Moab Workload Manager



The req XML element is associated with a job's requirements. Only one req XML element is included per job.


Name Description
AllocNodeList the list of nodes allocated to the object.
AllocPartition the partition allocated to the object.
Index the index of the request.
Label a short description of the request.
NodeAccess job's requested node access policy
NodeSet job's requested node set
Pref job's preferred features
ReqAppl the required application.
ReqArch the required architecture.
ReqClass the required class.
ReqDiskPerTask the required disk per task.
ReqImage the required image.
ReqMemPerTask the required memory per task.
ReqNetwork the required network type.
ReqNodeDisk the required disk per node.
ReqNodeFeature the required node feature.
ReqNodeMem the required memory per node.
ReqNodeProc the required processors per node.
ReqNodeSwap the required swap per node.
ReqOpSys the required operating system.
ReqPartition the required partition.
ReqProcPerTask the required processors per task.
ReqSoftware the required software.
ReqSwapPerTask the required swap per task.
NCReqMax the required maximum node count.
NCReqMin the required minimum node count.
TCReqMax the required maximum task count.
TCReqMin the required minimum task count.
TPN the required tasks per node.


These elements contain req: job


The following elements occur in req: NONE


The following commands use req:
mjobctl -q diag <JOB_NAME> --format=xml
checkjob <JOB_NAME> --format=xml


>checkjob 37785042puka --format=xml
<Data><job Account="Research" BlockReason="State:non-idle state 'Completed'" Class="batch" CmdFile="-" EEDuration="0" EState="Completed" Group="Arches" JobID="37785042puka" QOS="HighPriority" QueueStatus="blocked" RM="DEFAULT" ReqAWDuration="1:09:20:00" ReqNodes="0" ReqProcs="8" StartCount="1" StartPriority="50" StartTime="2140000300" StatMSUtl="0.000" StatPSDed="0.000" StatPSUtl="0.000" State="Completed" SubmissionTime="2140000300" SuspendDuration="0" User="tgates"> <req AllocNodeList="P690-032,P690-031,P690-030,P690-029,P690-028,P690-027,P690-026,P690-025" AllocPartition="SharedMem" ReqPartition="SharedMem" ReqProcPerTask="1"></req> <Messages><message COUNT="1" CTIME="2140000300" DATA="termination time reached" EXPIRETIME="2140086700" PRIORITY="0" index="0"></message></Messages></job></Data>