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Configuring Moab Accounting Manager in Viewpoint

In order to embed Moab Accounting Manager in Viewpoint so that users can use it via the Viewpoint interface, you must define the URL in the ViewpointConfig.groovy file, according to the following instructions.

The Moab Accounting Manager configuration code is commented out by default. If you configure MAM and no longer wish to use it, comment it out again so that it does not fail in Viewpoint.

To configure Moab Accounting Manager in Viewpoint

  1. Make sure that the correct roles have permissions for the Accounting Manager page. (For more information, see About role management.)
  2. Open navigation.xml and uncomment the following section:
  3. <!-- <menu label="Accounting">
       <link href="mam" label="Accounting Manager" target='thisWindow'>
          <permission name=""/>
  4. Save the navigation.xml file.
  5. Open the ViewpointConfig.groovy file, located in the $VIEWPOINT_HOME directory, and locate the billing section.
  6. billing {

    Do the following:

    1. Change the first line to quoting_enabled="true".
    2. Make sure that the quote="" line contains the correct path to the quoting perl script.
    3. In the mam{} section, uncomment the url="" line (remove //), and make sure that it contains the correct URL to your MAM server.

    For example:

    billing {

    When users navigate to Moab Accounting Manager using the link in Viewpoint's navigation, they are forwarded to the URL provided. Moab Accounting Manager then opens (for more information, see About Accounting Manager).

  7. Save the ViewpointConfig.groovy file.
  8. If opening MAM in Viewpoint fails, check the URL and verify that it is correctly configured.

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