(Quick Reference)


These properties can be modified by setting the appropriate values in the mws-config.groovy file. This file is located in MWS_HOME/etc/ or /opt/mws/etc/ by default as explained in the configuration guide.

Configuration Reference

For all possible values that can be set, please see the Grails reference guide. For project specific settings (usually the only ones you'll need to change), you may set the following properties:

grails.mongo.hostString127.0.0.1The MongoDB host to use (Note that MongoDB runs on and not localhost by default)
grails.mongo.portInteger27017The MongoDB port to use
grails.mongo.databaseNameStringmwsThe MongoDB database name to use
grails.mongo.usernameString-(Optional) The username to use when connecting to MongoDB
grails.mongo.passwordString-(Optional) The password to use when connecting to MongoDB
grails.mime.use.accept.headerBooleanfalseWhen enabled, uses the HTTP Content-Accept header to determine the content type used for return data (JSON only for now)
grails.serverURLStringhttp://localhost:8080/mwsSets the location of the URL of the server
auth.defaultUser.usernameStringadminUsername of the default admin user (only created if no other users exist)
auth.defaultUser.passwordStringadminpwUnencoded password of the default admin user, must be different from username
grails.plugins.springsecurity.basic.realmNameStringMoab Web ServicesThe HTTP realm used when using basic auth
grails.plugins.springsecurity.activeBooleantrueEnables or disables security for MWS as a whole, including all providers
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useBasicAuthBooleantrueEnables or disables basic auth with a simple username/password
grails.plugins.springsecurity.oauthProvider.activeBooleantrueEnables or disables the OAuth2 provider
moab.serverStringlocalhostMoab server hostname or IP address
moab.portInteger42559Moab server's port
moab.secretKeyStringmoabsecretSecret key used to communicate with Moab, see Moab Configuration
moab.cacheTimeoutInteger10Number of seconds the cache of Moab information is valid
mam.serverStringlocalhostMoab Accounting Manager server hostname or IP address
mam.portInteger7112Moab Accounting Manager server's port
mam.secretKeyStringmamsecretSecret key used to communicate with Moab Accounting Manager
mws.suiteStringCLOUDThe suite or context that MWS is running in (see Suite for valid values)
mws.hooks.locationStringhooksThe directory (relative or absolute) where Hooks are stored. See the hooks section for more information.
mws.plugins.locationStringpluginsThe directory (relative or absolute) where Plugins are stored. See the plugins section for more information.
mws.docs.maxResultsInteger100Maximum number of results to return for a single search in the documentation
mws.cache.duration.defaultInteger60The default number of seconds to use for caching objects from Moab. This is only supported in certain objects such as policies.
mws.cache.duration.policyInteger180The number of seconds that the cache for policies is valid. If set to null, the default is used.
plugins.pluginTypeString-Default configuration value for the plugin pluginType field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration).
plugins.autoStartBooleantrueDefault configuration value for the plugin autoStart field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration).
plugins.pollIntervalInteger30Default configuration value for the plugin pollInterval field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration).
plugins.configMap-Default configuration value for the plugin config field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration).
plugins.job.purge.durationLong600The number of seconds that completed or removed jobs will be reported to MWM through the RM interface (see Reporting State Data).

Logging Reference

The following loggers are available to use for debugging purposes:

grails.appdebugMost classes in the main MWS application
grails.app.bootstrap.BootStrapdebugHandles startup and initialization of MWS
com.ace.mwsdebugThe base logger for MWS specific functionality not included in other loggers (this comprises very few classes)
grails.app.services.com.ace.mws.plugins.PluginUtilityServicedebugClass for initializing and helper methods of plugins
com.ace.mws.hooks.HookUtilsdebugHelper class for loading hooks during startup process
pluginsdebugAll MWS plugins
com.ace.mws.pluginsdebugMWS plugin helper class, used to create and initialize plugins
com.ace.mws.gapiwarnBase logger for all Moab connections, requests, and responses
com.ace.mws.gapi.ConnectioninfoLogger which controls all requests and responses from Moab
com.ace.mws.gapi.parsersinfoLoggers for parsers of Moab's data
com.ace.mws.gapi.serializersinfoLoggers for all serialization from MWS to Moab Wire Protocol
grails.app.service.grails.plugins.reloadconfiginfoHandles dynamic reloading of configuration files
net.sf.jsonerrorJSON and XML processing library
org.springframework.securityinfoAuthentication/authorization logger
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servleterrorLoggers for request handlers
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mappingerrorURL mapping
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.filtererrorURL mapping
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.pluginserrorAll grails plugins (MWS internal)
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commonserrorCore application and classloading