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From the Virtual Machine Management page, you can migrate your VMs to different hypervisors. These steps explain how this is to be done.
In order for VM migration to work properly, you must ensure that the VM migrates to a valid hypervisor that resides on the same VLAN as the VM's current hypervisor. Before you migrate a VM, make sure that you choose a hypervisor that matches these criteria.
The following is an example of a call you could make to MWS to find out which VLANs hypervisors are on. For example, run: http://<host>:8080/mws/rest/nodes?pretty=true&fields=id,hypervisorType,features, and examine the values.
{ "totalCount": 4, "resultCount": 4, "results": [ { "features": ["vlan5"], "hypervisorType": "esx", "id": "blade03" }, { "features": ["vlan5"], "hypervisorType": "", "id": "blade04" }, { "features": ["vlan5"], "hypervisorType": "esx", "id": "blade05" }, { "features": ["vlan3"], "hypervisorType": "esx", "id": "i16" } ] }
hypervisorType can have a value ("esx," for example), or can be null. Those that have no value (null) are not real hypervisors; those that have a value are real hypervisors. Also, in this example, the features attribute displays which VLAN the hypervisor is on.
To migrate a VM
A window appears and prompts you to choose which hypervisor you want to migrate the VM to.
The destination hypervisor you select must be 1) a valid hypervisor, and 2) on the same VLAN as the current hypervisor. (For more information, see the note above.)
A confirmation statement appears and tells you if your request to migrate the VM(s) was submitted successfully or not.
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