine0.1",
      "dependency": ["OSStoremachine0.1"]
  "id": "4edff0cc6852f709fa777826"

3.12.2 Creating Services

The HTTP POST method is used to create a Service.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services Create Service From Service Template

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services

Simple Case

To create a service from the template named "Rhel54VmPlusStorage":

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
  "user": "steve",
  "account": "cloud",
  "data":   [
      "name": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage",
      "serviceTemplate": "Rhel54VmPlusStorage",

Alternatively you can submit:

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
  "user": "steve",
  "account": "cloud",
  "data":   [
      "name": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage",
      "serviceTemplate": {

To create a service based on the service template with id "4fbd2d90c4aa4996400bsa5m"

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
  "user": "steve",
  "account": "cloud",
  "data":   [
      "name": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage",
      "serviceTemplate": {

Extending a Service Template

If you want to create a service from a service template, but wish to extend the service template with some additional variables or generic resources, you can use the extends field. Extending a service template is also helpful when you wish to override certain values, such as the amount of memory or processors the service requires.

To extend a service template, you will need to determine the extends path for the service you wish to override. The extends path is the name of the top level service, followed by one or more localNames as described in the includedServices field. All but the last <localName> are nested containers inside the top level container. For example:

<top level service name>::<localName>[:<localName>]+

For example, suppose you want to create a new service from the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" service template, and you want to name this new service "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage". In this example, "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" contains a service template named "SubContainer1". The localName for "SubContainer1" in the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" includedServices field is "sc1".

Rhel54VmPlusStorage Service Template

The extends path for the instance of "SubContainer1" in your "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" is:


Let's say inside "SubContainer1" is another service template called "SubContainer2". The localName for "SubContainer2" as defined in the includedServices field for "SubContainer1" is "sc2".

SubContainer1 Service Template

The extends path for the instance of "SubContainer2" in "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" is:


Now let's say that "SubContainer2" contains two service templates, "Rhel54Vm" and "OpsysStorage" with localNames "rvm" and "oss" respectively.

SubContainer1 Service Template

The extends paths for the instances of "Rhel54VM" and "OpSysStorage" in "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" are:


Now that we have the extends paths for all the services that will be created from the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" template, we can add variables to these services that were not in the service templates.

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
  "user": "steve",
  "account": "cloud",
  "data":   [
      "name": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage",
      "serviceTemplate": "Rhel54VmPlusStorage",
      "attributes": {
         "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the Rhel54VmPlusStorage template" }
      "name": "MyRhel54Vm",
      "extends": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:rvm",
      "attributes": {
          "moab": {"job": {"variables": {"extraVar": "An additional variable not in the Rhel54Vm template"}}},
          "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the Rhel54Vm template" }          

}, { "name": "MyOsStorage", "extends": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:oss", "attributes": { "moab": {"job": {"variables": {"extraVar2": "An additional variable not in the OpSysStorage template"}}}, "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the OpSysStorage template" } } } ] }

When the "MyRhel54Vm" service is created, it will have a variable named "extraVar" even though this variable was not defined in the "Rhel54Vm" service template. Likewise, when the "MyOsStorage" service is created, it will have a variable named "extraVar2", even though no such variable was defined in the "OsStorage" service template. All three services will have an attribute named "extraAttribute" in their attributes.sharedData sections though "extraAttribute" does not appear in any service template.

Extending Services and Dependencies in a Container Service

To add a services to a container service that were not in the container's service template you first define the new services in the service request. Then you extend the includedServices field of the container with the newly defined services. This will add the new services to any that are already in the container as defined in the service template. It is only possible to add services to a container. It is not possible to remove services from a container that were defined in the container's service template.

For example, say the CentosVmPlusStorage service template contains an OpSysStorage service template and a CentosVm service template.

CentosVmPlusStorage Service Template

To add two storage services to the service created from the CentosVmPlusStorage service template submit the following service request:

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
The resulting service BobsCentosVmPlusStorage will contain NewStorageToAdd1, NewStorageToAdd2, a service created from the OpSysStorage template, and a service created from the CentosVm template. To add a dependency such that the CentosVm service will not be able to start until both NewStorageToAdd1 and NewStorageToAdd2 have been set up:

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services

Extendable Fields

You can only extend certain fields. Below is a table of fields that can be extended:

Extendable FieldsNotes
attributes.moab.dependenciesDependencies can be added but not removed. Only applicable to containers.
attributes.moab.job.featuresFeatures can be added but not removed.
attributes.moab.job.requestedHostsHosts can be added but not removed.
attributes.moab.job.resourcesIncluding procs, mem, disk, and any generic resource.
attributes.moab.job.variablesCan either change the value of variables in the template or add new variables.
attributes.sharedDataA place for arbitrary, site-specific data.
includedServicesServices can be added but not removed. Only applicable to containers.

Sample Response

If the request was successful, the response includes the unique ID of the new Service. On failure, the response is an error message.

JSON Response
{"name":"MyRhel54VmPlusStorage.1"} Create Custom Service

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services


POST http://localhost/mws/rest/services
         "label":"My New Service",
               "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value",
               "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value"

], "attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "resources":{ "procs":2, "mem":2048, "disk":80 }, "variables":{ "QOS":"Premium" }, "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "template":"genericVM", "requestedHosts":["i16"], "features":["vlan3"] } } } }, { "name":"myOsStorageWorkflow", "type":"storage", "includedServices":[

], "attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "template":"OSStorage", "resources":{ "OS":2500 } } } } }, { "name":"myNetworkStorageWorkflow", "type":"storage", "includedServices":[

], "attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "template":"extraStorage", "resources":{ "gold":500 }, "variables":{ "mount":"/path/to/mount" } } } } }, { "name":"myPmContainer", "type":"container", "includedServices":[ "myPmWorkflow" ] }, { "name":"myPmWorkflow", "type":"pm", "includedServices":[

], "attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "resources":{ "procs":2, "mem":2048, "disk":100 }, "variables":{ "QOS":"Premium" }, "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "template":"genericPM" } } } } ] }

Sample Response

If the request was successful, the response includes the unique ID of the new Service. On failure, the response is an error message.

JSON Response

3.12.3 Modifying Services

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Services.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name> Modify Service

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the Service.
nameYesString-The name of the Service .

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Example Request

Only the attributes, status, and statusCode fields may be modified in services. Note that the status field must be a valid string, and the statusCode field must be a valid number (long). Any arbitrary string and number may be used to represent the current state of the service through status and statusCode respectively.

PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/myStorageService
    "status": "Done provisioning!",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "attributes": {
        "mount": "/mnt/myMount",
        "size": "2500",
            "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value",
            "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value"      

The moab element of attributes cannot be modified. An error will be returned if this is attempted.

Sample Response

JSON Response
    "name": "myStorageService",
    "dateCreated": "2012-02-01 14:54:52 MST",
    "lastUpdated": "2012-02-01 14:54:5    2 MST",
    "type": "storage",
    "label": null,
    "user": "john",
    "account": "corp",
    "status": "Done provisioning!",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "includedServices": [],
    "parent": "myVmWithStorage",
    "attributes": {
        "moab": {
            "vc    ": {
                "id": "vc3"
            "job": {
                "id": "Moab.1",
                "template": "extraStorage",
                "resources": {
                    "gold": 2500
            "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value",
            "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value"        
        "mount": "/mnt/myMount",
        "size": "2500"
    "id": "4f29b4abe4b03c2f8e3a1a40"

3.12.4 Deleting Services

The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Services.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name> Delete Service

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/services/<name>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the Service.
nameYesString-The name of the Service.
force-deleteNoBoolean-If true MWS will not check service dependencies before deleting it.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name are required.

Sample Response

JSON Response

3.13 Service Templates

This section describes the behavior of the Service Template object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Service Template API contains the type and description of all fields in the ServiceTemplate object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

See Create Service From Service Template to create Services from Service Templates.

The Service Template name has the following constraints:
  • It must only contain letters, digits, spaces, and these special characters: hyphen, period, question mark, at sign, tilde, pound sign, square brackets, angle brackets, vertical bar, equals sign, ampersand, parentheses, asterisk, curly braces, grave accent, and dollar sign.
  • It cannot have the same form as a MongoDB ID (24 characters of 0-9 and a-f)
  • It must be unique in the database.

Supported Methods

/rest/service-templatesGet all Service Templates Create ServiceTemplate 
/rest/service-templates/id or nameGet specified Service TemplateModify ServiceTemplate Cancel Service Template

3.13.1 Getting Service Templates

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Service Template information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}]
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<name> Get All Service Templates

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates[?query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}]

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescriptionExample
queryNoJSONQueries for specific results.query={"type":"vm","createdBy":"name"}
sortNoJSONSort the results. Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.sort={"name":1}

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "totalCount": 5,
  "resultCount": 5,
  "results": [
      "id": "4f04a93f84ae17912ae2763e",
      "label": "Linux ESA",
      "type": "vm",
      "name": "LinEsaTemplate",
      "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
      "createdBy": "TempName",
      "includedServices": [],
      "tags": [
      "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
          "service": "tid.1",
          "dependency": [
        "job": {
          "image": "rhel54-stateless",
          "resources": {
            "procs": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "ipaddress": 1
          "template": "new-vm",
          "variables": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
          "name": "",
          "service-description": "",
          "form": {
            "f0": "zero",
            "f1": "one"
          "access": {}
      "id": "4f05dd1484ae18e002b22d92",
      "label": "Linux ESA",
      "type": "vm",
      "name": "LinEsa004",
      "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
      "createdBy": "TempName",
      "includedServices": [
          "localName": "SQLServ004",
          "serviceTemplate": "LinEsaTemplate"
      "tags": [
      "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
          "service": "tid.1",
          "dependency": [
        "job": {
          "image": "rhel54-stateless",
          "resources": {
            "procs": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "ipaddress": 1
          "template": "new-vm",
          "variables": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
          "name": "",
          "service-description": "",
          "form": {
            "f0": "zero",
            "f1": "one"
          "access": {}
      "id": "4f05dd7484ae18e002b22d93",
      "label": "Linux ESA",
      "type": "vm",
      "name": "R",
      "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
      "createdBy": "TempName",
      "includedServices": [
          "localName": "SQLServ004",
          "serviceTemplate": "LinEsaTemplate"
      "tags": [
      "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
          "service": "tid.1",
          "dependency": [
        "job": {
          "image": "rhel54-stateless",
          "resources": {
            "procs": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "ipaddress": 1
          "template": "new-vm",
          "variables": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
          "name": "",
          "service-description": "",
          "form": {
            "f0": "zero",
            "f1": "one"
          "access": {}
      "id": "4f05e41f84ae18e002b22d94",
      "label": "Linux ESA",
      "type": "vm",
      "name": "5",
      "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
      "createdBy": "TempName",
      "includedServices": [
          "localName": "SQLServ004",
          "serviceTemplate": "LinEsaTemplate"
      "tags": [
      "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
          "service": "tid.1",
          "dependency": [
        "job": {
          "image": "rhel54-stateless",
          "resources": {
            "procs": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "ipaddress": 1
          "template": "new-vm",
          "variables": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
          "name": "",
          "service-description": "",
          "form": {
            "f0": "zero",
            "f1": "one"
          "access": {}
      "id": "4f05e4a284ae18e002b22d95",
      "label": "Linux ESA",
      "type": "vm",
      "name": "LinEsaServ001",
      "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
      "createdBy": "TempName",
      "includedServices": [
          "localName": "SQLServ004",
          "serviceTemplate": "LinEsaTemplate"
      "tags": [
      "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
          "service": "tid.1",
          "dependency": [
        "job": {
          "image": "rhel54-stateless",
          "resources": {
            "procs": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "ipaddress": 1
          "template": "new-vm",
          "variables": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
          "name": "",
          "service-description": "",
          "form": {
            "f0": "zero",
            "f1": "one"
          "access": {}

Querying Service Templates

It is possible to query service templates by one or more fields based on the MongoDB query syntax.

Simple Queries

To see only service templates that are associated with the user "bob", use a query like the following:


To see only service templates that are of type "vm":


To see only bob's vm service templates:


To see only service templates that are NOT associated with bob:


More Complex Queries

When the field values of the desired service templates are a finite set, use the $in operator. For example, to see service templates that belong to either bob, alice, or charlie, do the following:


You can also query on embedded JSON objects within the service template JSON. For example, to see service templates requesting 3 processors, do the following:


Conditional Operators

You can perform <, <=, >, >= comparisons using the $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte operators.


To see service templates requesting < 2 processors:


To see service templates requesting >= 1024 memory:


Querying Service Templates by Date

To see all service templates modified after July 4, 2011 at 10:30:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST):

http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates?query={"modified":{"$gt":"2011-07-04 22:30:00 MST"}}

To see service templates modified before July 6, 2011 at 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST):

http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates?query={"modified":{"$lt":"2011-07-06 00:00:00 PST"}}

To see service templates modified between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM (inclusive) Eastern Standard Time (EST) on July 5, 2011

http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates?query={"modified":{"$gte":"2011-07-05 00:00:00 EST","$lte":"2011-07-05 23:59:00 EST"}}


See the sorting section in Global URL Parameters.

Limiting the Number of Results

To limit the size of the result set, use the max parameter. For example, to see only 10 of bob's services:


To see bob's service templates 91-100 when sorted by name in ascending order, combine max with offset as follows:


Retrieving a Subset of Fields

To retrieve only certain fields, use the fields parameter. For example, to show only the name field for each service:


This returns:

  "totalCount": 9,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"name": "aliceService.1"},
    {"name": "machine0.1"},
    {"name": "OSStoremachine0.1"}

To show the name, type, and user:


This returns:

  "totalCount": 9,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
      "name": "aliceService.1",
      "type": "container",
      "user": "alice"
      "name": "machine0.1",
      "type": "vm",
      "user": "alice"
      "name": "OSStoremachine0.1",
      "type": "storage",
      "user": "alice"
} Get Single Service Template

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<name>

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescription
idYesString (24 character alphanumeric)The unique identifier of the service template.
nameYesStringThe name of the service template.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name is required.


JSON Response
  "totalCount": 1,
  "resultCount": 1,
  "results": [  {
    "id": "...",

3.13.2 Creating Service Templates

The HTTP POST method is used to create Service Templates.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates Create Service Template

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows some of the fields that are available when creating a Service Template, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload
    "attributes": {
        "moab": {
            "dependencies": [
                    "dependency": [
                    "localName": "rvm"
            "job": {
                "features": [
                "image": "centos5.5-stateless", 
                "requestedHosts": [
                "resources": {
                    "disk": 80, 
                    "mem": 2048, 
                    "procs": 1
                "template": "genericVM", 
                "variables": {
                    "QOS": "Premium"
    "createdBy": "bob", 
    "includedServices": [
            "localName": "rvm", 
            "serviceTemplate": "Rhel54Vm"
            "localName": "oss", 
            "serviceTemplate": "OpSysStorage"
            "localName": "ns", 
            "serviceTemplate": "NetworkStorage"
    "label": "Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.4 VM Plus OS and Network Storage", 
    "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT", 
    "name": "Rhel54VmPlusStorage", 
    "tags": [], 
    "type": "container"

includedServices is a key-value pair of the internal service name and the serviceTemplate. The service name is unique for each service container.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful POST

If the Service Template name is not unique:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template Rhel54Vm could not be created", 
        "Request has a non-unique service template name 'Rhel54Vm'", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template included service local name is not unique to this service template:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template CentOS5 could not be created", 
        "Service template request has a non-unique included service template local name ([SQLServ05])", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template depends on a non-existent included service:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template NSStor34 could not be created", 
        "Service template requires service template(s) [NewRhel54Vm] which do not exist", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template depends on more than one non-existent included service:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template NSStor34 could not be created", 
        "Service template requires service template(s) [NewRhel54Vm, Storage003] which do not exist", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template name contains a colon:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template Rhel54Vm:C could not be created", 
        "Request contains a colon (:) in the service template name 'Rhel54Vm:C'", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template name has the same format as a MongoDB ID (Service Template ID):

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template 4f2049a684ae6e1d4f09bd71 could not be created", 
        "Request has a MongoDB Object ID format for the service template name '4f2049a684ae6e1d4f09bd71'", 
        "Please correct the request and try again"

3.13.3 Modifying Service Templates

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Service Templates.

The modified field is not automatically updated. It will need to be changed by the user.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<name> Modify Service Template

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id>
PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<name>

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescription
idYesString (24 character alphanumeric)The unique identifier of the service template.
nameYesStringThe name of the service template.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name is required.


This is similar to create, except you change the payload to what you need modified.

The payload below shows some of the fields that are available when modifying a Service Template, along with some sample values.

    "attributes": {
        "dependencies": {
            "dependency": [
            "service": "tid.1"
        "job": {
            "image": "rhel54-stateless",
            "resources": {
                "ipaddress": 1,
                "mem": 1024,
                "procs": 1
            "template": "new-vm",
            "variables": {
                "foo": "bar"
        "viewpoint": {
            "access": {},
            "form": {
                "f0": "zero",
                "f1": "one"
            "name": "",
            "service-description": ""
    "createdBy": "Newname",
    "includedServices": [],
    "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
    "name": "A",
    "tags": [
    "type": "RhOs"

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful PUT
    "resultCount": 1,
    "results": [
            "attributes": {
                "dependencies": {
                    "dependency": [
                    "service": "tid.1"
                "job": {
                    "image": "rhel54-stateless",
                    "resources": {
                        "ipaddress": 1,
                        "mem": 1024,
                        "procs": 1
                    "template": "new-vm",
                    "variables": {
                        "foo": "bar"
                "viewpoint": {
                    "access": {},
                    "form": {
                        "f0": "zero",
                        "f1": "one"
                    "name": "",
                    "service-description": ""
            "createdBy": "Newname",
            "id": "4f0746f684ae23bbd6726852",
            "includedServices": [],
            "label": "Linux ESA",
            "modified": "2011-07-04 00:00:00 MDT",
            "name": "RhOs004",
            "tags": [
            "type": "RhOs"
    "totalCount": 1

If the Service Template depends on a non-existent included service:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template NewR could not be updated",
        "Service template requires service template(s) [RhOs045] which do not exist",
        "Please correct the request and try again"

If the Service Template depends on more than one non-existent included service:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template NewR could not be updated",
        "Service template requires service template(s) [Stor45, Stor12] which do not exist",
        "Please correct the request and try again"

An attempt to modify the Service Template name to an existing template name:

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template NewR could not be updated",
        "Request has a non-unique service template name 'Stor44'"

3.13.4 Deleting (Canceling) Service Templates

The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Service Templates.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id>
DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<name> Cancel Service Template

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/service-templates/<id|name>

ParameterRequiredValid ValuesDescription
idYesString (24 character alphanumeric)The unique identifier of the service template.
nameYesStringThe name of the service template.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Only one of id or name is required.


A successful deletion

JSON Response

If the Service Template ID does not exist

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template not found with ID '4f2049a684ae6e1d4f09bd71'"

If the Service Template name does not exist
JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template not found with ID 'Stor44'"

If other Service Templates depend on the one being deleted

JSON Response
    "messages": [
        "Service template Cent5 could not be deleted", 
        "Service template 'Cent5' cannot be deleted because Service template '[Cent5]' depends on it "

3.14 Standing Reservations

This section describes behavior of the Standing Reservation object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Standing Reservation API contains the type and description of all fields in the Standing Reservation object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/standing-reservationsGet all standing reservations   
/rest/standing-reservations/idGet specified standing reservation   

3.14.1 Getting Standing Reservations

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Standing Reservation information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/standing-reservations/<id> Get All Standing Reservations

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/standing-reservations

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/standing-reservations?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "sr1"},
    {"id": "sr2"},
    {"id": "sr3"}
} Get Single Standing Reservation

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/standing-reservations/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "access": "DEDICATED",
  "accounts": ["account1"],
  "aclRules": [  {
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "EQUAL",
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "adaptive",
  "chargeAccount": "account2",
  "chargeUser": "user2",
  "classes": ["class1"],
  "clusters": ["cluster1"],
  "comment": "comment",
  "days": ["Monday"],
  "depth": 2,
  "disabled": false,
  "endTime": 86415,
  "flags": ["ALLOWJOBOVERLAP"],
  "groups": ["group1"],
  "hosts": ["host1"],
  "id": "fast",
  "jobAttributes": ["TEMPLATESAPPLIED"],
  "maxJob": 2,
  "maxTime": 0,
  "messages": ["message1"],
  "nodeFeatures": ["feature1"],
  "os": "Ubuntu 10.04.3",
  "owner":   {
    "name": "root",
    "type": "USER"
  "partition": "ALL",
  "period": "DAY",
  "procLimit":   {
    "qualifier": "<=",
    "value": 5
  "psLimit":   {
    "qualifier": "<=",
    "value": 60
  "qoses": ["qos1"],
  "reservationAccessList": [],
  "reservationGroup": "group2",
  "resources":   {
    "PROCS": -1,
    "tapes": 1
  "rollbackOffset": 43200,
  "startTime": 347040,
  "taskCount": 0,
  "tasksPerNode": 0,
  "timeLimit": -1,
  "triggers": [],
  "type": "type1",
  "users": ["user1"]

3.15 Virtual Containers

This section describes behavior of the Virtual Container object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Virtual Container API contains the type and description of all fields in the Virtual Container object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/vcsGet all Virtual Containers Create Virtual Container 
/rest/vcs/idGet specified Virtual ContainerModify Virtual Container Destroy Virtual Container

3.15.1 Getting Virtual Containers

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Virtual Container information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id> Get All Virtual Containers

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs?fields=id
  "totalCount": 5,
  "resultCount": 5,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "vc3"},
    {"id": "vc1"},
    {"id": "vc4"},
    {"id": "vc5"},
    {"id": "vc2"}
} Get Single Virtual Container

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "aclRules": [  {
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL",
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "root"
  "createDate": "2011-11-15 14:01:40 MST",
  "creator": "root",
  "description": "vc2",
  "flags": ["DESTROYWHENEMPTY"],
  "id": "vc2",
  "jobs": [
  "nodes": [
  "owner":   {
    "name": "root",
    "type": "USER"
  "reservations": [
  "variables":   {
    "a": "b",
    "c": "d"
  "virtualContainers": [
  "virtualMachines": [

3.15.2 Creating Virtual Containers

The HTTP POST method is used to create Virtual Containers.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs Create Virtual Container

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when creating a Virtual Container, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload
  "description": "ted's vc",
  "owner":   {
    "name": "ted",
    "type": "USER"

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful POST
{"id": "vc8"}


  • When creating a Virtual Container, the owner field is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

  • If ENABLEPROXY is set and you pass in the owner field as above, then the new Virtual Container will have creator and owner set to that user.

3.15.3 Modifying Virtual Containers

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Virtual Containers.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id>?change-mode=<add|remove|set> Modify Virtual Container

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id>?change-mode=<add|remove|set>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
change-modeYesStringaddAdd the given objects (jobs, VMs, etc) to the objects that already exist.
   removeDelete the given objects from the objects that already exist.
   setModify the attributes of the virtual container itself and not the associated objects.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


Here are three examples of Virtual Container updates: add objects, remove objects, and update attributes.

Add objects with /rest/vcs/vc1?change-mode=add
  "jobs":     [
    {"id": "Moab.37"},
    {"id": "Moab.38"}
  "nodes":     [
    {"id": "node1"},
    {"id": "node2"}
  "reservations":     [
    {"id": "system.48"},
    {"id": "system.49"}
  "virtualContainers":     [
    {"id": "vc93"},
    {"id": "vc94"}
  "virtualMachines":     [
    {"id": "vm2"},
    {"id": "vm4"}

Remove objects with /rest/vcs/vc1?change-mode=remove
  "jobs":     [
    {"id": "Moab.37"},
    {"id": "Moab.38"}
  "nodes":     [
    {"id": "node1"},
    {"id": "node2"}
  "reservations":     [
    {"id": "system.48"},
    {"id": "system.49"}
  "virtualContainers":     [
    {"id": "vc93"},
    {"id": "vc94"}
  "virtualMachines":     [
    {"id": "vm2"},
    {"id": "vm4"}

Modify VC attributes with /rest/vcs/vc1?change-mode=set
  "description": "This is a new description.",
  "flags": ["HOLDJOBS"],
  "owner":     {
    "name": "ted",
    "type": "USER"
  "variables":     {
    "a": "b",
    "c": "d"

Sample Responses

These messages may not match the messages returned from Moab exactly, but they are given as examples of the structure of the responses.

JSON response for adding objects
    "job '147' added to VC 'vc3'",
    "job 'Moab.1' added to VC 'vc3'"

JSON response for removing objects
    "job '147' removed from VC 'vc3'",
    "job 'Moab.1' removed from VC 'vc3'"

JSON response for updating attributes
{"messages":["VC 'vc3' successfully modified"]}


  • You can change the ACL Rules on a Virtual Container, but not using this resource. See Create or Update ACLs.

3.15.4 Destroying Virtual Containers

The HTTP DELETE method is used to destroy Virtual Containers.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id> Destroy Virtual Container

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vcs/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful DELETE

3.16 Virtual Machines

This section describes behavior of the Virtual Machine object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, payloads, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services.

The Virtual Machine API contains the type and description of all fields in the Virtual Machine object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported Methods

/rest/vmsGet all VMs Create VM 
/rest/vms/idGet specified VMModify VM Destroy VM
/rest/nodes/nodeId/vmsGet all VMs on a Node   

3.16.1 Getting Virtual Machines

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Virtual Machine information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick Reference

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>
GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<nodeId>/vms Get All Virtual Machines

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vms

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vms?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "vm1"},
    {"id": "vm2"},
    {"id": "vm3"}
} Get All Virtual Machines On Node

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/<nodeId>/vms

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
nodeIdYesString-The ID of the node of interest.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/nodes/hv1/vms?fields=id
  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "vm1"},
    {"id": "vm2"},
    {"id": "vm3"}
} Get Single Virtual Machine

URLs and Parameters

GET http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response
  "aliases": [],
  "availableDisk": 1024,
  "availableMemory": 512,
  "availableProcessors": 0,
  "cpuLoad": 0.823,
  "description": "",
  "effectiveTimeToLive": 0,
  "flags":   [
  "genericEvents": [],
  "genericMetrics": {"watts": 250},
  "id": "vm3",
  "job": {"id": "Moab.1"},
  "lastMigrationDate": null,
  "lastSubstate": "",
  "lastSubstateModificationDate": null,
  "lastUpdateDate": null,
  "migrationCount": 0,
  "networkAddress": "",
  "node": {"id": "hv2"},
  "osList": [],
  "os": "stateless1",
  "powerSelectState": "NONE",
  "powerState": "ON",
  "rack": 0,
  "requestedTimeToLive": 0,
  "slot": 0,
  "startDate": null,
  "state": "BUSY",
  "substate": "",
  "totalDisk": 1024,
  "totalMemory": 512,
  "totalProcessors": 1,
  "trackingJob": {"id": "Moab.5"},
  "triggers": [],
  "variables": {}

3.16.2 Creating Virtual Machines

The HTTP POST method is used to create Virtual Machines.

Quick Reference

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/vms[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Create Virtual Machine

URLs and Parameters

POST http://localhost/mws/rest/vms[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when creating a Virtual Machine, along with some sample values. Note that you can pass in an ID for the Virtual Machine. If you do not, Moab will choose an ID for you.

JSON Payload
  "totalDisk": 1024,
  "totalMemory": 512,
  "totalProcessors": 1,
  "id": "vm3",
  "node": {"id": "hv2"},
  "os": "stateless1",
  "triggers": [],
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful POST
{"jobId": "vmcreate-25"}

The jobId in the response identifies the job that will create the virtual machine.

3.16.3 Modifying Virtual Machines

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Virtual Machines.

Quick Reference

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Modify Virtual Machine

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.


The payload below shows all the fields that are available when modifying a Virtual Machine, along with some sample values.

JSON Payload for VM Modify
  "genericEvents": [],
  "genericMetrics": {"watts": 250},
  "os": "stateless1",
  "powerState": "ON",
  "state": "BUSY",
  "triggers": [],
  "variables":   {
    "var1": "val1",
    "var2": "val2"

Sample Response

This message may not match the message returned from Moab exactly, but is given as an example of the structure of the response.

JSON Response
{"messages":["successfully updated VM variables"]} Migrate Virtual Machine

URLs and Parameters

PUT http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Request Body

The request body below shows how to migrate a Virtual Machine to a node with ID "hv2".

JSON Request Body for VM Migrate to a specific node
{"node": {"id": "hv2"}}

The request body below shows how to migrate a Virtual Machine to any available node by using the destination ID of ANY, which for this operation is a reserved word.

JSON Request Body for VM Migrate to any available node
{"node": {"id": "ANY"}}

Sample Response

The HTTP response code for this operation is 202 Accepted. See the responses section for more information.

JSON Response
{"jobId": "vm-migrate1"}


  • If a migration is requested by setting the node as shown in the above examples, any other properties in the same request body will be ignored.

3.16.4 Destroying Virtual Machines

The HTTP DELETE method is used to destroy Virtual Machines.

Quick Reference

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]


  • The proxy-user parameter is ignored unless you set ENABLEPROXY=TRUE in the moab.cfg file. Example:

ADMINCFG[1]           USERS=root,ted ENABLEPROXY=TRUE Destroy Virtual Machine

URLs and Parameters

DELETE http://localhost/mws/rest/vms/<id>[?proxy-user=<username>]

ParameterRequiredTypeValid ValuesDescription
idYesString-The unique identifier of the object.
proxy-userNoString-Perform the action as this user.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample Response

JSON Response for successful DELETE
{"jobId": "vmdestroy-26"}

The jobId in the response identifies the job that will destroy the virtual machine.

4 Reporting Framework

The reporting framework is a set of tools to make time-based reports from numerical data. The following sections will (1) provide an overview of the framework and the concepts related to it, and (2) work through an example report (CPU Utilization) with details regarding which web services to use and with what data.

The REST API reference is located in the Report Resource section.

4.1 Overview

4.1.1 Concepts

The reporting framework uses 3 core concepts: reports, datapoints, and samples.
  • Report - A report is a time-based view of numerical data.
  • Datapoint - A datapoint is a consolidated set of data for a certain time period.
  • Sample - A sample is a snapshot of a certain set of data at a particular point in time.

To illustrate, consider the memory utilization of a virtual machine: at any given point in time, you can get the memory utilization by using your operating system's performance utilities (top for Linux, Task Manager for Windows):

By recording the memory utilization and time constantly for 1 minute, you could gather the following data:
TimeMemory Utilization
3:53:55 PM2400/12040 MB
3:54:13 PM2410/12040 MB
3:54:27 PM2406/12040 MB
3:54:39 PM2402/12040 MB
3:54:50 PM2409/12040 MB
Each of the rows in the table above represent a sample of data. By averaging the rows we can consolidate them into one or more datapoints:
Start timeEnd TimeMemory Utilization
3:53:30 PM3:54:00 PM2400/12040 MB
3:54:00 PM3:54:30 PM2408/12040 MB
3:54:30 PM3:55:00 PM2406/12040 MB
Note that each datapoint covers exactly the same amount of time, and averages all samples within that period of time.
A report, then, is simply a list of datapoints with some additional configuration information:
NameMemory Utilization Report
Datapoint Duration30 seconds
Report Size3 datapoints


Start timeEnd TimeMemory Utilization
3:53:30 PM3:54:00 PM2400/12040 MB
3:54:00 PM3:54:30 PM2408/12040 MB
3:54:30 PM3:55:00 PM2406/12040 MB

4.1.2 Capabilities

While storing simple information like memory utilization is nice, the reporting framework is built to automatically handle much more complex information.

Consolidating Samples

Samples are JSON documents which are pushed into the report using the samples API. Samples are then stored until the consolidation operation creates a datapoint out of them. The table below shows how different data types are handled in this operation:

TypeConsolidation Function Handling
NumbersNumerical data is averaged
StringsStrings are aggregated into an array
ObjectsThe consolidation function recursively consolidates sub-objects
ListsLists are combined into a single flat list containing all elements
MixedIf samples have different types of data for the same field, the values are aggregated into an array.
NullThese values will be ignored unless all values for a sample field are set to null, resulting in a null result.

If the mixed data types contains at least one number, it will be treated as numerical data. The non-numerical data will be ignored and the result will be averaged.

Below is an example of how the consolidation function works:

3:53:55 PM2400"str1"["elem1"]"str1""str1"
3:54:13 PM2410"str2"["elem2", "elem3"]["elem1"]["elem1"]
3:54:27 PM2405"str3"["elem4"]null5

Resulting Datapoint after consolidation:

3:55:00 PM2405["str1", "str2", "str3"]["elem1", "elem2", "elem3", "elem4"]["str1", "elem1"]5

Minimum Number of Samples

If your dataset is highly variable (i.e. values contained in samples are not very close together), converting a single sample into a datapoint may provide misleading information. It may be better to have a datapoint with an "Unknown" value. This can be accomplished by setting the minimum number of samples for a datapoint in the report.

The minimumSampleSize field in the Report API explains that if the specified size of samples is not met when the consolidation function is performed, the datapoint is considered "null" and no data is available for it. When this occurs, the sample data is discarded and the data field of the datapoint is set to "null".

For information on how to set this option, see the REST API Report Resource section in the documentation.

Report Size

Reports have a predetermined number of datapoints, or size, which sets a limit on the amount of data that can be stored. After the report size has been reached, as newly created datapoints are pushed into the report, the oldest datapoints will automatically be deleted. This is to aid in managing the storage capacity of the server hosting MWS.

On report creation, a Mongo collection will be initialized that is the maximum size of a single entry (currently 16 MB) multiplied by the report size. Be careful in setting a large report size as this will quickly allocate the entire disk if many reports with large report sizes are created.

4.2 Example Report (CPU Utilization)

To understand how the behavior and usage of the reporting framework, a sample report covering CPU Utilization will be shown in this section. It will not cover how to gather or display data for reports, but will cover some basic operations that are available with Moab Web Services to facilitate reporting.

4.2.1 Creating A Report

Before any data is sent to Moab Web Services, a report must first be created. A JSON payload with a HTTP method of POST must be used to do this.

POST /rest/reports
  "description":"An example report for cpu utilization",

This will result in a report being created which can then be retrieved by sending a GET request to /rest/reports/cpu-util. The datapointDuration of 600 signifies that the datapoint consolidation should occur once every 10 minutes, while the reportSize (i.e. number of the datapoints) shows that the report will retain up to 2 days worth of the latest datapoints.

GET /rest/reports/cpu-util
    "consolidationFunction": "average",
    "datapointDuration": 600,
    "datapoints": [],
    "description": "An example report for cpu utilization",
    "id": "aef6f6a3a0bz7bf6449537c9d",
    "keepSamples": false,
    "minimumSampleSize": 1,
    "name": "cpu-util",
    "reportSize": 288,
    "version": 0

Note that an ID has been generated automatically and that no datapoints are associated with the report.

4.2.2 Adding Samples

Until samples are added and associated with the report, datapoint consolidation will generate datapoints with a data field equal to null. Once samples are added, however, they will be averaged and inserted into the next datapoint.

Create samples for the cpu-util by sending a POST request as follows:

POST /rest/reports/cpu-util/samples
    "agent": "cpu-monitor",
    "timestamp":"2012-01-01 12:00:00 MST",
    "data": {
      "minutes1": 0.5,
      "minutes5": 0,
      "minutes15": 0
    "agent": "cpu-monitor",
    "timestamp":"2012-01-01 12:01:00 MST",
    "data": {
      "minutes1": 1,
      "minutes5": 0.5,
      "minutes15": 0.05
    "agent": "cpu-monitor",
    "timestamp":"2012-01-01 12:02:00 MST",
    "data": {
      "minutes1": 1,
      "minutes5": 0.5,
      "minutes15": 0.1
    "agent": "cpu-monitor",
    "timestamp":"2012-01-01 12:03:00 MST",
    "data": {
      "minutes1": 0.75,
      "minutes5": 1,
      "minutes15": 0.25
    "agent": "cpu-monitor",
    "timestamp":"2012-01-01 12:04:00 MST",
    "data": {
      "minutes1": 0,
      "minutes5": 1,
      "minutes15": 0.85

This sample data contains average load for the last 1, 5, and 15 minute intervals. The samples were recorded at one-minute intervals starting at noon on January 1st, 2012.

4.2.3 Consolidating Data

A consolidation function must run to generate datapoints from the given samples. This scheduled consolidation will occur at intervals of datapointDuration seconds. For each field in the data object in samples, all values will be averaged. If non-numeric values are included, the following strategies will be followed:
  1. All fields which contain a single numeric value in any included sample will be averaged and the non-numeric or null values will be ignored.
  2. All fields which contain a list will be consolidated into a single, flat list.
  3. All fields which contain only non-numeric or null values will be consolidated into a single, flat list.

If no historical datapoints are provided in the creation of a report as in this example, the next consolidation will be scheduled for the current time plus the datapointDuration. In this example, the scheduled consolidation is at 10 minutes from the creation date. If historical datapoints are included in the report creation, the latest datapoint's endDate plus the datapointDuration will be used as the scheduled time. If this date was in the past, the next scheduled consolidation will occur at the appropriate interval from the last endDate.

4.2.4 Retrieving Report Data

To retrieve the consolidated datapoints, simply perform a GET request on the report once again. Alternatively, the GET for a report's datapoints may be used.

GET /rest/reports/cpu-util
    "consolidationFunction": "average",
    "datapointDuration": 600,
    "datapoints": [
            "firstSampleDate": null,
            "lastSampleDate": null,
            "data": null,
            "startDate": "2012-01-01 11:49:00 MST",
            "endDate": "2012-01-01 11:59:00 MST"
            "firstSampleDate": "2012-01-01 12:00:00 MST",
            "lastSampleDate": "2012-01-01 12:04:00 MST",
            "data": {
                "minutes1": 0.65,
                "minutes15": 0.25,
                "minutes5": 0.6
            "startDate": "2012-01-01 11:59:00 MST",
            "endDate": "2012-01-01 12:09:00 MST"
    "description": "An example report for cpu utilization",
    "id": "aef6f6a3a0bz7bf6449537c9d",
    "keepSamples": false,
    "minimumSampleSize": 1,
    "name": "cpu-util",
    "reportSize": 288,
    "version": 0

Note that of the two datapoints above, only the second actually contains data, while the other is set to null. Only samples lying within the datapoint's duration, or from the startDate to the endDate, are included in the consolidation. Therefore the first datapoint, which covered the 10 minute period just before the samples' recorded timestamps, contained no data. The second, which covers the 10 minute period matching that of the samples, contains the averaged sample data. This data could be used to display consolidated report data in a custom interface.

4.2.5 Possible Configurations

Configuration options may be changed to affect the process of report generation. These are documented in the API for the Report object and the Sample object.

5 MWS Plugins (Beta)

This section describes MWS Plugins, their use, and their creation in Moab Web Services.

MWS Plugins are currently in beta. Interfaces may change significantly in future releases.

5.1 Plugin Overview

This section provides an overview of the plugin layer in web services. The following areas will be covered:
  • An introduction to the concept of MWS plugins
  • How to configure Moab Workload Manager to interact with MWS plugins
  • A description of the plugin lifecycle
  • How plugins are driven by events
  • How to expose web services from a plugin
  • How data collisions between plugins are resolved
  • How calls from Moab are routed to MWS plugins

5.1.1 Introduction

Moab Web Services plugins provide a highly extensible interface to interact with Moab, MWS, and external resources. Plugins can perform some of the same functions as Moab Resource Managers, while also providing many other features not available to RMs. This section will discuss the main features of plugins, some basic terminology, and how MWS plugins can interact with Moab.


Plugins can

  • be created, modified, and deleted without restarting Moab or MWS.
  • be defined in Groovy and uploaded to MWS without restarting.
  • have individual data storage space and configuration.
  • be polled at a regular interval (configured on a per-plugin basis)
  • be informed of important system events.
  • be individually stopped, started, paused, and resumed.
  • expose custom web services for external use.
  • be manipulated via a full RESTful API (see Resources for more information).


There are two distinct terms in the plugin layer: plugin types and plugins (or plugin instances).

Plugin Types

Plugin Types can be considered plugin templates with built-in logic. In object-oriented programming languages, this relates to the concept of a class. They possess certain abilities, or methods, that can be called by Moab Web Services to query information about a certain resource. They also can define methods which will be exposed to external clients as web services. They do not contain any configuration or current data, but they are often tied to a type of component, such as components that communicate with Moab's WIKI Protocol or those that are built on a certain product.

They define several types of methods:

  1. Query methods such as getNodes, getVirtualMachines, and getNodes that retrieve the current state of the resources that the plugin monitors.
  2. The poll method (optional) that is called at a configured interval.
  3. Instance methods that return information about the current plugin, such as getState. While these are defined in the plugin type, the plugin type itself does not have a state.
  4. Lifecycle methods of plugins created from the plugin type, such as beforeStart and afterStart.
  5. Web service methods that expose custom functionality as public web services.

Some examples of plugin types include the Native plugin type, the MSM plugin type, and the CSA plugin type.

Plugins (Instances)

Plugins (also called plugin instances) are created from plugin types. They contain current data or configuration and use the plugin type methods to interact with resources.

Interactions with Moab as a Resource Manager

The plugin layer in MWS is integrated with Moab via the Native Resource Manager (RM) interface. When utilizing plugins, MWS is configured as a RM in Moab as explained in the next section. Events from Moab are pushed through the RM interface to MWS which is then pushed to each plugin in turn. The relationship between Moab Web Services, Moab, and plugins is shown in the following image:

In the diagram above, the MWS RM signifies that MWS is configured as a Moab Resource Manager.

5.1.2 Configuring Moab

To use the full functionality of MWS plugins, Moab must be configured to use MWS as a resource manager. The following lines must be in the /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg file or one of its included files:

RMCFG[mws]              TYPE=NATIVE
RMCFG[mws]              FLAGS=UserSpaceIsSeparate
RMCFG[mws]              CLUSTERQUERYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              WORKLOADQUERYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBCANCELURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBMIGRATEURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBMODIFYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBREQUEUEURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBRESUMEURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBSTARTURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBSUBMITURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              JOBSUSPENDURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              NODEMODIFYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              NODEPOWERURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              RESOURCECREATEURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              SYSTEMMODIFYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/
RMCFG[mws]              SYSTEMQUERYURL=exec://$TOOLSDIR/mws/

The next step is to edit the MWS values in /opt/moab/etc/cloud.cfg. Here are the default values:

CONFIG[default]                 MWS_URL=http://localhost:8080/mws
CONFIG[default]                 MWS_USERNAME=admin
CONFIG[default]                 MWS_PASSWORD=adminpw

MWS_USERNAME and MWS_PASSWORD must match the values of auth.defaultUser.username and auth.defaultUser.password, respectively, found in /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy.

The * scripts should be located in the tools/mws of the Moab home directory. The Moab/ module must also be available to the scripts. All of these files may be found in the tools/mws and lib/perl5 directories of the Moab tar file. They are automatically installed if Moab is configured with the --with-mws flag or they can be copied directly from there to the tools folder in your Moab home directory.

To enable such actions as submitting jobs as different users, the ENABLEPROXY=TRUE option must be present in the ADMINCFG configuration line and the OSCREDLOOKUP option must be set to NEVER as follows:


5.1.3 Lifecycle States

During the course of a plugin's use, the state of the plugin may change many times. Plugins have four possible states: Stopped, Started, Paused, and Errored. The flow of a plugin through the states is shown in the following image:

To see descriptions of each state, see the PluginState API.

Events that occur during lifecycle state changes may be found in the Events section.

5.1.4 Events

Plugins use an event based model in that methods are called on the plugin when certain criteria are met or situations arise. Plugin types may be created to handle certain events by implementing or not implementing certain methods. Events currently exist for polling and certain lifecycle state changes.

The Polling Event

To maintain current information, each plugin is polled for node, job, and virtual machine information at a specified time interval. By default, this interval is set to 30 seconds, but can be modified for all or individual plugins as explained in Plugin Management.

When a polling event occurs, the poll method on the target plugin is called. This method may perform any function desired and should typically make calls to the Plugin Persistence Service to make updated to nodes, jobs, or virtual machines. For example, the poll method in the Native plugin type is implemented as follows:

This is an extremely simplified version of what is actually implemented in the Native plugin type.

public void poll() {

This simple poll method calls three other helper methods called getNodes, getVirtualMachines, and getJobs to retrieve node, job, and virtual machine objects. These results are each sent to the appropriate method in the plugin persistence service. While the specific details of the plugin persistence service are not important to understand at this point, the objective of this example is to demonstrate one possible use of the poll event handler. The CSA plugin type, on the other hand, uses the poll event to retrieve update internal data from its pertinent resources and to update node and virtual machine information. It does not query or persist any job information.

Lifecycle Events

Events are also triggered for certain lifecycle state changes. These are documented in the table below with the associated method that must be implemented on a plugin type to handle the event.

State ChangeEventDescription
StartbeforeStartTriggered just before starting a plugin.
StartafterStartTriggered just after a plugin has been started.
StopbeforeStopTriggered just before stopping a plugin.
StopafterStopTriggered just after stopping a plugin.

Currently, no events are triggered for pausing, resuming, erroring, or clearing errors for plugins.

5.1.5 Custom Web Services

Although the events interface typically serves most cases, there are some instances where an event is not supported that is desired. This is especially true when an external resource is the source of the event. To address these issues, plugins can expose custom web services to external resources. These web services may be named freely and do anything they wish in the plugin framework.

For example, suppose a resource needs to notify a plugin that provisioning of a virtual machine has been completed. Instead of having the plugin poll the resource to verify that the provisioning was finished, the plugin could expose a custom web service to handle notification from the resource itself.

Sample custom web service
def vmProvisionFinished(Map params) {
	// Handle event
	return [messages:["Event successfully processed"]]

A full explanation of the syntax and creation of custom web services may be seen on the Plugin Type Guidelines page under "Exposing Web Services".

For information how resources can access plugin web services, see Accessing Plugin Web Services.

5.1.6 Data Collision Detection

At times, plugins can report differing or even contradictory data for nodes, jobs, and virtual machines. This is called a data "collision". Currently, when data from one plugin "collides" with another, the last plugin to report (or persist using the plugin persistence service) the data will be considered the authoritative source for information.

For example, suppose two plugins exist, pluginA and pluginB. These plugins both report data for a node with an ID of node1. However, each reports a different node power state. Plugin A reports the power as ON, while plugin B reports the power as OFF. The data collision that occurs due to these two plugins persistence contradictory data is resolved by the timing of their polling. If plugin A is polled first and plugin B second, the node will be reported as OFF until plugin A is polled again and vice versa.

The simple workaround for this issue is to ensure that no two plugins report the same resource or that they report different properties of the same resource. For example, if plugin A only modified the power state and plugin B only modified the available disk, these two plugins would work in harmony to provide a consistent view of the node resource.

5.1.7 Routing

Due to the fact that Moab Web Services is configured as a Resource Manager (RM) in Moab Workload Manager, events are sometimes triggered by Moab through the RM interface. These actions could be migrating a virtual machine, starting a job, submitting a job, modifying a node, and so forth. The decisions of which plugins are affected and notified is termed routing .

Currently all plugins receive all commands from Moab. This means that each plugin will receive the command to start a job if sent from Moab, even if that plugin does not handle the job. This means that plugins must ensure they handle only actions or commands for resources which they report or handle.

5.2 Plugin Type Management

Plugin types comprise the methods by which Moab may communicate with resource managers or other external components. They define all operations that can be performed for a "type" or "class" of plugins.

Several plugin types are provided with web services, but it is easy to create additional plugin types and add their functionality to web services.

5.2.1 Bundled Plugin Types

Several plugin types are provided by Adaptive Computing for use in Moab Web Services. Examples of these include the Native and MSM plugin types.

Please see the Bundled Plugin Types item in the Quick Reference menu for all bundled types.

5.2.2 Creating Plugin Types

Creating a plugin type involves using Groovy, which is based on the Java programming language. This section describes the general guidelines and specifics of implementing a simple plugin. Plugin Type Guidelines

The com.ace.mws.plugins.AbstractPlugin abstract class is provided to assist in creating plugin types. However, this class need not be extended to provide a fully functional plugin type. In fact, there are only two methods that must be implemented to provide a working plugin type:
  • public String getId();
  • public void setId(String id);

These may be stored in whichever way desired, but will most likely be implemented as follows:

In the following Groovy example, String id will be expanded by the compiler to the full method definitions given above. Thus no explicit method definitions are actually needed.

Basic Groovy Implementation
class BasicPlugin {
	String id

To pass the checks to be able to add the class as a plugin, there are two requirements:

  1. The ID getter and setter must be fully implemented (as described above).
  2. The class name must end in "Plugin".

Dynamic Methods on Plugins

Several methods are dynamically inserted onto each plugin. These methods do not need to be included in the plugin class, and in fact are preferred not to as they will simply be overwritten.

These methods are shown below:

// Defined in com.ace.mws.plugins.AbstractPlugin
public void start() throws PluginStartException;	// Equivalent to [pluginControlService.start(String id)|guide:pluginControlLifecycle]
public void stop() throws PluginStopException;  // Equivalent to [pluginControlService.stop(String id)|guide:pluginControlLifecycle]

// Defined in com.ace.mws.plugins.AbstractPluginInfo public String getPluginType(); // Equivalent to [pluginConfigurationService.getPluginType(String id)|guide:pluginConfigurationService] public PluginState getState(); // Equivalent to [pluginConfigurationService.getState(String id)|guide:pluginConfigurationService] public Integer getPollInterval(); // Equivalent to [pluginConfigurationService.getPollInterval(String id)|guide:pluginConfigurationService] public Boolean getAutoStart(); // Equivalent to [pluginConfigurationService.getAutoStart(String id)|guide:pluginConfigurationService] public Map<String, Object> getConfig(); // Equivalent to [pluginConfigurationService.getConfig(String id)|guide:pluginConfigurationService]

Plugin Metadata

Metadata may be included in plugin classes by defining static properties on the classes. Currently, the metadata available is author and description. These may be defined in the following manner:

The following example does not implement the ID property and therefore would not pass as a valid plugin.
Groovy plugin with Metadata
class ExamplePlugin {
	static author = "Adaptive Computing"
	static description = "A basic example for a plugin with metadata"

Exposing Web Services

Any number of methods may be exposed as public web services by following two simple rules:

  1. The method must return a list, map, or a complex object.
  2. It must define a single argument of a Map.

The argument will contain all parameters passed into the web service by the client. See Accessing Plugin Services for additional details.

Parameters may be passed into the web service call as normal URL parameters such as ?param=value&param2=value2, as key-value pairs in the POST body of a request, or as JSON in the body. For the first two cases, the parameters will be available on the Map argument passed into the web service call as key value pairs matching those of the request. Note that in these cases all keys and values will be interpreted as strings.

GET PLUGIN_SERVICE_URL?key=value&key2=true&key3=5

def serviceMethod(Map params) { assert params.key=="value" assert params.key2=="true" assert params.key3=="5" }

In the latter case, the parsed JSON properties will be available within a parameter called body in the Map argument. In this scenario, the types of the values are preserved by the JSON format.


def serviceMethod(Map params) { assert params.body.key=="value" assert params.body.key2==true assert params.body.key3==5 }


For events that trigger method calls on plugins, these methods may be implemented on custom plugin types to handle the event. For more information, see the Plugin Events section.

External Dependencies

External dependencies (e.g. JAR files) may be included and referenced in custom plugin types. However, certain rules must be followed in order to have these load correctly:

  1. The plugin type must be bundled and uploaded as a JAR file.
  2. The plugin type must bundle all external dependency JARs in the root of the plugin type JAR file.
  3. An entry must be included in the MANIFEST.MF file that references each of these bundled JAR files as a space separated list:

Class-Path: dependency1.jar dependency2.jar dependency3.jar

Assuming that these rules are followed, and that the plugin type is uploaded using the REST API or the User Interface, the dependent JARs will first be loaded and then the new plugin type and associated files will be loaded. API Classes and Interfaces

There are several packages and classes available to assist in creating plugin types. These can all be found in the API documentation under the com.ace.mws.plugins package.

Here is a brief synopsis of the classes that can and should be used:


The com.ace.mws.plugins package contains the interfaces AbstractPluginInfo and AbstractPlugin that should form the basis of any new plugin type.

Only the getId() and setId() functions must be implemented for a fully operational plugin. All other methods will be inserted dynamically if they do not exist on startup.


The package contains interfaces for all services available to plugin types. These may be used as discussed in Services.


The com.ace.mws.plugins.exceptions package contains several exceptions that may be used and in some cases, should be caught. Plugin Type Example

A sample plugin type in Groovy would resemble the following:

package test

import com.ace.mws.plugins.* import com.ace.mws.plugins.exceptions.*

class UploadTestPlugin { static author = "Adaptive Computing" static description = "A simple plugin in groovy"

String id

public void verifyConfiguration() throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException { def myConfig = config def errors = [] if (!myConfig.arbitraryKey) errors << "Missing arbitraryKey!" if (errors) throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("Invalid plugin ${id} configuration", errors) } }

5.2.3 Plugin Services

Several services are available for use by any plugin type. To use services, they must be declared within the class of the plugin type. For example, to use the plugin control service, a pluginControlService property of type IPluginControlService or "def" must be declared on the plugin type. The actual service will be inserted or injected into the plugin class when the plugin is used.

Injected typed service
package example


public class ExamplePlugin { IPluginControlService pluginControlService

public void someMethod() { // Use the control service pluginControlService.[method](); } }

Injected untyped service
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginControlService

public void someMethod() { // Use the control service pluginControlService.[method](); } }

Do not attempt to create a new instance of the services before use, such as in a constructor. The services will be automatically injected before any methods are called on the plugin.

The injected service property must be named correctly to use it, regardless of the type used. Configuration Service

The configuration service controls all configuration options for plugins. Typically this service does not need to be called directly as methods are provided on all plugins which are routed to the configuration service as explained in the guidelines under Dynamic Methods.

The pluginConfigurationService property will be injected with a class of type IPluginConfigurationService. Control Service

The control service allows lifecycle management operations to be performed on plugins. It also provides methods to create and retrieve plugins. Note that the plugin control service may be used by other plugins, allowing one plugin to dynamically create, retrieve, start, or stop plugins. The CSA plugin does exactly this by creating a new plugin (SA for example) for each supported provider in CSA.

The pluginControlService property will be injected with a class of type IPluginControlService.

Creating Plugins

Several methods are provided to allow on-the-fly creation of new plugins. Generally, they allow a plugin with a specific ID and plugin type (as a string or as a Groovy Class) to be created with optional configuration properties. These properties should match the fields in the Plugin API. If specific or all configuration properties are omitted, the defaults will be used as described in the Plugin Management with Configuration file section.

In each case, a boolean value is returned indicating whether the creation succeeded or not. Additionally, the createPlugin methods will initialize the plugin for retrieval or usage and attempt to start the plugin if the autoStart property is true.

Create plugin with default configuration
try {
	if (pluginControlService.createPlugin("myPlugin", "Native"))
		println "myPlugin was created successfully!"
		println "There was an error creating myPlugin"
} catch(PluginStartException e) {
	println "There was a problem starting the new plugin: ${e.message}"
} catch(InvalidPluginConfigurationException e) {
	println "There were errors with the plugin's configuration: ${e.errors}"

Create plugin with custom configuration
if (pluginControlService.createPlugin("myPlugin", "Native", [autoStart:false, pollInterval:600]))
	println "myPlugin was created successfully!"
	println "There was an error creating myPlugin"

Retrieving Plugins

Retrieving plugins requires either a unique identifier or the type and configuration option(s).

Retrieving by Unique Identifier

Get plugin by ID
IPlugin plugin = pluginControlService.getPluginById("plugin1");

Retrieving by Type and Configuration Properties

The second method of retrieving Plugins involves sending a type and configuration properties as a map. Both parameters are required; however, the configuration map may be empty as in the following example.

Get plugin by Type Only
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
IPlugin plugin = pluginControlService.getPlugin("Native", config);

In this case, the first plugin with a type of Native will be returned. If no Plugins of this type exist, null is returned.

If the configuration properties map is filled with any properties, all keys and values in it must be matched for a plugin to be successfully retrieved. For example, if the current plugin list looks like the following:

test {
	pluginType = "Native"
	config = [test:"true"]
test2 {
	pluginType = "Native"
	config = [test2:"true"]

Then the following calls would result:

IPlugin plugin;
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();

config.put("test", "true"); plugin = pluginControlService.getPlugin("Native", config); assert "test"==plugin.getId();

config.put("test2", "true"); plugin = pluginControlService.getPlugin("Native", config); assert plugin==null;

config.remove("test"); plugin = pluginControlService.getPlugin("Native", config); assert "test2"==plugin.getId();

Starting or Stopping Plugins

Plugins may be started or stopped on demand. These two methods are exposed directly as start and stop on the plugin control service. Although each method does not return any data, exceptions are thrown if errors are encountered.

These methods correctly handle lifecycle events and changing plugin state. These should never be modified directly!

Start Plugin
try {
} catch(PluginStartException e) {
	println "There was a problem starting the plugin: ${e.message}"
} catch(InvalidPluginException) {
	println "The plugin 'myPlugin' is invalid"
} catch(InvalidPluginConfigurationException e) {
	println "The plugin has an invalid configuration: ${e.errors}"

Stop Plugin
try {
} catch(PluginStopException e) {
	println "There was a problem stopping the plugin: ${e.message}"
} catch(InvalidPluginException) {
	println "The plugin 'myPlugin' is invalid"

Verifying Plugin Configuration

Finally, the plugin control service may be used to verify plugin configuration at any point instead of just when the plugin is started or modified. This may be useful to attempt to modify plugin configuration directly through the Configuration Service and then verify that the new configuration is valid for the plugin. Exceptions are thrown if the plugin or the configuration is invalid.

Verify plugin configuration
try {
} catch(InvalidPluginException) {
	println "The plugin 'myPlugin' is invalid"
} catch(InvalidPluginConfigurationException e) {
	println "The plugin has an invalid configuration: ${e.errors}"
} Data Persistence Service

The data persistence service is provided to ease the storage of Moab state data such as nodes, jobs, and virtual machines. Objects passed to the service are saved to the Moab Web Services database. It also handles data collisions as explained in the Overview.

If the plugin uses the getNodes, getJobs, or getVirtualMachines methods exclusively for handling polling, the service will likely never be used directly. This is due to the fact that the default AbstractPlugin implementation of the poll method uses the persistence service with the results from these methods. The persistence service, however, is used in all plugins that persist job, node, or virtual machine data.

The pluginPersistenceService property will be injected with a class of type IPluginPersistenceService.

All examples use a custom web service to create events.

Note that in all cases, the Node, Job, and VirtualMachine objects are intentionally not saved before being passed to the persistence service.

Persisting Data to the Database

In this most typical use case of the persistence service, it may be used to persist node, job, and virtual machine data to the database.

Persisting Nodes

Persisting Nodes in Groovy
package example

import com.ace.mws.nodes.Node

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def updateNodesService(Map params) { def nodes = ...// create Node objects here if (pluginPersistenceService.updateNodes(nodes))"Nodes successfully updated") else"There was an error updating nodes") } }

Persisting Jobs

Persisting Jobs in Groovy
package example


public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def updateJobsService(Map params) { def jobs = ...// create Job objects here if (pluginPersistenceService.updateJobs(jobs))"Jobs successfully updated") else"There was an error updating jobs") } }

Persisting Virtual Machines

Persisting Virtual Machines in Groovy
package example

import com.ace.mws.vms.VirtualMachine

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def updateVirtualMachinesService(Map params) { def vms = ...// create Virtual Machine objects here if (pluginPersistenceService.updateVirtualMachines(vms))"VMs successfully updated") else"There was an error updating VMs") } }

Removing Data from the Database

On the other hand, the plugin persistence service may also be used to remove state data from the database by using the remove* methods.

Removing Nodes

Removing Nodes in Groovy
package example

import com.ace.mws.nodes.Node

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def removeNodesService(Map params) { def nodes = ...// load Node objects here

if (pluginPersistenceService.removeNodes(nodes))"Nodes successfully removed") else"There was an error removing nodes") } }

Removing Jobs

Removing Jobs in Groovy
package example


public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def removeJobsService(Map params) { def jobs = ...// load Job objects here

if (pluginPersistenceService.removeJobs(jobs))"Jobs successfully removed") else"There was an error removing jobs") } }

Removing Virtual Machines

Removing Virtual Machines in Groovy
package example

import com.ace.mws.vms.VirtualMachine

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginPersistenceService

public def removeVirtualMachinesService(Map params) { def vms = ...// load VirtualMachine objects here

if (pluginPersistenceService.removeVirtualMachines(vms))"Virtual machines successfully removed") else"There was an error removing virtual machines") } } Individual Datastore Service

The individual datastore service is provided to allow a plugin to persist data to the database that is isolated from all other persistent data. It is not designed to store Moab data such as nodes, jobs, or virtual machines, but custom, arbitrary data pertinent only to the individual plugin.

The pluginDatastoreService property will be injected with a class of type IPluginDatastoreService.

Persisting Custom Data

The datastore service may be used to persist custom, arbitrary data to the database. Multiple collections may be used by a single plugin and can be named arbitrarily. Although non-alphanumeric characters may be used, it is not recommended as it could cause loss of data between collections.

Always use the id of the current plugin when calling the pluginDatastoreService methods. Failure to do so will cause issues with other plugins.

Adding A Single Entry

Persisting Custom Entry in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntryService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def data = [:] // Add data here to the Map if (pluginDatastoreService.addData(id, collectionName, data))"Data successfully added") else"There was an error adding the data") } }

Adding Multiple Entries

Persisting Multiple Entries in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntriesService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def dataList = [] dataList.add( /* Custom Map of data here */) dataList << // Custom Map of data here if (pluginDatastoreService.addData(id, collectionName, dataList))"Data entries successfully added") else"There was an error adding the data entries") } }

Updating A Single Entry

Updating Entry in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def updateDataEntryService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def data = [:] // Add data here to the Map if (pluginDatastoreService.updateData(id, collectionName, "key", "value", data))"Data successfully updated") else"There was an error updating the data") } }

Querying Data

The datastore service may also be used to query for collections and specific entries in each collection.

Find If A Collection Exists

Collection Exists in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntryService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" if (pluginDatastoreService.exists(id, collectionName))"Collection exists") else"The collection does not exist") } }

Get Contents Of A Collection

Get Collection in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntriesService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def dataList = pluginDatastoreService.getCollection(id, collectionName) if (dataList!=null)"Collection successfully queried") else"There was an error querying the collection") } }

Get A Single Entry From A Collection

Get Single Entry in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def updateDataEntryService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def data = pluginDatastoreService.getData(id, collectionName, "key", "value") if (data!=null)"Data successfully retrieved") else"There was an error retrieving the data") } }

Removing Data

The data in the individual datastore may also be cleared out or removed on a collection or single entry basis.

Removing A Collection

Removing Collection in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntryService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" def data = pluginDatastoreService.clearCollection(id, collectionName) // Data now contains the collection that was cleared if (data!=null)"Collection successfully cleared") else"There was an error clearing the collection") } }

Removing A Single Entry

Remove Single Entry in Groovy
package example

public class ExamplePlugin { def pluginDatastoreService

public def addDataEntriesService(Map params) { def collectionName = "collection1" if (pluginDatastoreService.removeData(id, collectionName, "key", "value"))"Data entry successfully removed") else"There was an error removing the data entry") } }

5.2.4 Uploading Plugin Types

Plugin types can be uploaded into Moab Web Services using the user interface or REST API. Upload with the User Interface

The user interface may be used to upload plugins using a file, a Java Archive (JAR) file, or pasted Groovy code.

Single Class File

Groovy files containing a single plugin class may be uploaded at the /mws/admin/plugin-types/create URL.

Simply click Add files..., select the .groovy class file, and click the Start upload button. If the plugin type was successfully uploaded and initialized, the size of the file uploaded will be displayed.

If the upload failed or an error occurred during initialization of the plugin, an error message will be displayed. See the log file for additional details and error messages.

JAR File

A JAR file containing one or more plugins may also be uploaded using the same process as the Groovy file.

Navigate to the /mws/admin/plugin-types/create URL. Click Add files..., select the .jar class file, and click the Start upload button. If the upload failed or an error occurred during initialization of the plugin(s), an error message will be displayed. See the log file for additional details and error messages.

The JAR upload process differs from the single file in that if successful, the name of each successfully loaded plugin class will be displayed.

There are two ways that the plugins are extracted from the JAR file: the manifest file and autodetection.

Manifest File

The manifest file, located at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, will be loaded and an attribute named MWS-Plugin-Types will be used. This attribute's value should be a comma-separated list of full class names of all plugin types, including the package.

example.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Example
Manifest-Version: 1.0
MWS-Plugins: example.package.ExamplePlugin, example.package.AnotherExamplePlugin


If no manifest attribute is specified, or the manifest file does not exist, then MWS will search in the JAR for file names that end with Plugin. If it finds any, it will attempt to load them as plugin classes.


Code may also be written dynamically in the browser which is then uploaded and compiled as Groovy code. Make sure to refer to the plugin type Guidelines before finishing the upload process.

Navigate to the /mws/admin/plugin-types/create URL and click Paste Source Code to open the text area where code should be placed.

Paste or type the code into the field and click Create. If the upload succeeded, the user interface will be redirected to the plugin type show page. If the upload failed or an error occurred during initialization of the plugin, an error message will be displayed. See the log file for additional details and error messages. Uploading with REST API

Alternatively, the same file formats may be uploaded to Moab Web Services using a REST API. The URLs, payloads, and responses are fully documented in the Updating Plugin Types section.

When using the REST API, the code and single Class files use the same operation.

5.2.5 Listing Plugin Types

Finally, it is possible to list the available plugin types with their associated authors and descriptions through either the REST API or the user interface.

Listing in REST API

Retrieving all or specific plugin types is fully documented in the Getting Plugin Types resource section.

Listing in User Interface

To retrieve a list of all plugin types, navigate to /mws/admin/plugin-types/list.

The ID of each plugin type may be clicked to navigate to a page with more information concerning the type, including the current instances using it. A link is also provided to create a new plugin from the currently displayed type.

5.3 Plugin Management and Usage

Plugins may be managed and accessed with Moab Web Services dynamically, even while running. This includes plugin instance configuration, controlling plugin lifecycle, and accessing custom web services.

5.3.1 Configuring Plugins

Configuring plugins may be done by any of these methods:
  1. Using the MWS configuration file which is read during the MWS startup process.
  2. Using the user interface through a web browser.
  3. Using the REST API through scripts or other web client utilities. Managing with Configuration File

Only new plugins (those with IDs that do not exist in the database) are loaded on startup. The database is considered the authoritative source for all current plugin configuration.

Configuration of plugins with a file involves setting the Configuration fields in the Moab Web Services configuration file. See the MWS configuration guide for more information on the configuration file.

Two areas can be configured within the file: default values and plugin configuration.

Changing Default Values

Configuration may be specified for default values for all new plugins as follows:

All settings are optional for the default configuration. If no values are specified, the default values will be used as shown in the Configuration reference guide.

Default plugin configuration
plugins {
	pollInterval = 30
	pollEnabled = true
	autoStart = true
	config {
		arbitraryKey = "arbitrary value"
		username = "admin"
		password = "pass"

With these settings, any new plugins would be created with polling enabled, auto start enabled, a polling interval of 30 seconds, and three config entries.

Additionally, the pluginType and id fields may be given a default value that will be used in the User Interface for creating new plugins as follows:

Setting UI Defaults
plugins {
	id = "companyId00"
	pluginType = "Native"

Instance Configuration

New plugins can be created by using the configuration file. Please note, however, that if a plugin already exists in the database with the same ID when the configuration file is read, the configuration file settings will be ignored. In other words, the database data is taken over all configuration file data.

To define plugins, simply include an instances block in the configuration file. Each new block within instances is the ID of a new plugin and contains all desired configuration for it.

Sample plugin 'native1'
plugins {
	instances {
		native1 {
			pluginType = "Native"
			pollInterval = 25
			autoStart = false

It should be reiterated that all configuration entries for a plugin, excluding the id and pluginType, are optional.

Default vs Instance Config

Any config entries defined in the instances block will be merged with the default config entries with the plugin entries taking precedence. For example, for the following configuration:

Config Entries
plugins {
	config {
		key = "defaultKey"
		defaultKey = "defaultValue"
	instances {
		native1 {
			pluginType = "Native"
			config {
				key = "pluginKey"
				pluginKey = "pluginValue"

A plugin would be configured with a combined configuration of:

config {
	key = "pluginKey"
	defaultKey = "defaultValue"
	pluginKey = "pluginValue"
} Managing with User Interface

Plugins may be listed, created, modified, and deleted by navigating to /mws/admin/plugins.

New plugins may be created by navigating to /mws/admin/plugins/create. This interface exposes the same configuration options that are in the External File configuration. The same validation occurs through the user interface for required and optional fields. Managing with REST API

The URLs, payloads, and responses of managing plugins through the REST API are fully documented in the Plugins Resource sections.

5.3.2 Controlling Plugin Lifecycle

Monitoring and lifecycle control of plugins may be performed on a single page located at /mws/admin/plugins/control/list. This page displays the current state of all plugins as well as their polling status.

Active Plugins

Active plugins are those which are in the Started or Paused states. These are available to receive events such as polling. If paused, a plugin will not receive events but is not actually stopped, therefore no stop events are triggered.

The following images demonstrate the status of plugins in the active states.

A started plugin which includes the relative time of the last poll as well as the time of the next poll in a countdown format. Action buttons are available to stop or pause the plugin as well as trigger an immediate poll event.

A paused plugin which includes only the last polling time. Action buttons are available to stop or resume the plugin, as well as trigger an immediate poll event.

Disabled Plugins

Disabled plugins are those which are in the Stopped or Errored states. These plugins do not receive events such as polling. If errored, a plugin may either be stopped, which represents a "clearing" of the error, or started normally. However, if no action is taken on an errored plugin, it likely will not start due to the fact that most plugins are put into the errored state during startup of the plugin.

The following images demonstrate the representation of plugins in the disabled states.

A stopped plugin. A single action button is available to attempt to start the plugin.

An errored plugin. As mentioned previously, action buttons are available to stop the plugin or clear the error as well as attempt to start the plugin. If the start fails, an error message will be displayed.

5.3.3 Accessing Web Services

As mentioned in the Overview, custom web services may be available in plugins. These web services may be called externally by resources and arbitrary consumers or internally by other plugins.

Access Web Services Externally

To access the custom web services defined by the plugin, navigate to or call /mws/rest/plugins/ ID /services/ SERVICE_METHOD where ID is the unique identifier for the plugin, and SERVICE_METHOD is the method name of the exposed service.

Parameters may be passed into the web service call as normal URL parameters such as ?param=value&param2=value2, in the POST body of a request, or as JSON in the body.

Additionally, translation is done to map CamelCase service names to dash-separated names in the URL. For example, a web service method named notifyEvent on a plugin with an ID of notifications can be called with the following URLs.

// Camel case
// Dash separated

Web Service Calls from Internal Plugins

In some cases, it may be desirable to access the custom web services from another plugin internally. To do so, simply retrieve the plugin using the plugin control service and call the desired method directly.

For example, if a plugin exists with an ID of "yourPlugin", and another plugin identified as "myPlugin" wants to access a custom web service defined as the following:

yourPlugin web service
def notifyEvent(Map params) {
	// Handling of the event
	return [processed:true]

The plugin "myPlugin" would simply retrieve "yourPlugin" using the plugin control service and call the method. The return value can be used directly without any translation to or from JSON.

Call plugin's custom service
IPluginControlService pluginControlService

void poll() { // This plugin is "myPlugin" assert id=="myPlugin"

// Retrieve "yourPlugin" def yourPlugin = pluginControlService.getPluginById("yourPlugin") assert"yourPlugin"

// Call custom web service internally def result = yourPlugin.notifyEvent([:]) assert result.processed==true }