Gold Allocation Manager

Make A Job Reservation

When a job starts, the resource management system creates a reservation (or pending charge) against the appropriate allocations based on the estimated wallclock limit specified for the job (see Making a Job Reservation).

Example 10. Make a reservation for the job.

$ greserve -J PBS.1234.0 -p chemistry -u amy -m colony -P 16 -t 3600

Successfully reserved 57600 credits for job PBS.1234.0

$ glsres

Id  Account    Amount    Name            Job   User   Project       Machine    EndTime                           Type       Description 
--- ---------- --------- --------------- ----- ------ ------------- ---------- --------------------------------- ---------- ---------------- 
1   2          57600     PBS.1234.0 1          amy    chemistry     colony     2005-08-03 15:29:30-07            Normal            

This reservation will decrease the balance by the amount reserved.

$ gbalance -p chemistry —total —quiet


Although the allocation has not changed.

$ glsalloc -p chemistry

Id  Account    StartTime       EndTime         Amount        CreditLimit      Deposited     Description 
--- ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------------
2   2          2005-01-01      2006-01-01      360000000     0                360000000

This is best illustrated by the detailed balance listing:

$ gbalance -p chemistry

Id  Name          Amount        Reserved     Balance       CreditLimit      Available 
--- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ---------------- ------------- 
2   chemistry     360000000     57600        359942400     0                359942400