Installing TORQUE

Installing TORQUE

These instructions describe how to install and start TORQUE.

To install TORQUE

  1. Run each of the following commands in order.

    [root]# tar xzvf torque-4.1.0.tar.gz

    [root]# cd torque-4.1.0

    [root]# ./configure

    [root]# make

    [root]# make install

    For information on what options are available to customize the ./configure command, see Customizing the install.

  2. Configure the trqauthd daemon to start automatically at system boot.

    [root]# cp contrib/init.d/trqauthd /etc/init.d/

    [root]# chkconfig --add trqauthd

    [root]# echo /usr/local/lib > /etc/

    [root]# ldconfig

    [root]# service trqauthd start

  3. The make packages command can be used to create self-extracting packages that can be copied and executed on your nodes. For information on creating packages and deploying them, see Compute nodes.

    You will also want to scp the init.d scripts to the compute nodes and install them there.

  4. Populate the /var/spool/torque/server_name file with the hostname of the pbs_server.

    [root]# echo <pbs_server's_hostname> > /var/spool/torque/server_name

  5. Initialize serverdb by executing the torque.setup script.

    [root]# ./torque.setup root

  6. Add nodes to the /var/spool/torque/server_priv/nodes file. As an example, a single node with two processors could be specified with mgtnode np=2. For information on syntax and options for specifying compute nodes, see Specifying compute nodes.

  7. Configure pbs_server and pbs_mom to start automatically at system boot, and then start their daemons.

    [root]# cp contrib/init.d/pbs_server contrib/init.d/pbs_mom /etc/init.d

    [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_server

    [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_mom

    [root]# chkconfig pbs_mom on

    [root]# chkconfig pbs_server on

    [root]# service pbs_server restart

    [root]# service pbs_mom start

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