TORQUE maintains accounting records for batch jobs in the following directory:
$TORQUEROOT defaults to /usr/spool/PBS and <TIMESTAMP> is in the form YYYYMMDD. These records include events, timestamps, and information on resources requested and used.
Records for four different event types are produced and are described in the following table.
Record Marker | Record Type | Description |
D | delete | job has been deleted |
E | exit | job has exited (either successfully or unsuccessfully) |
Q | queue | job has been submitted/queued |
S | start | an attempt to start the job has been made (if the job fails to properly start, it may have multiple job start records) |
Accounting Variables
The following table offers accounting variable descriptions. Descriptions for accounting variables not indicated in the table, particularly those prefixed with Resources_List, are available at 2.1 Job Submission.
Variable | Description |
ctime | time job was created |
etime | time job became eligible to run |
qtime | time job was queued |
start | time job started to run |
A sample record in this file can look like the following:
06/06/2005 14:04:25;D;; 06/06/2005 14:04:35;Q;;queue=batch 06/06/2005 14:04:44;Q;;queue=batch 06/06/2005 14:06:06;S;;user=guest group=guest jobname=STDIN queue=batch ctime=1118087915 qtime=1118087915 etime=1118087915 start=1118088366 Resource_List.nodect=1 Resource_List.nodes=1 Resource_List.walltime=00:16:40 06/06/2005 14:07:17;D;; 06/06/2005 14:07:17;E;;user=guest group=guest jobname=STDIN queue=batch ctime=1118087915 qtime=1118087915 etime=1118087915 start=1118088366 Resource_List.nodect=1 Resource_List.nodes=1 Resource_List.walltime=00:16:40 session=6365 end=1118088437 Exit_status=271 resources_used.cput=00:00:00 resources_used.mem=3068kb resources_used.vmem=16080kb resources_used.walltime=00:01:11