Moab Workload Manager

job XML Element

Mixed Content Model

job ::=


Name Description Format Example
Account the account assigned to the job.
AllocNodeList the nodes allocated to the job.
Args the job's executable arguments
AWDuration the active wall time consumed
BlockReason the block message index for the reason the job is not eligible
Calendar the job's timeframe constraint calendar
Class the class assigned to the job.
CmdFile the command file path.
CompletionCode the return code of the job as extracted from the RM.
CompletionTime the time of the job's completion.
Cost the cost of executing the job relative to an allocation manager.
CPULimit the CPU limit for the job.
Depend any dependencies on the status of other jobs.
DRM the master destination RM.
DRMJID the master destination RM job ID.
EEDuration the duration of time the job has been eligible for scheduling.
EFile the stderr file.
Env the job's environment variables set for execution.
EnvOverride the job's overriding environment variables set for execution.
EState the expected state of the job.
EstHistStartTime the estimated historical start time.
EstPrioStartTime the estimated priority start time.
EstRsvStartTime the estimated reservation start time.
EstWCTime the estimated walltime the job will execute.
ExcHList the excluded host list.
GAttr the requested generic attributes.
GJID the global job ID.
Group the group assigned to the job.
Hold the hold list.
Holdtime the time the job was put on hold.
HopCount the hop count between the job's peers.
HostList the requested host list.
IFlags the internal flags for the job.
IsInteractive if set, the job is interactive.
IsRestartable if set, the job is restartable.
IsSuspendable if set, the job is suspendable.
IWD the directory where the job is executed.
JobID the job's batch ID.
JobName the user-specifed name for the job.
JobGroup the job ID relative to its group.
LogLevel the individual log level for the job.
MasterHost the specified host to run primary tasks on.
Messages any messages reported by Moab regarding the job.
MinPreemptTime the minimum amount of time the job must run before being eligible for preemption.
Notification any events generated to notify the job's user.
OFile the stdout file.
OldMessages any messages reported by Moab in the old message style regarding the job.
OWCLimit the original wallclock limit.
PAL the partition access list relative to the job.
QueueStatus the job's queue status as generated this iteration.
QOS the QOS assigned to the job.
QOSReq the requested QOS for the job.
ReqAWDuration the requested active walltime duration.
ReqCMaxTime the requested latest allowed completion time.
ReqMem the total memory requested/dedicated to the job.
ReqNodes the number of requested nodes for the job.
ReqProcs the number of requested procs for the job.
ReqReservation the required reservation for the job.
ReqRMType the required RM type.
ReqSMinTime the requested earliest start time.
RM the master source resource manager.
RMXString the resource manager extension string.
RsvAccess the list of reservations accessible by the job.
RsvStartTime the reservation start time.
RunPriority the effective job priority.
Shell the execution shell's output.
SID the job's system ID (parent cluster)
Size the job's computational size.
STotCPU the average CPU load tracked across all nodes.
SMaxCPU the max CPU load tracked across all nodes.
STotMem the average memory usage tracked across all nodes.
SMaxMem the max memory usage tracked across all nodes.
SRMJID the source RM's ID for the job.
StartCount the number of the times the job has tried to start.
StartPriority the effective job priority.
StartTime the most recent time the job started executing.
State the state of the job as reported by Moab.
StatMSUtl the total number of memory seconds utilized
StatPSDed the total number of processor seconds dedicated to the job.
StatPSUtl the total number of processor seconds utilized by the job.
StdErr the path to the stderr file.
StdIn the path to the stdin file.
StdOut the path to the stdout file.
SubmitHost the host where the job was submitted.
SubmitLanguage the RM langauge that the submission request was performed.
SubmitString the string containing the entire submission request.
SubmissionTime the time the job was submitted.
SuspendDuration the amount of time the job has been suspended.
SysPrio the admin specified job priority.
SysSMinTime the system specified min. start time.
TaskMap the allocation taskmap for the job.
TermTime the time the job was terminated.
User the user assigned to the job.
UserPrio the user specified job priority.
UtlMem the utilized memory of the job.
UtlProcs the number of utilized processors by the job.
VWCTime the virtual wallclock limit.


These elements contain job: Data


The following elements occur in job: Messages, req


The following commands use job:

mjobctl -q diag ALL --format=xml
checkjob <JOB_NAME> --format=xml


> mjobctl -q diag ALL --format=xml

<Data><job AWDuration="346" Class="batch" CmdFile="" EEDuration="0" 
EState="Running" Flags="RESTARTABLE" Group="test" IWD="/home/test" JobID="11578" QOS="high" 
RMJID="" ReqAWDuration="00:10:00" ReqNodes="1" ReqProcs="1" StartCount="1" 
StartPriority="1" StartTime="1083861225" StatMSUtl="903.570" StatPSDed="364.610" StatPSUtl="364.610" 
State="Running" SubmissionTime="1083861225" SuspendDuration="0" SysPrio="0" SysSMinTime="00:00:00" 
User="test"><req AllocNodeList="hana" AllocPartition="access" ReqNodeFeature="[NONE]" 
ReqPartition="access"></req></job><job AWDuration="346" Class="batch" CmdFile="" 
EEDuration="0" EState="Running" Flags="RESTARTABLE" Group="test" IWD="/home/test" JobID="11579" 
QOS="high" RMJID="" ReqAWDuration="00:10:00" ReqNodes="1" ReqProcs="1" 
StartCount="1" StartPriority="1" StartTime="1083861225" StatMSUtl="602.380" StatPSDed="364.610" 
StatPSUtl="364.610" State="Running" SubmissionTime="1083861225" SuspendDuration="0" SysPrio="0" 
SysSMinTime="00:00:00" User="test"><req AllocNodeList="lolo" AllocPartition="access" 
ReqNodeFeature="[NONE]" ReqPartition="access"></req></job></Data>