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Configuring Moab for event logging

The Viewpoint Event Log page lets users and administrators view Moab event information (for more information, see About event log). This information is pulled by MWS and stored in the events.log file. You can configure MWS logging settings (for example, causing the events.log file to roll based on a time window or file size threshold). For more information, see the "Events" section of the Moab Web Services Reference Guide.

In order for Moab to send event information to MWS, you will need to make a few configuration changes to Moab. These steps explain what you must do.

To configure Moab for event logging to MWS

  1. In the moab.cfg file, do the following:
    1. Set the PUSHEVENTSTOWEBSERVICE parameter to TRUE.
    3. Use the EVENTLOGWSURL parameter to specify your web services event log URL. For example:
    4. EVENTLOGWSURL <host>:<port>/mws/rest/events
  2. In the moab-private.cfg file, do the following:
    1. Use the EVENTLOGWSUSER parameter to specify the username required to log in to your web services. For example:
    3. Use the EVENTLOGWSPASSWORD parameter to specify the user password required to log in to your web services. For example:

For more information about Moab event logging, see "Event logging with web services" in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide.

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