You are here: 12 – Requested actions > 12.1 About requested actions

About requested actions

The Requested Actions page displays user requests that are associated with nodes or VMs. Node pending actions are "starting", "stopping" and "reprovisioning" (the node's operating system is being changed). VM pending actions represent similar and additional actions such as "creating," "deleting," "migrating" (to another server or node), "powering on," "powering off," and "reprovisioning" (the VM's operating system is being changed).

Access the Requested Actions page by navigating to Services > Requested Actions.

The Requested Actions page consists of a table where each row represents a pending action and each column represents attributes. For more information, see Fields: Requested Actions.

Use the Refresh button requests the most current list of pending actions.

You can sort the items that appear in the Requested Actions list. Click the field column that you want to sort by. (For example, if you want to sort by item ID, click ID.) Click once to sort ascending; click again to sort descending.

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