9.1 Configuring the Create Reservation Form

You can customize the user interface and Create Reservation logic by configuring the Create Reservation form:

Modifying the reservations.xml file that is located in the VIEWPOINT_HOME directory allows you to configure the Create Reservation page content, rules, and logic. CSS and images, which may also be customized, are located in the .war file that is distributed with Viewpoint.

Building the Create Reservation form is similar to building all other Viewpoint forms, all sharing the common requirement of modification to the <pages>, <components>, and <queue> elements; use the following links and explanations to guide your efforts in configuring these elements:

9.1.1 Configuring the Create Reservation Request Element

Viewpoint allows you to customize and configure the mrsvctl -c command to match the needs and requirements specific to your site. The rules for creating the mrsvctl -c command are specified in the <request> element of reservations.xml.

Every reservation requires a set of resources for consumption throughout the duration of the reservation. Therefore, a valid create reservation request must specify either a host list, a task definition, or both. The default configuration included with an initial Viewpoint installation allows users to specify a host list or a task definition, but not both. Viewpoint can only modify reservations where either the host list is specified or a task definition has been set, but not both. An administrator can modify the reservations.xml configuration to use both types of resource definitions, but keep in mind that reservations created this way cannot be modified later. For this reason it is recommended to only allow for specifying the host list or specifying a task definition, as set up in the default configuration. Task Definition

To specify a task definition, set any of the following fields to a non-zero value:

More information about task definitions is available in the Moab Workload Manager documentation on the mrsvctl command. Specify Host List

To specify a host list, set the host-list attribute to a list of nodes that should make up the host list. See the Moab Workload Manager documentation on the mrsvctl command for more details.

Note Viewpoint only supports a list of nodes, not a regular expression. Thus, use a component that contains a list of strings, or use the string-to-list operation decider. Other Attributes

The following optional fields can be set regardless of the resources requested. For additional information pertaining to the respective fields, see the Moab Workload Manager documentation for the mrsvctl command and associated options.