Installing Moab Workload Manager

Installing Moab Workload Manager

These instructions describe how to install and start Moab Workload Manager (MWM).

To install Moab Workload Manager

If you have not met the hardware and host operating system software requirements listed above, you will likely encounter errors when trying to install Moab Workload Manager.

  1. Run each of the following commands in order:
  2. [root]# tar xzvf moab-7.1.0-xxxx.tar.gz (where xxxx can be one of: generic, generic-odbc, torque, torque-odbc)

    [root]# cd moab-7.1.0

    [root]# ./configure <option>

    [root]# make perldeps

    [root]# make install

    In some cases, you might want to customize the location of the MWM home directory, the server daemon, and the client commands. You can make these configurations by using the ./configure options. (For a complete list of ./configure options, use ./configure --help.)

    Here are some examples of commonly used ./configure options:

    Option Description Example

    Specifies the location of the Moab configuration directory and the MOABHOMEDIR environment variable.

    The default location is /opt/moab.

    MOABHOMEDIR is automatically set on some distributions during installation, when the --with-profile option is enabled.

    [root]# ./configure --with-homedir=/var/moab


    Enables the installation of a distribution-specific /etc/init.d/moab service startup script.

    This option is required if you want to install this script onto a new system. If you do not set this option, you must manually set up the MWM daemon service.

    The startup script is located at OS/EL/etc/init.d/moab.

    [root]# ./configure --with-init


    Specifies the location of the binaries and libraries of the MWM install.

    The default location is /opt/moab.

    [root]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local


    Enables the installation of distribution-specific /etc/profile.d/moab.[c]sh setup script for bash and cshell.

    The MOABHOMEDIR, PERL5LIB, PATH and MANPATH environment variables are setup to specify where the new moab configuration, scripts, binaries and man pages reside. If you do not set this option, these scripts are not installed, and you must manually perform this set up.

    The environment setup scripts are located at OS/EL/etc/profile.d/moab.[c]sh.

    [root]# ./configure --with-profile

  3. Modify the MWM configuration file.
  4. [root]# vim /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg

    Do the following:

    1. Verify that SUBMITCMD is set up for your TORQUE resource manager (change RMCFG[hostname] to RMCFG[torque]), and that it points to a valid qsub executable. For example:
    2. RMCFG[torque] SUBMITCMD=/usr/local/bin/qsub

    3. ONLY if you are using Moab Viewpoint, add "tomcat" to the list of administrator USERS. For example:
    4. ADMINCFG[1] USERS=root,tomcat

      Also, make sure that you set ENABLEPROXY to "true":


  5. Source the following file to add the MWM home directory to your current shell $PATH environment.
  6. [root]# . /etc/profile.d/

  7. Copy your license file into the same directory as moab.cfg (/opt/moab/etc/ by default). For example:
  8. [root]# cp moab.lic $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/moab.lic

    To verify the current status of your license, use moab --about.

    MWM checks the status of the license every day just after midnight. At 60 and 45 days before, and daily from 30 days before license expiration to and including the license expiration date, MWM sends an e-mail to all level 1 administrators informing them of the pending MWM license expiration. A log record is also made of the upcoming expiration event. For the notifications to occur correctly, you must enable administrator email notification (see "Notifying Administrators of Failures" in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide) and moab.cfg must contain email addresses for level 1 administrators. For example:

    ADMINCFG[1] USERS=u1,u2,u3[,...]


    USERCFG[u1] [email protected]

    USERCFG[u2] [email protected]

    USERCFG[u3] [email protected]



    MWM has an internal license that enables some functionality for a limited time for evaluation purposes. If you want to enable adaptive energy management, dynamic multi-OS provisioning, grid management, and other features, or if you want to evaluate MWM for a longer period, contact evaluation support. Use mdiag -S -v to see which features your license supports.

  9. Start MWM.
  10. [root]# service moab start

  11. Submit a sleep job as a non-root user and verify the job is running.
  12. [root]# su - user

    [user]$ echo sleep 150 | msub

    [user]$ showq

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