Groovy Documentation

Package com.ace.mws.plugins


Interface Summary
IJobRMService The job resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save job reports.
IJobReportRequirement Contains common methods for a job report requirement object.
IMoabRestService The Moab REST service gives easy access to all supported REST resources in Moab Web Services.
INodeRMService The node resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save node reports.
IPluginControlService The control service allows lifecycle management operations to be performed on plugins.
IPluginDatastoreService The individual datastore service is provided to allow a plugin to persist data to the database that is isolated from all other persistent data.
IVirtualMachineRMService The VM resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save VMs reports.

Class Summary
AbstractPlugin Optional base class for all plugin types and therefore plugin instances which extends AbstractPluginInfo.
AbstractPluginInfo Base class for plugin information.
JobReport A job report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific job resource.
JobReportRequirement A single requirement for a job definition.
JobReportRequirementsList A list of JobReportRequirement objects.
MoabRestResponse This class is used in the IMoabRestService to represent a response from MWS.
NodeReport A node report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific node resource.
PluginConstants This class contains constant values that can be used for reporting resources (i.e. any field that starts with "RESOURCE_" or "METRIC") and custom web services (i.e.
PluginInstance This class represents a configured plugin created from a plugin type.
PluginType Represents a MWS plugin type.
ReportResource Signifies a single resource definition in Moab Workload Manager, including both the getTotal() and getAvailable() resources.
ReportResourceMap A map containing String to ReportResource values.
VirtualMachineReport A VM report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific VM resource.

Enum Summary
JobReportFlag This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job.
JobReportState Represents the various states a job may have at any one time.
NodeReportPower Represents the various options for a node's power state.
NodeReportState This enumeration represents the current state of a node.
PluginState Represents the current state of a plugin.
Suite This enum represents which suite or context Moab Web Services is running in - HPC or Cloud.

Exception Summary
InvalidPluginException Signifies that the plugin specified is invalid and does not exist.
InvalidPluginTypeException Signifies that the plugin type specified is invalid and does not exist.
PluginStartException Signifies that a plugin was not able to be started without errors.
PluginStopException Signifies that a plugin was not able to be stopped without errors.

Annotation Type Summary
Unsecured Used on plugin custom web service methods to signify that the web service should not be secured and can be called externally without any authentication.

Groovy Documentation