Groovy Documentation

[Java] Interface IJobRMService

public interface IJobRMService

The job resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save job reports. These reports are consolidated and returned to Moab.

For more information on how to use this service, see the MWS Quick Reference page on Job RM Service.


Method Summary
List list()

Retrieves a list of all job reports which were given originally by this plugin.

void save(List jobReports)

Saves a list of job reports in the cache while at the same time clearing out any and all job reports made previously by the calling plugin.

void update(List jobReports)

Adds a list of job reports to the cache without clearing out any job reports.


Method Detail


public List list()
Retrieves a list of all job reports which were given originally by this plugin.
A list of all job reports made by this plugin.


public void save(List jobReports)
Saves a list of job reports in the cache while at the same time clearing out any and all job reports made previously by the calling plugin. In effect, this replaces all job reports made previously. These will be reported to Moab through the Cluster Query.
jobReports - The list of job reports to save.


public void update(List jobReports)
Adds a list of job reports to the cache without clearing out any job reports. This should be used to make incremental updates to the reports. These will be reported to Moab through the Cluster Query.
jobReports - The list of job reports to add.


Groovy Documentation