7.1 Configuring the Job Submit Form

You can customize the user interface and Job Submit logic by configuring the Job Submit form:

Modifying the jobs.xml file that is located in the VIEWPOINT_HOME directory allows you to configure the Job Submit page content, rules, and logic. CSS and images, which may also be customized, are located in the .war file that is distributed with Viewpoint.

Building the Job Submit form is similar to building all other Viewpoint forms, all sharing the common requirement of modification to the <pages>, <components>, and <queue> elements; use the following links and explanations to guide your efforts in configuring these elements:

7.1.1 Allowing Users to Save and Load Job Forms

You can allow users to save and load form values on the Job Submit page by giving them the appropriate permissions. To allow them to save form values, give them the job.form.create permission. To allow them to load form values, give them the job.form.read permission. If a user has the appropriate permissions, the Save and Load links appear automatically on the Submit Job page. To allow users to read all job forms, give them the job.form.readall permission.

7.1.2 Configuring the Job Submit Request Element

Viewpoint allows you to customize and configure the msub command to match the needs and requirements specific to your site. The rules for creating the msub command are specified in the <request> element of jobs.xml. The child elements of <request> accept string, integer, or boolean deciders. These are the child elements of <request>:

7.1.3 Enable Submit Multiple Jobs

You can configure the Job Submit page to allow for multiple jobs to be submitted on each submit request. Since the <request> element does not support different requirements, the queue element will store all components on the form. There is no need to specify a <requirement-data> element in the XML configuration. See Configuring the Queue Element for more information.

The following is an example of a queue configured in jobs.xml that would enable multiple jobs to be submitted:

<queue name="Your Job Request">
    <component id="job-name" />
  <row order="1" required="true">
    <calculate operation="append-in-order">
     <value order="1">
      <component id="nodeCount" />
     <value order="2"> Nodes, </value>
     <value order="3">
      <component id="procCount" />
     <value order="4"> PPN</value>
   <row order="2" type="dynamic" source="storage-list">
    <component id="storage-list" />

Once the queue is configured, users will see the job queue on the right side of the Submit Job form.