Gold Allocation Manager

Charge for a Job

After a job completes, any associated reservations are removed and a charge is issued against the appropriate allocations based on the actual wallclock time used by the job (see Charging Jobs).

Example 11. Issue the charge for the job.

$ gcharge -J PBS.1234.0 -u amy -p chemistry -m colony -P 16 -t 1234 -X WallDuration=1234

Successfully charged job PBS.1234.0 for 19744 credits
1 reservations were removed

Your allocation will now have gone down by the amount of the charge.

$ glsalloc -p chemistry

Id  Account    StartTime       EndTime         Amount        CreditLimit      Deposited     Description 
--- ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------------
2   2          2005-01-01      2006-01-01      359980256     0                360000000

However, your balance actually goes up (because the reservation that was removed was larger than the actual charge).

$ gbalance -p chemistry —total

The account balance is 359980256 credits

A job record was created for the job as a side-effect of the charge (see Querying Jobs).

$ glsjob

Id  JobId           User   Project       Machine    Charge    Class   Type      Stage     QualityOfService         Nodes   Processors      Executable      Application      StartTime     EndTime    WallDuration       QuoteId    Description 
--- --------------- ------ ------------- ---------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ------------------------ ------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------------- 
1   PBS.1234.0      amy    chemistry     colony     19744             Normal    Charge                             16                                                       1234          1