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Fields: Requested Actions

Path: Services > Requested Actions

Image 10-1: Requested Actions

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The Requested Actions page displays the user requests that are associated with nodes or VMs.

List of requested actions

Displays the list of requested actions with the following fields:

Field Description
ID Displays the unique ID for the requested action.
Type Displays the type of requested action. (For example, POWEROFF, OSPROVISION, RESET, VMMIGRATE, etc.)
VM Displays the affected virtual machine ID.
Status Displays the state of the requested action. (For example, Allocating, Idle, Running, etc.)
Started Displays the start time of the requested action.
Requester Displays the user who requested the action.
Source When the requested action is a VM migration, displays the ID of the node where the VM was before migration.
Destination When the requested action is a VM migration, displays the ID of the node where the VM will be if the migration is successful.
Failure Details Displays (if any) the failure details of the requested action.
Hosts Displays the set of hosts that are affected by the requested action.
Substate Displays the sub-state, that offers more information about the status of the requested action.
Service Displays the ID of the service associated with the requested action.


Lets you sort the list of requested actions by a particular field. Click the field once to sort in ascending alpha-numeric order. Click the field again to sort in descending order.

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