Groovy Documentation
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractPlugin - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Optional base class for all plugin types and therefore plugin instances which extends AbstractPluginInfo.
AbstractPlugin() - Constructor in AbstractPlugin
AbstractPluginInfo - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Base class for plugin information.
AbstractPluginInfo() - Constructor in AbstractPluginInfo
access - Field in StandingReservation
If set to ReservationAccess#SHARED#SHARED, allows a standing reservation to use resources already allocated to other non-job reservations.
accessPolicy - Field in Node
The node's access policy.
Account - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Account() - Constructor in Account
ACCOUNT - Enum Constant in AclType
Account or Project
ACCOUNT - Enum Constant in CredentialType
account - Field in Job
The account under which this job runs for billing purposes.
account - Field in JobReport
The job's account.
account - Field in JobTemplate
The account under which this job will run for billing purposes.
account - Field in Service
The account associated with this service.
accountExpired - Field in Application
accountExpired - Field in User
accountingAccount - Field in Reservation
Accountable Account.
accountingGroup - Field in Reservation
Accountable Group.
accountingQOS - Field in Reservation
Accountable QOS.
accountingUser - Field in Reservation
Accountable User.
accountLocked - Field in Application
accountLocked - Field in User
accounts - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated accounts may use the resources contained within this reservation.
AccountUser - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
AccountUser() - Constructor in AccountUser
AclAffinity - Enum in com.ace.mws.acls
This enumeration describes the values available for describing how a rule is used in establishing access to an object in Moab.
AclAffinity(String) - Constructor in AclAffinity
ACLOVERLAP - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
A reservation may also reserve resources that possess credentials that meet the reservation's ACL.
AclRule - Class in com.ace.mws.acls
AclRule() - Constructor in AclRule
aclRules - Field in Reservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this reservation.
aclRules - Field in StandingReservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this standing reservation.
aclRules - Field in VirtualContainer
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual container.
aclRules - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual private cluster.
AclType - Enum in com.ace.mws.acls
This enumeration describes the values available for the type of an ACL Rule.
AclType(String) - Constructor in AclType
action - Field in FundTransaction
Action name for the transaction.
action - Field in FundTransactionSummary
Action name for the transaction.
action - Field in Trigger
For exec atype triggers, signifies executable and arguments.
actionType - Field in Trigger
active - Field in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is active or not.
active - Field in AccountUser
A boolean indicating whether this user is active or not.
active - Field in Allocation
Indicates whether this allocation is active or not.
active - Field in Image
If false, the image is flagged as inactive and should not be used.
ACTIVE - Enum Constant in QueueStatus
A job is actively running in a queue.
ACTIVE - Enum Constant in VPCState
The virtual private cluster has been created and is active.
activeDuration - Field in Job
The duration in seconds the job has spent active or running.
ACTIVEPOLICY - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
activeStates - Field in JobReportState
The list of states that are "active" states, meaning the job does not have an error and has not been completed/removed.
activeStates - Property in JobState
add() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
Creates a new JobReportRequirement and adds to the list.
addData(String, List) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Adds a list of entries to the collection.
admin - Field in AccountUser
A boolean indicating wheter this user is an admin or not.
ADMINSETIGNPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
ADMINSETIGNPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ADVRES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job requires use of a reservation.
ADVRES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ADVRES - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, the reservation is created in advance of needing it.
ADVRESJOBDESTROY - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Cancel any jobs associated with the reservation when it is released.
affinity - Field in AclRule
Reservation ACLs allow or deny access to reserved resources but they may also be configured to affect a job's affinity for a particular reservation.
afterStart() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Hook to do any post-start logic.
afterStop() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Hook to do any post-stop teardown of the plugin after it stops.
agent - Field in Sample
A unique identifier for the agent that recorded this sample.
aliases - Field in Node
(String collection) Holds DNS aliases associated with the node
aliases - Field in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of aliases that refer to this VM.
ALL - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
The job has all holds applied to it.
allocated - Field in FundBalance
The total amount allocated via deposits and credit limits.
allocatedNodeCount - Field in Reservation
The number of allocated nodes for this reservation.
allocatedNodeIds - Field in JobReport
The actual identifiers for the nodes allocated to the job.
allocatedNodes - Field in Job
(Node collection) The nodes that are allocated to this job.
allocatedNodes - Field in JobRequirement
(Node collection) The set of nodes to which the requirement is allocated.
allocatedNodes - Field in Reservation
(Node collection) The nodes allocated to the reservation.
allocatedPartition - Field in JobRequirement
The partition allocated to the requirement.
allocatedProcessorCount - Field in Reservation
The number of allocated processors.
allocatedTaskCount - Field in Reservation
The number of allocated tasks.
allocatedVMs - Field in Job
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of VMs that are allocated to this job.
ALLOCATING - Enum Constant in JobReportState
ALLOCATING - Enum Constant in JobState
Resources are selected and are being prepared for job.
ALLOCATING - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
Allocation - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Allocation() - Constructor in Allocation
allocations - Field in Fund
(Allocation collection) The allocations associated with this fund.
allocations - Field in FundBalance
(Allocation collection) Allocations associated with this fund.
ALLOWGRID - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is set up for use in a grid environment.
ALLOWJOBOVERLAP - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Allows jobs to overlap this Reservation, but not start during it (unless they have ACL access).
ALLOWPRSV - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Personal reservations can be created within the space of this standing reservation (and ONLY this standing reservation).
ALWAYSCHARGE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Always charge for this reservation.
amount - Field in Allocation
The amount of this allocation.
amount - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of the charge
amount - Field in Fund
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
amount - Field in FundBalance
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
amount - Field in FundTransaction
Amount of the transaction.
amount - Field in FundTransactionSummary
Amount of the transaction.
amount - Field in Quote
The total amount of the quote
Application - Class in com.ace.mws.auth
Application() - Constructor in Application
AppliedChargeRate - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
A charge describes how a charge rate was applied to the usage record.
AppliedChargeRate() - Constructor in AppliedChargeRate
APPLYPROFRESOURCES - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Only apply resource allocation info from profile.
architecture - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getArchitecture()
architecture - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
The architecture requirement.
architecture - Field in Node
The node's processor architecture.
architecture - Field in NodeReport
The node's architecture.
architecture - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required architecture.
args - Field in JobTemplate
Command-line arguments that get passed to commandFile.
ARRAYJOB - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will share reserved resources.
ARRAYJOB - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ARRAYJOBPARLOCK - Enum Constant in JobFlag
ARRAYJOBPARLOCK - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ARRAYJOBPARSPAN - Enum Constant in JobFlag
ARRAYJOBPARSPAN - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ARRAYMASTER - Enum Constant in JobFlag
ARRAYMASTER - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
ATTACH_ERROR - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
If the trigger outputs anything to stderr, Moab will attach this as a message to the trigger object.
attributes - Field in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
attributes - Field in Service
The attributes of this service.
attributes - Field in ServiceTemplate
(Map of String => String) The characteristics of this Service Template: processors, memory, etc.
attributes - Field in WorkflowService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
author - Field in Message
The author of the message.
author - Field in PluginType
The main author (company or person) of the plugin type.
autoStart - Field in PluginInstance
Whether the plugin should start automatically when created.
AutoVMMigrationPolicy - Class in com.ace.mws.policies
The Moab policy used to enabled and configure policy-based VM migration.
AutoVMMigrationPolicy() - Constructor in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
AutoVMMigrationPolicyType - Enum in com.ace.mws.policies
Represents the algorithm used to migrate VMs when the AutoVMMigrationPolicy is used.
AutoVMMigrationPolicyType(String) - Constructor in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
available - Field in FundBalance
The total amount available for charging.
available - Field in ReportResource
availableClasses - Field in Node
(String collection) The classes that are available to the node.
availableDisk - Field in Node
The node's available disk space in MB.
availableDisk - Field in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space available on this VM.
availableEndDate - Field in Node
The time when the node will stop being available.
availableGenericResources - Field in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The node's available generic resources.
availableImages - Field in NodeReport
The names of the images that this node can be provisioned as.
availableMemory - Field in Node
The node's available memory in MB.
availableMemory - Field in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory available on this VM.
availableProcessors - Field in Node
The node's available processors.
availableProcessors - Field in VirtualMachine
The number of processors available on this VM.
availableStartDate - Field in Node
The time when the node will become available.
availableSwap - Field in Node
The node's available swap space in MB.


BACKFILL - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is using backfill to run.
BACKFILL - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
BADUSER - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
balance - Field in FundBalance
The allocation total not blocked by reservations.
BATCH_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobReportState
BATCH_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobState
Job has a batch hold in place.
BATCH - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
The batch queue has placed a hold on the job.
BATCHHOLD - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
BEFORE - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time before specified jobs have started execution.
BEFOREANY - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time before all specified jobs have completed regardless of completion status.
BEFORENOTOK - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time before any specified jobs have completed unsuccessfully.
BEFOREOK - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time before all specified jobs have successfully completed.
beforeStart() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Hook to do any initialization needed before the plugin starts.
beforeStop() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Hook to start any processes needed to teardown the plugin before it stops.
BESTEFFORT - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will succeed if even partial resources are available.
BESTEFFORT - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
BLOCKED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
BLOCKED - Enum Constant in JobState
State used only by database for job that is idle but has a block reason.
BLOCKED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
BLOCKED - Enum Constant in QueueStatus
A job has been blocked because of policy violation or resource requirements cannot be met.
BLOCKEDBYGRES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
BLOCKEDBYGRES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
blockReason - Field in Job
The reason the job is blocked.
blockReason - Field in Node
The reason why jobs are blocked from running on the node.
blockTime - Field in Trigger
Time (in seconds) Moab will suspend normal operation to wait for trigger execution to finish.
BUSY - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
BUSY - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is running workload and cannot accept more.
BYNAME - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Reservation only allows access to jobs that meet reservation ACLs and explicitly request the resources of this reservation using the job ADVRES flag.
bypass - Field in Job
The number of times the job has been backfilled.


calendarValue - Property in TimeWindow
The undefined value for number of days.
CAN_MIGRATE - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM may be directly migrated without direction from parent workload.
CANCEL - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
Only apply to reservation triggers
CANCEL - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
CANCELONANYFAILURE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
cancel job array on any array job failure
CANCELONANYFAILURE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
CANCELONANYSUCCESS - Enum Constant in JobFlag
cancel job array on any array job success
CANCELONANYSUCCESS - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
CANCELONEXITCODE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
cancel job array on a specific exit code
CANCELONEXITCODE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
cancel job array on first array job failure
CANCELONFIRSTFAILURE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
cancel job array on first array job success
CANCELONFIRSTSUCCESS - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
CANNOT_MIGRATE - Enum Constant in VMFlag
This value is used to remove the CAN_MIGRATE flag.
caps - Field in ReservationStatistics
The current active processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
CHANGE_PARAM - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
charge - Field in UsageRecord
The cumulative amount charged
chargeAccount - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the account to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
chargeUser - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the user to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
CHECKPOINT - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
CHECKPOINT - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
Moab should always checkpoint this trigger.
cips - Field in ReservationStatistics
The current idle processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
CLASS - Enum Constant in AclType
Class or Queue
CLASS - Enum Constant in CredentialType
classes - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated classes/queues may use the resources contained within this reservation.
CLEANUP - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
If the trigger is still running when the parent object completes or is canceled, the trigger will be killed.
CLEANUP - Enum Constant in VPCState
The virtual private cluster is in the process of being destroyed and cleaned up.
clearCollection(String) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Clears a collection completely and returns the contents.
CLOUD - Enum Constant in Suite
CLUSTER - Enum Constant in AclType
CLUSTERLOCKED - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is locked into the current cluster and cannot be migrated elsewhere.
CLUSTERLOCKED - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
clusters - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs originating within the listed clusters may use the resources contained within this reservation.
COALLOC - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job can use resources from multiple resource managers and partitions.
COALLOC - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
commandFile - Field in Job
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
commandFile - Field in JobReport
The job's executable command file.
commandFile - Field in JobTemplate
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
commandLineArguments - Field in Job
The command line arguments passed in when the job is run.
commandLineArguments - Field in JobReport
The job's command line arguments.
commandName - Property in DependencyType
The name associated with this dependency used in making job submit and modification requests.
comment - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies a descriptive message associated with the standing reservation and all child reservations
comments - Field in Node
User-specified comments regarding the node.
comments - Field in Reservation
Reservation's comments or description.
comparator - Field in AclRule
The type of comparison to make against the ACL object.
compare1 - Property in ComparisonOperator
compare2 - Property in ComparisonOperator
compare3 - Property in ComparisonOperator
ComparisonOperator - Enum in com.ace.mws.enums
This enumeration is used when Moab needs to compare items.
ComparisonOperator(String, String, String) - Constructor in ComparisonOperator
COMPLETED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
COMPLETED - Enum Constant in JobState
COMPLETED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
COMPLETED - Enum Constant in QueueStatus
A job has completed running.
COMPLETED - Enum Constant in VPCState
The virtual private cluster has been destroyed and is completed.
completedStates - Field in JobReportState
Represents the various states a job may have at any one time.
completedStates - Property in JobState
completionCode - Field in Job
The exit code from the job.
completionCode - Field in JobReport
The completion code of the job.
completionDate - Field in Job
The date the job completed.
completionDate - Field in JobReport
The date that the job completed.
config - Field in PluginInstance
(Map of String => Object) The arbitrary configuration of the plugin.
configuredClasses - Field in Node
(String collection) The classes reported by the resource manager for the node.
conflicted - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
conflicted - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
conflicted - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
conflicted - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
conflicted - Field in Policy
Signifies whether any other policies are currently activated that potentially conflict with this policy.
CONSOLIDATION - Enum Constant in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
Use the "consolidation" algorithm for migration.
consolidationFunction - Field in Report
The consolidation function is the process used to convert a set of samples into a datapoint.
CONSUMER - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM should be treated as resource consumer regardless of Moab-tracked workload.
CONTAINER - Enum Constant in ServiceType
ContainerService - Class in
Represents a container service in the core cloud stack workload driven model.
ContainerService() - Constructor in ContainerService
Contiguous - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
This algorithm allocates nodes in contiguous (linear) blocks as required by the Compaq RMS system.
cost - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The cost of this virtual private cluster.
Counters - Class in com.ace.mws.counters
Counters() - Constructor in Counters
cpuLoad - Field in Node
The current load of the node as a percentage.
cpuLoad - Field in VirtualMachine
The CPU load for this VM.
CREATE - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
CREATE_VM - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
createDate - Field in VirtualContainer
The date/time that the virtual container was created.
createdBy - Field in ServiceTemplate
The name of the user that created this Service Template.
CREATEPERSISTENTVM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Creates a virtual machine that doesn't go away after the job is done.
createPlugin(String, String, Map) - Method in IPluginControlService
Creates a new plugin with the given identifier, plugin type, and additional properties, initializes bean for it, and automatically starts it if AbstractPluginInfo.getAutoStart is enabled.
CREATEVM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Creates a virtual machine.
CREATION_COMPLETED - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM creation completed.
creationDate - Field in Reservation
Creation date.
creationTime - Field in Account
The time this account was created.
creationTime - Field in Allocation
The date this allocation was created.
creationTime - Field in Fund
Date this fund was created.
creationTime - Field in FundBalance
Date this fund was created.
creationTime - Field in Message
The time the message was created in epoch time.
creator - Field in VirtualContainer
The creator of the virtual container.
Credential - Class in com.ace.mws.credentials
Credential() - Constructor in Credential
CredentialType - Enum in com.ace.mws.credentials
CredentialType(String) - Constructor in CredentialType
creditLimit - Field in Allocation
Determines how far in the negative this allocation is permitted to be used (enforced in quotes and reservations).
creditLimit - Field in Fund
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
creditLimit - Field in FundBalance
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
CustomPriority - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
This algorithm allows a site to specify the priority of various static and dynamic aspects of compute nodes and allocate them with preference for higher priority nodes.
customPriorityFunction - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
Defines the priority function when the NodeAllocationAlgorithm.CustomPriority algorithm is used.


data - Field in Datapoint
(Map of String => String) The actual consolidated sample data.
data - Field in MoabRestResponse
data - Field in Sample
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data that was recorded for this sample.
Datapoint - Class in com.ace.mws.reports
A metric that measures system state over a specified period of time.
Datapoint() - Constructor in Datapoint
datapointDuration - Field in Report
datapoints - Field in Report
(Datapoint collection) This is the set of datapoints that have been consolidated for the report or are desired to be included in the report during creation time.
date - Field in GenericEvent
The timestamp of when this GenericEvent was reported to Moab
dateCreated - Field in Application
dateCreated - Field in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was created.
dateCreated - Field in Service
The date this service was created.
dateCreated - Field in User
DAY - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
DAY - Enum Constant in TriggerPeriod
days - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which days of the week the standing reservation is active.
DEADLINE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Reservation should be scheduled against a deadline.
DEDICATED - Enum Constant in ReservationAccess
DEDICATEDNODE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, only one active reservation is allowed on a node.
dedicatedProcessorSeconds - Field in Job
Number of processor seconds dedicated to the job.
DEDICATEDRESOURCE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is only placed on resources that are not reserved by any other reservation, including jobs and other reservations.
DEFAULT_SUITE - Field in Suite
This enum represents which suite or context Moab Web Services is running in - HPC or Cloud.
DEFER - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
The job has been deferred.
DEFERRED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
DEFERRED - Enum Constant in JobState
Job temporarily blocked.
DEFERRED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
delete(Map, String, Closure) - Method in IMoabRestService
Performs an internal HTTP DELETE operation for the requested URL with optional options and/or data.
deleted - Field in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is deleted or not.
DELETED - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM deleted.
DELETING - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Virtual container has started removal process -- might be waiting on workflows, etc. to finish.
dependencies - Field in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A Map of svcIds to a String which is a comma separated list of svcIds.
dependencies - Field in Job
(JobDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job.
dependencies - Field in ServiceMoabAttributes
(ServiceMoabDependency collection) Temporal dependencies between included services.
DEPENDENCY - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
dependency - Field in ServiceMoabDependency
(String collection) The names of services that must be run before the service can start.
DependencyType - Enum in
Represents the type of a job dependency.
DependencyType(String, String) - Constructor in DependencyType
Create a dependency of the given name
dependentJobsCount - Field in JobDependency
The number of dependent jobs.
deposited - Field in Allocation
The total amount deposited this allocation cycle.
deposited - Field in Fund
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
deposited - Field in FundBalance
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
depth - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the depth of standing reservations to be created, starting at depth 0 (one per period).
description - Field in Account
The account description.
description - Field in Allocation
The description of this allocation.
description - Field in Application
description - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
description - Field in Fund
The fund description.
description - Field in FundBalance
The fund description.
description - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
description - Field in JobTemplate
The description of the job.
description - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
description - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
description - Field in PluginType
The full description of the plugin type.
description - Field in Policy
The user friendly description of the policy.
description - Field in Report
A description of the report.
description - Field in Trigger
description - Field in VirtualContainer
A user-defined string that acts as a label.
description - Field in VirtualMachine
A description of this VM.
destinationRmJobId - Field in Job
The ID of the job as known by the destination resource manager.
DESTROY_PENDING - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM destroy requested.
DESTROYED - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM reported destroyed by Resource Manager (VM will be removed when resource manager no longer reports VM).
DESTROYOBJECTS - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Destroy reservations, jobs, and virtual machines in virtual container when the virtual container is destroyed.
DESTROYWHENEMPTY - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Destroy virtual container when it contains no objects.
details - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The details of how the charge was calculated
details - Field in Event
(Map of String => String) A map where detail name maps to detail value.
details - Field in Quote
(AppliedChargeRate collection) The applied charges that make up this quote.
DISABLED - Enum Constant in PolicyState
The policy is disabled or inactive.
disabled - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies if the standing reservation should no longer spawn child reservations.
disk - Field in Workflow
The amount of disk requested
diskRequirement - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
The amount of disk space required (in MB).
documentationLink - Field in PluginType
A full URL to the complete documentation for the plugin type.
DOWN - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
DOWN - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is not available for workload.
DRAINED - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
DRAINED - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node has been sent the drain request and has no workload on it.
DRAINING - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
DRAINING - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node has been sent the drain request, but still has workload on it.
DURATION - Enum Constant in AclType
Duration in Seconds
duration - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of seconds the resource is used.
duration - Field in Reservation
The duration of the reservation (in seconds).
durationInSecs - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The duration of this virtual private cluster in seconds.
durationRequested - Field in Job
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
durationRequested - Field in JobReport
The requested duration that the job should run.
durationRequested - Field in JobTemplate
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
durationRequested - Field in Workflow
The amount of wallclock time requested in seconds. 0 means that the wallclock is unspecified and will default to whatever is defined in the moab.cfg job template
dynamic - Field in Node
If true, the node is associated with a dynamic resource manager.


earliestStartDate - Field in Job
Is usually the same as earliestStartDateRequested.
earliestStartDate - Field in JobReport
The job's earliest start date.
earliestStartDateRequested - Field in Job
Used in job creation or modification to set the minimum start time.
effectivePartitionAccessList - Field in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job can access.
effectiveQueueDuration - Field in Job
The duration in seconds the job has been eligible to run in the queue.
effectiveTimeToLive - Field in VirtualMachine
Time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
ELIGIBLE - Enum Constant in QueueStatus
A job is eligible to run, but has not started yet.
email - Field in Application
email - Field in PluginType
The email of the author.
email - Field in User
emailNotifyTypes - Field in Job
(JobEmailNotifyType collection) The set of email notify types attached to the job.
emailNotifyUsers - Field in Job
(String collection) The list of users to whom email is sent by the execution server.
enabled - Field in Application
ENABLED - Enum Constant in PolicyState
The policy is enabled or active.
enabled - Field in User
END - Enum Constant in JobEmailNotifyType
An email will be sent out when the job successfully ends.
END - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
endBalance - Field in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
endBalance - Field in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
endDate - Field in Datapoint
The ending date that the datapoint covers.
endDate - Field in Reservation
The end date of the reservation.
endOffset - Field in StandingReservation
The ending offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
endTime - Field in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes inactive.
endTime - Field in FundStatement
The ending time that the statement covers.
endTime - Field in FundStatementSummary
The ending time that the statement covers.
ENDTRIGHASFIRED - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
A trigger has finished firing.
ENFORCENODESET - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Enforce node sets when creating reservation.
environmentRequested - Field in Job
Setting this field to true tells Moab to set various variables, if populated, to the job's environment.
environmentVariables - Field in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of environment variables for this job.
environmentVariables - Field in JobReport
The job's environment variables.
EPOCH - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: "==", "eq", "="
errorCode - Field in ErrorMessage
The original error code generated or detected by the originator.
ERRORED - Enum Constant in PluginState
ErrorMessage - Class in
Represents an error associated with an event
ErrorMessage() - Constructor in ErrorMessage
errorMessage - Field in Event
Details about any errors associated with the event.
errors - Field in InvalidPluginConfigurationException
ESTATE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
Event - Class in
Represents an event originating from any product in the Adaptive Computing suite (XCAT, MSM, MWM, MWS, MAM, etc. )
Event() - Constructor in Event
eventCategory - Field in Event
Signifies what category of event.
eventTime - Field in Event
The time the event occurred, not the time MWS received the event.
eventType - Field in Event
Signifies what type of event.
eventType - Field in Trigger
EXCLUDEALLBUTSB - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Reservation only shares resources with sandboxes.
excludeJobs - Field in Reservation
(String collection) The list of jobs to exclude.
EXCLUDEJOBS - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Makes a reservation job exclusive, where only one job can run in the reservation.
EXCLUDEMYGROUP - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Exclude reservations within the same group.
EXEC - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
exists(String) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Returns true if the collection exists, false otherwise.
expectedState - Field in Job
The expected state of the job based on scheduler action.
expireDate - Field in Reservation
The date/time when the reservation expires and vacates.
expireTime - Field in Message
The time the message will be deleted in epoch time.
expireTime - Field in Trigger
Time at which trigger should be terminated if it has not already been activated.
EXTENDSTARTWALLTIME - Enum Constant in JobFlag
EXTENDSTARTWALLTIME - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
extension - Field in JobReport
The job's RM extension string.
extensions - Field in Image
(Map of String => Map) A map containing maps which represent settings for provisioning managers.
externalLoad - Field in Node
The load on the node not attributed to any batch queues.


facility - Field in Event
A categorization of how this event fits in with other events.
FAIL - Enum Constant in JobEmailNotifyType
An email will be sent out when the job fails.
FAIL - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
failOffset - Field in Trigger
Specifies the time (in seconds) that the threshold condition must exist before the trigger fires.
failureDetails - Field in PendingAction
The failure details of this pending action.
FAIRSHARE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
featureList - Field in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of features required for this reservation.
featureMode - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required feature mode.
features - Field in Image
(String collection) The set of features used by the provisioning manager.
features - Field in Node
(String collection) The collection of any opaque node features used to describe and categorize the node.
features - Field in NodeReport
The list of the node's features.
features - Field in ServiceJob
(String collection) The node features Moab uses to schedule the service.
features - Field in Workflow
(String collection) The node features (e.g.
firstSampleDate - Field in Datapoint
The date of the first sample consolidated in this datapoint.
flags - Field in Job
(JobFlag collection) The flags that are set on this job.
flags - Field in JobReport
The job's flags.
flags - Field in Node
(NodeFlag collection) The flags that are set on this node.
flags - Field in Reservation
(ReservationFlag collection) The flags associated with the reservation.
flags - Field in StandingReservation
(ReservationFlag collection) Specifies special reservation attributes.
flags - Field in Trigger
(TriggerFlag collection)
flags - Field in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainerFlag collection) The flags on this virtual container.
flags - Field in VirtualMachine
(VMFlag collection) The flags associated with this VM.
FLUSH - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
FLUSH - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is being reprovisioned.
FRAGMENT - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job can be run across multiple nodes in individual chunks.
FRAGMENT - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
FSVIOLATION - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job was started with a fairshare violation.
FSVIOLATION - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
Fund - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Fund() - Constructor in Fund
FundBalance - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Represents a report of fund balance.
FundBalance() - Constructor in FundBalance
FundConstraint - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
A constraint defines how credits must be used for an fund.
FundConstraint() - Constructor in FundConstraint
fundConstraints - Field in Fund
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
fundConstraints - Field in FundBalance
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
fundId - Field in Allocation
The fund ID associated with this allocation.
fundId - Field in FundConstraint
The fund ID that this constraint is associated with.
funds - Field in FundStatement
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
funds - Field in FundStatementSummary
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
FundStatement - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
An fund statement is a report generated from Moab Accounting Manager fund, allocation, and transaction data.
FundStatement() - Constructor in FundStatement
FundStatementSummary - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
An fund statement summary is related to and quite similar to the FundStatement report, but differs in the transactions field by using the FundTransactionSummary.
FundStatementSummary() - Constructor in FundStatementSummary
FundTransaction - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Represents a Moab Accounting Manager transaction.
FundTransaction() - Constructor in FundTransaction
FundTransactionSummary - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Represents a Moab Accounting Manager transaction summary, which is a consolidated view of multiple transactions.
FundTransactionSummary() - Constructor in FundTransactionSummary


generationTime - Field in FundStatement
The date that the statement report was generated.
generationTime - Field in FundStatementSummary
The date that the statement report was generated.
GENERIC - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Generic system job (trigger attached).
genericAttributes - Field in Job
(String collection) The list of generic attributes the job has requested.
GenericEvent - Class in com.ace.mws
GenericEvent() - Constructor in GenericEvent
genericEvents - Field in Node
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this node.
genericEvents - Field in VirtualMachine
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this VM.
genericMetrics - Field in Node
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this node.
genericMetrics - Field in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this VM.
genericMetricThresholds - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(Map of String => Double) A map of generic metric pairings where each value must be greater than or equal to 0 such as:
 METRIC1 => 5.6
 METRIC2 => 0.0
 METRIC3 => 102.4
genericResources - Field in JobRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) The set of generic resources for this job.
genericResources - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) Consumable generic attributes associated with individual nodes or the special pseudo-node global, which provides shared cluster (floating) consumable resources.
genericResources - Field in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources attached to this node.
genericResources - Field in Workflow
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources.
genericSystemJob - Field in JobTemplate
True if this template will instantiate a generic system job.
get(Map, String, Closure) - Method in IMoabRestService
Performs an internal HTTP GET operation for the requested URL with optional options and/or data.
get(Object) - Method in ReportResourceMap
Retrieves an entry and creates it if it does not already exist.
getAccess() - Method in StandingReservation
If set to ReservationAccess#SHARED#SHARED, allows a standing reservation to use resources already allocated to other non-job reservations.
getAccessPolicy() - Method in Node
The node's access policy.
getAccount() - Method in Job
The account under which this job runs for billing purposes.
getAccount() - Method in JobReport
@see #account
getAccount() - Method in JobTemplate
The account under which this job will run for billing purposes.
getAccount() - Method in Service
The account associated with this service.
getAccountExpired() - Method in Application
getAccountExpired() - Method in User
getAccountingAccount() - Method in Reservation
Accountable Account.
getAccountingGroup() - Method in Reservation
Accountable Group.
getAccountingQOS() - Method in Reservation
Accountable QOS.
getAccountingUser() - Method in Reservation
Accountable User.
getAccountLocked() - Method in Application
getAccountLocked() - Method in User
getAccounts() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated accounts may use the resources contained within this reservation.
getAclRules() - Method in Reservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this reservation.
getAclRules() - Method in StandingReservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this standing reservation.
getAclRules() - Method in VirtualContainer
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual container.
getAclRules() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual private cluster.
getAction() - Method in FundTransaction
Action name for the transaction.
getAction() - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Action name for the transaction.
getAction() - Method in Trigger
For exec atype triggers, signifies executable and arguments.
getActionType() - Method in Trigger
getActive() - Method in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is active or not.
getActive() - Method in AccountUser
A boolean indicating whether this user is active or not.
getActive() - Method in Allocation
Indicates whether this allocation is active or not.
getActive() - Method in Image
If false, the image is flagged as inactive and should not be used.
getActiveDuration() - Method in Job
The duration in seconds the job has spent active or running.
getAdmin() - Method in AccountUser
A boolean indicating wheter this user is an admin or not.
getAffinity() - Method in AclRule
Reservation ACLs allow or deny access to reserved resources but they may also be configured to affect a job's affinity for a particular reservation.
getAgent() - Method in Sample
A unique identifier for the agent that recorded this sample.
getAliases() - Method in Node
(String collection) Holds DNS aliases associated with the node
getAliases() - Method in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of aliases that refer to this VM.
getAllocated() - Method in FundBalance
The total amount allocated via deposits and credit limits.
getAllocatedNodeCount() - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated nodes for this reservation.
getAllocatedNodeIds() - Method in JobReport
@see #allocatedNodeIds
getAllocatedNodes() - Method in Job
(Node collection) The nodes that are allocated to this job.
getAllocatedNodes() - Method in JobRequirement
(Node collection) The set of nodes to which the requirement is allocated.
getAllocatedNodes() - Method in Reservation
(Node collection) The nodes allocated to the reservation.
getAllocatedPartition() - Method in JobRequirement
The partition allocated to the requirement.
getAllocatedProcessorCount() - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated processors.
getAllocatedTaskCount() - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated tasks.
getAllocatedVMs() - Method in Job
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of VMs that are allocated to this job.
getAllocations() - Method in Fund
(Allocation collection) The allocations associated with this fund.
getAllocations() - Method in FundBalance
(Allocation collection) Allocations associated with this fund.
getAmount() - Method in Allocation
The amount of this allocation.
getAmount() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of the charge
getAmount() - Method in Fund
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
getAmount() - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
getAmount() - Method in FundTransaction
Amount of the transaction.
getAmount() - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Amount of the transaction.
getAmount() - Method in Quote
The total amount of the quote
getArchitecture() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the required architecture.
getArchitecture() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getArchitecture() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getArchitecture() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The architecture requirement.
getArchitecture() - Method in Node
The node's processor architecture.
getArchitecture() - Method in NodeReport
@see #architecture
getArchitecture() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required architecture.
getArgs() - Method in JobTemplate
Command-line arguments that get passed to commandFile.
getAt(String) - Method in ReportResourceMap
Allows array-like access to entries.
getAttributes() - Method in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in Service
The attributes of this service.
getAttributes() - Method in ServiceTemplate
(Map of String => String) The characteristics of this Service Template: processors, memory, etc.
getAttributes() - Method in WorkflowService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
getAuthor() - Method in Message
The author of the message.
getAuthor() - Method in PluginType
The main author (company or person) of the plugin type.
getAutoStart() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves whether or not the plugin starts automatically on initialization.
getAutoStart() - Method in PluginInstance
Whether the plugin should start automatically when created.
getAvailable() - Method in FundBalance
The total amount available for charging.
getAvailable() - Method in ReportResource
Retrieves the available amount of this resource.
getAvailableClasses() - Method in Node
(String collection) The classes that are available to the node.
getAvailableDisk() - Method in Node
The node's available disk space in MB.
getAvailableDisk() - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space available on this VM.
getAvailableEndDate() - Method in Node
The time when the node will stop being available.
getAvailableGenericResources() - Method in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The node's available generic resources.
getAvailableImages() - Method in NodeReport
@see #availableImages
getAvailableMemory() - Method in Node
The node's available memory in MB.
getAvailableMemory() - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory available on this VM.
getAvailableProcessors() - Method in Node
The node's available processors.
getAvailableProcessors() - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of processors available on this VM.
getAvailableStartDate() - Method in Node
The time when the node will become available.
getAvailableSwap() - Method in Node
The node's available swap space in MB.
getBalance() - Method in FundBalance
The allocation total not blocked by reservations.
getBlockReason() - Method in Job
The reason the job is blocked.
getBlockReason() - Method in Node
The reason why jobs are blocked from running on the node.
getBlockTime() - Method in Trigger
Time (in seconds) Moab will suspend normal operation to wait for trigger execution to finish.
getBypass() - Method in Job
The number of times the job has been backfilled.
getCaps() - Method in ReservationStatistics
The current active processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
getCharge() - Method in UsageRecord
The cumulative amount charged
getChargeAccount() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the account to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
getChargeUser() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the user to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
getCips() - Method in ReservationStatistics
The current idle processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
getClasses() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated classes/queues may use the resources contained within this reservation.
getClusters() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs originating within the listed clusters may use the resources contained within this reservation.
getCollection(String) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Retrieves the entire contents of a collection.
getCommandFile() - Method in Job
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
getCommandFile() - Method in JobReport
@see #commandFile
getCommandFile() - Method in JobTemplate
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
getCommandLineArguments() - Method in Job
The command line arguments passed in when the job is run.
getCommandLineArguments() - Method in JobReport
@see #commandLineArguments
getComment() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies a descriptive message associated with the standing reservation and all child reservations
getComments() - Method in Node
User-specified comments regarding the node.
getComments() - Method in Reservation
Reservation's comments or description.
getComparator() - Method in AclRule
The type of comparison to make against the ACL object.
getCompletionCode() - Method in Job
The exit code from the job.
getCompletionCode() - Method in JobReport
@see #completionCode
getCompletionDate() - Method in Job
The date the job completed.
getCompletionDate() - Method in JobReport
@see #completionDate
getConfig() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves the current configuration of the plugin as a Map of key-value pairs.
getConfig() - Method in PluginInstance
(Map of String => Object) The arbitrary configuration of the plugin.
getConfiguredClasses() - Method in Node
(String collection) The classes reported by the resource manager for the node.
getConflicted() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getConflicted() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getConflicted() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getConflicted() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getConflicted() - Method in Policy
Signifies whether any other policies are currently activated that potentially conflict with this policy.
getConsolidationFunction() - Method in Report
The consolidation function is the process used to convert a set of samples into a datapoint.
getCost() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The cost of this virtual private cluster.
getCpuLoad() - Method in Node
The current load of the node as a percentage.
getCpuLoad() - Method in VirtualMachine
The CPU load for this VM.
getCreateDate() - Method in VirtualContainer
The date/time that the virtual container was created.
getCreatedBy() - Method in ServiceTemplate
The name of the user that created this Service Template.
getCreationDate() - Method in Reservation
Creation date.
getCreationTime() - Method in Account
The time this account was created.
getCreationTime() - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation was created.
getCreationTime() - Method in Fund
Date this fund was created.
getCreationTime() - Method in FundBalance
Date this fund was created.
getCreationTime() - Method in Message
The time the message was created in epoch time.
getCreator() - Method in VirtualContainer
The creator of the virtual container.
getCreditLimit() - Method in Allocation
Determines how far in the negative this allocation is permitted to be used (enforced in quotes and reservations).
getCreditLimit() - Method in Fund
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
getCreditLimit() - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
getCustomPriorityFunction() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
Defines the priority function when the NodeAllocationAlgorithm.CustomPriority algorithm is used.
getData() - Method in Datapoint
(Map of String => String) The actual consolidated sample data.
getData(String, String, Object) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Retrieves an entry in the collection where key = value.
getData() - Method in MoabRestResponse
The parsed JSON body data from the response.
getData() - Method in Sample
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data that was recorded for this sample.
getDatapointDuration() - Method in Report
getDatapoints() - Method in Report
(Datapoint collection) This is the set of datapoints that have been consolidated for the report or are desired to be included in the report during creation time.
getDate() - Method in GenericEvent
The timestamp of when this GenericEvent was reported to Moab
getDateCreated() - Method in Application
getDateCreated() - Method in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was created.
getDateCreated() - Method in Service
The date this service was created.
getDateCreated() - Method in User
getDays() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which days of the week the standing reservation is active.
getDedicatedProcessorSeconds() - Method in Job
Number of processor seconds dedicated to the job.
getDeleted() - Method in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is deleted or not.
getDependencies() - Method in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A Map of svcIds to a String which is a comma separated list of svcIds.
getDependencies() - Method in Job
(JobDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job.
getDependencies() - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
(ServiceMoabDependency collection) Temporal dependencies between included services.
getDependency() - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
(String collection) The names of services that must be run before the service can start.
getDependentJobsCount() - Method in JobDependency
The number of dependent jobs.
getDeposited() - Method in Allocation
The total amount deposited this allocation cycle.
getDeposited() - Method in Fund
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
getDeposited() - Method in FundBalance
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
getDepth() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the depth of standing reservations to be created, starting at depth 0 (one per period).
getDescription() - Method in Account
The account description.
getDescription() - Method in Allocation
The description of this allocation.
getDescription() - Method in Application
getDescription() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getDescription() - Method in Fund
The fund description.
getDescription() - Method in FundBalance
The fund description.
getDescription() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getDescription() - Method in JobTemplate
The description of the job.
getDescription() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getDescription() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getDescription() - Method in PluginType
The full description of the plugin type.
getDescription() - Method in Policy
The user friendly description of the policy.
getDescription() - Method in Report
A description of the report.
getDescription() - Method in Trigger
getDescription() - Method in VirtualContainer
A user-defined string that acts as a label.
getDescription() - Method in VirtualMachine
A description of this VM.
getDestinationRmJobId() - Method in Job
The ID of the job as known by the destination resource manager.
getDetails() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The details of how the charge was calculated
getDetails() - Method in Event
(Map of String => String) A map where detail name maps to detail value.
getDetails() - Method in Quote
(AppliedChargeRate collection) The applied charges that make up this quote.
getDisabled() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies if the standing reservation should no longer spawn child reservations.
getDisk() - Method in Workflow
The amount of disk requested
getDiskRequirement() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The amount of disk space required (in MB).
getDocumentationLink() - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the complete documentation for the plugin type.
getDuration() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of seconds the resource is used.
getDuration() - Method in Reservation
The duration of the reservation (in seconds).
getDurationInSecs() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The duration of this virtual private cluster in seconds.
getDurationRequested() - Method in Job
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
getDurationRequested() - Method in JobReport
@see #durationRequested
getDurationRequested() - Method in JobTemplate
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
getDurationRequested() - Method in Workflow
The amount of wallclock time requested in seconds. 0 means that the wallclock is unspecified and will default to whatever is defined in the moab.cfg job template
getDynamic() - Method in Node
If true, the node is associated with a dynamic resource manager.
getEarliestStartDate() - Method in Job
Is usually the same as earliestStartDateRequested.
getEarliestStartDate() - Method in JobReport
@see #earliestStartDate
getEarliestStartDateRequested() - Method in Job
Used in job creation or modification to set the minimum start time.
getEffectivePartitionAccessList() - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job can access.
getEffectiveQueueDuration() - Method in Job
The duration in seconds the job has been eligible to run in the queue.
getEffectiveTimeToLive() - Method in VirtualMachine
Time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
getEmail() - Method in Application
getEmail() - Method in PluginType
The email of the author.
getEmail() - Method in User
getEmailNotifyTypes() - Method in Job
(JobEmailNotifyType collection) The set of email notify types attached to the job.
getEmailNotifyUsers() - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of users to whom email is sent by the execution server.
getEnabled() - Method in Application
getEnabled() - Method in User
getEndBalance() - Method in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
getEndBalance() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
getEndDate() - Method in Datapoint
The ending date that the datapoint covers.
getEndDate() - Method in Reservation
The end date of the reservation.
getEndOffset() - Method in StandingReservation
The ending offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
getEndTime() - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes inactive.
getEndTime() - Method in FundStatement
The ending time that the statement covers.
getEndTime() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The ending time that the statement covers.
getEnvironmentRequested() - Method in Job
Setting this field to true tells Moab to set various variables, if populated, to the job's environment.
getEnvironmentVariables() - Method in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of environment variables for this job.
getEnvironmentVariables() - Method in JobReport
@see #environmentVariables
getErrorCode() - Method in ErrorMessage
The original error code generated or detected by the originator.
getErrorMessage() - Method in Event
Details about any errors associated with the event.
getErrors() - Method in InvalidPluginConfigurationException
Retrieves the list of error messages set in the constructor.
getEventCategory() - Method in Event
Signifies what category of event.
getEventTime() - Method in Event
The time the event occurred, not the time MWS received the event.
getEventType() - Method in Event
Signifies what type of event.
getEventType() - Method in Trigger
getExcludeJobs() - Method in Reservation
(String collection) The list of jobs to exclude.
getExpectedState() - Method in Job
The expected state of the job based on scheduler action.
getExpireDate() - Method in Reservation
The date/time when the reservation expires and vacates.
getExpireTime() - Method in Message
The time the message will be deleted in epoch time.
getExpireTime() - Method in Trigger
Time at which trigger should be terminated if it has not already been activated.
getExtension() - Method in JobReport
@see #extension
getExtensions() - Method in Image
(Map of String => Map) A map containing maps which represent settings for provisioning managers.
getExternalLoad() - Method in Node
The load on the node not attributed to any batch queues.
getFacility() - Method in Event
A categorization of how this event fits in with other events.
getFailOffset() - Method in Trigger
Specifies the time (in seconds) that the threshold condition must exist before the trigger fires.
getFailureDetails() - Method in PendingAction
The failure details of this pending action.
getFeatureList() - Method in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of features required for this reservation.
getFeatureMode() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required feature mode.
getFeatures() - Method in Image
(String collection) The set of features used by the provisioning manager.
getFeatures() - Method in Node
(String collection) The collection of any opaque node features used to describe and categorize the node.
getFeatures() - Method in NodeReport
@see #features
getFeatures() - Method in ServiceJob
(String collection) The node features Moab uses to schedule the service.
getFeatures() - Method in Workflow
(String collection) The node features (e.g.
getFirst() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
Returns the first element of the list.
getFirstSampleDate() - Method in Datapoint
The date of the first sample consolidated in this datapoint.
getFlags() - Method in Job
(JobFlag collection) The flags that are set on this job.
getFlags() - Method in JobReport
@see #flags
getFlags() - Method in Node
(NodeFlag collection) The flags that are set on this node.
getFlags() - Method in Reservation
(ReservationFlag collection) The flags associated with the reservation.
getFlags() - Method in StandingReservation
(ReservationFlag collection) Specifies special reservation attributes.
getFlags() - Method in Trigger
(TriggerFlag collection)
getFlags() - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainerFlag collection) The flags on this virtual container.
getFlags() - Method in VirtualMachine
(VMFlag collection) The flags associated with this VM.
getFundConstraints() - Method in Fund
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
getFundConstraints() - Method in FundBalance
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
getFundId() - Method in Allocation
The fund ID associated with this allocation.
getFundId() - Method in FundConstraint
The fund ID that this constraint is associated with.
getFunds() - Method in FundStatement
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
getFunds() - Method in FundStatementSummary
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
getGenerationTime() - Method in FundStatement
The date that the statement report was generated.
getGenerationTime() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The date that the statement report was generated.
getGenericAttributes() - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of generic attributes the job has requested.
getGenericEvents() - Method in Node
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this node.
getGenericEvents() - Method in VirtualMachine
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this VM.
getGenericMetrics() - Method in Node
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this node.
getGenericMetrics() - Method in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this VM.
getGenericMetricThresholds() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(Map of String => Double) A map of generic metric pairings where each value must be greater than or equal to 0 such as:
 METRIC1 => 5.6
 METRIC2 => 0.0
 METRIC3 => 102.4
getGenericResources() - Method in JobRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) The set of generic resources for this job.
getGenericResources() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) Consumable generic attributes associated with individual nodes or the special pseudo-node global, which provides shared cluster (floating) consumable resources.
getGenericResources() - Method in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources attached to this node.
getGenericResources() - Method in Workflow
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources.
getGenericSystemJob() - Method in JobTemplate
True if this template will instantiate a generic system job.
getGlobalId() - Method in Reservation
Global reservation ID.
getGroup() - Method in Job
The group under which the job is run.
getGroup() - Method in JobReport
@see #group
getGroups() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the groups allowed access to this standing reservation.
getHolds() - Method in Job
(JobHoldType collection) The holds that are set on the job.
getHostList() - Method in Workflow
(String collection) The host list
getHostListExpression() - Method in Reservation
The list of nodes a user can select to reserve.
getHosts() - Method in Job
(String collection) The set of hosts/nodes the job is running on.
getHosts() - Method in PendingAction
(String collection) The set of hosts that are affected by this pending action.
getHosts() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the set of hosts that the scheduler can search for resources to satisfy the reservation.
getHvExclusionList() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of hypervisor IDs on the exclusion list.
getHypervisor() - Method in Image
Whether or not the image is a hypervisor.
getHypervisorId() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #hypervisorId
getHypervisorType() - Method in Node
The hypervisor type.
getId() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves the unique identifier for the plugin.
getId() - Method in Account
The unique account identifier.
getId() - Method in AccountUser
The unique user identifier.
getId() - Method in AclRule
getId() - Method in Allocation
The unique identifier for this allocation.
getId() - Method in Application
getId() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
getId() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getId() - Method in ContainerService
getId() - Method in Counters
getId() - Method in Credential
getId() - Method in Datapoint
getId() - Method in ErrorMessage
getId() - Method in Event
The unique ID for this event
getId() - Method in Fund
The unique fund identifier.
getId() - Method in FundBalance
The unique fund identifier.
getId() - Method in FundConstraint
The unique identifier of this constraint.
getId() - Method in FundStatement
getId() - Method in FundStatementSummary
getId() - Method in FundTransaction
getId() - Method in FundTransactionSummary
getId() - Method in GenericEvent
getId() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getId() - Method in Image
The unique ID of this image.
getId() - Method in IntLimit
getId() - Method in Job
The unique ID of the job.
getId() - Method in JobBlockReason
getId() - Method in JobDependency
getId() - Method in JobReport
@see #id
getId() - Method in JobRequirement
getId() - Method in JobTemplate
The unique identifier for this job template.
getId() - Method in JobTemplateDependency
getId() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
getId() - Method in Message
getId() - Method in MetricType
The unique ID of this metric type.
getId() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getId() - Method in MoabObject
The moab object id (e.g. reservation.1, job.21, vm3)
getId() - Method in Node
The unique ID of the node.
getId() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getId() - Method in NodeReport
@see #id
getId() - Method in OverCommitFactor
getId() - Method in PendingAction
The unique ID for this pending action.
getId() - Method in PluginInstance
Unique identifier for the plugin.
getId() - Method in PluginType
The unique identifier of the plugin type.
getId() - Method in Policy
The unique identifier for the policy.
getId() - Method in Quote
The unique quote identifier.
getId() - Method in Report
The unique identifier for the report.
getId() - Method in Reservation
The unique ID of the reservation.
getId() - Method in ReservationRequirement
getId() - Method in ReservationStatistics
getId() - Method in ResourceType
The unique ID of this resource type.
getId() - Method in Sample
getId() - Method in Service
The unique identifier of this service.
getId() - Method in ServiceAttributes
getId() - Method in ServiceJob
The unique identifier of the job.
getId() - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
getId() - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
getId() - Method in ServiceTemplate
The unique identifier of this Service Template.
getId() - Method in StandingReservation
The unique ID of the standing reservation.
getId() - Method in Trigger
Trigger id - internal ID used by moab to track triggers
getId() - Method in UsageRecord
The unique usage record identifier.
getId() - Method in User
getId() - Method in UserDetails
getId() - Method in VirtualContainer
The unique ID of this virtual container.
getId() - Method in VirtualMachine
The unique ID of the VM.
getId() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #id
getId() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The ID of this virtual private cluster.
getId() - Method in Workflow
getId() - Method in WorkflowService
getIdPrefix() - Method in Reservation
The user-specified prefix for this reservation.
getImage() - Method in NodeReport
@see #image
getImage() - Method in ServiceJob
The image name used by the service.
getImage() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #image
getIncludedServices() - Method in Service
(String collection) The names of the services that this service contains.
getIncludedServices() - Method in ServiceTemplate
(Map collection) A list of objects describing the dependencies that this Service Template possesses on other Service Templates.
getIndex() - Method in Message
The index of the message relative to other messages in Moab's memory.
getIndex() - Method in Node
Reported by RMs.
getInheritResources() - Method in JobTemplate
True if jobs instantiated from this template inherit resources.
getInitialPlugins() - Method in PluginType
(Map of String => PluginInstance) Represents the plugins that are initially configured when the plugin type is loaded.
getInitialWorkingDirectory() - Method in Job
The path to the directory in which the job will be started.
getInitialWorkingDirectory() - Method in JobReport
@see #initialWorkingDirectory
getInitiatedBy() - Method in Event
Details about the user that initiated this event
getInstance() - Method in FundTransaction
Instance name.
getInstance() - Method in Quote
The quote instance name.
getInstance() - Method in UsageRecord
The usage record instance name.
getInterval() - Method in Trigger
When used in conjunction with MultiFire and RearmTime trigger will fire at regular intervals.
getIOLoad() - Method in Node
The load reported by the node on its I/O.
getIsActive() - Method in Reservation
State whether or not this reservation is currently active.
getIssueManagementLink() - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the issue management system or project for the plugin type.
getIsTracked() - Method in Reservation
States whether reservation resource usage is tracked.
getJob() - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
The specifics for vm, pm, and storage type services.
getJobAttributes() - Method in StandingReservation
(JobFlag collection) Specifies job attributes that grant a job access to the reservation.
getJobDependencies() - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job template.
getJobFlags() - Method in JobTemplate
(JobFlag collection) Job flags for this template.
getJobId() - Method in Workflow
The id of the Moab job
getJobs() - Method in Node
(Job collection) The list of jobs on the node.
getJobs() - Method in VirtualContainer
(Job collection) The set of jobs in this virtual container.
getJobTemplate() - Method in Workflow
The moab job template
getJobTemplateFlags() - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateFlag collection) Job template flags for this template.
getJobTemplateRequirements() - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateRequirement collection) The requirements for this job template.
getKeepSamples() - Method in Report
Controls if samples are retained after consolidation.
getLabel() - Method in ContainerService
A label for this service.
getLabel() - Method in Reservation
When a label is assigned to a reservation, the reservation can then be referenced by that label as well as by the reservation name.
getLabel() - Method in Service
A human readable description of this service.
getLabel() - Method in ServiceTemplate
A short description of this Service Template.
getLabel() - Method in WorkflowService
A label for this service.
getLastAccessed() - Method in Application
getLastAccessed() - Method in User
getLastMigrationDate() - Method in VirtualMachine
The date when this VM was last migrated.
getLastPollDate() - Method in PluginInstance
The date of the last polling event that occurred.
getLastSampleDate() - Method in Datapoint
The date of the last sample consolidated in this datapoint.
getLastStateUpdateDate() - Method in Node
The date of the last resource manager update of the node's state.
getLastSubstate() - Method in VirtualMachine
Last reported substate (substate is not always reported).
getLastSubstateModificationDate() - Method in VirtualMachine
Date/time that lastSubstate was modified.
getLastUpdated() - Method in Application
getLastUpdated() - Method in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was last updated.
getLastUpdated() - Method in Service
The date this service was last updated.
getLastUpdated() - Method in User
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in Node
The date of the last resource manager update
getLastUpdateDate() - Method in VirtualMachine
The date of when this VM was last updated.
getLatestCompletedDateRequested() - Method in Job
The latest completion date requested by the job.
getLatestCompletedDateRequested() - Method in JobReport
@see #latestCompletedDateRequested
getLicense() - Method in PluginType
The license of this plugin type, typically APACHE.
getLog() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Returns a log that can be used throughout the Plugin.
getMachine() - Method in FundTransaction
The machine associated with the transaction.
getMasterHost() - Method in Job
The node/host that the primary task will run on.
getMaxDurationInSeconds() - Method in PendingAction
The maximum duration in seconds of the pending action.
getMaxIOIn() - Method in Node
The maximum input as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
getMaxIOLoad() - Method in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
getMaxIOOut() - Method in Node
The maximum output as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
getMaxJob() - Method in Node
The maximum number of jobs allowed to run on the node.
getMaxJob() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum number of jobs that can run in the reservation.
getMaxJobPerUser() - Method in Node
The maximum number of jobs for a single user allowed to run on the node.
getMaxLoad() - Method in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed on the node.
getMaxPageIn() - Method in Node
The maximum total page in allowed on the node.
getMaxPageOut() - Method in Node
The maximum total page out allowed on the node.
getMaxPEPerJob() - Method in Node
The maximum processor equivalence per job allowed on the node.
getMaxProc() - Method in Node
The maximum number of processors available on the node.
getMaxProcPerClass() - Method in Node
The maximum number of processors per class available on the node.
getMaxRetry() - Method in Trigger
Specifies the number of times Action will be attempted before the trigger is designated a failure.
getMaxTasks() - Method in Reservation
The maximum number of tasks for this reservation.
getMaxTime() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum time for jobs allowable.
getMemory() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required node memory, in MB.
getMemory() - Method in Workflow
The amount of memory requested in megabytes
getMemoryAllocationLimit() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
Setting this to 1 effectively disables the allocation overcommit based on memory.
getMemoryRequested() - Method in Job
The amount of memory in MB requested by the job.
getMemoryUtilizationThreshold() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the utilization threshold for memory.
getMessage() - Method in ErrorMessage
If an event has a status of "failure" or other non-successful operation, this field should provide a human-friendly error message
getMessage() - Method in GenericEvent
The message that goes with this GenericEvent
getMessage() - Method in JobBlockReason
The message associated with the the reason the job is blocked.
getMessage() - Method in Message
The comment information itself.
getMessageCount() - Method in Message
The number of times this message has been displayed.
getMessages() - Method in Job
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages.
getMessages() - Method in Node
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages on the node.
getMessages() - Method in Reservation
(Message collection) Messages for the reservation.
getMessages() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Messages associated with the reservation.
getMessages() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Message collection) The set of messages attached to this virtual private cluster.
getMessages() - Method in WebServiceException
Retrieves the list of messages for this exception.
getMetrics() - Method in NodeReport
@see #metrics
getMetrics() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #metrics
getMigrationAlgorithmType() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Configures the VM migration algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
getMigrationCount() - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of times this VM has been migrated.
getMigrationDestination() - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM will be if the migration is successful.
getMigrationSource() - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM was before the migration.
getMinimumSampleSize() - Method in Report
If number of samples is below this number, the datapoint data field is "null".
getMoab() - Method in ServiceAttributes
Reserved space for Moab job configuration and attributes.
getMoabLabel() - Method in NodeAccessPolicy
getMoabLabel() - Method in VMUsagePolicy
getMoabName() - Method in VMFlag
getModificationTime() - Method in Account
The time this account was last modified.
getModificationTime() - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation was last modified.
getModificationTime() - Method in Fund
The date this fund was last modified.
getModificationTime() - Method in FundBalance
The date this fund was last modified.
getModified() - Method in ServiceTemplate
The most recent date this Service Template was changed.
getMotivation() - Method in PendingAction
The reason the action was begun.
getMultiFire() - Method in Trigger
Specifies whether this trigger can fire multiple times.
getMwsVersion() - Method in PluginType
A string representing the restriction on which version of MWS is required for the plugin type.
getName() - Method in Application
getName() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate name
getName() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getName() - Method in ContainerService
The user specified name of the service.
getName() - Method in Credential
getName() - Method in Fund
The name of this fund.
getName() - Method in FundBalance
The name of this fund.
getName() - Method in FundConstraint
The name of the constraint.
getName() - Method in GenericEvent
The name of the GenericEvent.
getName() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getName() - Method in Image
The unique human-readable name of this image.
getName() - Method in Job
The user-specified name of the job.
getName() - Method in JobReport
@see #name
getName() - Method in JobTemplateDependency
The name of the template on which this template depends.
getName() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getName() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getName() - Method in Policy
The user friendly name of the policy.
getName() - Method in Report
getName() - Method in Service
The name of this service.
getName() - Method in ServiceTemplate
The name of this Service Template.
getName() - Method in Trigger
Trigger name - can be auto assigned by moab or requested.
getName() - Method in Workflow
The user specified name of the workflow.
getName() - Method in WorkflowService
The user specified name of the service.
getNetwork() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the required network.
getNetwork() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getNetwork() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getNetwork() - Method in Node
The name of the node's network.
getNetworkAddress() - Method in Node
The network (usually IP) address of this node.
getNetworkAddress() - Method in NodeReport
@see #networkAddress
getNetworkAddress() - Method in VirtualMachine
The network address of this VM.
getNetworkLoad() - Method in Node
The load of the node's network as a percentage.
getNextOS() - Method in Node
If populated, the next operating system that is currently being provisioned.
getNextPollDate() - Method in PluginInstance
The date of the next polling event that is scheduled to occur.
getNode() - Method in VirtualMachine
The physical node on which this VM is running.
getNodeAccessPolicy() - Method in JobRequirement
The node access policy the requirement asks for.
getNodeAccessPolicy() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The node access policy.
getNodeAllocationAlgorithm() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
Configures the node allocation algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
getNodeCount() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required number of nodes.
getNodeCountMinimum() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the minimum number of nodes called for by the requirement.
getNodeCountMinimum() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getNodeCountMinimum() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getNodeDisk() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the required disk space in MB across all nodes.
getNodeDisk() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getNodeDisk() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getNodeFeatures() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the required node features for nodes that are part of the standing reservation.
getNodeIds() - Method in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of node IDs required for this reservation.
getNodeMemory() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the required memory in MB across all nodes.
getNodeMemory() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getNodeMemory() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getNodeNames() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(String collection) The nodes hosting this virtual private cluster.
getNodes() - Method in VirtualContainer
(Node collection) The set of nodes in this virtual container.
getNodeSwap() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the required swap in MB across all nodes.
getNodeSwap() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getNodeSwap() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getObject() - Method in FundTransaction
Object's name associated with the transaction.
getObject() - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Object's name associated with the transaction.
getObjectId() - Method in Trigger
The ID of the object which this is attached to.
getObjectType() - Method in Trigger
The type of object which this is attached to.
getOffset() - Method in Trigger
Relative time offset from event when trigger can fire.
getOperatingSystem() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The operating system requirement.
getOperations() - Method in Node
(NodeOperation collection) The list of operations that can be performed on this node.
getOpSys() - Method in Workflow
The required operating system
getOrganization() - Method in Account
The organization to which the account belongs.
getOriginator() - Method in ErrorMessage
The software component or entity that generated or detected the error (e.g.
getOs() - Method in Job
The operating system required for the job.
getOs() - Method in Node
The operating system of the node.
getOs() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required Operating System.
getOs() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the operating system that should be in place during the reservation.
getOs() - Method in VirtualMachine
The current operating system of the VM.
getOsList() - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems for the node.
getOsList() - Method in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of operating systems that the VM can run.
getOsType() - Method in Image
The type of the operating system such as 'Linux' or 'Windows'.
getOvercommit() - Method in Node
This is the coefficient that determines how much resources may be overutilized on this hypervisor.
getOvercommitMap() - Method in OverCommitFactor
(Map of String => Double)
getOwner() - Method in Reservation
The owner of the reservation Valid during POST.
getOwner() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the owner of the reservation.
getOwner() - Method in VirtualContainer
The owner of the virtual container.
getOwner() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The credential that owns this virtual private cluster.
getParent() - Method in Service
The name of the service that contains this service.
getPartition() - Method in Node
The partition this node belongs to.
getPartition() - Method in NodeReport
@see #partition
getPartition() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the partition in which to create the standing reservation.
getPartitionAccessList() - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job has requested.
getPartitionAccessList() - Method in JobReport
@see #partitionAccessList
getPartitionId() - Method in Reservation
The ID of the partition this reservation is for.
getPassword() - Method in Application
getPassword() - Method in User
getPasswordExpired() - Method in Application
getPasswordExpired() - Method in User
getPendingActionState() - Method in PendingAction
The state of the pending action.
getPendingActionType() - Method in PendingAction
The type of the pending action.
getPercentRemaining() - Method in FundBalance
The percentage of allocation remaining.
getPercentUsed() - Method in FundBalance
The percentage of allocated used.
getPeriod() - Method in StandingReservation
Period of the Standing reservation.
getPeriod() - Method in Trigger
Can be used in conjunction with Offset to have a trigger fire at the beginning of the specified period.
getPlugin(String, Map) - Method in IPluginControlService
Retrieves a plugin by the plugin type and according to specific properties given in AbstractPlugin.getConfig.
getPluginById(String) - Method in IPluginControlService
Retrieves a plugin by the unique identifier from AbstractPlugin.getId.
getPluginId() - Method in JobReport
@see #pluginId
getPluginId() - Method in NodeReport
@see #pluginId
getPluginId() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #pluginId
getPluginRunning() - Method in PluginStopException
This value is currently unused in plugins, but may be used by custom plugin types to support possible functionality

Retrieves whether or not the plugin is actually running after the exception occurred.

getPlugins(String, Map) - Method in IPluginControlService
Retrieves a list of plugins that are of the specified plugin type and contain the specified properties given in AbstractPlugin.getConfig.
getPluginType() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves the plugin type, as in "Native".
getPluginType() - Method in PluginInstance
The plugin name as in Native or Example for the plugin called ExamplePlugin.
getPollInterval() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves the current polling interval of the plugin in seconds.
getPollInterval() - Method in PluginInstance
The polling interval to use for the plugin in seconds.
getPollMethod() - Method in PluginType
Indicates whether the plugin type has a defined 'poll' method (event handler) or not.
getPotentialConflicts() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
getPotentialConflicts() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
getPotentialConflicts() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
getPotentialConflicts() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
getPotentialConflicts() - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of policy IDs that may potentially conflict with this policy.
getPower() - Method in Node
The node's power state according to the resource managers reporting this node.
getPower() - Method in NodeReport
@see #power
getPowerPolicy() - Method in Node
The power policy for this node.
getPowerSelected() - Method in Node
The node's power state that Moab is currently scheduling.
getPowerSelectState() - Method in VirtualMachine
The selected power state of this VM.
getPowerState() - Method in VirtualMachine
The power state of this VM.
getPreferredNodeFeatures() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the list of preferred node features for this requirement.
getPreferredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getPreferredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getPreferredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of preferred node features.
getPrimaryObject() - Method in Event
Most events will have a "primary object" associated with it.
getPriority() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getPriority() - Method in Fund
The fund priority.
getPriority() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getPriority() - Method in JobTemplate
Relative job priority.
getPriority() - Method in Message
An optional priority that can be attached to the comment.
getPriority() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getPriority() - Method in Node
The priority associated with the node.
getPriority() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getPriority() - Method in Policy
Indicates the absolute priority of the policy with respect to others.
getPriorityFunction() - Method in Node
The function used to calculate this node's priority.
getProcessorAllocationLimit() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
The Allocation Limit defines the upper bound or maximum amount of VCPUs that can be created on any given hypervisor (HV).
getProcessorCountMinimum() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the minimum task count for this requirement.
getProcessorCountMinimum() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getProcessorCountMinimum() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getProcessorUtilizationThreshold() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the load utilization threshold for processors.
getProcLimit() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
getProcs() - Method in Workflow
The number of processors
getProcSpeed() - Method in Node
The node's processor speed in MHz.
getProfile() - Method in Reservation
The profile that this reservation is using.
getProfile() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The name of the profile used when creating this virtual private cluster.
getProfilingEnabled() - Method in Node
Indicates whether statistical profiling is enabled for this node.
getProject() - Method in FundTransaction
The project associated with the transaction.
getProxyUser() - Method in UserDetails
The proxy user that initiated the event
getPsLimit() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor-second limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
getPurgeDate() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The time when the virtual private cluster will be destroyed.
getQos() - Method in Job
The QoS under which the job is running.
getQos() - Method in JobReport
@see #qos
getQos() - Method in JobTemplate
The Quality of Service for the job.
getQoses() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the listed QoS names can access the reserved resources.
getQosRequested() - Method in Job
The QoS the job requested.
getQualifier() - Method in IntLimit
One of:
getQualityOfService() - Method in UsageRecord
The quality of service associated with the usage.
getQueue() - Method in Job
The class or queue in which the job is running.
getQueue() - Method in JobTemplate
The class or queue in which the job will run.
getQueueStatus() - Method in Job
The status of the job in its queue.
getQuote() - Method in UsageRecord
The associated quote id.
getRack() - Method in Node
The node's rack location.
getRack() - Method in VirtualMachine
The rack of the VM inside a given node.
getRate() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate amount
getRearmTime() - Method in Trigger
Time between MultiFire triggers; rearm time is enforced from the trigger event time.
getRelatedObjects() - Method in Event
(MoabObject collection) Objects relating to the event that are not the primary object
getReportSize() - Method in Report
getReqResources() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The required resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
getRequestedTimeToLive() - Method in VirtualMachine
User-specified time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
getRequester() - Method in PendingAction
The user who requested the action.
getRequestId() - Method in Account
The id of the last modifying request.
getRequiredArchitecture() - Method in JobRequirement
The required architecture.
getRequiredClass() - Method in JobRequirement
The required class/queue.
getRequiredDiskPerTask() - Method in JobRequirement
Required disk per task, in MB.
getRequiredDiskPerTask() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Disk space (in MB).
getRequiredFeatures() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
(String collection) The features required by this template.
getRequiredImage() - Method in JobReport
@see #requiredImage
getRequiredMemoryPerTask() - Method in JobRequirement
Required memory per task, in MB.
getRequiredMemoryPerTask() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Memory (in MB).
getRequiredNetwork() - Method in JobRequirement
The required network.
getRequiredNodeCountMinimum() - Method in JobRequirement
The minimum number of nodes called for by the requirement.
getRequiredNodeDisk() - Method in JobRequirement
The required disk space in MB across all nodes.
getRequiredNodeFeatures() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the list of required node features for this requirement.
getRequiredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getRequiredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getRequiredNodeFeatures() - Method in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of required node features.
getRequiredNodeIds() - Method in JobReport
@see #requiredNodeIds
getRequiredNodeMemory() - Method in JobRequirement
The required memory in MB across all nodes.
getRequiredNodeProcessors() - Method in JobRequirement
The required processors needed on a per node basis.
getRequiredNodeSwap() - Method in JobRequirement
The required swap in MB across all nodes.
getRequiredPartition() - Method in JobRequirement
A colon-separated list that specifies the partition (or partitions) in which the job must run.
getRequiredProcessorCountMinimum() - Method in JobRequirement
The minimum task count for this requirement.
getRequiredProcessorsPerTask() - Method in JobRequirement
Required processors per task.
getRequiredProcessorsPerTask() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Number of processors.
getRequiredSwapPerTask() - Method in JobRequirement
Required swap per task, in MB.
getRequiredSwapPerTask() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Swap space (in MB).
getRequirements() - Method in Job
(JobRequirement collection) The list of items required for this job to run.
getRequirements() - Method in JobReport
Retrieves the job requirements.
getRequirements() - Method in Reservation
The reservation's requirements.
getRequires() - Method in Trigger
Variables this trigger requires to be set or not set before it will fire.
getReservation() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation associated with the virtual private cluster.
getReservationAccessList() - Method in StandingReservation
(Reservation collection) A list of reservations to which the specified reservation has access.
getReservationCount() - Method in Node
The number of reservations on the node.
getReservationGroup() - Method in Reservation
The reservation group to which the reservation belongs.
getReservationGroup() - Method in StandingReservation
The group of the reservation.
getReservationRequested() - Method in Job
The reservation that the job requested.
getReservationRequestedId() - Method in JobReport
@see #reservationRequestedId
getReservations() - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of reservations' names currently on this node.
getReservations() - Method in VirtualContainer
(Reservation collection) The set of reservations in this virtual container.
getReservationStartDate() - Method in Job
The start date of the reservation in which the job is running.
getReserved() - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active reservation amounts against this fund.
getResources() - Method in JobReport
@see #resources
getResources() - Method in NodeReport
@see #resources
getResources() - Method in Reservation
(Map of String => Integer) The reservation's resources.
getResources() - Method in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The set of resources of the service.
getResources() - Method in StandingReservation
(Map of String => Integer) Specifies what resources constitute a single standing reservation task.
getResources() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #resources
getResources() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
getResponse() - Method in MoabRestResponse
The actual response object.
getResponseCode() - Method in WebServiceException
Retrieves the HTTP response code for this exception.
getResProfile() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation profile of this virtual private cluster.
getRmAccessList() - Method in Node
A comma-separated list of resource managers that have access to this node.
getRmExtension() - Method in Job
The resource manager extension String that describes information passed to the the resource manager accounting for the job.
getRmName() - Method in Job
The name of the resource manager that is reporting this job.
getRmStandardErrorFilePath() - Method in Job
The path to the remote file containing the standard error of the job.
getRmStandardInputFilePath() - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard input of the job.
getRmStandardOutputFilePath() - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
getRoles() - Method in Application
(String collection)
getRoles() - Method in User
(String collection) The roles of the user/application as ROLE_*.
getRollbackOffset() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum time in the future at which the reservation may start.
getRunPriority() - Method in Job
The priority to start running the job.
getScalingFactor() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate multiplier
getScmLink() - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the Source Control Management (SCM) system or project for the plugin type.
getSelect() - Method in JobTemplate
True if job template can be directly requested by job at submission.
getSerialization() - Method in MoabObject
A serialized representation of the object
getService() - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
The name of the service that needs to wait until the dependencies are met before it can start.
getServiceId() - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the service associated with the pending action.
getServices() - Method in ContainerService
(String collection) A list of svcIds contained in this container
getServiceTemplate() - Method in Service
The service template name and ID (if any) used to create the service.
getServiceTemplateId() - Method in ContainerService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
getServiceTemplateId() - Method in WorkflowService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
getServiceTemplateName() - Method in ContainerService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
getServiceTemplateName() - Method in WorkflowService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
getSets() - Method in Trigger
Variable values this trigger sets upon success or failure.
getSeverity() - Method in GenericEvent
The severity level of the event (1-4, 1 is low severity, 0 is unset)
getSharedData() - Method in ServiceAttributes
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data.
getSize() - Method in Node
The number of slots or size units consumed by the node.
getSlot() - Method in Node
The node's slot location.
getSlot() - Method in VirtualMachine
The slot of the VM inside a given node.
getSourceComponent() - Method in Event
What Adaptive Computing component reported this event.
getSourceRmJobId() - Method in Job
The ID of the job as known by the source resource manager.
getSovereign() - Method in VirtualMachine
This causes Moab to reserve the VM's memory and processors on the hypervisor, and treats the VM as the workload.
getSpeed() - Method in Node
The relative speed of the node.
getSpeedWeight() - Method in Node
The weight of the speed metric in the node's priority function
getStage() - Method in UsageRecord
The last affecting action.
getStandardErrorFilePath() - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard error of the job.
getStandardErrorFilePath() - Method in JobReport
@see #standardErrorFilePath
getStandardInputFilePath() - Method in JobReport
@see #standardInputFilePath
getStandardOutputFilePath() - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
getStandardOutputFilePath() - Method in JobReport
@see #standardOutputFilePath
getStartBalance() - Method in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
getStartBalance() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
getStartCount() - Method in Job
The number of times the job has been started.
getStartDate() - Method in Datapoint
The beginning date that the datapoint covers.
getStartDate() - Method in Job
The date the job started.
getStartDate() - Method in JobReport
@see #startDate
getStartDate() - Method in Reservation
The start time for the reservation.
getStartDate() - Method in VirtualMachine
Date/time that this VM was started (ready and usable)
getStartDate() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The start time for this virtual private cluster.
getStartOffset() - Method in StandingReservation
The starting offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
getStartPriority() - Method in Job
The priority used when the job is first starting.
getStartTime() - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes active.
getStartTime() - Method in FundStatement
The starting time that the statement covers.
getStartTime() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The starting time that the statement covers.
getStartTime() - Method in PendingAction
The start time of the pending action.
getState() - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Retrieves the current state of the Plugin.
getState() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
getState() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
getState() - Method in Job
The job's state.
getState() - Method in JobReport
@see #state
getState() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
getState() - Method in Node
The node's current state.
getState() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
getState() - Method in NodeReport
@see #state
getState() - Method in PluginInstance
The current state of the plugin.
getState() - Method in Policy
Defines the current state of the policy: enabled or disabled.
getState() - Method in VirtualMachine
The state of the VM.
getState() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #state
getState() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The state of this virtual private cluster.
getStatistics() - Method in Reservation
The reservation's statistical information.
getStatus() - Method in Event
The status of the reported event.
getStatus() - Method in Service
The description of the current provisioning status.
getStatusCode() - Method in Service
A numeric code representing the current provisioning status.
getStorage() - Method in VirtualMachine
Storage request (not OS disk storage).
getSubmitDate() - Method in Job
The time when this job was submitted to Moab.
getSubmitDate() - Method in JobReport
@see #submitDate
getSubmitHost() - Method in Job
The host from which the job was submitted.
getSubstate() - Method in Node
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
getSubstate() - Method in NodeReport
@see #substate
getSubstate() - Method in PendingAction
The substate that will give more information about the status of the pending action.
getSubstate() - Method in VirtualMachine
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
getSubType() - Method in Reservation
The reservation sub-type.
getSupportsPhysicalMachine() - Method in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a physical machine, defaults to false.
getSupportsVirtualMachine() - Method in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a virtual machine, defaults to false.
getSuspendDuration() - Method in Job
The duration for which the job has been suspended.
getSuspendDuration() - Method in JobReport
@see #suspendDuration
getSystemPriority() - Method in Job
Administrator-specified system priority level.
getSystemPriority() - Method in JobReport
@see #systemPriority
getTags() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
getTags() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
getTags() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
getTags() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
getTags() - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of strings that can be used to aid in filtering or querying policies.
getTags() - Method in ServiceTemplate
(String collection) Specially-trimmed strings to group Service Templates.
getTaps() - Method in ReservationStatistics
The total active processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
getTargetOS() - Method in PendingAction
The operating system the node will be running if the pending action is successful.
getTaskCount() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The number of tasks required.
getTaskCount() - Method in Node
The number of tasks currently running on the node.
getTaskCount() - Method in Reservation
The number of tasks that must be allocated to satisfy the reservation request.
getTaskCount() - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required task count.
getTaskCount() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies how many tasks should be reserved for the reservation
Default is 0 (unlimited tasks).
getTasksPerNode() - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Retrieves the number of tasks to map to each node.
getTasksPerNode() - Method in JobReportRequirement
getTasksPerNode() - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
getTasksPerNode() - Method in JobRequirement
The number of tasks to map to each node.
getTasksPerNode() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum number of tasks per node that must be available on eligible nodes.
getTemplate() - Method in ServiceJob
The job template of this service.
getTemplate() - Method in VirtualMachine
Job template for the VM.
getTemplateList() - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of all job templates to be set on this job.
getTemplateName() - Method in Image
The VM template to use for this image.
getThreshold() - Method in Trigger
Reservation usage threshold - When reservation usage drops below Threshold, trigger will fire.
getTime() - Method in FundTransaction
The date at which the transaction occurred.
getTimeLimit() - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum allowed overlap between the standing reservation and a job requesting resource access.
getTimeout() - Method in Trigger
Time allotted to this trigger before it is marked as unsuccessful and its process (if any) killed.
getTimestamp() - Method in JobReport
Retrieves the set timestamp for the report.
getTimestamp() - Method in NodeReport
Retrieves the set timestamp for the report.
getTimestamp() - Method in Sample
The date and time at which this sample was recorded.
getTimestamp() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
Retrieves the set timestamp for the report.
getTips() - Method in ReservationStatistics
The total idle processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
getTitle() - Method in PluginType
A short name describing the plugin type.
getTopLevelServiceId() - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the top level service associated with the pending action.
getTotal() - Method in ReportResource
Retrieves the total amount of this resource.
getTotalActiveTime() - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being busy with jobs.
getTotalAvailableTime() - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node is available.
getTotalCredits() - Method in FundStatement
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
getTotalCredits() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
getTotalDebits() - Method in FundStatement
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
getTotalDebits() - Method in FundStatementSummary
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
getTotalDisk() - Method in Node
The node's total disk space in MB.
getTotalDisk() - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space configured in MB.
getTotalMemory() - Method in Node
The node's total memory in MB.
getTotalMemory() - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory configured in MB.
getTotalProcessors() - Method in Node
The node's total processors.
getTotalProcessors() - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of virtual processors in the VM.
getTotalStatsTime() - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that stats have been tracked for the node.
getTotalSwap() - Method in Node
The node's total swap space in MB.
getTotalUpTime() - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being up.
getTrackingJob() - Method in VirtualMachine
The tracking job for this VM.
getTransactionId() - Method in Account
The id of the last modifying transaction.
getTransactions() - Method in FundStatement
(FundTransaction collection) Details of each specific transaction which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
getTransactions() - Method in FundStatementSummary
(FundTransactionSummary collection) Summaries of the specific transactions which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
getTrigger() - Method in Job
Add this trigger to the specified job.
getTrigger() - Method in JobTemplate
The trigger that is typically assigned to generic system jobs.
getTrigger() - Method in Reservation
Trigger for reservation.
getTriggerIds() - Method in Reservation
(String collection) The IDs of the triggers attached to this reservation.
getTriggers() - Method in StandingReservation
(Trigger collection) Triggers associated with the reservation.
getTriggers() - Method in VirtualMachine
(Trigger collection) The list of triggers on this VM.
getType() - Method in AclRule
The type of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
getType() - Method in ContainerService
The type of service.
getType() - Method in Credential
getType() - Method in Image
The type of the image.
getType() - Method in JobBlockReason
The reason type.
getType() - Method in JobDependency
The dependency type.
getType() - Method in JobTemplateDependency
The type of the dependency.
getType() - Method in MoabObject
The moab object type (e.g. node, job, reservation)
getType() - Method in Node
The type of the node.
getType() - Method in Service
The type of the service.
getType() - Method in ServiceTemplate
The type of Service Template: VM, Storage, etc.
getType() - Method in StandingReservation
The type of the reservation.
getType() - Method in UsageRecord
The usage record type.
getType() - Method in WorkflowService
The type of service.
getTypes() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
getTypes() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
getTypes() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
getTypes() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
getTypes() - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of categories or types that the policy is included in.
getUniqueIndex() - Method in Reservation
The globally-unique reservation index.
getUnsets() - Method in Trigger
Variable this trigger destroys upon success or failure.
getUsageRecord() - Method in Quote
The usage record id associated with this quote.
getUsed() - Method in FundBalance
The total amount used this allocation cycle.
getUser() - Method in FundTransaction
The user associated with the transaction.
getUser() - Method in Job
The user that is running the job.
getUser() - Method in JobReport
@see #user
getUser() - Method in Service
The user associated with this service.
getUser() - Method in UsageRecord
The user name associated with the usage.
getUser() - Method in UserDetails
The user that initiated the event
getUsername() - Method in Application
getUsername() - Method in User
getUserPriority() - Method in Job
The user-specified priority for the job.
getUsers() - Method in Account
(AccountUser collection) The users associated with this account.
getUsers() - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which users have access to the resources reserved by this reservation.
getValue() - Method in AclRule
The name of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
getValue() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate value.
getValue() - Method in FundConstraint
The value of the constraint.
getValue() - Method in IntLimit
getVariables() - Method in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of variables this job "owns" or sets on completion.
getVariables() - Method in Node
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the node.
getVariables() - Method in NodeReport
@see #variables
getVariables() - Method in Reservation
(Map of String => String) The set of variables for this reservation.
getVariables() - Method in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The variables of the service.
getVariables() - Method in VirtualContainer
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the virtual container.
getVariables() - Method in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with this VM.
getVariables() - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #variables
getVariables() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Map of String => String) The variables associated with this virtual private cluster.
getVariables() - Method in Workflow
(Map of String => String) Variables attached to the Moab job
getVc() - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
The virtual container that holds this service.
getVcId() - Method in ContainerService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
getVcId() - Method in Workflow
The id of the virtual container
getVcId() - Method in WorkflowService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
getVirtualContainers() - Method in Job
(VirtualContainer collection) When submitting this job, add it to the specified existing virtual container.
getVirtualContainers() - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainer collection) The set of virtual containers in this virtual container.
getVirtualizedImages() - Method in Image
(Image collection) The set of images available on this hypervisor.
getVirtualMachines() - Method in Node
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of virtual machines on the node.
getVirtualMachines() - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualMachine collection) The set of virtual machines in this virtual container.
getVmExclusionList() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of VM IDs on the exclusion list.
getVmId() - Method in PendingAction
The affected virtual machine ID.
getVmOsList() - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems that can be used when creating a virtual machine on the node
getVmUsagePolicy() - Method in Job
The requested VM Usage Policy for this job.
getVmUsagePolicy() - Method in JobTemplate
The virtual machine usage policy.
getWorkflow() - Method in WorkflowService
The workflow associated with this service
GLOBAL_TRIGGER - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
Not sure what this is, but was returned by triggers with no flags.
GLOBAL_VARS - Enum Constant in NodeFlag
Node has variables available for triggers.
GLOBAL_VARS - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
The trigger will look in the name space of all nodes with the globalvars flag in addition to its own name space.
globalId - Field in Reservation
Global reservation ID.
GLOBALQUEUE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is directly submitted without doing any authentication.
GLOBALQUEUE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
GLOBALRSVACCESS - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
GREATER_THAN - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: ">", "gt"
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: ">=", "ge"
GREEN - Enum Constant in PowerPolicy
@deprecated Use OnDemand instead.
GRESONLY - Enum Constant in JobFlag
GRESONLY - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
GRID - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation was created by a member in the grid.
GROUP - Enum Constant in AclType
GROUP - Enum Constant in CredentialType
group - Field in Job
The group under which the job is run.
group - Field in JobReport
The job's group.
groups - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the groups allowed access to this standing reservation.


hasError() - Method in MoabRestResponse
Returns true if an error was encountered during the request.
HASPREEMPTED - Enum Constant in JobFlag
HASPREEMPTED - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
HASSTARTED - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Virtual container has jobs that have started -- workflows only.
HIBERNATE - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job was set to Hibernate mode.
HIBERNATE - Enum Constant in NodePower
HIBERNATE - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
HIDDEN - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
HOLD - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
HOLD - Enum Constant in JobReportState
HOLD - Enum Constant in JobState
Job is blocked by resource manager hold.
HOLD - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
HOLD - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
HOLDJOBS - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Virtual container will place a hold on jobs that are submitted to it while this flag is set .
holds - Field in Job
(JobHoldType collection) The holds that are set on the job.
hostList - Field in Workflow
(String collection) The host list
hostListExpression - Field in Reservation
The list of nodes a user can select to reserve.
hosts - Field in Job
(String collection) The set of hosts/nodes the job is running on.
hosts - Field in PendingAction
(String collection) The set of hosts that are affected by this pending action.
hosts - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the set of hosts that the scheduler can search for resources to satisfy the reservation.
HOUR - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
HOUR - Enum Constant in TriggerPeriod
HPC - Enum Constant in Suite
humanName - Property in DependencyType
This is the human readable name given to the dependency.
humanName - Property in NodeOperation
humanReadable - Property in PowerPolicy
humanString - Field in JobEmailNotifyType
The string that is human readable.
HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy - Class in com.ace.mws.policies
The Hypervisor Allocation Overcommit policy controls how many virtual machines can be placed on a hypervisor.
HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy() - Constructor in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
hvExclusionList - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of hypervisor IDs on the exclusion list.
HWJOB - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
hypervisor - Field in Image
Whether or not the image is a hypervisor.
hypervisorId - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The identifier for the hypervisor/node that the VM resides on.
hypervisorType - Field in Node
The hypervisor type.


id - Field in AbstractPluginInfo
id - Field in Account
The unique account identifier.
id - Field in AccountUser
The unique user identifier.
id - Field in AclRule
id - Field in Allocation
The unique identifier for this allocation.
id - Field in Application
id - Field in AppliedChargeRate
id - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
id - Field in ContainerService
id - Field in Counters
id - Field in Credential
id - Field in Datapoint
id - Field in ErrorMessage
id - Field in Event
The unique ID for this event
id - Field in Fund
The unique fund identifier.
id - Field in FundBalance
The unique fund identifier.
id - Field in FundConstraint
The unique identifier of this constraint.
id - Field in FundStatement
id - Field in FundStatementSummary
id - Field in FundTransaction
id - Field in FundTransactionSummary
id - Field in GenericEvent
id - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
id - Field in Image
The unique ID of this image.
id - Field in IntLimit
id - Field in Job
The unique ID of the job.
id - Field in JobBlockReason
id - Field in JobDependency
id - Field in JobReport
The unique identifier for the job, this should be lower-case but will automatically be converted if it is not in setId(String).
id - Field in JobRequirement
id - Field in JobTemplate
The unique identifier for this job template.
id - Field in JobTemplateDependency
id - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
id - Field in Message
id - Field in MetricType
The unique ID of this metric type.
id - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
id - Field in MoabObject
The moab object id (e.g. reservation.1, job.21, vm3)
id - Field in Node
The unique ID of the node.
id - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
id - Field in NodeReport
The unique identifier for the node, this should be lower-case but will automatically be converted if it is not in setId(String).
id - Field in OverCommitFactor
id - Field in PendingAction
The unique ID for this pending action.
id - Field in PluginInstance
Unique identifier for the plugin.
id - Field in PluginType
The unique identifier of the plugin type.
id - Field in Policy
The unique identifier for the policy.
id - Field in Quote
The unique quote identifier.
id - Field in Report
The unique identifier for the report.
id - Field in Reservation
The unique ID of the reservation.
id - Field in ReservationRequirement
id - Field in ReservationStatistics
id - Field in ResourceType
The unique ID of this resource type.
id - Field in Sample
id - Field in Service
The unique identifier of this service.
id - Field in ServiceAttributes
id - Field in ServiceJob
The unique identifier of the job.
id - Field in ServiceMoabAttributes
id - Field in ServiceMoabDependency
id - Field in ServiceTemplate
The unique identifier of this Service Template.
id - Field in StandingReservation
The unique ID of the standing reservation.
id - Field in Trigger
Trigger id - internal ID used by moab to track triggers
id - Field in UsageRecord
The unique usage record identifier.
id - Field in User
id - Field in UserDetails
id - Field in VirtualContainer
The unique ID of this virtual container.
id - Field in VirtualMachine
The unique ID of the VM.
id - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The unique identifier for the VM, this should be lower-case but will automatically be converted if it is not in setId(String).
id - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The ID of this virtual private cluster.
id - Field in Workflow
id - Field in WorkflowService
IDLE - Enum Constant in JobReportState
IDLE - Enum Constant in JobState
Eligible according to all resource manager constraints.
IDLE - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
IDLE - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is available for workload but is not running anything.
IDLE - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
IDLEPOLICY - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
idPrefix - Field in Reservation
The user-specified prefix for this reservation.
IGNIDLEJOBRSV - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job can ignore idle job reservations.
IGNIDLEJOBRSV - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
IGNIDLEJOBS - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Ignore idle job reservations.
IGNJOBRSV - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Ignore job reservations, but not user or other reservations.
IGNNODEPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will ignore node policies.
IGNNODEPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
IGNNODESTATE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will ignore node state in order to run.
IGNNODESTATE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
IGNPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will ignore idle, active, class, partition, and system policies.
IGNPOLICIES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
IGNRSV - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Forces the reservation onto nodes regardless of whether there are other reservations currently residing on the nodes.
IGNSTATE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Request ignores existing resource reservations, allowing the reservation to be forced onto available resources even if this conflicts with other reservations.
IJobReportRequirement - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
Contains common methods for a job report requirement object.
IJobRMService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The job resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save job reports.
Image - Class in com.ace.mws.images
An image is used to track the different types of operating systems and hypervisors available in a data center.
Image() - Constructor in Image
image - Field in NodeReport
The name of the image that this node is currently provisioned as.
image - Field in ServiceJob
The image name used by the service.
image - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The image name for the VM.
ImageType - Enum in com.ace.mws.images
Represents an image type, such as stateful or stateless.
ImageType() - Constructor in ImageType
IMoabRestService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The Moab REST service gives easy access to all supported REST resources in Moab Web Services.
includedServices - Field in Service
(String collection) The names of the services that this service contains.
includedServices - Field in ServiceTemplate
(Map collection) A list of objects describing the dependencies that this Service Template possesses on other Service Templates.
index - Field in Message
The index of the message relative to other messages in Moab's memory.
index - Field in Node
Reported by RMs.
INFINITY - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
inheritResources - Field in JobTemplate
True if jobs instantiated from this template inherit resources.
INITIALIZING - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM is initializing.
INITIALIZING - Enum Constant in VPCState
The virtual private cluster is in the process of being created.
initialPlugins - Field in PluginType
(Map of String => PluginInstance) Represents the plugins that are initially configured when the plugin type is loaded.
initialWorkingDirectory - Field in Job
The path to the directory in which the job will be started.
initialWorkingDirectory - Field in JobReport
The job's initial working directory.
initiatedBy - Field in Event
Details about the user that initiated this event
INodeRMService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The node resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save node reports.
InReportedOrder - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
Simple first come, first served algorithm where nodes are allocated in the order they are presented by the resource manager.
InReverseReportedOrder - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
The default setting.
instance - Field in FundTransaction
Instance name.
instance - Field in Quote
The quote instance name.
instance - Field in UsageRecord
The usage record instance name.
INTERACTIVE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job needs to interactive input from the user to run.
INTERACTIVE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
INTERNAL - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
interval - Field in Trigger
When used in conjunction with MultiFire and RearmTime trigger will fire at regular intervals.
INTERVAL - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
Trigger is periodic.
IntLimit - Class in com.ace.mws
IntLimit() - Constructor in IntLimit
InvalidPluginConfigurationException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
An exception signifying that a misconfiguration error has occurred.
InvalidPluginConfigurationException(String) - Constructor in InvalidPluginConfigurationException
Creates an exception with a list of errors consisting of a single element.
InvalidPluginException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Signifies that the plugin specified is invalid and does not exist.
InvalidPluginException(String, Exception) - Constructor in InvalidPluginException
InvalidPluginTypeException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Signifies that the plugin type specified is invalid and does not exist.
InvalidPluginTypeException(String, Exception) - Constructor in InvalidPluginTypeException
iOLoad - Field in Node
The load reported by the node on its I/O.
IPluginControlService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The control service allows lifecycle management operations to be performed on plugins.
IPluginDatastoreService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The individual datastore service is provided to allow a plugin to persist data to the database that is isolated from all other persistent data.
isActive - Field in Reservation
State whether or not this reservation is currently active.
ISACTIVE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, the reservation is currently active.
ISCLOSED - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, the reservation is closed.
ISGLOBAL - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set the reservation applies to all resources.
isSuccess() - Method in MoabRestResponse
Returns if the request was successful or not.
issueManagementLink - Field in PluginType
A full URL to the issue management system or project for the plugin type.
isTracked - Field in Reservation
States whether reservation resource usage is tracked.
IVirtualMachineRMService - Interface in com.ace.mws.plugins
The VM resource management service consists of methods to retrieve and save VMs reports.


Job - Class in
This class represents a job in the Moab Workload Manager.
JOB_ATTRIBUTE - Enum Constant in AclType
Job Attribute
JOB_ID - Enum Constant in AclType
Job ID
Job() - Constructor in Job
JOB_PREEMPT - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
This indicates that the trigger should preempt all jobs currently allocating resources assigned to the trigger's parent object.
job - Field in ServiceMoabAttributes
The specifics for vm, pm, and storage type services.
JOB_TEMPLATE - Enum Constant in AclType
Job Template
jobAttributes - Field in StandingReservation
(JobFlag collection) Specifies job attributes that grant a job access to the reservation.
JobBlockReason - Class in
Represents the reason a job might be blocked.
JobBlockReason() - Constructor in JobBlockReason
JobBlockReasonType - Enum in
An enumeration of the possible reasons a job might be blocked.
jobCancel(List) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Cancels the specified job(s).
JOBCOMPLETE - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time after all specified jobs have completed regardless of completion status.
jobDependencies - Field in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job template.
JobDependency - Class in
Represents a dependency of a job.
JobDependency() - Constructor in JobDependency
JobEmailNotifyType - Enum in
This enumeration represents the types of email notifications that can happen in relation to a job's status.
JobEmailNotifyType(String, String) - Constructor in JobEmailNotifyType
JOBFAILEDCOMPLETE - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time after any specified jobs have completed unsuccessfully.
JobFlag - Enum in
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job.
jobFlags - Field in JobTemplate
(JobFlag collection) Job flags for this template.
JobHoldType - Enum in
This enumeration represents the types of holds that can be applied to jobs.
JobHoldType(String) - Constructor in JobHoldType
jobId - Field in Workflow
The id of the Moab job
jobModify(List, Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Modifies the specified job(s) with the properties given.
JobReport - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A job report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific job resource.
JobReport(String) - Constructor in JobReport
Creates a new job report for specified job.
JobReportFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job.
JobReportRequirement - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A single requirement for a job definition.
JobReportRequirement() - Constructor in JobReportRequirement
JobReportRequirementsList - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A list of JobReportRequirement objects.
JobReportRequirementsList() - Constructor in JobReportRequirementsList
JobReportState - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
Represents the various states a job may have at any one time.
JobReportState(String) - Method in JobReportState
jobRequeue(List) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Requeues the specified job(s).
JobRequirement - Class in
This class defines all the requirements a job needs in order to run.
JobRequirement() - Constructor in JobRequirement
jobResume(List) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Resumes the specified job(s).
jobs - Field in Node
(Job collection) The list of jobs on the node.
jobs - Field in VirtualContainer
(Job collection) The set of jobs in this virtual container.
jobStart(String, String, String, Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Starts the specified job with a tasklist, username, and other properties.
JOBSTART - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may start at any time after specified jobs have started execution.
JobState - Enum in
Represents the various states a job may have at any one time.
JobState(String) - Constructor in JobState
jobSubmit(Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Submits a new job specified by the properties given.
JOBSUCCESSFULCOMPLETE - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job may be start at any time after all specified jobs have successfully completed.
jobSuspend(List) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Suspends the specified job.
JobTemplate - Class in com.ace.mws.jobtemplates
This class represents a job template in the Moab Workload Manager.
JobTemplate() - Constructor in JobTemplate
jobTemplate - Field in Workflow
The moab job template
JobTemplateDependency - Class in com.ace.mws.jobtemplates
JobTemplateDependency() - Constructor in JobTemplateDependency
JobTemplateFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.jobtemplates
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job template.
jobTemplateFlags - Field in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateFlag collection) Job template flags for this template.
JobTemplateRequirement - Class in com.ace.mws.jobtemplates
JobTemplateRequirement() - Constructor in JobTemplateRequirement
jobTemplateRequirements - Field in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateRequirement collection) The requirements for this job template.
JPRIORITY - Enum Constant in AclType


keepSamples - Field in Report
Controls if samples are retained after consolidation.
KNOWN_METRICS - Field in PluginConstants
A list of known metric names.
KNOWN_RESOURCES - Field in PluginConstants
A list of known resource names.


label - Field in ContainerService
A label for this service.
label - Field in Reservation
When a label is assigned to a reservation, the reservation can then be referenced by that label as well as by the reservation name.
label - Field in Service
A human readable description of this service.
label - Field in ServiceTemplate
A short description of this Service Template.
label - Field in WorkflowService
A label for this service.
lastAccessed - Field in Application
lastAccessed - Field in User
lastMigrationDate - Field in VirtualMachine
The date when this VM was last migrated.
lastPollDate - Field in PluginInstance
The date of the last polling event that occurred.
lastSampleDate - Field in Datapoint
The date of the last sample consolidated in this datapoint.
lastStateUpdateDate - Field in Node
The date of the last resource manager update of the node's state.
lastSubstate - Field in VirtualMachine
Last reported substate (substate is not always reported).
lastSubstateModificationDate - Field in VirtualMachine
Date/time that lastSubstate was modified.
lastUpdated - Field in Application
lastUpdated - Field in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was last updated.
lastUpdated - Field in Service
The date this service was last updated.
lastUpdated - Field in User
lastUpdateDate - Field in Node
The date of the last resource manager update
lastUpdateDate - Field in VirtualMachine
The date of when this VM was last updated.
latestCompletedDateRequested - Field in Job
The latest completion date requested by the job.
latestCompletedDateRequested - Field in JobReport
The latest date that the job should be completed.
LESS_THAN - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: "<", "lt"
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: "<=", "le"
LEXIGRAPHIC_EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid value: "%="
LEXIGRAPHIC_NOT_EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid value: "%!"
LEXIGRAPHIC_SUBSTRING - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid value: "%<"
license - Field in PluginType
The license of this plugin type, typically APACHE.
LINKED_CLONE - Enum Constant in ImageType
Template type.
list() - Method in IJobRMService
Retrieves a list of all job reports which were given originally by this plugin.
list() - Method in INodeRMService
Retrieves a list of all node reports which were given originally by this plugin.
list() - Method in IVirtualMachineRMService
Retrieves a list of all VM reports which were given originally by this plugin.
list - Property in QueueStatus
LOCALPOLICY - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
LOST - Enum Constant in JobReportState
LOST - Enum Constant in JobState
LOST - Enum Constant in PendingActionState


machine - Field in FundTransaction
The machine associated with the transaction.
MAIL - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
masterHost - Field in Job
The node/host that the primary task will run on.
maxDurationInSeconds - Field in PendingAction
The maximum duration in seconds of the pending action.
maxIOIn - Field in Node
The maximum input as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
maxIOLoad - Field in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
maxIOOut - Field in Node
The maximum output as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
maxJob - Field in Node
The maximum number of jobs allowed to run on the node.
maxJob - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum number of jobs that can run in the reservation.
maxJobPerUser - Field in Node
The maximum number of jobs for a single user allowed to run on the node.
maxLoad - Field in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed on the node.
maxPageIn - Field in Node
The maximum total page in allowed on the node.
maxPageOut - Field in Node
The maximum total page out allowed on the node.
maxPEPerJob - Field in Node
The maximum processor equivalence per job allowed on the node.
maxProc - Field in Node
The maximum number of processors available on the node.
maxProcPerClass - Field in Node
The maximum number of processors per class available on the node.
maxRetry - Field in Trigger
Specifies the number of times Action will be attempted before the trigger is designated a failure.
maxTasks - Field in Reservation
The maximum number of tasks for this reservation.
maxTime - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum time for jobs allowable.
MEMORY - Enum Constant in AclType
memory - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required node memory, in MB.
memory - Field in Workflow
The amount of memory requested in megabytes
memoryAllocationLimit - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
Setting this to 1 effectively disables the allocation overcommit based on memory.
memoryRequested - Field in Job
The amount of memory in MB requested by the job.
memoryUtilizationThreshold - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the utilization threshold for memory.
Message - Class in com.ace.mws
message - Field in ErrorMessage
If an event has a status of "failure" or other non-successful operation, this field should provide a human-friendly error message
message - Field in GenericEvent
The message that goes with this GenericEvent
message - Field in JobBlockReason
The message associated with the the reason the job is blocked.
message - Field in Message
The comment information itself.
messageCount - Field in Message
The number of times this message has been displayed.
messages - Field in Job
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages.
messages - Field in Node
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages on the node.
messages - Field in Reservation
(Message collection) Messages for the reservation.
messages - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Messages associated with the reservation.
messages - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Message collection) The set of messages attached to this virtual private cluster.
messages - Field in WebServiceException
META - Enum Constant in JobFlag
META - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
METRIC_CPULOAD - Field in PluginConstants
The CPU load metric name.
METRIC_SPEED - Field in PluginConstants
The CPU speed metric name.
metrics - Field in NodeReport
The node's reported metrics.
metrics - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The VM's reported metrics.
MetricType - Class in com.ace.mws.metrics
Represents a metric visible and known to Moab Workload Manager.
MetricType() - Constructor in MetricType
MIGRATE - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
MIGRATE_VM - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
migrationAlgorithmType - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Configures the VM migration algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
migrationCount - Field in VirtualMachine
The number of times this VM has been migrated.
migrationDestination - Field in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM will be if the migration is successful.
MigrationExclusionListPolicy - Class in com.ace.mws.policies
Specify which virtual machines and hypervisors to exclude from automatic migration operations.
MigrationExclusionListPolicy() - Constructor in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
migrationSource - Field in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM was before the migration.
MinimumConfiguredResources - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
This algorithm prioritizes nodes according to the configured resources on each node.
minimumSampleSize - Field in Report
If number of samples is below this number, the datapoint data field is "null".
MINUTE - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
MINUTE - Enum Constant in TriggerPeriod
moab - Field in ServiceAttributes
Reserved space for Moab job configuration and attributes.
moabLabel - Field in JobReportState
moabLabel - Property in NodeAccessPolicy
moabLabel - Property in NodeFlag
moabLabel - Property in NodePower
moabLabel - Field in NodeReportPower
Represents the various options for a node's power state.
moabLabel - Property in PowerPolicy
moabName - Property in NodeOperation
moabName - Field in VMFlag
MoabObject - Class in
Represents and uniquely identifies an object in Moab Workload Manager.
MoabObject() - Constructor in MoabObject
MoabRestResponse - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
This class is used in the IMoabRestService to represent a response from MWS.
MoabRestResponse(HttpServletResponse, JSON, boolean) - Constructor in MoabRestResponse
Constructs a new response from MWS.
moabString - Property in AclAffinity
moabString - Property in AclType
moabString - Property in CredentialType
moabString - Field in JobEmailNotifyType
The string that is reported by Moab.
moabString - Property in JobState
moabString - Field in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
modificationTime - Field in Account
The time this account was last modified.
modificationTime - Field in Allocation
The date this allocation was last modified.
modificationTime - Field in Fund
The date this fund was last modified.
modificationTime - Field in FundBalance
The date this fund was last modified.
modified - Field in ServiceTemplate
The most recent date this Service Template was changed.
MODIFY_OS - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
MODIFY - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
MONTH - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
MONTH - Enum Constant in TriggerPeriod
motivation - Field in PendingAction
The reason the action was begun.
multiFire - Field in Trigger
Specifies whether this trigger can fire multiple times.
MULTIFIRE - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
Trigger can fire multiple times.
mwsVersion - Field in PluginType
A string representing the restriction on which version of MWS is required for the plugin type.


name - Field in Application
name - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate name
name - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
name - Field in ContainerService
The user specified name of the service.
name - Field in Credential
name - Field in Fund
The name of this fund.
name - Field in FundBalance
The name of this fund.
name - Field in FundConstraint
The name of the constraint.
name - Field in GenericEvent
The name of the GenericEvent.
name - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
name - Field in Image
The unique human-readable name of this image.
name - Field in Job
The user-specified name of the job.
name - Field in JobReport
The job's name.
name - Field in JobTemplateDependency
The name of the template on which this template depends.
name - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
name - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
name - Field in Policy
The user friendly name of the policy.
name - Field in Report
name - Field in Service
The name of this service.
name - Field in ServiceTemplate
The name of this Service Template.
name - Field in Trigger
Trigger name - can be auto assigned by moab or requested.
name - Property in TriggerActionType
The name Moab recognizes for a trigger type
name - Property in TriggerEventType
The name Moab recognizes for a trigger type
name - Property in TriggerFlag
The name Moab recognizes for a trigger type
name - Property in TriggerPeriod
The name Moab recognizes for a trigger period
name - Field in Workflow
The user specified name of the workflow.
name - Field in WorkflowService
The user specified name of the service.
NEGATIVE - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
Access to the object is repelled using this rule until access is the last choice.
network - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getNetwork()
network - Field in Node
The name of the node's network.
networkAddress - Field in Node
The network (usually IP) address of this node.
networkAddress - Field in NodeReport
The node's network address.
networkAddress - Field in VirtualMachine
The network address of this VM.
networkLoad - Field in Node
The load of the node's network as a percentage.
NEUTRAL - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
Access to the object is not affected by affinity.
nextOS - Field in Node
If populated, the next operating system that is currently being provisioned.
nextPollDate - Field in PluginInstance
The date of the next polling event that is scheduled to occur.
NO_VM_MIGRATIONS - Enum Constant in NodeFlag
Node is excluded from all virtual machine migration decisions.
NOCHARGE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Do not create an AM charge for idle cycles in a standing reservation.
NOCLASS - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
NODATA - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
Node - Class in com.ace.mws.nodes
This class represents a node in the Moab Workload Manager.
NODE - Enum Constant in AclType
Node() - Constructor in Node
node - Field in VirtualMachine
The physical node on which this VM is running.
NodeAccessPolicy - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
This enumeration describes how node resources will be shared by various tasks.
nodeAccessPolicy - Field in JobRequirement
The node access policy the requirement asks for.
nodeAccessPolicy - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
The node access policy.
NodeAccessPolicy(String, String) - Constructor in NodeAccessPolicy
NodeAllocationAlgorithm - Enum in com.ace.mws.policies
Represents the algorithm used to allocate Nodes when the NodeAllocationPolicy is used.
NodeAllocationAlgorithm(String) - Constructor in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
nodeAllocationAlgorithm - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
Configures the node allocation algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
NodeAllocationPolicy - Class in com.ace.mws.policies
Node allocation is the process of selecting the best resources to allocate to a job from a list of available resources.
NodeAllocationPolicy() - Constructor in NodeAllocationPolicy
nodeCount - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required number of nodes.
nodeCountMinimum - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getNodeCountMinimum()
nodeDisk - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getNodeDisk()
nodeFeatures - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the required node features for nodes that are part of the standing reservation.
NodeFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
Represents the various flags for nodes.
NodeFlag(String) - Constructor in NodeFlag
nodeIds - Field in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of node IDs required for this reservation.
nodeMemory - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getNodeMemory()
nodeModify(List, Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Modifies the specified node(s) with the properties given.
nodeNames - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
(String collection) The nodes hosting this virtual private cluster.
NodeOperation - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
This class represents an operation that can be taken on a given node.
NodeOperation(String, String) - Constructor in NodeOperation
NodePower - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
Represents the various options for a Node's power state.
nodePower(List, NodeReportPower) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Changes the power state of the specified node(s).
NodePower(String) - Constructor in NodePower
NodeReport - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A node report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific node resource.
NodeReport(String) - Constructor in NodeReport
Creates a new node report for specified node.
NodeReportPower - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
Represents the various options for a node's power state.
NodeReportPower(String) - Method in NodeReportPower
NodeReportState - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
This enumeration represents the current state of a node.
NodeReportState(String) - Method in NodeReportState
nodes - Field in VirtualContainer
(Node collection) The set of nodes in this virtual container.
NodeSpeed - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
This algorithm selects nodes in the order of fastest node first order.
NodeState - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
This enumeration tracks the state of a node.
NodeState(String) - Constructor in NodeState
nodeSwap - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getNodeSwap()
NONE - Enum Constant in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
Used when the Auto VM Migration policy is currently disabled in Moab and before any settings are saved the first time.
NONE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
NONE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
NONE - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
The job does not have a hold.
NONE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeFlag
NONE - Enum Constant in NodePower
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
NONE - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is set to none by the resource manager.
NONE - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
NONE - Enum Constant in PowerPolicy
NONE - Enum Constant in QueueStatus
A job's state type is unknown.
NOQUEUE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will attempt to execute immediately or fail.
NOQUEUE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
NORESOURCE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
NORESOURCES - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is a system job that does not need any resources.
NORESOURCES - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
NORMSTART - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job will not query a resource manager to run.
NORMSTART - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
NOT_EQUAL - Enum Constant in ComparisonOperator
Valid values: "!=", "ne", "<>"
NOT_QUEUED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
NOT_QUEUED - Enum Constant in JobState
Job not eligible for execution.
NOT_RUN - Enum Constant in JobReportState
NOT_RUN - Enum Constant in JobState
NOT_SPECIFIED - Enum Constant in CredentialType
NOTIME - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
NOTQUEUED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
NOTRUN - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
NOVMMIGRATIONS - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Override the VM Migration Policy and don't migrate VMs that overlap this reservation.
numberOfDays - Property in TimeWindow
The number of days represented in the TimeWindow enum value.
numberOfSeconds - Property in TimeWindow
The number of seconds represented in the TimeWindow enum value.


object - Field in FundTransaction
Object's name associated with the transaction.
object - Field in FundTransactionSummary
Object's name associated with the transaction.
OBJECT_XML_STDIN - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
Trigger passes its parent's object XML information into the trigger's stdin.
objectId - Field in Trigger
The ID of the object which this is attached to.
objectType - Field in Trigger
The type of object which this is attached to.
OFF - Enum Constant in NodePower
OFF - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
OFFLINE - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
offset - Field in Trigger
Relative time offset from event when trigger can fire.
ON - Enum Constant in NodePower
ON - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
ONDEMAND - Enum Constant in PowerPolicy
Moab will attempt to power the server off if there is no workload running on it.
ONETIMEUSE - Enum Constant in VMFlag
VM is was created for a job with vmusagepolicy=createvm.
ONLINE - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
operatingSystem - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
The operating system requirement.
operations - Field in Node
(NodeOperation collection) The list of operations that can be performed on this node.
opSys - Field in Workflow
The required operating system
organization - Field in Account
The organization to which the account belongs.
originator - Field in ErrorMessage
The software component or entity that generated or detected the error (e.g.
os - Field in Job
The operating system required for the job.
os - Field in Node
The operating system of the node.
os - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required Operating System.
os - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the operating system that should be in place during the reservation.
os - Field in VirtualMachine
The current operating system of the VM.
osList - Field in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems for the node.
osList - Field in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of operating systems that the VM can run.
OSPROVISION2 - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Perform 2-phase (base+VM) OS reprovision.
OSPROVISION - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Reprovision OS.
osType - Field in Image
The type of the operating system such as 'Linux' or 'Windows'.
OVERCOMMIT - Enum Constant in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
Use the "overcommit" algorithm for migration.
overcommit - Field in Node
This is the coefficient that determines how much resources may be overutilized on this hypervisor.
OverCommitFactor - Class in com.ace.mws
OverCommitFactor() - Constructor in OverCommitFactor
overcommitMap - Field in OverCommitFactor
(Map of String => Double)
owner - Field in Reservation
The owner of the reservation Valid during POST.
owner - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the owner of the reservation.
owner - Field in VirtualContainer
The owner of the virtual container.
owner - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The credential that owns this virtual private cluster.
OWNERPREEMPT - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The owner of the reservation is given preemptor status for resources contained in the reservation.
OWNERPREEMPTIGNOREMINTIME - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Owner ignores preemptmintime for this reservation.


PAR - Enum Constant in AclType
parent - Field in Service
The name of the service that contains this service.
PARENTLOCK - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation can only be destroyed by destroying its parent.
parse(Object) - Method in DependencyType
Parses a string and converts it into a DependencyType enum value if possible.
parse(String) - Method in ImageType
Parses for an ImageType that matches the string representation (no underscores) or the full name of the value.
parse(String) - Method in JobReportFlag
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a job.
parse(String) - Method in JobReportState
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding JobReportState enum value.
parse(String) - Method in NodeReportPower
Parses a string and translates it into a NodePower enum value.
parse(String) - Method in NodeReportState
Parses a string and translates it into a respective NodeReportState enum value.
parse(String) - Method in ServiceType
Parses a string and translates it into an enum value.
parse(String) - Method in TimeWindow
parse(String) - Method in VMUsagePolicy
Returns the VMUsagePolicy represented by the passed in String.
parseMoabLabel(String) - Method in NodeFlag
Parses a string and translates it into a NodeFlag enum value.
parseNodeAccessPolicyString(String) - Method in NodeAccessPolicy
Parses a string and converts it into a NodeAccessPolicy enum value if possible.
parseNodeOperationString(String) - Method in NodeOperation
Parses a string and converts it into a NodeOperation enum value if possible.
parseNodePowerString(String) - Method in NodePower
Parses a string and translates it into a NodePower enum value.
parseNodeStateString(String) - Method in NodeState
Parses a string and translates it into a respective NodeState enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in AclAffinity
parseString(String) - Method in AclType
parseString(String) - Method in ComparisonOperator
parseString(String) - Method in CredentialType
parseString(String) - Method in JobBlockReasonType
parseString(String) - Method in JobEmailNotifyType
parseString(String) - Method in JobFlag
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding JobFlag enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in JobHoldType
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding JobHoldType enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in JobState
parseString(String) - Method in JobTemplateFlag
parseString(String) - Method in PendingActionState
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding PendingActionState enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in PendingActionType
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding PendingActionType enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in PowerPolicy
Parses a string and converts it into a PowerPolicy enum value if possible.
parseString(String) - Method in QueueStatus
parseString(String) - Method in ReservationAccess
parseString(String) - Method in ReservationFlag
parseString(Suite) - Method in Suite
A helper method to make sure that a true Suite reference may be used.
parseString(String) - Method in TriggerActionType
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding TriggerType enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in TriggerEventType
parseString(String) - Method in TriggerFlag
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding TriggerFlag enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in TriggerPeriod
parseString(String) - Method in VirtualContainerFlag
parseString(String) - Method in VMFlag
Attempts to parse a string and convert it into a corresponding VMFlag enum value.
parseString(String) - Method in VPCState
partition - Field in Node
The partition this node belongs to.
partition - Field in NodeReport
The node's partition.
partition - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the partition in which to create the standing reservation.
PARTITIONACCESS - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
partitionAccessList - Field in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job has requested.
partitionAccessList - Field in JobReport
The job's partition access list.
partitionId - Field in Reservation
The ID of the partition this reservation is for.
password - Field in Application
password - Field in User
passwordExpired - Field in Application
passwordExpired - Field in User
PAUSED - Enum Constant in PluginState
PENDING - Enum Constant in VPCState
The virtual private cluster has not yet started nor is in the process of initialization.
PendingAction - Class in com.ace.mws.pendingactions
A pending action is an operation in Moab that takes some time, like creating a virtual machine or powering on a node.
PendingAction() - Constructor in PendingAction
PendingActionState - Enum in com.ace.mws.pendingactions
This enumeration lists all the states a pending action can be in.
pendingActionState - Field in PendingAction
The state of the pending action.
PendingActionType - Enum in com.ace.mws.pendingactions
This enumeration lists all the pending action types.
pendingActionType - Field in PendingAction
The type of the pending action.
percentRemaining - Field in FundBalance
The percentage of allocation remaining.
percentUsed - Field in FundBalance
The percentage of allocated used.
period - Field in StandingReservation
Period of the Standing reservation.
period - Field in Trigger
Can be used in conjunction with Offset to have a trigger fire at the beginning of the specified period.
PERIODIC - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Repeat job with resource reservation.
PLACEHOLDER - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is a placeholder for resources.
PluginConstants - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
This class contains constant values that can be used for reporting resources (i.e. any field that starts with "RESOURCE_" or "METRIC") and custom web services (i.e.
PluginConstants() - Constructor in PluginConstants
pluginId - Field in JobReport
The ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
pluginId - Field in NodeReport
The ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
pluginId - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
PluginInstance - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
This class represents a configured plugin created from a plugin type.
PluginInstance() - Constructor in PluginInstance
pluginRunning - Field in PluginStopException
PluginStartException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Signifies that a plugin was not able to be started without errors.
PluginStartException(String, Exception) - Constructor in PluginStartException
PluginState - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
Represents the current state of a plugin.
PluginState(String) - Method in PluginState
PluginStopException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Signifies that a plugin was not able to be stopped without errors.
PluginStopException(String, Exception, boolean) - Constructor in PluginStopException
Creates a new exception with the getPluginRunning() property set to the specified value.
PluginType - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Represents a MWS plugin type.
pluginType - Field in PluginInstance
The plugin name as in Native or Example for the plugin called ExamplePlugin.
PluginType() - Constructor in PluginType
PM - Enum Constant in ServiceType
Policy - Class in com.ace.mws.policies
A Moab Workload Manager policy which can affect scheduling decisions such as resource allocation.
Policy() - Constructor in Policy
PolicyState - Enum in com.ace.mws.policies
Represents the state of a policy.
PolicyState(String) - Constructor in PolicyState
pollInterval - Field in PluginInstance
The polling interval to use for the plugin in seconds.
pollMethod - Field in PluginType
Indicates whether the plugin type has a defined 'poll' method (event handler) or not.
POSITIVE - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
Access to the object is looked at as the first choice.
post(Map, String, Closure) - Method in IMoabRestService
Performs an internal HTTP POST operation for the requested URL with optional options and/or data.
potentialConflicts - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
potentialConflicts - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
potentialConflicts - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
potentialConflicts - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
potentialConflicts - Field in Policy
(String collection) A set of policy IDs that may potentially conflict with this policy.
power - Field in Node
The node's power state according to the resource managers reporting this node.
power - Field in NodeReport
The current state of the node's power.
POWER_OFF - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
POWER_ON - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
POWEROFF - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Power off node.
POWERON - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Power on node.
PowerPolicy - Enum in com.ace.mws.nodes
This enumeration represents the power policy to take when deciding about resource power.
powerPolicy - Field in Node
The power policy for this node.
PowerPolicy(String, String) - Constructor in PowerPolicy
powerSelected - Field in Node
The node's power state that Moab is currently scheduling.
powerSelectState - Field in VirtualMachine
The selected power state of this VM.
powerState - Field in VirtualMachine
The power state of this VM.
PREEMPT - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
PREEMPTEE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is a preemptee and therefore can be preempted by other jobs.
PREEMPTEE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
PREEMPTEE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is preemptible.
PREEMPTIBLE - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
Access to the object given the rule gives preemptible status to the accessor.
PREEMPTOR - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is a preemptor and therefore can preempt other jobs.
PREEMPTOR - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
preferredNodeFeatures - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getPreferredNodeFeatures()
preferredNodeFeatures - Field in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of preferred node features.
PREFPM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Prefers a physical machine.
PREFVM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Prefers a virtual machine.
primaryObject - Field in Event
Most events will have a "primary object" associated with it.
printLabel - Field in VMUsagePolicy
priority - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
priority - Field in Fund
The fund priority.
priority - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
PRIORITY - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
priority - Field in JobTemplate
Relative job priority.
priority - Field in Message
An optional priority that can be attached to the comment.
priority - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
priority - Field in Node
The priority associated with the node.
priority - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
priority - Field in Policy
Indicates the absolute priority of the policy with respect to others.
priorityFunction - Field in Node
The function used to calculate this node's priority.
PRIVATE - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
PROC - Enum Constant in AclType
PROCESSOR_SECONDS - Enum Constant in AclType
Processor Seconds
processorAllocationLimit - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
The Allocation Limit defines the upper bound or maximum amount of VCPUs that can be created on any given hypervisor (HV).
processorCountMinimum - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getProcessorCountMinimum()
ProcessorLoad - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
Nodes are selected that have the maximum amount of available, unused CPU power (<#of CPU's> - ).
ProcessorSpeedBalance - Enum Constant in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
This algorithm attempts to allocate the most balanced set of nodes possible to a job.
processorUtilizationThreshold - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the load utilization threshold for processors.
procLimit - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
procs - Field in Workflow
The number of processors
PROCSPECIFIED - Enum Constant in JobFlag
job requested procs on cmd line (ex.
PROCSPECIFIED - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
procSpeed - Field in Node
The node's processor speed in MHz.
profile - Field in Reservation
The profile that this reservation is using.
profile - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The name of the profile used when creating this virtual private cluster.
profilingEnabled - Field in Node
Indicates whether statistical profiling is enabled for this node.
project - Field in FundTransaction
The project associated with the transaction.
propertyMissing(String) - Method in ReportResourceMap
Allows property access to entries.
PROVISION - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Reservation should be capable of provisioning.
proxyUser - Field in UserDetails
The proxy user that initiated the event
PRSV - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is a non-adminstrator, non-standing reservation, user-created reservation.
psLimit - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor-second limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
purgeDate - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The time when the virtual private cluster will be destroyed.
put(Map, String, Closure) - Method in IMoabRestService
Performs an internal HTTP PUT operation for the requested URL with optional options and/or data.


QOS - Enum Constant in AclType
Quality of Service
QOS - Enum Constant in CredentialType
qos - Field in Job
The QoS under which the job is running.
qos - Field in JobReport
The job's QOS.
qos - Field in JobTemplate
The Quality of Service for the job.
qoses - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the listed QoS names can access the reserved resources.
qosRequested - Field in Job
The QoS the job requested.
QTIME - Enum Constant in AclType
qualifier - Field in IntLimit
One of:
qualityOfService - Field in UsageRecord
The quality of service associated with the usage.
QUEUE - Enum Constant in AclType
queue - Field in Job
The class or queue in which the job is running.
queue - Field in JobTemplate
The class or queue in which the job will run.
QueueStatus - Enum in
This enumeration describes every queue status to which a job state can belong.
queueStatus - Field in Job
The status of the job in its queue.
QueueStatus(String) - Constructor in QueueStatus
Quote - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
Quote() - Constructor in Quote
quote - Field in UsageRecord
The associated quote id.


RACK - Enum Constant in AclType
rack - Field in Node
The node's rack location.
rack - Field in VirtualMachine
The rack of the VM inside a given node.
rate - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate amount
rearmTime - Field in Trigger
Time between MultiFire triggers; rearm time is enforced from the trigger event time.
REBOOT - Enum Constant in NodeOperation
relatedObjects - Field in Event
(MoabObject collection) Objects relating to the event that are not the primary object
REMOVED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
REMOVED - Enum Constant in JobState
Job canceled before executing.
REMOVED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
removeData(String, String, Object) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Removes and returns an entry from the collection where key = value.
Report - Class in com.ace.mws.reports
A set of time-based values that share similar context.
Report() - Constructor in Report
ReportResource - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
Signifies a single resource definition in Moab Workload Manager, including both the getTotal() and getAvailable() resources.
ReportResource() - Constructor in ReportResource
ReportResourceMap - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A map containing String to ReportResource values.
ReportResourceMap() - Constructor in ReportResourceMap
reportSize - Field in Report
REQFULL - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation will fail if all resources requested cannot be allocated.
reqResources - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The required resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
requestedTimeToLive - Field in VirtualMachine
User-specified time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
requester - Field in PendingAction
The user who requested the action.
requestId - Field in Account
The id of the last modifying request.
REQUIRED - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
The rule in question must be satisified in order to gain access to the object.
requiredArchitecture - Field in JobRequirement
The required architecture.
requiredClass - Field in JobRequirement
The required class/queue.
requiredDiskPerTask - Field in JobRequirement
Required disk per task, in MB.
requiredDiskPerTask - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
Disk space (in MB).
requiredFeatures - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
(String collection) The features required by this template.
requiredImage - Field in JobReport
The required image for the job, this relates to the image name field in the MWS Image Catalog.
requiredMemoryPerTask - Field in JobRequirement
Required memory per task, in MB.
requiredMemoryPerTask - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
Memory (in MB).
requiredNetwork - Field in JobRequirement
The required network.
requiredNodeCountMinimum - Field in JobRequirement
The minimum number of nodes called for by the requirement.
requiredNodeDisk - Field in JobRequirement
The required disk space in MB across all nodes.
requiredNodeFeatures - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getRequiredNodeFeatures()
requiredNodeFeatures - Field in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of required node features.
requiredNodeIds - Field in JobReport
The job's required node's identifiers.
requiredNodeMemory - Field in JobRequirement
The required memory in MB across all nodes.
requiredNodeProcessors - Field in JobRequirement
The required processors needed on a per node basis.
requiredNodeSwap - Field in JobRequirement
The required swap in MB across all nodes.
requiredPartition - Field in JobRequirement
A colon-separated list that specifies the partition (or partitions) in which the job must run.
requiredProcessorCountMinimum - Field in JobRequirement
The minimum task count for this requirement.
requiredProcessorsPerTask - Field in JobRequirement
Required processors per task.
requiredProcessorsPerTask - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
Number of processors.
requiredSwapPerTask - Field in JobRequirement
Required swap per task, in MB.
requiredSwapPerTask - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
Swap space (in MB).
requirements - Field in Job
(JobRequirement collection) The list of items required for this job to run.
requirements - Field in JobReport
The job's requirements list.
requirements - Field in Reservation
The reservation's requirements.
REQUIREPM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Requires a physical machine.
requires - Field in Trigger
Variables this trigger requires to be set or not set before it will fire.
REQUIREVM - Enum Constant in VMUsagePolicy
Requires a virtual machine.
Reservation - Class in com.ace.mws.reservations
A reservation is the mechanism by which Moab guarantees the availability of a set of resources at a particular time.
RESERVATION_ID - Enum Constant in AclType
Reservation ID
Reservation() - Constructor in Reservation
reservation - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation associated with the virtual private cluster.
ReservationAccess - Enum in com.ace.mws.reservations
The access type of a standing reservation.
reservationAccessList - Field in StandingReservation
(Reservation collection) A list of reservations to which the specified reservation has access.
reservationCount - Field in Node
The number of reservations on the node.
ReservationFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.reservations
The flag types of a reservation.
reservationGroup - Field in Reservation
The reservation group to which the reservation belongs.
reservationGroup - Field in StandingReservation
The group of the reservation.
reservationRequested - Field in Job
The reservation that the job requested.
reservationRequestedId - Field in JobReport
The identifier of the reservation requested for the job.
ReservationRequirement - Class in com.ace.mws.reservations
Represents all the types of requirements a user can request while creating a reservation.
ReservationRequirement() - Constructor in ReservationRequirement
reservations - Field in Node
(String collection) The list of reservations' names currently on this node.
reservations - Field in VirtualContainer
(Reservation collection) The set of reservations in this virtual container.
reservationStartDate - Field in Job
The start date of the reservation in which the job is running.
ReservationStatistics - Class in com.ace.mws.reservations
Represents some basic statistical information that is kept about the usage of reservations.
ReservationStatistics() - Constructor in ReservationStatistics
reserved - Field in FundBalance
The sum of active reservation amounts against this fund.
RESERVED - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
RESERVED - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is being reserved.
RESET - Enum Constant in NodePower
RESET - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
RESET - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Reboot node.
RESOURCE_DISK - Field in PluginConstants
The disk resource name.
RESOURCE_MEMORY - Field in PluginConstants
The memory resource name.
RESOURCE_PROCESSORS - Field in PluginConstants
The processors resource name.
RESOURCE_SWAP - Field in PluginConstants
The swap memory resource name.
resourceCreate(String, String, Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Creates a resource with the specified arguments.
resources - Field in JobReport
The job's resources information.
resources - Field in NodeReport
The job's resources information.
resources - Field in Reservation
(Map of String => Integer) The reservation's resources.
resources - Field in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The set of resources of the service.
resources - Field in StandingReservation
(Map of String => Integer) Specifies what resources constitute a single standing reservation task.
resources - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The VM's resources information.
resources - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
ResourceType - Class in com.ace.mws.resources
Represents a resource type in Moab Workload Manager.
ResourceType() - Constructor in ResourceType
response - Field in MoabRestResponse
responseCode - Field in WebServiceException
resProfile - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation profile of this virtual private cluster.
RESTARTABLE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is restartable.
RESTARTABLE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
rmAccessList - Field in Node
A comma-separated list of resource managers that have access to this node.
rmExtension - Field in Job
The resource manager extension String that describes information passed to the the resource manager accounting for the job.
rmName - Field in Job
The name of the resource manager that is reporting this job.
rmStandardErrorFilePath - Field in Job
The path to the remote file containing the standard error of the job.
rmStandardInputFilePath - Field in Job
The path to the file containing the standard input of the job.
rmStandardOutputFilePath - Field in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
RMSUBMISSIONFAILURE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
roles - Field in Application
(String collection)
roles - Field in User
(String collection) The roles of the user/application as ROLE_*.
rollbackOffset - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum time in the future at which the reservation may start.
RSVMAP - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is based on some reservation.
RSVMAP - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
RUNNING - Enum Constant in JobReportState
RUNNING - Enum Constant in JobState
Job is executing.
RUNNING - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
RUNNING - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is running workload and can accept more.
RUNNING - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
runPriority - Field in Job
The priority to start running the job.


Sample - Class in com.ace.mws.reports
A single snapshot of system state.
Sample() - Constructor in Sample
save(List) - Method in IJobRMService
Saves a list of job reports in the cache.
save(List) - Method in INodeRMService
Saves a list of node reports in the cache.
save(List) - Method in IVirtualMachineRMService
Saves a list of VM reports in the cache.
scalingFactor - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate multiplier
SCHED - Enum Constant in AclType
scmLink - Field in PluginType
A full URL to the Source Control Management (SCM) system or project for the plugin type.
select - Field in JobTemplate
True if job template can be directly requested by job at submission.
SELECT - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
True if a job can select this template.
serialization - Field in MoabObject
A serialized representation of the object
serialVersionUID - Field in Account
serialVersionUID - Field in AccountUser
serialVersionUID - Field in AclRule
serialVersionUID - Field in Allocation
serialVersionUID - Field in Application
serialVersionUID - Field in AppliedChargeRate
serialVersionUID - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
serialVersionUID - Field in ContainerService
serialVersionUID - Field in Counters
serialVersionUID - Field in Credential
serialVersionUID - Field in Datapoint
serialVersionUID - Field in ErrorMessage
serialVersionUID - Field in Event
serialVersionUID - Field in Fund
serialVersionUID - Field in FundBalance
serialVersionUID - Field in FundConstraint
serialVersionUID - Field in FundStatement
serialVersionUID - Field in FundStatementSummary
serialVersionUID - Field in FundTransaction
serialVersionUID - Field in FundTransactionSummary
serialVersionUID - Field in GenericEvent
serialVersionUID - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
serialVersionUID - Field in Image
serialVersionUID - Field in IntLimit
serialVersionUID - Field in InvalidPluginConfigurationException
serialVersionUID - Field in InvalidPluginException
serialVersionUID - Field in InvalidPluginTypeException
serialVersionUID - Field in Job
serialVersionUID - Field in JobBlockReason
serialVersionUID - Field in JobDependency
serialVersionUID - Field in JobRequirement
serialVersionUID - Field in JobTemplate
serialVersionUID - Field in JobTemplateDependency
serialVersionUID - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
serialVersionUID - Field in Message
serialVersionUID - Field in MetricType
serialVersionUID - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
serialVersionUID - Field in MoabObject
serialVersionUID - Field in Node
serialVersionUID - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
serialVersionUID - Field in OverCommitFactor
serialVersionUID - Field in PendingAction
serialVersionUID - Field in PluginInstance
serialVersionUID - Field in PluginStartException
serialVersionUID - Field in PluginStopException
serialVersionUID - Field in PluginType
serialVersionUID - Field in Policy
serialVersionUID - Field in Quote
serialVersionUID - Field in Report
serialVersionUID - Field in ReportResourceMap
serialVersionUID - Field in Reservation
serialVersionUID - Field in ReservationRequirement
serialVersionUID - Field in ReservationStatistics
serialVersionUID - Field in ResourceType
serialVersionUID - Field in Sample
serialVersionUID - Field in Service
serialVersionUID - Field in ServiceAttributes
serialVersionUID - Field in ServiceJob
serialVersionUID - Field in ServiceMoabAttributes
serialVersionUID - Field in ServiceMoabDependency
serialVersionUID - Field in ServiceTemplate
serialVersionUID - Field in StandingReservation
serialVersionUID - Field in Trigger
serialVersionUID - Field in UsageRecord
serialVersionUID - Field in User
serialVersionUID - Field in UserDetails
serialVersionUID - Field in VirtualContainer
serialVersionUID - Field in VirtualMachine
serialVersionUID - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
serialVersionUID - Field in WebServiceException
serialVersionUID - Field in Workflow
serialVersionUID - Field in WorkflowService
Service - Class in
Represents a Moab IT Service
Service() - Constructor in Service
service - Field in ServiceMoabDependency
The name of the service that needs to wait until the dependencies are met before it can start.
ServiceAttributes - Class in
@author jpratt, seeleyn
ServiceAttributes() - Constructor in ServiceAttributes
serviceId - Field in PendingAction
The ID of the service associated with the pending action.
ServiceJob - Class in
@author jpratt, seeleyn
ServiceJob() - Constructor in ServiceJob
ServiceMoabAttributes - Class in
@author jpratt, seeleyn
ServiceMoabAttributes() - Constructor in ServiceMoabAttributes
ServiceMoabDependency - Class in
@author jpratt, seeleyn
ServiceMoabDependency() - Constructor in ServiceMoabDependency
services - Field in ContainerService
(String collection) A list of svcIds contained in this container
ServiceTemplate - Class in com.ace.mws.servicetemplates
A Service Template is a service pattern that may be modified to create custom services.
serviceTemplate - Field in Service
The service template name and ID (if any) used to create the service.
ServiceTemplate() - Constructor in ServiceTemplate
serviceTemplateId - Field in ContainerService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
serviceTemplateId - Field in WorkflowService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
serviceTemplateName - Field in ContainerService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
serviceTemplateName - Field in WorkflowService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
ServiceType - Enum in
SET - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job will wait until a variable on a Moab object is set before starting.
setAccess(ReservationAccess) - Method in StandingReservation
If set to ReservationAccess#SHARED#SHARED, allows a standing reservation to use resources already allocated to other non-job reservations.
setAccessPolicy(NodeAccessPolicy) - Method in Node
The node's access policy.
setAccount(String) - Method in Job
The account under which this job runs for billing purposes.
setAccount(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #account
setAccount(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The account under which this job will run for billing purposes.
setAccount(String) - Method in Service
The account associated with this service.
setAccountExpired(boolean) - Method in Application
setAccountExpired(boolean) - Method in User
setAccountingAccount(String) - Method in Reservation
Accountable Account.
setAccountingGroup(String) - Method in Reservation
Accountable Group.
setAccountingQOS(String) - Method in Reservation
Accountable QOS.
setAccountingUser(String) - Method in Reservation
Accountable User.
setAccountLocked(boolean) - Method in Application
setAccountLocked(boolean) - Method in User
setAccounts(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated accounts may use the resources contained within this reservation.
setAclRules(Set) - Method in Reservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this reservation.
setAclRules(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this standing reservation.
setAclRules(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual container.
setAclRules(Set) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(AclRule collection) The set of access control rules associated with this virtual private cluster.
setAction(String) - Method in FundTransaction
Action name for the transaction.
setAction(String) - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Action name for the transaction.
setAction(String) - Method in Trigger
For exec atype triggers, signifies executable and arguments.
setActionType(TriggerActionType) - Method in Trigger
setActive(Boolean) - Method in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is active or not.
setActive(Boolean) - Method in AccountUser
A boolean indicating whether this user is active or not.
setActive(Boolean) - Method in Allocation
Indicates whether this allocation is active or not.
setActive(Boolean) - Method in Image
If false, the image is flagged as inactive and should not be used.
setActiveDuration(Long) - Method in Job
The duration in seconds the job has spent active or running.
setAdmin(Boolean) - Method in AccountUser
A boolean indicating wheter this user is an admin or not.
setAffinity(AclAffinity) - Method in AclRule
Reservation ACLs allow or deny access to reserved resources but they may also be configured to affect a job's affinity for a particular reservation.
setAgent(String) - Method in Sample
A unique identifier for the agent that recorded this sample.
setAliases(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) Holds DNS aliases associated with the node
setAliases(Set) - Method in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of aliases that refer to this VM.
setAllocated(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The total amount allocated via deposits and credit limits.
setAllocatedNodeCount(Integer) - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated nodes for this reservation.
setAllocatedNodeIds(List) - Method in JobReport
@see #allocatedNodeIds
setAllocatedNodes(Set) - Method in Job
(Node collection) The nodes that are allocated to this job.
setAllocatedNodes(Set) - Method in JobRequirement
(Node collection) The set of nodes to which the requirement is allocated.
setAllocatedNodes(Set) - Method in Reservation
(Node collection) The nodes allocated to the reservation.
setAllocatedPartition(String) - Method in JobRequirement
The partition allocated to the requirement.
setAllocatedProcessorCount(Integer) - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated processors.
setAllocatedTaskCount(Integer) - Method in Reservation
The number of allocated tasks.
setAllocatedVMs(Set) - Method in Job
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of VMs that are allocated to this job.
setAllocations(Set) - Method in Fund
(Allocation collection) The allocations associated with this fund.
setAllocations(Set) - Method in FundBalance
(Allocation collection) Allocations associated with this fund.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in Allocation
The amount of this allocation.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of the charge
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in Fund
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active allocation amounts within this fund.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in FundTransaction
Amount of the transaction.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Amount of the transaction.
setAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in Quote
The total amount of the quote
setArchitecture(String) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the required architecture.
setArchitecture(String) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setArchitecture(String) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setArchitecture(String) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The architecture requirement.
setArchitecture(String) - Method in Node
The node's processor architecture.
setArchitecture(String) - Method in NodeReport
@see #architecture
setArchitecture(String) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required architecture.
setArgs(String) - Method in JobTemplate
Command-line arguments that get passed to commandFile.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
setAttributes(ServiceAttributes) - Method in Service
The attributes of this service.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in ServiceTemplate
(Map of String => String) The characteristics of this Service Template: processors, memory, etc.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in WorkflowService
(Map of String => String) A JSON string representing anything in the service request attributes.
setAuthor(String) - Method in Message
The author of the message.
setAuthor(String) - Method in PluginType
The main author (company or person) of the plugin type.
setAutoStart(Boolean) - Method in PluginInstance
Whether the plugin should start automatically when created.
setAvailable(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The total amount available for charging.
setAvailable(Integer) - Method in ReportResource
Sets the available amount of this resource.
setAvailableClasses(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The classes that are available to the node.
setAvailableDisk(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's available disk space in MB.
setAvailableDisk(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space available on this VM.
setAvailableEndDate(Date) - Method in Node
The time when the node will stop being available.
setAvailableGenericResources(Map) - Method in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The node's available generic resources.
setAvailableImages(List) - Method in NodeReport
@see #availableImages
setAvailableMemory(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's available memory in MB.
setAvailableMemory(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory available on this VM.
setAvailableProcessors(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's available processors.
setAvailableProcessors(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of processors available on this VM.
setAvailableStartDate(Date) - Method in Node
The time when the node will become available.
setAvailableSwap(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's available swap space in MB.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The allocation total not blocked by reservations.
setBlockReason(JobBlockReason) - Method in Job
The reason the job is blocked.
setBlockReason(String) - Method in Node
The reason why jobs are blocked from running on the node.
setBlockTime(Date) - Method in Trigger
Time (in seconds) Moab will suspend normal operation to wait for trigger execution to finish.
setBypass(Integer) - Method in Job
The number of times the job has been backfilled.
setCaps(Double) - Method in ReservationStatistics
The current active processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
setCharge(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The cumulative amount charged
setChargeAccount(String) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the account to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
setChargeUser(String) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the user to which Moab will charge all idle cycles within the reservation (via the allocation manager).
setCips(Double) - Method in ReservationStatistics
The current idle processor-seconds in the last reported iteration.
setClasses(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the associated classes/queues may use the resources contained within this reservation.
setClusters(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs originating within the listed clusters may use the resources contained within this reservation.
setCommandFile(String) - Method in Job
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
setCommandFile(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #commandFile
setCommandFile(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The path to the file that is executed when the job runs.
setCommandLineArguments(String) - Method in Job
The command line arguments passed in when the job is run.
setCommandLineArguments(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #commandLineArguments
setComment(String) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies a descriptive message associated with the standing reservation and all child reservations
setComments(String) - Method in Node
User-specified comments regarding the node.
setComments(String) - Method in Reservation
Reservation's comments or description.
setComparator(ComparisonOperator) - Method in AclRule
The type of comparison to make against the ACL object.
setCompletionCode(Integer) - Method in Job
The exit code from the job.
setCompletionCode(Integer) - Method in JobReport
@see #completionCode
setCompletionDate(Date) - Method in Job
The date the job completed.
setCompletionDate(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #completionDate
setConfig(Map) - Method in PluginInstance
(Map of String => Object) The arbitrary configuration of the plugin.
setConfiguredClasses(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The classes reported by the resource manager for the node.
setConflicted(Boolean) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setConflicted(Boolean) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setConflicted(Boolean) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setConflicted(Boolean) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setConflicted(Boolean) - Method in Policy
Signifies whether any other policies are currently activated that potentially conflict with this policy.
setConsolidationFunction(String) - Method in Report
The consolidation function is the process used to convert a set of samples into a datapoint.
setCost(Double) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The cost of this virtual private cluster.
setCpuLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The current load of the node as a percentage.
setCpuLoad(Double) - Method in VirtualMachine
The CPU load for this VM.
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in VirtualContainer
The date/time that the virtual container was created.
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in ServiceTemplate
The name of the user that created this Service Template.
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in Reservation
Creation date.
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in Account
The time this account was created.
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation was created.
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in Fund
Date this fund was created.
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in FundBalance
Date this fund was created.
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in Message
The time the message was created in epoch time.
setCreator(String) - Method in VirtualContainer
The creator of the virtual container.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in Allocation
Determines how far in the negative this allocation is permitted to be used (enforced in quotes and reservations).
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in Fund
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active credit limits within this fund.
setCustomPriorityFunction(String) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
Defines the priority function when the NodeAllocationAlgorithm.CustomPriority algorithm is used.
setData(Map) - Method in Datapoint
(Map of String => String) The actual consolidated sample data.
setData(Map) - Method in Sample
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data that was recorded for this sample.
setDatapointDuration(Long) - Method in Report
setDatapoints(List) - Method in Report
(Datapoint collection) This is the set of datapoints that have been consolidated for the report or are desired to be included in the report during creation time.
setDate(Date) - Method in GenericEvent
The timestamp of when this GenericEvent was reported to Moab
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in Application
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was created.
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in Service
The date this service was created.
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in User
setDays(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which days of the week the standing reservation is active.
setDedicatedProcessorSeconds(Double) - Method in Job
Number of processor seconds dedicated to the job.
setDeleted(Boolean) - Method in Account
A boolean indicating whether this account is deleted or not.
setDependencies(Map) - Method in ContainerService
(Map of String => String) A Map of svcIds to a String which is a comma separated list of svcIds.
setDependencies(Set) - Method in Job
(JobDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job.
setDependencies(Set) - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
(ServiceMoabDependency collection) Temporal dependencies between included services.
setDependency(Set) - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
(String collection) The names of services that must be run before the service can start.
setDependentJobsCount(Integer) - Method in JobDependency
The number of dependent jobs.
setDeposited(BigDecimal) - Method in Allocation
The total amount deposited this allocation cycle.
setDeposited(BigDecimal) - Method in Fund
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
setDeposited(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The total amount deposited in active allocations.
setDepth(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the depth of standing reservations to be created, starting at depth 0 (one per period).
setDescription(String) - Method in Account
The account description.
setDescription(String) - Method in Allocation
The description of this allocation.
setDescription(String) - Method in Application
setDescription(String) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setDescription(String) - Method in Fund
The fund description.
setDescription(String) - Method in FundBalance
The fund description.
setDescription(String) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setDescription(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The description of the job.
setDescription(String) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setDescription(String) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setDescription(String) - Method in PluginType
The full description of the plugin type.
setDescription(String) - Method in Policy
The user friendly description of the policy.
setDescription(String) - Method in Report
A description of the report.
setDescription(String) - Method in Trigger
setDescription(String) - Method in VirtualContainer
A user-defined string that acts as a label.
setDescription(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
A description of this VM.
setDestinationRmJobId(String) - Method in Job
The ID of the job as known by the destination resource manager.
setDetails(String) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The details of how the charge was calculated
setDetails(Map) - Method in Event
(Map of String => String) A map where detail name maps to detail value.
setDetails(Set) - Method in Quote
(AppliedChargeRate collection) The applied charges that make up this quote.
setDisabled(Boolean) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies if the standing reservation should no longer spawn child reservations.
setDisk(Integer) - Method in Workflow
The amount of disk requested
setDiskRequirement(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The amount of disk space required (in MB).
setDocumentationLink(String) - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the complete documentation for the plugin type.
setDuration(Long) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The amount of seconds the resource is used.
setDuration(Long) - Method in Reservation
The duration of the reservation (in seconds).
setDurationInSecs(Long) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The duration of this virtual private cluster in seconds.
setDurationRequested(Long) - Method in Job
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
setDurationRequested(Long) - Method in JobReport
@see #durationRequested
setDurationRequested(Long) - Method in JobTemplate
The amount of time (in seconds) requested for the job.
setDurationRequested(Long) - Method in Workflow
The amount of wallclock time requested in seconds. 0 means that the wallclock is unspecified and will default to whatever is defined in the moab.cfg job template
setDynamic(Boolean) - Method in Node
If true, the node is associated with a dynamic resource manager.
setEarliestStartDate(Date) - Method in Job
Is usually the same as earliestStartDateRequested.
setEarliestStartDate(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #earliestStartDate
setEarliestStartDateRequested(Date) - Method in Job
Used in job creation or modification to set the minimum start time.
setEffectivePartitionAccessList(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job can access.
setEffectiveQueueDuration(Long) - Method in Job
The duration in seconds the job has been eligible to run in the queue.
setEffectiveTimeToLive(Long) - Method in VirtualMachine
Time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
setEmail(String) - Method in Application
setEmail(String) - Method in PluginType
The email of the author.
setEmail(String) - Method in User
setEmailNotifyTypes(Set) - Method in Job
(JobEmailNotifyType collection) The set of email notify types attached to the job.
setEmailNotifyUsers(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of users to whom email is sent by the execution server.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in Application
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in User
setEndBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
setEndBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the endTime of the statement.
setEndDate(Date) - Method in Datapoint
The ending date that the datapoint covers.
setEndDate(Date) - Method in Reservation
The end date of the reservation.
setEndOffset(Long) - Method in StandingReservation
The ending offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes inactive.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in FundStatement
The ending time that the statement covers.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The ending time that the statement covers.
setEnvironmentRequested(Boolean) - Method in Job
Setting this field to true tells Moab to set various variables, if populated, to the job's environment.
setEnvironmentVariables(Map) - Method in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of environment variables for this job.
setEnvironmentVariables(Map) - Method in JobReport
@see #environmentVariables
setErrorCode(String) - Method in ErrorMessage
The original error code generated or detected by the originator.
setErrorMessage(ErrorMessage) - Method in Event
Details about any errors associated with the event.
setEventCategory(String) - Method in Event
Signifies what category of event.
setEventTime(Date) - Method in Event
The time the event occurred, not the time MWS received the event.
setEventType(String) - Method in Event
Signifies what type of event.
setEventType(TriggerEventType) - Method in Trigger
setExcludeJobs(Set) - Method in Reservation
(String collection) The list of jobs to exclude.
setExpectedState(JobState) - Method in Job
The expected state of the job based on scheduler action.
setExpireDate(Date) - Method in Reservation
The date/time when the reservation expires and vacates.
setExpireTime(Date) - Method in Message
The time the message will be deleted in epoch time.
setExpireTime(Date) - Method in Trigger
Time at which trigger should be terminated if it has not already been activated.
setExtension(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #extension
setExtensions(Map) - Method in Image
(Map of String => Map) A map containing maps which represent settings for provisioning managers.
setExternalLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The load on the node not attributed to any batch queues.
setFacility(String) - Method in Event
A categorization of how this event fits in with other events.
setFailOffset(Date) - Method in Trigger
Specifies the time (in seconds) that the threshold condition must exist before the trigger fires.
setFailureDetails(String) - Method in PendingAction
The failure details of this pending action.
setFeatureList(Set) - Method in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of features required for this reservation.
setFeatureMode(String) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required feature mode.
setFeatures(Set) - Method in Image
(String collection) The set of features used by the provisioning manager.
setFeatures(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The collection of any opaque node features used to describe and categorize the node.
setFeatures(List) - Method in NodeReport
@see #features
setFeatures(Set) - Method in ServiceJob
(String collection) The node features Moab uses to schedule the service.
setFeatures(Set) - Method in Workflow
(String collection) The node features (e.g.
setFirstSampleDate(Date) - Method in Datapoint
The date of the first sample consolidated in this datapoint.
setFlags(Set) - Method in Job
(JobFlag collection) The flags that are set on this job.
setFlags(List) - Method in JobReport
@see #flags
setFlags(Set) - Method in Node
(NodeFlag collection) The flags that are set on this node.
setFlags(Set) - Method in Reservation
(ReservationFlag collection) The flags associated with the reservation.
setFlags(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(ReservationFlag collection) Specifies special reservation attributes.
setFlags(Set) - Method in Trigger
(TriggerFlag collection)
setFlags(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainerFlag collection) The flags on this virtual container.
setFlags(Set) - Method in VirtualMachine
(VMFlag collection) The flags associated with this VM.
setFundConstraints(Set) - Method in Fund
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
setFundConstraints(Set) - Method in FundBalance
(FundConstraint collection) Constraints on fund usage.
setFundId(String) - Method in Allocation
The fund ID associated with this allocation.
setFundId(String) - Method in FundConstraint
The fund ID that this constraint is associated with.
setFunds(Set) - Method in FundStatement
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
setFunds(Set) - Method in FundStatementSummary
(Fund collection) The funds that this statement covers.
setGenerationTime(Date) - Method in FundStatement
The date that the statement report was generated.
setGenerationTime(Date) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The date that the statement report was generated.
setGenericAttributes(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of generic attributes the job has requested.
setGenericEvents(Set) - Method in Node
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this node.
setGenericEvents(Set) - Method in VirtualMachine
(GenericEvent collection) The list of generic events reported on this VM.
setGenericMetrics(Map) - Method in Node
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this node.
setGenericMetrics(Map) - Method in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => Double) The values for the generic metrics for this VM.
setGenericMetricThresholds(Map) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(Map of String => Double) A map of generic metric pairings where each value must be greater than or equal to 0 such as:
 METRIC1 => 5.6
 METRIC2 => 0.0
 METRIC3 => 102.4
setGenericResources(Map) - Method in JobRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) The set of generic resources for this job.
setGenericResources(Map) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
(Map of String => Integer) Consumable generic attributes associated with individual nodes or the special pseudo-node global, which provides shared cluster (floating) consumable resources.
setGenericResources(Map) - Method in Node
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources attached to this node.
setGenericResources(Map) - Method in Workflow
(Map of String => Integer) The generic resources.
setGenericSystemJob(Boolean) - Method in JobTemplate
True if this template will instantiate a generic system job.
setGlobalId(String) - Method in Reservation
Global reservation ID.
setGroup(String) - Method in Job
The group under which the job is run.
setGroup(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #group
setGroups(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the groups allowed access to this standing reservation.
setHolds(Set) - Method in Job
(JobHoldType collection) The holds that are set on the job.
setHostList(Set) - Method in Workflow
(String collection) The host list
setHostListExpression(String) - Method in Reservation
The list of nodes a user can select to reserve.
setHosts(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The set of hosts/nodes the job is running on.
setHosts(Set) - Method in PendingAction
(String collection) The set of hosts that are affected by this pending action.
setHosts(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the set of hosts that the scheduler can search for resources to satisfy the reservation.
setHvExclusionList(List) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of hypervisor IDs on the exclusion list.
setHypervisor(Boolean) - Method in Image
Whether or not the image is a hypervisor.
setHypervisorId(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #hypervisorId
setHypervisorType(String) - Method in Node
The hypervisor type.
setId(String) - Method in AbstractPluginInfo
Sets the unique identifier for the plugin.
setId(String) - Method in Account
The unique account identifier.
setId(String) - Method in AccountUser
The unique user identifier.
setId(Long) - Method in AclRule
setId(String) - Method in Allocation
The unique identifier for this allocation.
setId(String) - Method in Application
setId(Long) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
setId(String) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setId(Long) - Method in ContainerService
setId(Long) - Method in Counters
setId(Long) - Method in Credential
setId(Long) - Method in Datapoint
setId(Long) - Method in ErrorMessage
setId(String) - Method in Event
The unique ID for this event
setId(Long) - Method in Fund
The unique fund identifier.
setId(Long) - Method in FundBalance
The unique fund identifier.
setId(String) - Method in FundConstraint
The unique identifier of this constraint.
setId(Long) - Method in FundStatement
setId(Long) - Method in FundStatementSummary
setId(Long) - Method in FundTransaction
setId(Long) - Method in FundTransactionSummary
setId(Long) - Method in GenericEvent
setId(String) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setId(String) - Method in Image
The unique ID of this image.
setId(Long) - Method in IntLimit
setId(String) - Method in Job
The unique ID of the job.
setId(Long) - Method in JobBlockReason
setId(Long) - Method in JobDependency
setId(String) - Method in JobReport
Sets the unique identifier for the job.
setId(Long) - Method in JobRequirement
setId(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The unique identifier for this job template.
setId(Long) - Method in JobTemplateDependency
setId(Long) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
setId(Long) - Method in Message
setId(String) - Method in MetricType
The unique ID of this metric type.
setId(String) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setId(String) - Method in MoabObject
The moab object id (e.g. reservation.1, job.21, vm3)
setId(String) - Method in Node
The unique ID of the node.
setId(String) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setId(String) - Method in NodeReport
Sets the unique identifier for the node.
setId(Long) - Method in OverCommitFactor
setId(String) - Method in PendingAction
The unique ID for this pending action.
setId(String) - Method in PluginInstance
Unique identifier for the plugin.
setId(String) - Method in PluginType
The unique identifier of the plugin type.
setId(String) - Method in Policy
The unique identifier for the policy.
setId(Long) - Method in Quote
The unique quote identifier.
setId(String) - Method in Report
The unique identifier for the report.
setId(String) - Method in Reservation
The unique ID of the reservation.
setId(Long) - Method in ReservationRequirement
setId(Long) - Method in ReservationStatistics
setId(String) - Method in ResourceType
The unique ID of this resource type.
setId(Long) - Method in Sample
setId(String) - Method in Service
The unique identifier of this service.
setId(Long) - Method in ServiceAttributes
setId(String) - Method in ServiceJob
The unique identifier of the job.
setId(Long) - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
setId(Long) - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
setId(String) - Method in ServiceTemplate
The unique identifier of this Service Template.
setId(String) - Method in StandingReservation
The unique ID of the standing reservation.
setId(String) - Method in Trigger
Trigger id - internal ID used by moab to track triggers
setId(Long) - Method in UsageRecord
The unique usage record identifier.
setId(String) - Method in User
setId(Long) - Method in UserDetails
setId(String) - Method in VirtualContainer
The unique ID of this virtual container.
setId(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
The unique ID of the VM.
setId(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #id
setId(String) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The ID of this virtual private cluster.
setId(Long) - Method in Workflow
setId(Long) - Method in WorkflowService
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in Reservation
The user-specified prefix for this reservation.
setImage(String) - Method in NodeReport
Sets the image name for the node.
setImage(String) - Method in ServiceJob
The image name used by the service.
setImage(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
Sets the image name for the VM.
setIncludedServices(Set) - Method in Service
(String collection) The names of the services that this service contains.
setIncludedServices(List) - Method in ServiceTemplate
(Map collection) A list of objects describing the dependencies that this Service Template possesses on other Service Templates.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in Message
The index of the message relative to other messages in Moab's memory.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in Node
Reported by RMs.
setInheritResources(Boolean) - Method in JobTemplate
True if jobs instantiated from this template inherit resources.
setInitialPlugins(Map) - Method in PluginType
(Map of String => PluginInstance) Represents the plugins that are initially configured when the plugin type is loaded.
setInitialWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in Job
The path to the directory in which the job will be started.
setInitialWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #initialWorkingDirectory
setInitiatedBy(UserDetails) - Method in Event
Details about the user that initiated this event
setInstance(String) - Method in FundTransaction
Instance name.
setInstance(String) - Method in Quote
The quote instance name.
setInstance(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The usage record instance name.
setInterval(Boolean) - Method in Trigger
When used in conjunction with MultiFire and RearmTime trigger will fire at regular intervals.
setIOLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The load reported by the node on its I/O.
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in Reservation
State whether or not this reservation is currently active.
setIssueManagementLink(String) - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the issue management system or project for the plugin type.
setIsTracked(Boolean) - Method in Reservation
States whether reservation resource usage is tracked.
setJob(ServiceJob) - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
The specifics for vm, pm, and storage type services.
setJobAttributes(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(JobFlag collection) Specifies job attributes that grant a job access to the reservation.
setJobDependencies(Set) - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateDependency collection) The list of dependencies for this job template.
setJobFlags(Set) - Method in JobTemplate
(JobFlag collection) Job flags for this template.
setJobId(String) - Method in Workflow
The id of the Moab job
setJobs(Set) - Method in Node
(Job collection) The list of jobs on the node.
setJobs(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(Job collection) The set of jobs in this virtual container.
setJobTemplate(String) - Method in Workflow
The moab job template
setJobTemplateFlags(Set) - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateFlag collection) Job template flags for this template.
setJobTemplateRequirements(Set) - Method in JobTemplate
(JobTemplateRequirement collection) The requirements for this job template.
setKeepSamples(Boolean) - Method in Report
Controls if samples are retained after consolidation.
setLabel(String) - Method in ContainerService
A label for this service.
setLabel(String) - Method in Reservation
When a label is assigned to a reservation, the reservation can then be referenced by that label as well as by the reservation name.
setLabel(String) - Method in Service
A human readable description of this service.
setLabel(String) - Method in ServiceTemplate
A short description of this Service Template.
setLabel(String) - Method in WorkflowService
A label for this service.
setLastAccessed(Date) - Method in Application
setLastAccessed(Date) - Method in User
setLastMigrationDate(Date) - Method in VirtualMachine
The date when this VM was last migrated.
setLastPollDate(Date) - Method in PluginInstance
The date of the last polling event that occurred.
setLastSampleDate(Date) - Method in Datapoint
The date of the last sample consolidated in this datapoint.
setLastStateUpdateDate(Date) - Method in Node
The date of the last resource manager update of the node's state.
setLastSubstate(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
Last reported substate (substate is not always reported).
setLastSubstateModificationDate(Date) - Method in VirtualMachine
Date/time that lastSubstate was modified.
setLastUpdated(Date) - Method in Application
setLastUpdated(Date) - Method in PluginInstance
The date that this plugin was last updated.
setLastUpdated(Date) - Method in Service
The date this service was last updated.
setLastUpdated(Date) - Method in User
setLastUpdateDate(Date) - Method in Node
The date of the last resource manager update
setLastUpdateDate(Date) - Method in VirtualMachine
The date of when this VM was last updated.
setLatestCompletedDateRequested(Date) - Method in Job
The latest completion date requested by the job.
setLatestCompletedDateRequested(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #latestCompletedDateRequested
setLicense(String) - Method in PluginType
The license of this plugin type, typically APACHE.
setMachine(String) - Method in FundTransaction
The machine associated with the transaction.
setMasterHost(String) - Method in Job
The node/host that the primary task will run on.
setMaxDurationInSeconds(Long) - Method in PendingAction
The maximum duration in seconds of the pending action.
setMaxIOIn(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum input as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
setMaxIOLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
setMaxIOOut(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum output as a percentage allowed for the node's I/O.
setMaxJob(Integer) - Method in Node
The maximum number of jobs allowed to run on the node.
setMaxJob(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum number of jobs that can run in the reservation.
setMaxJobPerUser(Integer) - Method in Node
The maximum number of jobs for a single user allowed to run on the node.
setMaxLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum total load as a percentage allowed on the node.
setMaxPageIn(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum total page in allowed on the node.
setMaxPageOut(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum total page out allowed on the node.
setMaxPEPerJob(Double) - Method in Node
The maximum processor equivalence per job allowed on the node.
setMaxProc(Integer) - Method in Node
The maximum number of processors available on the node.
setMaxProcPerClass(Integer) - Method in Node
The maximum number of processors per class available on the node.
setMaxRetry(Integer) - Method in Trigger
Specifies the number of times Action will be attempted before the trigger is designated a failure.
setMaxTasks(Integer) - Method in Reservation
The maximum number of tasks for this reservation.
setMaxTime(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum time for jobs allowable.
setMemory(Integer) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required node memory, in MB.
setMemory(Integer) - Method in Workflow
The amount of memory requested in megabytes
setMemoryAllocationLimit(Double) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
Setting this to 1 effectively disables the allocation overcommit based on memory.
setMemoryRequested(Integer) - Method in Job
The amount of memory in MB requested by the job.
setMemoryUtilizationThreshold(Double) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the utilization threshold for memory.
setMessage(String) - Method in ErrorMessage
If an event has a status of "failure" or other non-successful operation, this field should provide a human-friendly error message
setMessage(String) - Method in GenericEvent
The message that goes with this GenericEvent
setMessage(String) - Method in JobBlockReason
The message associated with the the reason the job is blocked.
setMessage(String) - Method in Message
The comment information itself.
setMessageCount(Integer) - Method in Message
The number of times this message has been displayed.
setMessages(Set) - Method in Job
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages.
setMessages(Set) - Method in Node
(Message collection) The list of system and user messages on the node.
setMessages(Set) - Method in Reservation
(Message collection) Messages for the reservation.
setMessages(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Messages associated with the reservation.
setMessages(Set) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Message collection) The set of messages attached to this virtual private cluster.
setMessages(List) - Method in WebServiceException
Sets the messages to the specified list.
setMetrics(Map) - Method in NodeReport
@see #metrics
setMetrics(Map) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #metrics
setMigrationAlgorithmType(AutoVMMigrationPolicyType) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Configures the VM migration algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
setMigrationCount(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of times this VM has been migrated.
setMigrationDestination(String) - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM will be if the migration is successful.
setMigrationSource(String) - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the node where the VM was before the migration.
setMinimumSampleSize(Integer) - Method in Report
If number of samples is below this number, the datapoint data field is "null".
setMoab(ServiceMoabAttributes) - Method in ServiceAttributes
Reserved space for Moab job configuration and attributes.
setModificationTime(Date) - Method in Account
The time this account was last modified.
setModificationTime(Date) - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation was last modified.
setModificationTime(Date) - Method in Fund
The date this fund was last modified.
setModificationTime(Date) - Method in FundBalance
The date this fund was last modified.
setModified(Date) - Method in ServiceTemplate
The most recent date this Service Template was changed.
setMotivation(String) - Method in PendingAction
The reason the action was begun.
setMultiFire(Boolean) - Method in Trigger
Specifies whether this trigger can fire multiple times.
setMwsVersion(String) - Method in PluginType
A string representing the restriction on which version of MWS is required for the plugin type.
setName(String) - Method in Application
setName(String) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate name
setName(String) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setName(String) - Method in ContainerService
The user specified name of the service.
setName(String) - Method in Credential
setName(String) - Method in Fund
The name of this fund.
setName(String) - Method in FundBalance
The name of this fund.
setName(String) - Method in FundConstraint
The name of the constraint.
setName(String) - Method in GenericEvent
The name of the GenericEvent.
setName(String) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setName(String) - Method in Image
The unique human-readable name of this image.
setName(String) - Method in Job
The user-specified name of the job.
setName(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #name
setName(String) - Method in JobTemplateDependency
The name of the template on which this template depends.
setName(String) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setName(String) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setName(String) - Method in Policy
The user friendly name of the policy.
setName(String) - Method in Report
setName(String) - Method in Service
The name of this service.
setName(String) - Method in ServiceTemplate
The name of this Service Template.
setName(String) - Method in Trigger
Trigger name - can be auto assigned by moab or requested.
setName(String) - Method in Workflow
The user specified name of the workflow.
setName(String) - Method in WorkflowService
The user specified name of the service.
setNetwork(String) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the required network.
setNetwork(String) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setNetwork(String) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setNetwork(String) - Method in Node
The name of the node's network.
setNetworkAddress(String) - Method in Node
The network (usually IP) address of this node.
setNetworkAddress(String) - Method in NodeReport
@see #networkAddress
setNetworkAddress(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
The network address of this VM.
setNetworkLoad(Double) - Method in Node
The load of the node's network as a percentage.
setNextOS(String) - Method in Node
If populated, the next operating system that is currently being provisioned.
setNextPollDate(Date) - Method in PluginInstance
The date of the next polling event that is scheduled to occur.
setNode(Node) - Method in VirtualMachine
The physical node on which this VM is running.
setNodeAccessPolicy(NodeAccessPolicy) - Method in JobRequirement
The node access policy the requirement asks for.
setNodeAccessPolicy(NodeAccessPolicy) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The node access policy.
setNodeAllocationAlgorithm(NodeAllocationAlgorithm) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
Configures the node allocation algorithm utilized when the policy is active.
setNodeCount(Integer) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required number of nodes.
setNodeCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the minimum number of nodes called for by the requirement.
setNodeCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setNodeCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setNodeDisk(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the required disk space in MB across all nodes.
setNodeDisk(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setNodeDisk(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setNodeFeatures(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies the required node features for nodes that are part of the standing reservation.
setNodeIds(Set) - Method in ReservationRequirement
(String collection) The list of node IDs required for this reservation.
setNodeMemory(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the required memory in MB across all nodes.
setNodeMemory(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setNodeMemory(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setNodeNames(Set) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(String collection) The nodes hosting this virtual private cluster.
setNodes(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(Node collection) The set of nodes in this virtual container.
setNodeSwap(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the required swap in MB across all nodes.
setNodeSwap(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setNodeSwap(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setObject(String) - Method in FundTransaction
Object's name associated with the transaction.
setObject(String) - Method in FundTransactionSummary
Object's name associated with the transaction.
setObjectId(String) - Method in Trigger
The ID of the object which this is attached to.
setObjectType(String) - Method in Trigger
The type of object which this is attached to.
setOffset(Date) - Method in Trigger
Relative time offset from event when trigger can fire.
setOperatingSystem(String) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The operating system requirement.
setOperations(Set) - Method in Node
(NodeOperation collection) The list of operations that can be performed on this node.
setOpSys(String) - Method in Workflow
The required operating system
setOrganization(String) - Method in Account
The organization to which the account belongs.
setOriginator(String) - Method in ErrorMessage
The software component or entity that generated or detected the error (e.g.
setOs(String) - Method in Job
The operating system required for the job.
setOs(String) - Method in Node
The operating system of the node.
setOs(String) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required Operating System.
setOs(String) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the operating system that should be in place during the reservation.
setOs(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
The current operating system of the VM.
setOsList(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems for the node.
setOsList(Set) - Method in VirtualMachine
(String collection) The list of operating systems that the VM can run.
setOsType(String) - Method in Image
The type of the operating system such as 'Linux' or 'Windows'.
setOvercommit(OverCommitFactor) - Method in Node
This is the coefficient that determines how much resources may be overutilized on this hypervisor.
setOvercommitMap(Map) - Method in OverCommitFactor
(Map of String => Double)
setOwner(Credential) - Method in Reservation
The owner of the reservation Valid during POST.
setOwner(Credential) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the owner of the reservation.
setOwner(Credential) - Method in VirtualContainer
The owner of the virtual container.
setOwner(Credential) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The credential that owns this virtual private cluster.
setParent(String) - Method in Service
The name of the service that contains this service.
setPartition(String) - Method in Node
The partition this node belongs to.
setPartition(String) - Method in NodeReport
@see #partition
setPartition(String) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the partition in which to create the standing reservation.
setPartitionAccessList(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of partitions that this job has requested.
setPartitionAccessList(List) - Method in JobReport
@see #partitionAccessList
setPartitionId(String) - Method in Reservation
The ID of the partition this reservation is for.
setPassword(String) - Method in Application
setPassword(String) - Method in User
setPasswordExpired(boolean) - Method in Application
setPasswordExpired(boolean) - Method in User
setPendingActionState(PendingActionState) - Method in PendingAction
The state of the pending action.
setPendingActionType(PendingActionType) - Method in PendingAction
The type of the pending action.
setPercentRemaining(Double) - Method in FundBalance
The percentage of allocation remaining.
setPercentUsed(Double) - Method in FundBalance
The percentage of allocated used.
setPeriod(TimeWindow) - Method in StandingReservation
Period of the Standing reservation.
setPeriod(TriggerPeriod) - Method in Trigger
Can be used in conjunction with Offset to have a trigger fire at the beginning of the specified period.
setPluginId(String) - Method in JobReport
Sets the ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
setPluginId(String) - Method in NodeReport
Sets the ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
setPluginId(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
Sets the ID of the plugin which has generated the report.
setPluginType(String) - Method in PluginInstance
The plugin name as in Native or Example for the plugin called ExamplePlugin.
setPollInterval(Integer) - Method in PluginInstance
The polling interval to use for the plugin in seconds.
setPollMethod(boolean) - Method in PluginType
Indicates whether the plugin type has a defined 'poll' method (event handler) or not.
setPotentialConflicts(Set) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
setPotentialConflicts(Set) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
setPotentialConflicts(Set) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
setPotentialConflicts(Set) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
setPotentialConflicts(Set) - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of policy IDs that may potentially conflict with this policy.
setPower(NodePower) - Method in Node
The node's power state according to the resource managers reporting this node.
setPower(String) - Method in NodeReport
Calls NodeReportPower.parse to set the power field.
setPowerPolicy(PowerPolicy) - Method in Node
The power policy for this node.
setPowerSelected(NodePower) - Method in Node
The node's power state that Moab is currently scheduling.
setPowerSelectState(NodePower) - Method in VirtualMachine
The selected power state of this VM.
setPowerState(NodePower) - Method in VirtualMachine
The power state of this VM.
setPreferredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the list of preferred node features.
setPreferredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setPreferredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setPreferredNodeFeatures(Set) - Method in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of preferred node features.
setPrimaryObject(MoabObject) - Method in Event
Most events will have a "primary object" associated with it.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setPriority(Integer) - Method in Fund
The fund priority.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setPriority(Long) - Method in JobTemplate
Relative job priority.
setPriority(Double) - Method in Message
An optional priority that can be attached to the comment.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setPriority(Double) - Method in Node
The priority associated with the node.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setPriority(Integer) - Method in Policy
Indicates the absolute priority of the policy with respect to others.
setPriorityFunction(String) - Method in Node
The function used to calculate this node's priority.
setProcessorAllocationLimit(Double) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
The Allocation Limit defines the upper bound or maximum amount of VCPUs that can be created on any given hypervisor (HV).
setProcessorCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the minimum task count for this requirement.
setProcessorCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setProcessorCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setProcessorUtilizationThreshold(Double) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
Defines the load utilization threshold for processors.
setProcLimit(IntLimit) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
setProcs(Integer) - Method in Workflow
The number of processors
setProcSpeed(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's processor speed in MHz.
setProfile(String) - Method in Reservation
The profile that this reservation is using.
setProfile(String) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The name of the profile used when creating this virtual private cluster.
setProfilingEnabled(Boolean) - Method in Node
Indicates whether statistical profiling is enabled for this node.
setProject(String) - Method in FundTransaction
The project associated with the transaction.
setProxyUser(String) - Method in UserDetails
The proxy user that initiated the event
setPsLimit(IntLimit) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the processor-second limit for jobs requesting access to this standing reservation.
setPurgeDate(Date) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The time when the virtual private cluster will be destroyed.
setQos(String) - Method in Job
The QoS under which the job is running.
setQos(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #qos
setQos(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The Quality of Service for the job.
setQoses(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies that jobs with the listed QoS names can access the reserved resources.
setQosRequested(String) - Method in Job
The QoS the job requested.
setQualifier(String) - Method in IntLimit
One of:
setQualityOfService(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The quality of service associated with the usage.
setQueue(String) - Method in Job
The class or queue in which the job is running.
setQueue(String) - Method in JobTemplate
The class or queue in which the job will run.
setQueueStatus(QueueStatus) - Method in Job
The status of the job in its queue.
setQuote(Long) - Method in UsageRecord
The associated quote id.
setRack(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's rack location.
setRack(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The rack of the VM inside a given node.
setRate(BigDecimal) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate amount
setRearmTime(Date) - Method in Trigger
Time between MultiFire triggers; rearm time is enforced from the trigger event time.
setRelatedObjects(Set) - Method in Event
(MoabObject collection) Objects relating to the event that are not the primary object
setReportSize(Long) - Method in Report
setReqResources(String) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The required resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
setRequestedTimeToLive(Long) - Method in VirtualMachine
User-specified time (in seconds) that this VM has to run (0 means not set).
setRequester(String) - Method in PendingAction
The user who requested the action.
setRequestId(Long) - Method in Account
The id of the last modifying request.
setRequiredArchitecture(String) - Method in JobRequirement
The required architecture.
setRequiredClass(String) - Method in JobRequirement
The required class/queue.
setRequiredDiskPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
Required disk per task, in MB.
setRequiredDiskPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Disk space (in MB).
setRequiredFeatures(Set) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
(String collection) The features required by this template.
setRequiredImage(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #requiredImage
setRequiredMemoryPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
Required memory per task, in MB.
setRequiredMemoryPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Memory (in MB).
setRequiredNetwork(String) - Method in JobRequirement
The required network.
setRequiredNodeCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The minimum number of nodes called for by the requirement.
setRequiredNodeDisk(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The required disk space in MB across all nodes.
setRequiredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the list of required node features.
setRequiredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setRequiredNodeFeatures(List) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setRequiredNodeFeatures(Set) - Method in JobRequirement
(String collection) The list of required node features.
setRequiredNodeIds(List) - Method in JobReport
@see #requiredNodeIds
setRequiredNodeMemory(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The required memory in MB across all nodes.
setRequiredNodeProcessors(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The required processors needed on a per node basis.
setRequiredNodeSwap(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The required swap in MB across all nodes.
setRequiredPartition(String) - Method in JobRequirement
A colon-separated list that specifies the partition (or partitions) in which the job must run.
setRequiredProcessorCountMinimum(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The minimum task count for this requirement.
setRequiredProcessorsPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
Required processors per task.
setRequiredProcessorsPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Number of processors.
setRequiredSwapPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
Required swap per task, in MB.
setRequiredSwapPerTask(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
Swap space (in MB).
setRequirements(Set) - Method in Job
(JobRequirement collection) The list of items required for this job to run.
setRequirements(JobReportRequirementsList) - Method in JobReport
@see #requirements
setRequirements(ReservationRequirement) - Method in Reservation
The reservation's requirements.
setRequires(String) - Method in Trigger
Variables this trigger requires to be set or not set before it will fire.
setReservation(Reservation) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation associated with the virtual private cluster.
setReservationAccessList(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(Reservation collection) A list of reservations to which the specified reservation has access.
setReservationCount(Integer) - Method in Node
The number of reservations on the node.
setReservationGroup(String) - Method in Reservation
The reservation group to which the reservation belongs.
setReservationGroup(String) - Method in StandingReservation
The group of the reservation.
setReservationRequested(String) - Method in Job
The reservation that the job requested.
setReservationRequestedId(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #reservationRequestedId
setReservations(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of reservations' names currently on this node.
setReservations(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(Reservation collection) The set of reservations in this virtual container.
setReservationStartDate(Date) - Method in Job
The start date of the reservation in which the job is running.
setReserved(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The sum of active reservation amounts against this fund.
setResources(ReportResourceMap) - Method in JobReport
@see #resources
setResources(ReportResourceMap) - Method in NodeReport
@see #resources
setResources(Map) - Method in Reservation
(Map of String => Integer) The reservation's resources.
setResources(Map) - Method in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The set of resources of the service.
setResources(Map) - Method in StandingReservation
(Map of String => Integer) Specifies what resources constitute a single standing reservation task.
setResources(ReportResourceMap) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #resources
setResources(String) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The resources associated with this virtual private cluster.
setResponseCode(Integer) - Method in WebServiceException
Sets the response code for this exception.
setResProfile(String) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The reservation profile of this virtual private cluster.
setRmAccessList(String) - Method in Node
A comma-separated list of resource managers that have access to this node.
setRmExtension(String) - Method in Job
The resource manager extension String that describes information passed to the the resource manager accounting for the job.
setRmName(String) - Method in Job
The name of the resource manager that is reporting this job.
setRmStandardErrorFilePath(String) - Method in Job
The path to the remote file containing the standard error of the job.
setRmStandardInputFilePath(String) - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard input of the job.
setRmStandardOutputFilePath(String) - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
setRoles(Set) - Method in Application
(String collection)
setRoles(Set) - Method in User
(String collection) The roles of the user/application as ROLE_*.
setRollbackOffset(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum time in the future at which the reservation may start.
setRunPriority(Long) - Method in Job
The priority to start running the job.
sets - Field in Trigger
Variable values this trigger sets upon success or failure.
setScalingFactor(BigDecimal) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate multiplier
setScmLink(String) - Method in PluginType
A full URL to the Source Control Management (SCM) system or project for the plugin type.
setSelect(Boolean) - Method in JobTemplate
True if job template can be directly requested by job at submission.
setSerialization(String) - Method in MoabObject
A serialized representation of the object
setService(String) - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
The name of the service that needs to wait until the dependencies are met before it can start.
setServiceId(String) - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the service associated with the pending action.
setServices(Set) - Method in ContainerService
(String collection) A list of svcIds contained in this container
setServiceTemplate(ServiceTemplate) - Method in Service
The service template name and ID (if any) used to create the service.
setServiceTemplateId(String) - Method in ContainerService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
setServiceTemplateId(String) - Method in WorkflowService
The id of the service template from which this service was created
setServiceTemplateName(String) - Method in ContainerService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
setServiceTemplateName(String) - Method in WorkflowService
The name of the service template from which this service was created
setSets(String) - Method in Trigger
Variable values this trigger sets upon success or failure.
setSeverity(Integer) - Method in GenericEvent
The severity level of the event (1-4, 1 is low severity, 0 is unset)
setSharedData(Map) - Method in ServiceAttributes
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data.
setSize(Integer) - Method in Node
The number of slots or size units consumed by the node.
setSlot(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's slot location.
setSlot(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The slot of the VM inside a given node.
setSourceComponent(String) - Method in Event
What Adaptive Computing component reported this event.
setSourceRmJobId(String) - Method in Job
The ID of the job as known by the source resource manager.
setSovereign(Boolean) - Method in VirtualMachine
This causes Moab to reserve the VM's memory and processors on the hypervisor, and treats the VM as the workload.
setSpeed(Double) - Method in Node
The relative speed of the node.
setSpeedWeight(Double) - Method in Node
The weight of the speed metric in the node's priority function
setStage(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The last affecting action.
setStandardErrorFilePath(String) - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard error of the job.
setStandardErrorFilePath(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #standardErrorFilePath
setStandardInputFilePath(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #standardInputFilePath
setStandardOutputFilePath(String) - Method in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
setStandardOutputFilePath(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #standardOutputFilePath
setStartBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
setStartBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
setStartCount(Integer) - Method in Job
The number of times the job has been started.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in Datapoint
The beginning date that the datapoint covers.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in Job
The date the job started.
setStartDate(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #startDate
setStartDate(Date) - Method in Reservation
The start time for the reservation.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in VirtualMachine
Date/time that this VM was started (ready and usable)
setStartDate(Date) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The start time for this virtual private cluster.
setStartOffset(Long) - Method in StandingReservation
The starting offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
setStartPriority(Long) - Method in Job
The priority used when the job is first starting.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes active.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in FundStatement
The starting time that the statement covers.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The starting time that the statement covers.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in PendingAction
The start time of the pending action.
setState(PolicyState) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
setState(PolicyState) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
setState(JobState) - Method in Job
The job's state.
setState(String) - Method in JobReport
Calls JobReportState.parse to set the state field.
setState(PolicyState) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
setState(NodeState) - Method in Node
The node's current state.
setState(PolicyState) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
setState(String) - Method in NodeReport
Calls NodeReportState.parse to set the state field.
setState(PluginState) - Method in PluginInstance
The current state of the plugin.
setState(PolicyState) - Method in Policy
Defines the current state of the policy: enabled or disabled.
setState(NodeState) - Method in VirtualMachine
The state of the VM.
setState(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
Calls NodeReportState.parse to set the state field.
setState(VPCState) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
The state of this virtual private cluster.
setStatistics(ReservationStatistics) - Method in Reservation
The reservation's statistical information.
setStatus(String) - Method in Event
The status of the reported event.
setStatus(String) - Method in Service
The description of the current provisioning status.
setStatusCode(Long) - Method in Service
A numeric code representing the current provisioning status.
setStorage(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
Storage request (not OS disk storage).
setSubmitDate(Date) - Method in Job
The time when this job was submitted to Moab.
setSubmitDate(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #submitDate
setSubmitHost(String) - Method in Job
The host from which the job was submitted.
setSubstate(String) - Method in Node
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
setSubstate(String) - Method in NodeReport
@see #substate
setSubstate(String) - Method in PendingAction
The substate that will give more information about the status of the pending action.
setSubstate(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
setSubType(String) - Method in Reservation
The reservation sub-type.
setSupportsPhysicalMachine(Boolean) - Method in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a physical machine, defaults to false.
setSupportsVirtualMachine(Boolean) - Method in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a virtual machine, defaults to false.
setSuspendDuration(Long) - Method in Job
The duration for which the job has been suspended.
setSuspendDuration(Long) - Method in JobReport
@see #suspendDuration
setSystemPriority(Long) - Method in Job
Administrator-specified system priority level.
setSystemPriority(Long) - Method in JobReport
@see #systemPriority
setTags(Set) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
setTags(Set) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
setTags(Set) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
setTags(Set) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
setTags(Set) - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of strings that can be used to aid in filtering or querying policies.
setTags(List) - Method in ServiceTemplate
(String collection) Specially-trimmed strings to group Service Templates.
setTaps(Double) - Method in ReservationStatistics
The total active processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
setTargetOS(String) - Method in PendingAction
The operating system the node will be running if the pending action is successful.
setTaskCount(Integer) - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
The number of tasks required.
setTaskCount(Integer) - Method in Node
The number of tasks currently running on the node.
setTaskCount(Integer) - Method in Reservation
The number of tasks that must be allocated to satisfy the reservation request.
setTaskCount(Integer) - Method in ReservationRequirement
Required task count.
setTaskCount(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies how many tasks should be reserved for the reservation
Default is 0 (unlimited tasks).
setTasksPerNode(Integer) - Method in IJobReportRequirement
Sets the number of tasks to map to each node.
setTasksPerNode(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirement
setTasksPerNode(Integer) - Method in JobReportRequirementsList
setTasksPerNode(Integer) - Method in JobRequirement
The number of tasks to map to each node.
setTasksPerNode(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum number of tasks per node that must be available on eligible nodes.
setTemplate(String) - Method in ServiceJob
The job template of this service.
setTemplate(String) - Method in VirtualMachine
Job template for the VM.
setTemplateList(Set) - Method in Job
(String collection) The list of all job templates to be set on this job.
setTemplateName(String) - Method in Image
The VM template to use for this image.
setThreshold(String) - Method in Trigger
Reservation usage threshold - When reservation usage drops below Threshold, trigger will fire.
setTime(Date) - Method in FundTransaction
The date at which the transaction occurred.
setTimeLimit(Integer) - Method in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum allowed overlap between the standing reservation and a job requesting resource access.
setTimeout(Date) - Method in Trigger
Time allotted to this trigger before it is marked as unsuccessful and its process (if any) killed.
setTimestamp(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #timestamp
setTimestamp(String) - Method in NodeReport
@see #timestamp
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in Sample
The date and time at which this sample was recorded.
setTimestamp(String) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #timestamp
setTips(Double) - Method in ReservationStatistics
The total idle processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
setTitle(String) - Method in PluginType
A short name describing the plugin type.
setTopLevelServiceId(String) - Method in PendingAction
The ID of the top level service associated with the pending action.
setTotal(Integer) - Method in ReportResource
Sets the total amount of this resource.
setTotalActiveTime(Long) - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being busy with jobs.
setTotalAvailableTime(Long) - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node is available.
setTotalCredits(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatement
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
setTotalCredits(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
setTotalDebits(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatement
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
setTotalDebits(BigDecimal) - Method in FundStatementSummary
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
setTotalDisk(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's total disk space in MB.
setTotalDisk(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space configured in MB.
setTotalMemory(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's total memory in MB.
setTotalMemory(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory configured in MB.
setTotalProcessors(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's total processors.
setTotalProcessors(Integer) - Method in VirtualMachine
The number of virtual processors in the VM.
setTotalStatsTime(Long) - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that stats have been tracked for the node.
setTotalSwap(Integer) - Method in Node
The node's total swap space in MB.
setTotalUpTime(Long) - Method in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being up.
setTrackingJob(Job) - Method in VirtualMachine
The tracking job for this VM.
setTransactionId(Long) - Method in Account
The id of the last modifying transaction.
setTransactions(Set) - Method in FundStatement
(FundTransaction collection) Details of each specific transaction which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
setTransactions(Set) - Method in FundStatementSummary
(FundTransactionSummary collection) Summaries of the specific transactions which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
setTrigger(String) - Method in Job
Add this trigger to the specified job.
setTrigger(Trigger) - Method in JobTemplate
The trigger that is typically assigned to generic system jobs.
setTrigger(Trigger) - Method in Reservation
Trigger for reservation.
setTriggerIds(Set) - Method in Reservation
(String collection) The IDs of the triggers attached to this reservation.
setTriggers(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(Trigger collection) Triggers associated with the reservation.
setTriggers(Set) - Method in VirtualMachine
(Trigger collection) The list of triggers on this VM.
setType(AclType) - Method in AclRule
The type of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
setType(String) - Method in ContainerService
The type of service.
setType(CredentialType) - Method in Credential
setType(ImageType) - Method in Image
The type of the image.
setType(JobBlockReasonType) - Method in JobBlockReason
The reason type.
setType(DependencyType) - Method in JobDependency
The dependency type.
setType(DependencyType) - Method in JobTemplateDependency
The type of the dependency.
setType(String) - Method in MoabObject
The moab object type (e.g. node, job, reservation)
setType(String) - Method in Node
The type of the node.
setType(ServiceType) - Method in Service
The type of the service.
setType(String) - Method in ServiceTemplate
The type of Service Template: VM, Storage, etc.
setType(String) - Method in StandingReservation
The type of the reservation.
setType(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The usage record type.
setType(String) - Method in WorkflowService
The type of service.
setTypes(Set) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
setTypes(Set) - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
setTypes(Set) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
setTypes(Set) - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
setTypes(Set) - Method in Policy
(String collection) A set of categories or types that the policy is included in.
setUniqueIndex(String) - Method in Reservation
The globally-unique reservation index.
setUnsets(String) - Method in Trigger
Variable this trigger destroys upon success or failure.
setUsageRecord(Long) - Method in Quote
The usage record id associated with this quote.
setUsed(BigDecimal) - Method in FundBalance
The total amount used this allocation cycle.
setUser(String) - Method in FundTransaction
The user associated with the transaction.
setUser(String) - Method in Job
The user that is running the job.
setUser(String) - Method in JobReport
@see #user
setUser(String) - Method in Service
The user associated with this service.
setUser(String) - Method in UsageRecord
The user name associated with the usage.
setUser(String) - Method in UserDetails
The user that initiated the event
setUsername(String) - Method in Application
setUsername(String) - Method in User
setUserPriority(Long) - Method in Job
The user-specified priority for the job.
setUsers(Set) - Method in Account
(AccountUser collection) The users associated with this account.
setUsers(Set) - Method in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which users have access to the resources reserved by this reservation.
setValue(String) - Method in AclRule
The name of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
setValue(String) - Method in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate value.
setValue(String) - Method in FundConstraint
The value of the constraint.
setValue(Integer) - Method in IntLimit
setVariables(Map) - Method in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of variables this job "owns" or sets on completion.
setVariables(Map) - Method in Node
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the node.
setVariables(Map) - Method in NodeReport
@see #variables
setVariables(Map) - Method in Reservation
(Map of String => String) The set of variables for this reservation.
setVariables(Map) - Method in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The variables of the service.
setVariables(Map) - Method in VirtualContainer
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the virtual container.
setVariables(Map) - Method in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with this VM.
setVariables(Map) - Method in VirtualMachineReport
@see #variables
setVariables(Map) - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Map of String => String) The variables associated with this virtual private cluster.
setVariables(Map) - Method in Workflow
(Map of String => String) Variables attached to the Moab job
setVc(VirtualContainer) - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
The virtual container that holds this service.
setVcId(String) - Method in ContainerService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
setVcId(String) - Method in Workflow
The id of the virtual container
setVcId(String) - Method in WorkflowService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
setVirtualContainers(Set) - Method in Job
(VirtualContainer collection) When submitting this job, add it to the specified existing virtual container.
setVirtualContainers(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainer collection) The set of virtual containers in this virtual container.
setVirtualizedImages(Set) - Method in Image
(Image collection) The set of images available on this hypervisor.
setVirtualMachines(Set) - Method in Node
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of virtual machines on the node.
setVirtualMachines(Set) - Method in VirtualContainer
(VirtualMachine collection) The set of virtual machines in this virtual container.
setVmExclusionList(List) - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of VM IDs on the exclusion list.
setVmId(String) - Method in PendingAction
The affected virtual machine ID.
setVmOsList(Set) - Method in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems that can be used when creating a virtual machine on the node
setVmUsagePolicy(VMUsagePolicy) - Method in Job
The requested VM Usage Policy for this job.
setVmUsagePolicy(VMUsagePolicy) - Method in JobTemplate
The virtual machine usage policy.
setWorkflow(Workflow) - Method in WorkflowService
The workflow associated with this service
severity - Field in GenericEvent
The severity level of the event (1-4, 1 is low severity, 0 is unset)
SHARED - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
Tasks from any combination of jobs may utilize available resources.
SHARED - Enum Constant in ReservationAccess
SHARED - Enum Constant in VMFlag
Multiple jobs can use VM resources simultaneously.
sharedData - Field in ServiceAttributes
(Map of String => String) Arbitrary data.
SHAREDMEM - Enum Constant in JobFlag
SHAREDMEM - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
SHAREDONLY - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
Only jobs requesting shared node access may utilize available resources.
SINGLEJOB - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
Tasks from a single job may utilize available resourceses.
SINGLETASK - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
A single task from a single job may run on the node.
SINGLEUSE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is automatically removed after completion of the first job to use the reserved resources.
SINGLEUSER - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
Tasks from any jobs owned by the same user may utilize available resources.
size - Field in Node
The number of slots or size units consumed by the node.
slot - Field in Node
The node's slot location.
slot - Field in VirtualMachine
The slot of the VM inside a given node.
sourceComponent - Field in Event
What Adaptive Computing component reported this event.
sourceRmJobId - Field in Job
The ID of the job as known by the source resource manager.
sovereign - Field in VirtualMachine
This causes Moab to reserve the VM's memory and processors on the hypervisor, and treats the VM as the workload.
SPACEFLEX - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is allowed to adjust resources allocated over time in an attempt to optimize resource utilization.
speed - Field in Node
The relative speed of the node.
speedWeight - Field in Node
The weight of the speed metric in the node's priority function
SPVIOLATION - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job was started with a soft policy violation.
SPVIOLATION - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
stage - Field in UsageRecord
The last affecting action.
STAGED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
STAGED - Enum Constant in JobState
All staging prerequisites are satisfied - waiting for remote resource manager to start.
STAGED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
STAGING - Enum Constant in JobReportState
STAGING - Enum Constant in JobState
Staging of input/output data is currently underway.
STAGING - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
STANDARD_DATE_FORMAT - Field in PluginConstants
The standard date format to be used when communicating with Moab Web Services.
STANDARD_DATE_FORMAT_STRING - Field in PluginConstants
The standard date format String to be used when communicating with Moab Web Services.
standardErrorFilePath - Field in Job
The path to the file containing the standard error of the job.
standardErrorFilePath - Field in JobReport
The job's standard error file path.
standardInputFilePath - Field in JobReport
The job's standard input file path.
standardOutputFilePath - Field in Job
The path to the file containing the standard output of the job.
standardOutputFilePath - Field in JobReport
The job's standard output file path.
STANDBY - Enum Constant in NodePower
STANDBY - Enum Constant in NodeReportPower
STANDING - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
StandingReservation - Class in com.ace.mws.reservations
StandingReservation() - Constructor in StandingReservation
STANDINGRSV - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, the reservation was created by a standing reservation instance.
start() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Starts the Plugin, including polling if enabled.
start(String) - Method in IPluginControlService
Starts a plugin with the specified identifier, including handling of events before and after start and verifying configuration.
START - Enum Constant in JobEmailNotifyType
An email will be sent out when the job starts.
START - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
startBalance - Field in FundStatement
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
startBalance - Field in FundStatementSummary
The balance of the funds at the startTime of the statement.
startCount - Field in Job
The number of times the job has been started.
startDate - Field in Datapoint
The beginning date that the datapoint covers.
startDate - Field in Job
The date the job started.
STARTDATE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
startDate - Field in JobReport
The job's actual start date.
startDate - Field in Reservation
The start time for the reservation.
startDate - Field in VirtualMachine
Date/time that this VM was started (ready and usable)
startDate - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The start time for this virtual private cluster.
STARTED - Enum Constant in PluginState
STARTING - Enum Constant in JobReportState
STARTING - Enum Constant in JobState
Job launching, executing prolog.
STARTING - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
startOffset - Field in StandingReservation
The starting offset, in seconds, from the beginning of the current period (DAY or WEEK), for this standing reservation.
startPriority - Field in Job
The priority used when the job is first starting.
startTime - Field in Allocation
The date this allocation becomes active.
startTime - Field in FundStatement
The starting time that the statement covers.
startTime - Field in FundStatementSummary
The starting time that the statement covers.
startTime - Field in PendingAction
The start time of the pending action.
state - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
state - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
state - Field in Job
The job's state.
STATE - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
state - Field in JobReport
The job's current state.
state - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
state - Field in Node
The node's current state.
state - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
state - Field in NodeReport
The current state of the node.
state - Field in PluginInstance
The current state of the plugin.
state - Field in Policy
Defines the current state of the policy: enabled or disabled.
state - Field in VirtualMachine
The state of the VM.
state - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The VM's current state.
state - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
The state of this virtual private cluster.
STATEFUL - Enum Constant in ImageType
STATELESS - Enum Constant in ImageType
STATELITE - Enum Constant in ImageType
STATIC - Enum Constant in PowerPolicy
The power is handled manually.
STATIC - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
Makes a reservation ineligible to modified or canceled by an administrator.
statistics - Field in Reservation
The reservation's statistical information.
status - Field in Event
The status of the reported event.
status - Field in Service
The description of the current provisioning status.
statusCode - Field in Service
A numeric code representing the current provisioning status.
stop() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Stops the Plugin, including polling if started.
stop(String) - Method in IPluginControlService
Stops a plugin with the specified identifier, including handling of events before and after stop.
STOPPED - Enum Constant in PluginState
STORAGE - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Dynamic storage allocation.
STORAGE - Enum Constant in ServiceType
storage - Field in VirtualMachine
Storage request (not OS disk storage).
str - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
str - Property in JobHoldType
str - Property in NodeAccessPolicy
str - Field in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
str - Field in NodeReportState
This enumeration represents the current state of a node.
str - Field in NodeState
str - Field in PluginState
Represents the current state of a plugin.
str - Field in PolicyState
str - Property in QueueStatus
str - Field in Suite
str - Property in TimeWindow
The human readable string.
string - Field in VPCState
SUBMIT_ERROR - Enum Constant in JobReportState
SUBMIT_ERROR - Enum Constant in JobState
submitDate - Field in Job
The time when this job was submitted to Moab.
submitDate - Field in JobReport
The date at which the job was submitted.
SUBMITERR - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
submitHost - Field in Job
The host from which the job was submitted.
substate - Field in Node
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
substate - Field in NodeReport
The node's current sub-state.
substate - Field in PendingAction
The substate that will give more information about the status of the pending action.
substate - Field in VirtualMachine
The substate that will give more information about the status of the VM.
subType - Field in Reservation
The reservation sub-type.
success - Field in MoabRestResponse
Suite - Enum in com.ace.mws.plugins
This enum represents which suite or context Moab Web Services is running in - HPC or Cloud.
Suite(String) - Method in Suite
supportsPhysicalMachine - Field in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a physical machine, defaults to false.
supportsVirtualMachine - Field in Image
Specifies whether the image can be used to provision a virtual machine, defaults to false.
SUSPENDABLE - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is suspendable.
SUSPENDABLE - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
suspendDuration - Field in Job
The duration for which the job has been suspended.
suspendDuration - Field in JobReport
The job's suspend duration.
SUSPENDED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
SUSPENDED - Enum Constant in JobState
SUSPENDED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
SYNCCOUNT - Enum Constant in DependencyType
This job will wait until it can start simultaneously with synccount jobs of type syncwith that have all specified this synccount job is their master job.
SYNCJOBID - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
SYNCWITH - Enum Constant in DependencyType
Job will wait until it can start simultaneously with a master job
SYSLIMITS - Enum Constant in JobBlockReasonType
SYSTEM - Enum Constant in AclType
SYSTEM_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobReportState
SYSTEM_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobState
Job has a system hold in place.
SYSTEM - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
Moab has put a hold on the job.
SYSTEMHOLD - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
SYSTEMJOB - Enum Constant in JobFlag
The job is a system job which simply runs on the same node that Moab is running on.
SYSTEMJOB - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
SYSTEMJOB - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation was created by a system job.
systemModify(Map) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Modifies system properties as specified.
systemPriority - Field in Job
Administrator-specified system priority level.
systemPriority - Field in JobReport
The job's system priority.
systemQuery(List) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Retrieves the specified system attribute(s).


tags - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
tags - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
tags - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
tags - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
tags - Field in Policy
(String collection) A set of strings that can be used to aid in filtering or querying policies.
tags - Field in ServiceTemplate
(String collection) Specially-trimmed strings to group Service Templates.
taps - Field in ReservationStatistics
The total active processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
targetOS - Field in PendingAction
The operating system the node will be running if the pending action is successful.
TASK - Enum Constant in AclType
taskCount - Field in JobTemplateRequirement
The number of tasks required.
taskCount - Field in Node
The number of tasks currently running on the node.
taskCount - Field in Reservation
The number of tasks that must be allocated to satisfy the reservation request.
taskCount - Field in ReservationRequirement
Required task count.
taskCount - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies how many tasks should be reserved for the reservation
Default is 0 (unlimited tasks).
tasksPerNode - Field in JobReportRequirement
@see #getTasksPerNode()
tasksPerNode - Field in JobRequirement
The number of tasks to map to each node.
tasksPerNode - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the minimum number of tasks per node that must be available on eligible nodes.
template - Field in ServiceJob
The job template of this service.
template - Field in VirtualMachine
Job template for the VM.
TEMPLATEISDYNAMIC - Enum Constant in JobTemplateFlag
True if the template is dynamic (not specified via moab.cfg).
templateList - Field in Job
(String collection) The list of all job templates to be set on this job.
templateName - Field in Image
The VM template to use for this image.
TEMPLATESAPPLIED - Enum Constant in JobFlag
TEMPLATESAPPLIED - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
threshold - Field in Trigger
Reservation usage threshold - When reservation usage drops below Threshold, trigger will fire.
THRESHOLD - Enum Constant in TriggerActionType
THRESHOLD - Enum Constant in TriggerEventType
time - Field in FundTransaction
The date at which the transaction occurred.
TIMEFLEX - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation is allowed to adjust the reserved time frame in an attempt to optimize resource utilization.
timeLimit - Field in StandingReservation
Specifies the maximum allowed overlap between the standing reservation and a job requesting resource access.
timeout - Field in Trigger
Time allotted to this trigger before it is marked as unsuccessful and its process (if any) killed.
timestamp - Field in JobReport
The date that the report was made or for which the report is current.
timestamp - Field in NodeReport
The date that the report was made or for which the report is current.
timestamp - Field in Sample
The date and time at which this sample was recorded.
timestamp - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The date that the report was made or for which the report is current.
TimeWindow - Enum in com.ace.mws.enums
This enumeration represents some common time windows.
TimeWindow(Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor in TimeWindow
tips - Field in ReservationStatistics
The total idle processor-seconds over the life of the reservation.
title - Field in PluginType
A short name describing the plugin type.
toMoabString() - Method in AclAffinity
toMoabString() - Method in AclType
toMoabString() - Method in CredentialType
toMoabString(String) - Method in JobEmailNotifyType
Converts a human readable string or moab string into the moab string.
toMoabString() - Method in JobState
toMoabString() - Method in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
toMoabString() - Method in NodeFlag
topLevelServiceId - Field in PendingAction
The ID of the top level service associated with the pending action.
toString() - Method in Account
toString() - Method in AccountUser
toString() - Method in AclRule
toString() - Method in Allocation
toString() - Method in Application
toString() - Method in AppliedChargeRate
toString() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
toString() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
toString() - Method in ComparisonOperator
toString() - Method in ContainerService
toString() - Method in Counters
toString() - Method in Credential
toString() - Method in Datapoint
toString() - Method in ErrorMessage
toString() - Method in Event
toString() - Method in Fund
toString() - Method in FundBalance
toString() - Method in FundConstraint
toString() - Method in FundStatement
toString() - Method in FundStatementSummary
toString() - Method in FundTransaction
toString() - Method in FundTransactionSummary
toString() - Method in GenericEvent
toString() - Method in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
toString() - Method in Image
toString() - Method in ImageType
toString() - Method in IntLimit
toString() - Method in Job
toString() - Method in JobBlockReason
toString() - Method in JobDependency
toString() - Method in JobEmailNotifyType
toString() - Method in JobHoldType
toString() - Method in JobRequirement
toString() - Method in JobTemplate
toString() - Method in JobTemplateDependency
toString() - Method in JobTemplateRequirement
toString() - Method in Message
toString() - Method in MetricType
toString() - Method in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
toString() - Method in MoabObject
toString() - Method in Node
toString() - Method in NodeAccessPolicy
toString() - Method in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
toString() - Method in NodeAllocationPolicy
toString() - Method in NodeOperation
toString() - Method in NodePower
toString() - Method in NodeReportPower
Returns the actual label used by Moab, i.e.
toString() - Method in NodeReportState
Returns a human-readable name such as "Unknown" for UNKNOWN.
toString() - Method in NodeState
toString() - Method in OverCommitFactor
toString() - Method in PendingAction
toString() - Method in PluginInstance
toString() - Method in PluginState
Returns a human-readable string of the state, such as "Paused" for PAUSED.
toString() - Method in PluginType
toString() - Method in Policy
toString() - Method in PolicyState
toString() - Method in PowerPolicy
toString() - Method in QueueStatus
toString() - Method in Quote
toString() - Method in Report
toString() - Method in ReportResource
Returns the available and total amounts as a string, such as "[available:1, total:3]".
toString() - Method in Reservation
toString() - Method in ReservationRequirement
toString() - Method in ReservationStatistics
toString() - Method in ResourceType
toString() - Method in Sample
toString() - Method in Service
toString() - Method in ServiceAttributes
toString() - Method in ServiceJob
toString() - Method in ServiceMoabAttributes
toString() - Method in ServiceMoabDependency
toString() - Method in ServiceTemplate
toString() - Method in StandingReservation
toString() - Method in Suite
Returns the suite in a human-readable string, such as "Cloud" for CLOUD.
toString() - Method in Trigger
toString() - Method in UsageRecord
toString() - Method in User
toString() - Method in UserDetails
toString() - Method in VirtualContainer
toString() - Method in VirtualMachine
toString() - Method in VirtualPrivateCluster
toString() - Method in VMUsagePolicy
toString() - Method in VPCState
toString() - Method in Workflow
toString() - Method in WorkflowService
total - Field in ReportResource
totalActiveTime - Field in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being busy with jobs.
totalAvailableTime - Field in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node is available.
totalCredits - Field in FundStatement
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
totalCredits - Field in FundStatementSummary
The total number of credits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
totalDebits - Field in FundStatement
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
totalDebits - Field in FundStatementSummary
The total number of debits that occurred during the time period that the statement covers.
totalDisk - Field in Node
The node's total disk space in MB.
totalDisk - Field in VirtualMachine
The amount of disk space configured in MB.
totalMemory - Field in Node
The node's total memory in MB.
totalMemory - Field in VirtualMachine
The amount of memory configured in MB.
totalProcessors - Field in Node
The node's total processors.
totalProcessors - Field in VirtualMachine
The number of virtual processors in the VM.
totalStatsTime - Field in Node
The epoch time in seconds that stats have been tracked for the node.
totalSwap - Field in Node
The node's total swap space in MB.
totalUpTime - Field in Node
The epoch time in seconds that the node was tracked as being up.
trackingJob - Field in VirtualMachine
The tracking job for this VM.
transactionId - Field in Account
The id of the last modifying transaction.
transactions - Field in FundStatement
(FundTransaction collection) Details of each specific transaction which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
transactions - Field in FundStatementSummary
(FundTransactionSummary collection) Summaries of the specific transactions which occurred during the time period that this statement covers.
Trigger - Class in com.ace.mws.triggers
trigger - Field in Job
Add this trigger to the specified job.
trigger - Field in JobTemplate
The trigger that is typically assigned to generic system jobs.
trigger - Field in Reservation
Trigger for reservation.
Trigger() - Constructor in Trigger
TriggerActionType - Enum in com.ace.mws.triggers
This enumeration specifies the action type of a trigger.
TriggerActionType(String) - Constructor in TriggerActionType
TriggerEventType - Enum in com.ace.mws.triggers
This enumeration specifies the event type of a trigger.
TriggerEventType(String) - Constructor in TriggerEventType
TriggerFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.triggers
This enumeration specifies a flag belonging to a trigger.
TriggerFlag(String) - Constructor in TriggerFlag
triggerIds - Field in Reservation
(String collection) The IDs of the triggers attached to this reservation.
TriggerPeriod - Enum in com.ace.mws.triggers
This enumeration specifies the period of a trigger.
TriggerPeriod(String) - Constructor in TriggerPeriod
triggers - Field in StandingReservation
(Trigger collection) Triggers associated with the reservation.
triggers - Field in VirtualMachine
(Trigger collection) The list of triggers on this VM.
TRIGHASFIRED - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation has one or more triggers that have fired on it.
type - Field in AclRule
The type of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
type - Field in ContainerService
The type of service.
type - Field in Credential
type - Field in Image
The type of the image.
type - Field in JobBlockReason
The reason type.
type - Field in JobDependency
The dependency type.
type - Field in JobTemplateDependency
The type of the dependency.
type - Field in MoabObject
The moab object type (e.g. node, job, reservation)
type - Field in Node
The type of the node.
type - Field in Service
The type of the service.
type - Field in ServiceTemplate
The type of Service Template: VM, Storage, etc.
type - Field in StandingReservation
The type of the reservation.
type - Field in UsageRecord
The usage record type.
type - Field in WorkflowService
The type of service.
types - Field in AutoVMMigrationPolicy
(String collection)
types - Field in HVAllocationOvercommitPolicy
(String collection)
types - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection)
types - Field in NodeAllocationPolicy
(String collection)
types - Field in Policy
(String collection) A set of categories or types that the policy is included in.


UNAVAILABLE - Enum Constant in AclAffinity
The rule does not have its affinity available.
uniqueIndex - Field in Reservation
The globally-unique reservation index.
UNIQUEUSER - Enum Constant in NodeAccessPolicy
Any number of tasks from a single job may allocate resources from a node but only if the user has no other jobs running on that node.
UNKNOWN - Enum Constant in JobReportState
UNKNOWN - Enum Constant in JobState
UNKNOWN - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
UNKNOWN - Enum Constant in NodeState
The state of the node is unknown.
UNKNOWN - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
Unsecured - Annotation Type in com.ace.mws.plugins
Used on plugin custom web service methods to signify that the web service should not be secured and can be called externally without any authentication.
unsets - Field in Trigger
Variable this trigger destroys upon success or failure.
UP - Enum Constant in NodeReportState
UP - Enum Constant in NodeState
The node is up, but the usage is being determined.
updateData(String, String, Object, Map) - Method in IPluginDatastoreService
Updates a record in the datastore where key = value to the new data
UsageRecord - Class in com.ace.mws.mam
usageRecord - Field in Quote
The usage record id associated with this quote.
UsageRecord() - Constructor in UsageRecord
used - Field in FundBalance
The total amount used this allocation cycle.
User - Class in com.ace.mws.auth
USER - Enum Constant in AclType
USER - Enum Constant in CredentialType
user - Field in FundTransaction
The user associated with the transaction.
USER_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobReportState
USER_HOLD - Enum Constant in JobState
Job has a user hold in place.
user - Field in Job
The user that is running the job.
USER - Enum Constant in JobHoldType
The user has manually specified a hold on a job.
user - Field in JobReport
The job's user.
user - Field in Service
The user associated with this service.
USER - Enum Constant in TriggerFlag
The trigger will execute under the user ID of the object's owner.
user - Field in UsageRecord
The user name associated with the usage.
User() - Constructor in User
user - Field in UserDetails
The user that initiated the event
UserDetails - Class in
Details about the Moab user associated with an event
UserDetails() - Constructor in UserDetails
USERHOLD - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
username - Field in Application
username - Field in User
userPriority - Field in Job
The user-specified priority for the job.
users - Field in Account
(AccountUser collection) The users associated with this account.
users - Field in StandingReservation
(String collection) Specifies which users have access to the resources reserved by this reservation.


VACATED - Enum Constant in JobReportState
VACATED - Enum Constant in JobState
Job canceled after partial execution.
VACATED - Enum Constant in PendingActionState
value - Field in AclRule
The name of the object that is being granted (or denied) access.
value - Field in AppliedChargeRate
The charge rate value.
value - Field in FundConstraint
The value of the constraint.
value - Field in IntLimit
valueOf(String) - Method in AclAffinity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in AclType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in ComparisonOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in CredentialType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in DependencyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in ImageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobBlockReasonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobEmailNotifyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobHoldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobReportFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobReportState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in JobTemplateFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeAccessPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodePower
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeReportPower
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeReportState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in NodeState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in PendingActionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in PendingActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in PluginState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in PolicyState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in PowerPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in QueueStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in ReservationAccess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in ReservationFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in ServiceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in Suite
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in TimeWindow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in TriggerActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in TriggerEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in TriggerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in TriggerPeriod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in VirtualContainerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in VMFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in VMUsagePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Method in VPCState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in AclAffinity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in AclType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in AutoVMMigrationPolicyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in ComparisonOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in CredentialType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in DependencyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in ImageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobBlockReasonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobEmailNotifyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobHoldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobReportFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobReportState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in JobTemplateFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeAccessPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeAllocationAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodePower
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeReportPower
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeReportState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in NodeState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in PendingActionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in PendingActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in PluginState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in PolicyState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in PowerPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in QueueStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in ReservationAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in ReservationFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in ServiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in Suite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in TimeWindow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in TriggerActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in TriggerEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in TriggerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in TriggerPeriod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in VirtualContainerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in VMFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in VMUsagePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in VPCState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variables - Field in Job
(Map of String => String) The set of variables this job "owns" or sets on completion.
variables - Field in Node
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the node.
variables - Field in NodeReport
The node's variables.
variables - Field in Reservation
(Map of String => String) The set of variables for this reservation.
variables - Field in ServiceJob
(Map of String => String) The variables of the service.
variables - Field in VirtualContainer
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with the virtual container.
variables - Field in VirtualMachine
(Map of String => String) Variables associated with this VM.
variables - Field in VirtualMachineReport
The VM's variables.
variables - Field in VirtualPrivateCluster
(Map of String => String) The variables associated with this virtual private cluster.
variables - Field in Workflow
(Map of String => String) Variables attached to the Moab job
VC - Enum Constant in AclType
vc - Field in ServiceMoabAttributes
The virtual container that holds this service.
vcId - Field in ContainerService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
vcId - Field in Workflow
The id of the virtual container
vcId - Field in WorkflowService
The id of the virtual container in Moab associated with this service
verifyConfiguration() - Method in AbstractPlugin
Verifies the configuration of the plugin and throws an exception containing error messages if not.
verifyConfiguration(String) - Method in IPluginControlService
Verifies the current configuration of the plugin with the specified identifier.
VirtualContainer - Class in com.ace.mws.vcs
A virtual container is a logical grouping of objects with a shared variable space and applied policies.
VirtualContainer() - Constructor in VirtualContainer
VirtualContainerFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.vcs
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a virtual container.
virtualContainers - Field in Job
(VirtualContainer collection) When submitting this job, add it to the specified existing virtual container.
virtualContainers - Field in VirtualContainer
(VirtualContainer collection) The set of virtual containers in this virtual container.
virtualizedImages - Field in Image
(Image collection) The set of images available on this hypervisor.
VirtualMachine - Class in com.ace.mws.vms
VirtualMachine() - Constructor in VirtualMachine
virtualMachineMigrate(String, String, String) - Method in AbstractPlugin
Migrates a virtual machine with the specified ID to the specified hypervisor.
VirtualMachineReport - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
A VM report consists of values for all of the known, changed properties for a specific VM resource.
VirtualMachineReport(String) - Constructor in VirtualMachineReport
Creates a new VM report for specified VM.
virtualMachines - Field in Node
(VirtualMachine collection) The list of virtual machines on the node.
virtualMachines - Field in VirtualContainer
(VirtualMachine collection) The set of virtual machines in this virtual container.
VirtualPrivateCluster - Class in com.ace.mws.vpcs
Note: Virtual Private Clusters are not supported with Moab Workload Manager 7.0 or later.
VirtualPrivateCluster() - Constructor in VirtualPrivateCluster
VM - Enum Constant in ServiceType
VMCREATE - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Create virtual machine.
VMDESTROY - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Destroy existing virtual machine.
vmExclusionList - Field in MigrationExclusionListPolicy
(String collection) The list of VM IDs on the exclusion list.
VMFlag - Enum in com.ace.mws.vms
This enumeration specifies the VM flag types of a virtual machine.
VMFlag(String) - Constructor in VMFlag
vmId - Field in PendingAction
The affected virtual machine ID.
VMMAP - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Map to VM to track resource consumption.
VMMIGRATE - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Migrate virtual machine.
vmOsList - Field in Node
(String collection) The list of potential operating systems that can be used when creating a virtual machine on the node
VMOSPROVISION - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Reprovision OS on virtual machine.
VMPOWEROFF - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Power off virtual machine.
VMPOWERON - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Power on virtual machine.
VMSTORAGE - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Create storage mounts for VMs.
VMTRACKING - Enum Constant in JobFlag
VMTRACKING - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
VMTRACKING - Enum Constant in PendingActionType
Job for tracking a VM.
VMUsagePolicy - Enum in com.ace.mws.vms
This enumeration describes the virtual machine requirements of a job
vmUsagePolicy - Field in Job
The requested VM Usage Policy for this job.
vmUsagePolicy - Field in JobTemplate
The virtual machine usage policy.
VMUsagePolicy(String) - Constructor in VMUsagePolicy
VPC - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
If set, the reservation is attached to a virtual private cluster.
VPCState - Enum in com.ace.mws.vpcs
This enumeration represents all possible states for a virtual private cluster.
VPCState(String) - Constructor in VPCState


WASACTIVE - Enum Constant in ReservationFlag
The reservation was previously active.
WEB_SERVICES_METHOD - Field in PluginConstants
The key to the map entry for the single custom web services' argument containing the current HTTP method.
WebServiceException - Class in com.ace.mws.plugins
This exception is designed to be thrown from a plugin's custom web service.
WebServiceException(List, Integer) - Constructor in WebServiceException
This will return the list of errors specified and the specified response code.
WEEK - Enum Constant in TimeWindow
WEEK - Enum Constant in TriggerPeriod
WIDERSVSEARCHALGO - Enum Constant in JobFlag
WIDERSVSEARCHALGO - Enum Constant in JobReportFlag
Workflow - Class in
Represents a workflow in the core cloud stack workload driven model.
WORKFLOW - Enum Constant in VirtualContainerFlag
Virtual container for a workflow -- maximum of one workflow virtual container per workflow.
Workflow() - Constructor in Workflow
workflow - Field in WorkflowService
The workflow associated with this service
WorkflowService - Class in
Represents a workflow service in the core cloud stack workload driven model.
WorkflowService() - Constructor in WorkflowService


XFACTOR - Enum Constant in AclType


YEAR - Enum Constant in TimeWindow



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