7 – Nodes > 7.3 Node references > Fields: Node Details

Fields: Node Details

Path: Cluster > Node Management > Details (or double-click node)

Image 7-1: Node Details

Click to enlarge

When you drill down into a node to see its details, the following fields will display.

Node Details

The Node Details section contains basic properties information about the node. The following fields display here:

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the node.

Displays the state of the node. One of:

  • Running – The node is running workload and can accept more.
  • Busy – The node is running workload and cannot accept more.
  • Idle – The node is available for workload, but is not currently running anything.
  • Down – The node is not available for workload.
  • Up – The node is up, but the usage is being determined.
  • Drained – The node has been sent the drain request and has no workload on it.
  • Draining – The node has been sent the drain request, but still has workload on it.
  • Flush – The node is being reprovisioned.
  • Reserved – The node is being reserved. This is an internal Moab state.
  • None – The node is set to "none" by the resource manager.
  • Unknown – The state of the node is unknown.
IP Address Displays the node's IP address.
Image Displays the name or ID of the image (usually the name of the operating system) running on this node.
Hypervisor type Displays the hypervisor technology that this node uses. This value may be "null" if the node is not a hypervisor.
Resource managers Displays the resource managers that are reporting on this node.

Displays a list of jobs running on this node.

Each job is a link that takes you to its Job Details page. For more information, see Fields: Job details.


Displays a list of reservations associated with this node.

Each reservation is a link that takes you to its Reservation Details page. For more information, see Fields: Reservation Details.


The Resources section contains information about the resources configured and allocated on the node. The following fields display:

Field Description
Real processors Displays the total number of processors on the node.
Processor overcommit limit Displays the total possible number of processors possible to schedule.
Available processors Displays the number of available processors on the node.
Real memory (MB) Displays the node's total amount of memory (in megabytes).
Memory (MB) overcommit limit Displays the total amount of memory (in megabytes) possible to schedule.
Available memory (MB) Displays the node's amount of available memory (in megabytes).
CPU utilization Displays the CPU utilization percentage on the node.
Generic resources Displays any generic resources associated with the node.


Reported features

Displays a list of reported features (features that are either configured in moab.cfg or features that are reported to Moab by a resource manager) on the node. These features cannot be modified through Viewpoint.

To create feature tags, you must add node features via RM plugins or the NODECFG FEATURES attribute in your moab.cfg file. (For more information, see Node Attributes in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide.)

You can also report features on your nodes by using a Moab Web Services plugin (for example, "Native"). For more information, see "MWS Plugins" in the Moab Web Services Reference Guide.

Configurable features

Displays a list of configurable features (features that can be configured manually by a user or administrator through Viewpoint) on the node. You can add or remove configurable features by clicking Modify. For more information, see Managing feature tags from the Node Details page.

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