You are here: 1 – Setup > 1.2 Viewpoint installation and setup > Installing Viewpoint

Installing Viewpoint

To install Viewpoint

  1. Stop Tomcat.
  2. [root]# service tomcat6 stop
  3. Edit the Tomcat configuration file.
  4. Depending on your operating system and sysadmin preferences, you may find the Tomcat configuration file in different places. For example:

    CentOS™ 5 and 6: /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6

    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5 and 6: /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6

    SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server 11: /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf

    Ubuntu® 10.04: /etc/default/tomcat6

    Using the example, /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf:

    [root]# vi /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf
    1. Update the JAVA_HOME line to point to the Java Runtime Environment you just installed. For example:
    2. JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_35
    3. If your Moab Web Services and Viewpoint exist in the same Tomcat, you will want to set the MaxPermSize to allow more memory. Add (if it does not already exist) a line that sets JAVA_OPTS to the following:
    4. JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
  5. Create the Viewpoint home directory.
  6. [root]# mkdir /opt/viewpoint
    [root]# chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/viewpoint
  7. Unpack the Viewpoint tarball and copy the moab.war file into the Tomcat webapps folder.
  8. [root]# tar -xzvf viewpoint-gatling-snapshot.tar.gz
    [root]# cp viewpoint-7.2.10/moab.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps
    [root]# chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/tomcat6

    It is recommended that you do not run more than one instance of Viewpoint within Tomcat.

  9. If you are using Moab Accounting Manager, do the following:
    1. Modify the ViewpointConfig.groovy file.
    2. [root]# vi /opt/viewpoint/ViewpointConfig.groovy
    3. Make the following change to the mam.url parameter to define the MAM URL:
    4. mam.url="https://<yourmamhost>/cgi-bin/mam/index.cgi?start=login"
  10. For more information, see Configuring Moab Accounting Manager in Viewpoint.

  11. Start Tomcat.
  12. [root]# service tomcat6 start

    The default firewall settings on Centos 6 machines prevent other machines from accessing Viewpoint. You will need to configure your firewall to allow external connections. However, if you want to temporarily turn off your firewall to test that Viewpoint is running you can run:

    [root]# service iptables stop

    Make sure you turn your firewall back on again once it is configured to allow Viewpoint to be accessed externally.

  13. Verify that Viewpoint was correctly installed by directing your browser to the Viewpoint URL (for example: http://[hostname or ip address]:8080/moab), and logging in with the default super user username and password (moab-admin/changeme!).
  14. The super user has all Viewpoint permissions. This means that the super user has rights to access every page and perform every function within Viewpoint.

  15. Once successfully logged in, Viewpoint automatically takes you to the Configuration page. On this page, do the following:
    1. Set the Moab Web Services connection. (For more information, see Setting the MWS configuration.)
    2. Authenticate the LDAP connection by manually specifying the bind user password. (For more information, see Setting the LDAP configuration.)
    3. Change the super user password. (For more information, see Changing the super user password.)
    4. Edit the customer configuration. (For more information, see Setting customer configuration.)
    5. (Optional) If you want to use quoting in Viewpoint, set the Moab connection. (For more information, see Setting the Moab connection (for quoting).)
    6. Configuring Viewpoint for quoting requires some additional setup. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Viewpoint for quoting.

  16. Navigate to the Role Management page (Administration > Role Management), and modify one of the default roles or create new roles with the permissions you want. (For more information, see About role management.)
  17. Navigate to the Principal Management page (Administration > Principal Management), and create principals for LDAP users and user groups. Assign roles to the principals to enforce user permissions for the users contained in the principal. (For more information, see About principal management.)
  18. (Optional) If you want to use the Event Log page in Viewpoint, configure Moab to send event log information to MWS. (For more information, see Configuring Moab for event logging.)
  19. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Viewpoint to 7.2.10, please see Upgrade implications.

If you would like to enable reporting in Viewpoint, please contact your Adaptive Computing sales representative to schedule professional services.

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