Installation overview

Installation overview

The installation process of the Moab HPC Suite includes installing the separate components in the suite. This guide contains detailed instructions for installing each component.

Many individual components have dependencies on other components. (These dependencies are listed in the "Requirements" section of each component's installation instructions.) However, if you do not require a certain component (Moab Viewpoint, for example), you do not have to install it.

The install instructions for each component include information about system requirements and dependencies. Some include prerequisite instructions that you will need to complete before you begin the install. Please read this information carefully, and make sure you have installed all the dependencies and packages that are necessary in order to avoid errors during the Moab HPC Suite install process.

To install the Moab HPC Suite, install the packages in the following order:

  1. Install TORQUE (see Installing TORQUE).
  2. Install Moab Workload Manager (see Installing Moab Workload Manager).
  3. Install Moab Web Services (see Installing Moab Web Services).
  4. Install Moab Viewpoint (see Installing Moab Viewpoint).
  5. Install Moab Cluster Manager (see Installing Moab Cluster Manager).

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