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Quoting allows you to view the price of a potential service before it is actually submitted to Moab.
Viewpoint Quoting is meant to be enabled by the Adaptive Computing Professional Services team. It is recommended that you contact that department to set up this feature.
To configure Viewpoint for quoting
Before you configure Viewpoint for quoting, make sure that you have configured NAMI in Moab. For more information, see "Charging a Workflow" in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide.
When you run bank.quote.viewpoint.pl, you should see:
[root]# /opt/moab/tools/mam/bank.quote.viewpoint.pl
usage: bank.quote.viewpoint.pl <xml>
If, instead, you see an error about missing Perl modules, please review the Moab Server Installation documentation on how to install the Perl modules required to run integration scripts.
[root]# cd /opt/moab/tools/mam [root]# ls -l [root]# -rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 3658 Oct 5 17:37 bank.quote.viewpoint.pl
[root]# ps -ef | grep gold
moab 2203 1 0 20:43 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /opt/mam/sbin/goldd
[root]# vi /opt/moab/etc/nami.cfg
LOG[config] path=/tmp/nami.log
The script will scold you for not passing in XML, but you should be able to see lines output to the nami.log file.
[root]# /opt/moab/tools/mam/bank.quote.viewpoint.pl someTestText
:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
Now if you examine the nami.log file, you should see the sample text. For example:
[root]# tail /opt/moab/log/nami.log
2012-10-13 21:10:36,863 [3086] INFO Quote main:: - INPUT: someTestText
Be sure to connect as the user running MAM.
[root]# vi /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy
mam.secretKey = "nIoyzXVi2iiSoybthygQEJsa"
billing { quoting_enabled="true" quote="/opt/moab/tools/mam/bank.quote.viewpoint.pl" }
If you have configured quoting correctly, you should see billing information on the shopping cart page. For more information, see Using the cart.
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