Groovy Documentation



Class Summary
Job This class represents a job in the Moab Workload Manager.
JobBlockReason Represents the reason a job might be blocked.
JobDependency Not yet implemented.
JobRequirement This class defines all the requirements a job needs in order to run.

Enum Summary
DependencyType Not yet implemented.
JobBlockReasonType An enumeration of the possible reasons a job might be blocked.
JobEmailNotifyType This enumeration represents the types of email notifications that can happen in relation to a job's status.
JobFlag This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job.
JobHoldType This enumeration represents the types of holds that can be applied to jobs.
JobState Represents the various states a job may have at any one time.
QueueStatus This enumeration describes every queue status to which a job state can belong.

Groovy Documentation