You are here: 1 – Setup > 1.4 Viewpoint customization > Configuring Homepage gadgets > Displaying gadgets as "text only"

Displaying gadgets as "text only"

Homepage gadgets may not display properly in Internet Explorer 7. If you run Internet Explorer 7, you can set the graphical gadgets to display as text only. You can configure the following default Homepage gadgets to display as "text only":

The non-graphical gadgets, Service Count and Service Template Count, are already text and will produce errors if set to "text only."

To display gadgets as "text only"

  1. Open the homepage.xml file in the $VIEWPOINT_HOME directory, and locate the <gadgets> element.
  2. Within the element, find the <gadget> element for the gadget you want to display as "text only" (for example, "Node Memory Dedication").
  3. Locate the <content> element and edit the href attribute to include "TextOnly" in the path. For example:
  4. ...
    <gadget title="Node Memory Dedication" id="nodeMemory">
      <content type="url" href="../gadgets/nodeMemoryTextOnly"/>
  5. Repeat this process for any of the four default Homepage gadgets listed above.
  6. Save the homepage.xml file.
  7. Your changes will update automatically. No restart of Tomcat or of Viewpoint is necessary.

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