The req XML element is associated with a job's requirements. Only one req XML element is included per job.
Name | Description |
AllocNodeList | the list of nodes allocated to the object. |
AllocPartition | the partition allocated to the object. |
Index | the index of the request. |
Label | a short description of the request. |
NodeAccess | job's requested node access policy |
NodeSet | job's requested node set |
Pref | job's preferred features |
ReqAppl | the required application. |
ReqArch | the required architecture. |
ReqClass | the required class. |
ReqDiskPerTask | the required disk per task. |
ReqImage | the required image. |
ReqMemPerTask | the required memory per task. |
ReqNetwork | the required network type. |
ReqNodeDisk | the required disk per node. |
ReqNodeFeature | the required node feature. |
ReqNodeMem | the required memory per node. |
ReqNodeProc | the required processors per node. |
ReqNodeSwap | the required swap per node. |
ReqOpSys | the required operating system. |
ReqPartition | the required partition. |
ReqProcPerTask | the required processors per task. |
ReqSoftware | the required software. |
ReqSwapPerTask | the required swap per task. |
NCReqMax | the required maximum node count. |
NCReqMin | the required minimum node count. |
TCReqMax | the required maximum task count. |
TCReqMin | the required minimum task count. |
TPN | the required tasks per node. |
These elements contain req: job
The following elements occur in req: NONE
The following commands use req:
mjobctl -q diag <JOB_NAME> --format=xml
checkjob <JOB_NAME> --format=xml